Which Primarch is the Strongest?

I say Leman Russ cuz he's cool

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Is this the 40k equivalent of Elf Slave wat do?

Coolnest never reflects strength... but this DOES explain the russfags and fits their childish nature.

8/10 OP, well done shit bait.

coolness = power, thus russ is the best.

Strong as in physically strong as in "who bench presses the most": Vulkan, followed by Ferrus

Strong as in best fighter: Probably Angron or Sanguinius, maybe Horus

>coolness = power
> Not even saying the coolest primarch

Do you even taste bro?

They live on an ice planet,of course there "cool".


Maybe not the strongest, but he was the kindest Primarch.
The one who had humanities best intentions in mind.

Sanguinius was the kindest. The Emperor also had humanity's best intentions in mind. Kindness and what's best for someone aren't the same thing.

but the lion knocked him out like a bitch
so like doesn't that make him a #1 duke of imperium

If he's the kindest, why is his blood turning his sons into screaming lunatics who attack everything, even their allies?

They used to go against each other in fighting cages. I forget who was the best, but Vulkan always held back to avoid hurting his siblings.

Because they weren't kind enough to hold their rage in check.

so basically if we don't like primarch that you like we are childish.....

I'm tempted to say that Perturabo could be a contender for strongest Primarch. He looks a pretty big dude. Also if the two blacksmith Primarchs Vulkan and Ferrus are the strongest then perhaps the craftsmen and architect Primarch would also possess great strength.

Perturabo isn't as strong as Ferrus or Manus, but he makes up for it in logic and reasoning, as well as sheer brutal efficiency.

Artificer skill and physical strength don't have a direct correlation in Primarchs. It's just coincidental. Also aren't those two the largest Primarchs too? There's also that.

The fact that Perturabo has to wear Terminator armor instead of artificer Primarch power armor also says a lot.

I would argue leman was hinted as having the best stamina in a 1v1 fist fight
He's always getting taken out by bitch slaps or getting sucker punched by the emporer, thats not saying he's the strongest, that goes to Horus or maybe magnus if magnus can work his mind bullets, but when you take psyched abilities and factor in how wily an unorthodox death world Tarzan who can live from a slug to the head by the big E's powerfist would be in a fight while retaining sense unlike a few ragemonger primarchs I'd say he hits that big 'tied for second' spot that holds brawlers like vulkan and sanguinus and angron

mabey not the stronkest, but the 'ardest

He got fucking knocked out in one hit.

By the emps, in a fist v powerfist fight( then woke up the next day something the more fragile primarchs may well die from, and the mid tier primarchs would be put in intensive care for)

Then he got sucker punched(the lore describes it as a sucker punch from lion, in both codices)
He's 'ard, but he's go the attention span of a a ferret who got into your coke stash

I'd say Magnus would be in the running if we ever got any info on him doing any actual fighting. It's mentioned before that he was massive and [citation needed] but I'm sure in some old book it said he kicked the shit out of Angron once while sparring before they Fell.

Sanguinus eats people.

Also by Lion.

With a normal power armor gauntlet.

>eco friendly recycling

Such kindness and thoughtfulness!

Pretty sure one of the defining features of being 'ard is to not be knocked out in a single punch by someone around the same level as you, even from sucker punches.

Orks would have a field day if all the ard boys nobs and warbosses could just be suckerpunched out of their position.

>something the more fragile primarchs may well die from, and the mid tier primarchs would be put in intensive care for)

This is a MASSIVE leap to assume.

Are you people just retarded or something? They had been fighting for an entire day and night and both were explicitly exhausted and bruised. The only reason the punch happened at all was because Lion got a burst of strength because laughter is a scary and confusing thing to him.

Best stamina in a fight would be Mortatarion right? Wasn't his whole schlick in fighting was outlasting the other guy?

ITT: we post pictures of all the primarchs who were awesome enough to deserve Rogue Trader miniatures.

>both were explicitly exhausted and bruised
>burst of strength

so which is it?

You ever hear of sangy getting his pretty face knocked by someone of primarch level and then laughing it off like he farted in proper company?
What about a brawler like angron?
Still no??!
OK, let's look at Vulcan, the gorgon, that punk curse..
Russ taking a punch is literally one of his most defining traits, it shows he CAN take a punch.

This is true, allow me to clarify that Russ is the 'ardest of them but falls out if he can't knock Morty out fast enough

Both you mong. You can push yourself when your exhausted.

So Leman Russ is the hardest and has the most stamina even though Lion matched him and won with a burst of strength? Shouldn't Lion be the hardest Primarch with the most stamina and endurance?

>What about a brawler like angron?
>Still no??!

Angron lifted a titan and has never lost a 1v1 fight.

>Russ taking a punch is literally one of his most defining traits, it shows he CAN take a punch.

By not taking either punches? Taking a punch means not going down after being punched, bro.

Russ's defining trait is unquestioning loyalty, that's all.

Fucker didn't even bother to check if it was okay with anybody else before reducing one of the Imperium's most important and Idyllic worlds to glass.

Russ is stronger
Lion is faster

it was the emprah power glove. a power glove can blow up a tank. he took one right to the skull. from the emperor. The. mother. fucking. emprah.

Mortarion is harder.
Sanguinius is better.


