What system has no downsides?
What system has no downsides?
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The one that faces only upwards.
No upsides either.
Came here to post this
Oh yeah? Where is your vehicles now?
Goddamn I hate GURPS. I mean I understand why it needs to be the way it is, but fuck I just hate it so much.
Pathfinder. No question.
>free online (i mean legally free, assholes)
>quick character creation
>no complicated rules
>tons of third party content
>can play literally any campaign, any setting, any time
>easy to learn and teach newbies with
>quintessential D&D roleplaying experience
I don't understand why anyone's bothered with 5e. Pathfinder was the pinnacle.
>can play literally any campaign, any setting, any time
Really? Because I've been looking for something to run a gritty, realistic World War II campaign in.
Lolno. Play Labrynth Lord, S&W, or some other retroclone for the quintessential D&D experience
Behind enemy lines
All gunslingers
Fuck it, add mechs and dragons.
How experienced is your group?
None, although I think that's probably obvious.
Every system is going to involve tradeoffs. If you improve a system's ability to do one thing, then you'll begin running into times when it starts doing another thing worse. And there will always end up being another system that does a certain thing better, generally thanks to that one system being focused on doing that one thing well.
You know, lightsaber arms wouldn't be that great in combat since having a wrist really increases one's possible maneuvers. So a person with lightsaber arms wouldn't be as deadly as someone who just has two lightsabers. Now lightsaber hand might be something interesting, but even that wouldn't compare to tentacles with lightsabers.
You've ironically picked one of the few genres, tones, and settings that PF actually does do well.
Time Wizards
Compared to what? Dungeon World?
I'm not even convinced DW wouldn't do it better.
The one you and your friends have the most fun playing.
RuneQuest 6 covers almost every genre and concept with little to no flaws.
It might be because I've never played it and/or I just read it on a bus, but RQ6 combat seems overly complicated. I'll just stick to basic BRP (which I might be misremembering, been way too long since I've been able to play a BRP game).
>and pic related
Let me put this through an "idiot to english" translation on google-
>free online
It's cool for everyone to play on their laptops and pads during game, right?
>quick character creation
after years of using the same system with no basis for comparison, I can create characters faster than when I started
>no complicated rules
My group uses houserules to simplify or flat-out ignore 90% of the rules
>tons of third party content
Expect to search through an entire library to make a character that can keep up with my group
>can play literally any campaign, any setting, any time
can play literally any campaign, any setting, any time, just most of them very poorly
>easy to learn and teach newbies with
I found an RPG virgin and successfully brainwashed him into believing that other RPGs don't exist
>quintessential D&D roleplaying experience
I have sunk so much time and money into pathfinder that admitting it isn't all that good would shatter my fragile ego
The biggest downside of GURPS is that the people who like it never want to play anything else.
"Hey, I have a cool idea for a campaign where..."
"GURPS can do that."
>Saw the motherfuckin' crab
>Got motherfuckin' hype
>Not Big Motherfuckin' Crab Truckers
Way to offend the motherfuckin' Crab Goddess, motherfucker.
That's not true. GURPS is my favorite system but I frequently play and run Paranoia, Traveller, and other games.
Really the problem here is that people fall for memes too easily.
I mean shit, I can't call you wrong.
Just like D&D. Or PF.
The transition of my friends away from PF to 5e was mercifully fast.
Now if only I could get them to try something that isn't D&D. They tried Savage Worlds, got bored of it, considered it lacking in options and feelings of true advancement.
And they won't touch Anima, because tables intimidate them and it's a bit front-heavy.
I was mostly joking, based on my experience with my group being half comprised of people who've spent the better part of a decade playing mostly GURPS.
They do play other games too of course, but it's funny to see how much that temptation pops up with people who get used to it. It's sometimes easy to forget that just because a system can do something, doesn't mean it'll be the best one for it.
Fuck the d20 System for this reason. I am sick and tired of people suggesting d20 for whatever idea pops up.
No, d20 Modern was not a good system and it really isn't good for anything. It is not a good substitute for Shadowrun, Traveller, World of Darkness, or really anything.
Well it has rules to either simplify combat or make it map-based like 4e.
The complexity beyond special effects are rules for corner cases like a giant hitting a human with a tree trunk or something where SIZ has to be compared. Normally it doesn't slow things down though.
The metric system.
Honestly I've been falling out of tabletop lately as my group doesnt want to do anything but pf and dnd, and I have no idea where I'd find a new one.
I just want to try something different.
What color has no downsides?
What food has no downsides?
Wat tool has no downsides?
Witch TV series has no downsides?
Lack of finesse in temperature measurement. Its inaccurate compared to fahrenheit.
Well-hacked AW (so not DW).
Don't Rest Your Head.
Force and Destiny (DLC-tier dice excluded)
The one you hate the most.
Freeform roleplaying.
With people that aren't assholes, so IRL I guess.
What the hell does 'lack of finesse' mean. We have decimals.
I don't think Don't Rest Your Head has any downsides. It's very good at what it does.
Requires multicoloured dice, coins, and two bowls to play, though. Is that a downside?
Okay what system do I use to play with a group of friends who've only been playing for 6months, and the setting is gonna be semi-serious but also balls to the walls.
Like their caught in the middle of plans upon plans of a dragon god, a deranged wizard, an super computer that turned an entire country techno organic, and basically will have anachronisms everywhere.
Ah yes as a scientist I long for the day we'll toss aside our simple nanokelvin measurements for some archaic temperature system. You fucking dumb cunt.
Sure, if everybody stays on lvl 1 for the entire campaign.
Patriarchal Anarchy.
