Sorry /qst/adillas but you have to go back!
Make Veeky Forums great again
Japanamoot will make Veeky Forums great again!
what a time to be alive
slow Veeky Forums best Veeky Forums
Most of the complaints I've seen have been "we don't like change" or "now we can't leech off of the rest of Veeky Forums", but I have seen a few legitimate complaints about the lack of archiving, and the vagueness around what should be in /qst/. Hopefully somebody gets an archive up for the quest users, and it there should be a more clear definition that the board will include all forum games, so the quest users have a better place to migrate to.
>We're building a board!
>And questfags are going to pay for it!
The guy who runs sup/tg/ gave them an archive already. It was up ASAP.
Well shit then they really have no reason to complain.
Chink moot is a true pater patriae
Holy fuck, it finally happened.
Go fuck yourself, we're ain't leaving nigga.
You belong here
Yeah there's no other thread up except this one linking it. Be sure to remind everyone that it exists now.
/trash/ thread
Be sure to drop by /qst/'s discussion thread to let the mods know how you feel about it. Good or bad.
fuck /qst/
Hold it right there, you low-energy Trump impersonator!
Questfags are citizens of Veeky Forums, in fact the rest of Veeky Forums already built a wall to keep them here. And while you may not personally enjoy the content produced in quests, they play a vital role in bumping "which Primarch wud u fug XDDDD" threads #1-10 off the bottom of the board. They make up between 7-15% of Veeky Forums at any given time, so your argument that they're raping your eyes all over the place is nonsense, almost like something a SJW liberal would say when someone intrudes on their safe space.
I suppose your wrong opinions are to be expected of an El-Rato supporter though.
The wall just got ten feet higher.
>They delete Veeky Forums for being a half-dead board that could rival /diy/
So what will Veeky Forums whine about now?
Oh don't worry we'll always find things to whine about, but they will mostly be about traditional games from now on.
No. Moot was lazy and didn't care about Veeky Forums so instead of making a board dedicated to quests, CYOAs, and other games which exist on multiple boards, he just said they go here all half assed. There is pretty much no reason to stay here when the new board has more features and an archive up. It just seems like you want to spite the spiters.
What's a /diy/?
Too many traditional games threads.
Now hopefully mods will enforce the new board and ban quests from Veeky Forums.
Be sure to tell them this in the /qst/ discussion thread. They need to weigh in all kinds of feedback. Also worth checking out because it's a fucking salt mine. Holy hell.
And also all forum games.
I trust you to not be a lazy faggot and look.
That's still being debated. The mods haven't said anything about those, yet.
This is good.
Fuck, what a dumb idea.
>Magic The Gathering Great Again
That's not proper grammar?
Juan pls go.
Is he in your safe space?
Hell, its about time.
Make Traditional Games Great Again
Not everything revolves around your overpriced cardboard pieces.
Jokes on you, only quests are going. CYOAs, worldbuilding, and cooperative fiction threads stay, if for no other reason than the board features of /qst/ only benefit quests and play-by-posts (the later which never existed here in the first place).
And just watch, in three months or so, when the board is dead, not even producing the content they did on Veeky Forums, they'll shut it down and move 'em back here.
No le entiendo, señor. No hablo español.
Let's hope this sticks. It's kinder than moving the quests to /trash/, at least.
Not if the mods decide to enforce the rules :^). Then all the QMs will either have to stop or go to /qst/.
Forum games should go. Worldbuilding threads are fine since they are intended to use for campaigns.
I don't understand?
Are evogames quests?
Should they go to qst too?
I always considered them to be more akin to world building threads.
Oh sure, the very specific format for quests will go, the one pioneered by Drew the Lich and Rubyquest, but not any OTHER "forum game" format like nation state builders. Those are predicated on posters who are not the OP posting images and contributing. So sorry friends, but this is a limited "victory", and one that may not last, though we shall see.
Indeed it is great. MODS = GODS
If we want this to stick.
>questfags are now /qst/fags, remind them and anyone reading your post that the board exists. >Every hour of every day. Remind them.
>you need to show the mods your approval, go to the feedback thread
>request mod enforcement of this arrangement
>any thread here referencing /qst/ should make sure that it gets past those who filtered quests, their input is very valuable in the feedback thread so choose your words carefully
>Make quest board
>Don't enforce quests to go there like when you move shitpost threads to /trash/
It's like they want it to fail.
They're still hammering things out. Go tell them to enforce it in the feedback thread. Prepare for a lot of salty (You)s though.
I'm pretty sure they removed the image thing for people that aren't OP.
>Those are predicated on posters who are not the OP posting images and contributing.
You can do that on /qst/ just as much as you can on Veeky Forums, and you also get thread-specific IDs to prevent any possible samefag confusion.
Oh, right. Another reason why /qst/ would be better for forum games would be user ID would make it so you don't need to use a tripcode to play chess or risk.
Spoken like a true sophist.
