What is the most Veeky Forums 40k army?

What is the most Veeky Forums 40k army?
If you say anything other than grey Knights, you are wrong

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google.com/search?q=fashion&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiamdmb_bDMAhVL3mMKHeASDkgQ_AUICCgC&biw=1920&bih=955#tbm=isch&q=high fashion


>Most Veeky Forums army
>not dark eldar or IG
user plz.

Guards have some really Veeky Forums regiments.

ummm, what is Veeky Forums?
*hides behind desk*

You don't need fashion when you look this good

go to the very top of this page you are reading and click Veeky Forums

This desu

IG has the most variety but it doesn't have enough chic. Everything is some variety of drab military theme or military dress uniform.

I'd say Slaanesh and the Inquisition are the most fashionable. DE too if you limit it to leather and blacks.

motherfucker do you even need to ask

Kabalite warriors

why are all you heretics not picking the Assassins, black is always in trend, ALWAYS

Fops please.

lol what is that autistic overstyled busy shit

DE are most fashionable

actual high fashion for comparison

blue and gold is hard to top

Insane saturated colors aside, before they went insane Fulgrim and the gang literally dedicated themselves to being the biggest ballers in the galaxy, so probably slightly-post-heresy Emperor's Children.


google.com/search?q=fashion&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiamdmb_bDMAhVL3mMKHeASDkgQ_AUICCgC&biw=1920&bih=955#tbm=isch&q=high fashion

Purple and gold

blue is better than purple


>*hides behind desk*
fucking hang yourself


Fuck EC, Fortitudo et Honor.



I think Vostroyans look the best.

40k needs to return to this sort of absurdist shit

Shittaste subhumans get out

My brother












>prancing around like some kind of la-la homo man
>calling anyone else a fag
No pigtails though, I'll give him that.

>Hey sister of battle, have you ever seen guns like these?


>no powerpack

The Emperor's Children or Blood Angels


Lara Minhelm a qt

u wot m8

I think he's in love with his arm beast.

>The fastest way to a man's heart is through the maw in his side.

Stylish as fuck.

Well, a Harlequin Masque of course.

Blood Angels? Especially Sanguinary Guard.

The Hammers of Dorn. One must look as the Codex Astartes dictates whilst showing up the Ultramarines and purging Word Bearers.


>weedy little grot-size bosspoles
Nice blasta at least, but dis'unz bigga.

Come on these flags are bitchin' and you know it. Also our green is better.

>carrying your own bosspole instead of having some other git do it for you

The banner is the bosspole

no offense but... you need to experience more then just two board comunities here

Kreig. look at this stylish motherfucker

Plate+military uniform is pimp as fuck.

I would never ever call the average Krieger stylish. Utilitarian, definitely.

>tfw no Adeptus Custodes army

Come on anons, clearly the death guard have this shit on lock. They only get better post-heresy.

>wanting frills and useless items on clothing
its like you want to be killed by your uniform

Ultramarines desu

Which is why they aren't Veeky Forums.

People please

>Not wanting to be in the jungle with your Veeky Forums bros

Wow, their muscle looks legitimately human instead of 'how big do muscles get again' tier.

I don't care what anyone says, every black Catachan has the voice of Sig from the Jak games.