>can play literally any campaign, any setting, any time
Having a few equipment tables with some modern and sci-fi gear isn't enough to say it's a universal system. It's still a class based system in which all the classes are designed for a fantasy setting.
Run them M&M 2e, it's still D&D like to hook them, but has enough innovation to keep a distance. Then upgrade to 3e for more distance from d20.
Some very boring one, even systems need to be min-maxed well.
>Is asked for RPG without downsides
>Posts RPG without downsides
Is this even Veeky Forums?
I suppose a lack of character progression could be a downside for some.
Hmm, nobody has said Savage Worlds. Strange as it usually seems to be the favourite of a lot of folk. I'm glad.
Not Savage Worlds, OP, because it's a shit tier generic system. I'd rather play Rolemaster. Yes, I'm butthurt about SW. Fuck SW and every fucker that thinks it's even half way decent.
Oh, and Fate. Fuck Fate.
>Lack of finesse in temperature measurement. Its inaccurate compared to fahrenheit.
This is what amerifats actually belive.
[s]Lack of character progression[/s]
Less record keeping
Sounds like an upside to me!
>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Steve Jackson so much, I had all the GURPS modules and editons
>I pray to Steve Jackson every night before bed, thanking him for the life I’ve been given
>"Steve Jackson is love" I say; “Steve Jackson is life”
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion to my superior system
>I call him a shitty GM and tell him that DnD third edition is a piece of shit system
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It’s Steve Jackson
>I am so happy
>His moustache is pushing deep into my ear he whispers “With GURPS you can be anyone you want and do anything you want.”
>He grabs me with his cheeto dust covered hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Steve Jackson
>He penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Steve Jackson
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Steve Jackson
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his calculated love
>My dad walks in
>Steve Jackson looks him straight in the eyes and says “What's the matter, is math too hard for you?"
>Steve Jackson leaves through my window
>Steve Jackson is love. Steve Jackson is life.
There are none but I find the Roll and Keep system to be one that I return to again and again as I find it more enjoyable as a tool than any of the others I've played.
Ok lets try bolt something on
>for resolving a space adventure, you get 1 XP
>you can spend 1 xp to adjust your lasers/feelings number, showing your character change with the things they experienced
>or you can use 3 xp to add a second role to your character, expanding your preparedness to face different situations
>hates based actiony Savage Worlds
>hates Fate
shit taste detected
Baseline length is now arbitrary. When they switched to defining it via light speed, they should have changed the units of distance to make sense
1/1000th of the distance light travels in a vacuum in a second
1/100th of the distance light travels in a vacuum in a second
1/10th of the distance light travels in a vacuum in a second
And so on , and so forth.
The Wire
On topic:
simple, fast and does good job at mechanically representing situation escalating as time goes on.
>Unknown Armies
Best madness system, fastest character creation, most fun magic systems ever invented.
Only "downside" is combat but that is done on purpose as it is major point of game to always avoid combat or do it with overwhelming odds on your side.
Why not just go straight to Plank measures?
So, I've seen the KS for UA3. Never played it nor know anything about it but you've piqued my interest with "most fun magic system ever". Can you describe what's so fun about it as I've yet to find a magic system in TTRPGs that I get on with.
I've been told that Nemesis uses the UA madness system, I've never read UA, does it?
Seeing as I only seem to ever run into D&Dfinderfags I have been told that D20 systems are completely infallable, have no problems at all and are best at everything, always, forever and ever.
One that doesn't exist
Yup put on top of ORE as a base system instead of the UA percentile one.
All wizards are mad. It is prerequisite, you wouldn't be wizard if you weren't so utterly and completely obsessed with something as to base your life on it.
You get magic charges from doing something that is relevant to your magic eg. Doing something reckless, walking around a city or just ruining somebodies day.
The harder the action the more magic you get from it represented by tiers of charges
Minor charges: everyday stuff that is easy to do once an hour or so.
Significant charges: shit is ridiculous but still relatively doable once a day to twice a week depending on school.
Major charges: the stuff adventures are made of if you think that it needs at least whole game session to get then it deserves a major charge.
You lose charges by doing taboo of your school that are usually relevant and logical: Not taking risks, losing books or ever touching the soil your city is based on.
So the magic system encourages you to roleplay and gives GM ways to create adventures which i haven't seen in any other game yet.
Also general soundtrack to unknown armies game.
Ops and Tactics improves on many problems of d20 mostly by remplacing them with gun porn and Morrowind-like spellcasting.
Fuck that takes me back
the game
in west australia born and raised
>Shit system.
>Noone plays it.
No problem here.
>Not Rankine
Stay pleb, user.
2d6 Roll Above
Slightly better than 50/50 chance (assuming standard target number of 6) and everyone in western society can get their hands on 2d6.
Best system, prove me wrong.
A system with no downsides for every audience is impossible. There are design decisions that are mutually exclusive which will force a game to not be the ideal choice for someone, somewhere.
Too dark
Make you fart
Do you even chop wood bro?
Pushes political and ideological agendas about how you can't use corruption to make the world a better place.
too abstract
The game could be representing a war as well as a political conflict
Oh God my sides
None. There's always something any given system will be worse at than other systems, and in almost all cases something any given system is outright bad at.
It's all about what you want to achieve.
The difference is of course that D20 is capable of running exactly one kind of game, and that's D&D's take on high fantasy, while GURPS is actually capable of running almost any genre imaginable even if it'll seldom be the optimal choice for any of them.
But it's not base 12. :^)
>use a T measuring system invented by a polish jew
>That he literally changed shit at the last moment so it'd look pretty to his inner autist.
>still argue that it's a accurate measuring system.
Excellent bait thread to pull the tunnel visioning grognards out of their dens, OP.