The entire reason Magnus was in that mess was because a normal message to Terra took way to fucking long and Horus hadn't even done anything yet when he made that decision. Why the fuck would Russ waste his time and the Emperors questioning his most trusted brother and Warmaster on a military order?

The Emperor is a pussy ass caster. Casters can't melee good, everyone knows this.

lelelelleleleleleleelelell gr8 b8 m8

In the world of overpowered demigods, taking a punch means living, taking a punch from the most powerful material being in the universe who is apt to have the most powerful embodiement of a power fist in the universe and laughing it off means you're a hard motherfucker
>be viking Tarzan
>be able to drink enough to make my demigod brothers guts dizzolve and barely get a good buzz
>be thinking how great that kegger with Morty was
>remember how big pappy called halfway through a poison keg stand and asked me to check in more
"Fuck that shit, I'm werewolf viking Tarzan"
Find holovid under some pizza boxes
>Horus drunkenly telling me to go fuck with that nerd magnus
>fucking magnus, bitch won't even drink with me
>hold back tears of rage as I realize magnus just offered the greatest insult you can make on fenris
He loved his bro, but he loves his keggers more

100% sure he can't fight in spehss without a helmet :^)

Draigo wants to speak with you

Horus was the best, he took on a motherfucking god and almost won had his asshole level not gone over 9000 when he saw Ollanius Pius (or whatever the fuck). But Horus was the best in 1v1 combat, I can't remember this being explicitly stated but in one of the books another primarch does say that Horus could beat Angron without to much difficulty, remember Horus's skill/trait/perk was that he was better than everyone at everything.

Angron talks a good game, but how many Primarch skulls does he have?

primarchs are overrated man-children.

He's got Guilliman's at least.

You can't count Russ's two kills since the Emperor LET him kill those and they were practically handed to him. Meanwhile, plenty of Primarchs TOOK skulls for themselves during the Heresy. Of which Russ wasn't one. So how many REAL skulls does Russ have? Zero.

I love when Perty slammed Fulgrim's boipucci into the table and broke the mini titan in Angel Exterminatus during their meeting before the attack on that eldar crone world. Even when sapping Perty's soul with that necklace thing, Perty still kicked his ass.



>Leman Russ faced his friend in combat and took a blade through the heart
>the duel was declared a draw

Most based primarch coming through.

So you're saying rather than being strong, Leman Russ is more of a tank?

the primarch skull count stands as follows:

Horus: 1
Fulgrim: 1*
M'Shen: 1**
Guilliman: 1/0***
Russ: 0****

* = Guilliman is not dead, he's preserved in stasis. No kill, ergo no skull awarded. Morever, he's dying of poison rather than getting beaten soundly, and since we have few details of the actual fight it's not accurate to award Fulgrim a victory on the basis of nebulous lore.
** = only because Curze wanted to die to prove a point. Her kill is listen only for completeness' sake.
*** = may not have actually happened. Also at best, would only have been one twin, not both.
**** = Russ may have broken Magnus' body, but in no realistic sense was he 'killed' (He wa back in action even before the end of the Heresy) ergo no skull awarded. In addition, losing the fight may have been Magnus' plan. The missing primarchs are only hinted at, ergo no skulls awarded on the basis of nebulous lore - much like Guilliman's fight with Fulgrim, anything could have happened. Hell, they could have been piles of devolved goo begging for death for all we know.

Horus and Fulgrim are the only ones to kill a primarch (in actual combat) and make it stick. No, the Sanguinor doesn't give Horus an asterisk, it's too nebulous a thing.

and before someone jumps on me, yes, the Emperor also killed Horus. I figured that went without saying but I'm mentioning it just in case someone decides to be a smarm.

McNeil had to hand Pert that just to offset what a whiny autistic bitch he turned him into

Strongest (in the literal sense)


Most powerful (a combination of everything)
etc etc etc

Don't forget the leader of the Custodes. He used to beat up on Primarchs in sparring matches.

>Strong as in physically strong as in "who bench presses the most": Vulkan, followed by Ferrus
>Not Angron
>Who pushed a fucking titan back by himself

yeah, nah, full of shit

Ferrus Manus, he just steps aside and lets Smashfucker do his fighting.

I don't think he was the kindest, but certainly the best insight. I don't mean seeing the future or anything, just seems like he had a plan for almost any situation.

Yeah, Sanguinor is too nebulous. They have yet to confirm if he's actually the spirit of Sanguinius, Azkaellon still trying to protect the chapter, or that Sanguinary Guard from the heresy era who acted as Sanguinius' body double.

Well after beating giant Magnus by also turning himself into a giant it isn't so stretch to think this.

Sanguinius and Vulkan are da coolest.

>was an asshole to everyone
>had to be carried and baby sitted the whole heresy

I am fucking conviced that you are the same faggot who brings up shitty primarch threads everynow and then with the same fucking OP image of Peeman lust.

Same thread. Different day. I could probably compare the responses word for word.

at least he is not stuck in a painting
>tfw no alternate universe angron who becomes a monk

Worst thing the eldar ever did,

>took no shit
>fought for freedom.
real human bean

so he is a faggot because this is a topic he like to discus?
not sure how that works

The answer is always Magnus. For all his faults he could wreck anyone but the Emperor if he wanted to. And he took that whole brother - thing very serious, unlike Russ.

how have none of you said Angron yet, he like a fucking blender, he could beat anyone 1v1, except maybe angel boy, cause you know, he flies
