Writing up some orc culture

Writing up some orc culture.
I need actual martial arts (any culture; preferably more than one), both armed and unarmed, that center around force, endurance, and over-powering your enemy. Like, the opposite of fencing.

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Look at African hunter cultures like the Fula or the Wodaabe. Classical and ancient cultures like Galatians and Scythians might also work

Kyokushin karate
It's the hardest form of karate, you train like hell to build up your endurance, strength and willpower and utilize that to the maximum for the most powerful punches and kicks. Not much grappling and such if that's what you're looking for and no weapons, but I love it for what it is.

The looks retarded, but I'm sure it hurts

Interesting to say the least; perhaps a shade too primitive however. I'll deff be giving the Galatians and Scythians a once-over at least.

I'm sure that heel-kick hurts like hell, but that really looks like a super niche style.

dropping orcs

Use Glima. Viking martial arts. It looks retarded as a sport. That means you know it helped them kill tonnes of people.



all karate is retarded

Orc does not need culture. Only nature.

Yeah, head-on grappling is pretty high on my list. When you're bigger, or at least as-big-as at minimum, to all of your opponents there's no reason to not just grab them and slam them.

Many races of orc in my setting actually do have a generally animistic-ish religion, and are much more one-with-nature than any other dominant species (other than the animals themselves; it's a fairly primitive setting).

this stuff: youtube.com/watch?v=ExQNWr0cd_Q might be too advanced for orcs, but it looks brutal enough.

Krav Maga

I too always enjoyed the idea of orcs very heavily focusing on grappling/throwing as an unarmed martial art culture. It makes sense. Orcs often very physical as a culture, a wrestling is probably the most physical you can get without dipping to much in pajama fighting. Throw togethrr greako with sumo and judo and its basicly orc combat sport heaven.




Kyokushinfag here
It's the only martial art I have personal experience with. It is about strength, endurance and willpower, the most powerful strikes and the greatest resilience are sought.
Then again, every martial art has its own things. I could definately see orcs as wrestlers and there's many styles for that.
I could see a setting where orcs are very martial-minded and train in lots of unarmed combat styles, with different tribes having different preferences - some prefer down on the ground wrestling, some prefer knockdowns and disabling the opponent, some prefer just beating the shit out of them on two feet.

Muay Thai. It doesn't have quite the feel you were asking for, but its brutal enough to fit orcs in my opinion.

Consider Hung Gar. It's what earthbending in Avatar was based off of and revolves around standing your ground and becoming immovable
