Goodbye Veeky Forums

Goodbye Veeky Forums

Congrats on this. Seriously. Actually don't though.

pls dnt die

if you're going to an hero, you might as well live stream it you fucking squib

Please give me your fartcoins and digital blip tablets.

We told you not to buy high

nice just bought $100k


Do you live near Golden Gate? t
Try to break the record for backflips.

lol. Wata loser. I'm updating my resume and going back to wagecucking so I have more money to lose on the next go round. This was fun as fuck, and worth every dollar lost.

Can someone alter this photo so the chart has huge green candles with the implied meaning of sold right before a pump? Because that'd what I did and now... Now...NOW I'M MAD!

Sorry OP. It was selfish of me to hijack your own suicide thread. But I guess I may as well use it since you're gonna neck yourself.

how much?

I too have invested in chain link

I've been in bitcoin since the satoshi whitepaper and in fucking loaded

Im planning to hang myself in 12 hrs so post your adresses and ill send a nice sum

Do you give up when you lose in a casino at the roulette table? No! You take that credit and double down on it!


don't kys Satoshi. it's gonna be arigth

Another linklet bites the dust, eh?
Should have listened when I told you how heavy those bags would become.