What threads are you here for? I could make the exact same argument to exile any of them form Veeky Forums, too.
>Quests aren't Veeky Forums
Quest fags Anhiro'd.
40k, FantasyCraft, and D&D. Give it your best shot. Veeky Forums is for discussing games. Not playing them.
The Chemo Continues. First they got the ERPers, then they got /wst/ and /qtg/, then Jim Profit got permabanned, now the Quesfags. Keep up the Chemo, Nihonmoot.
>makes a metathread about it
This is the content you wanted, Veeky Forums.
Join the fray! Your feedback is needed!
Get rekt questfags!
So we have a quest board now? Is the weekend thread going to be moved there?
The fuck is going on?
Hey, you /qst/fags were saying there was no thread linking your new board for others to see. Now you've got one.
>Spoken like a true sophist.
>how to discuss for the love of wisdom rather than to be right:
>Step 1: Don't adress the other's arguments. Instead make a blanket statement about them being fallicious.
>Step 2: Now, with your discussion partner's opinions discarded, have the perfect platonic debate
Meh, call me when /40k/ becomes a reality and that stops shitting up Veeky Forums. Then it'll be time to celebrate.
Isn't 40k the reason Veeky Forums was created in the first place? The whole Warhammer Wednesday thing that happened years and years ago?
>Ruby Quest and Drew the Lich
Who could have thought at the time that such innocent and fun concepts would turn into the shitshow they are today?
>Player influnced story threads start getting popular
>As time passes everyone wants to make a quest, slowly turns into lazy attempts at writefaggotry using players to think for them, not even putting the effort to draw stuff
>Quest format is adopted
>Eventually Moot decides that's it's a good idea to bring every waifu collectathlon thread from anime boards into here because they're basically quests
Things are finally looking up at least, I just wish the board was NSFW so the questfags can feel more comfortable and the transition becomes easier for them.
>40k isn't Veeky Forums
>40k isn't shitting up Veeky Forums
>Age of Sigmar
>the general state of Games Workshop
>people who force anime into everything
>That guy
>things that never happened
>Girl Gamers
>Earl Gamers
>The balance of MTG
>Power Creep in YuGiOh
>Edition wars
>Magical realm
I'm happy for this change. Instead of seeing it as a containment board, I see it as a dedicated board that makes it easier for people to find their specific quests. When it comes to taking traffic away from Veeky Forums, I honestly doubt that there are fa/tg/uys who come here only for questing.
Veeky Forums needs a sticky about this new board in addition to news post so that questfags know where to go.
Reminder. There are QMs who stated they will not leave Veeky Forums until a mod drags them out kicking and screaming.
There was, mods already have given up
>making a board for questfags
>while questfags don't want a new board
>a board made exclusively to appease the shitposters who don't know how to ignore threads they don't like
What a sad world we live in.
That just means you have to report all quests.
I imagine that won't be very hard.
ITT: questfags anally devastated over getting shunted to a containment board, which actually has way better features than Veeky Forums anyway, and Veeky Forums laughs at their misery.
Go back to your containment board.
We had a sticky for a bit it was the feedback thread. Mod unstuck it and started a new discussion on /qst/. Be sure to give feedback. But yes they ought to let its existence go more public.
I don't like it at all. I spend most of my time on /v/ and it STILL hasn't recovered from what happened after the creation of Veeky Forums.
It was like, what, 15 threads at the most at once last year?
Chess or risk threads are an enormous waste. Think on it, an entire thread dedicated to just two "players". On what board wouldn't that fill up the entire fucking board? Forum games like that aren't happening on Veeky Forums ever. The only thing happening in /qst/ are traditional format Veeky Forums quests. That's what the board is set up to support, so that's what will be posted there. No more no less. You got the thing you whined about, and nothing more.
And if the board fails and squanders and lacks even the traffic of Veeky Forums quest threads, which I believe it will (though if it flourishes, good for quest threads. I'm not against being wrong on this), the QMs will come here and post them, and there will come a point that the mods must admit that /qst/ is a failure. The board will be folded and quests returned to their birthplace, and your bitching and moaning will be into an empty abyss, because now they know better. You're naught but sound and fury, amounting to nothing.
>I honestly doubt that there are fa/tg/uys who come here only for questing
There are. Doubt there are many, but those exist. The last threads proved it, some anons admitted it.
I don't like 40k at all, but to say 40k doesn't deserve to be on this board is the pinnacle of butthurt.
Oh quit your whining, /qst/ has fucking amazing features compared to Veeky Forums built specifically for quest threads. You're being fucking handed gold and crying about it.
Try between 30-50 last summer. Most nights during Burgerland Primetime had at least 25 last summer. Making the move during a lull in numbers is actually a decent idea.
I am too. I don't play traditional games so I don't have anything to discuss here outside of my favorite quests.
Board Games General
Remember everyone.
Report quest threads, they are no longer on-topic here. They are not wanted. We are not their audience. I would rather have a furry loli porn dump than quest threads.