Malifaux general #2 : Why do I only ever flip weak damage?

Malifaux general #2 : Why do I only ever flip weak damage?

>What is Malifaux?
Malifaux is a 28mm Skirmish Tabletop game, with a focus on completing several different objectives, while denying your opponent their objectives.


Book 1 - Basic Rules and first wave of updated (from 1st edition of malifaux) models
Book 2 - Second wave of updated models
Book 3 - Campaign system and new M2E models

Through the Breach Fated Almanac - Basic rules for the RPG set in Malifaux
Through the Breach Fatemaster Almanac - GM stuff for the RPG

New Gaining Grounds Tournament Rules:

Guide to all Current Master: a Master

Has anyone played The Brutal Emissary with Hoffman? How do they do together?

>Why do I only ever flip weak damage?
I secretly replaced most of your moderate cards with additional weeks.

Very well. Emissary gives you great stats to loop around and you can pull a ton of shit by abusing machine puppet and its bury shenanigans.

My favorite:
-start of activation, loop metal gamin and get fast while giving it slow
-redirect power with trigger to loop howard and emissary
-machine puppet Howard for Fast and a (1) action
-machine puppet emissary for Fast and burying Howard
-update hardware to give emissary targeting systems, optional armor for Howard

-discard Targeting Systems to add rams to every attack
-copy buried Howard's attack
-enjoy triggering Decapitate on each attack
-unbury Howard


What size hats for the guild guard guys? A dremel and some plasticard later and I'm ready to assemble some of them.

Still need to figure out how I build a peacekeeper, I can do the harpoon easy and there is a robot snake for the head, I just need something to attach the arms to that looks suitable.

Ok, so I'm planning to get a Lucious box and a two player starter set to check out both of his faction options (also, It will allow me to field guild McMourning). Is this a good idea? Or would you advice something different as add on to his basic crew?

>Multi-decapitateS wombo combo
That sounds truly disgusting.
And not actually too hard to set up.

Lucius is hard to start with, one of the hardest. He likes minions, but none of the models in the starter are particularly noteworthy with him. Not bad, by any stretch, but not good either.

Lucius likes good minions he can buff and a few support pieces and maybe a beater.

Riflemen, Austringers, Pathfinders, and Wardens are all great guardsmen for him. Doppelganger, Candy, Beckoners, Graves, Tannen, and Changelings are good mimic options.

For Guild, Witchling Stalkers and Death Marshals are great. Ryle/Peacekeeper/Pale Rider are good and self sufficient.

For neverborn, Illuminated, Waldgeists, Depleted, Tots, Silurids, Insidious Madness, and Young Nephilim are good minions. Bad Juju is great with swampfiends, Kade and Teddy are generally useful, and Nekima is hardcore.

You can pull all kinds of shit with the Hoffman Emissary. Bury Hans to shoot off upgrades, steal Killjoy or Bishop's attacks and triggers, the only limit is your hiring pool and your imagination.

Thx mate

I figure the puppets are a slightly cartoony look, so commit and go for the bigger brim.

So I've been thinking about getting into this game, and the models that interest me are as follows:

Hoffman with a shit ton of constructs.

Lucius with a bunch of Guild _______, all of the Guild dudes with guns are cool.

McCabe with nothing but people on horses, Pale Riders, Lone Marshal, Mounted Guild guys, etc. (Would this even work? lol)

Von Schill with a bunch of Freikorps

Jack Daw with a bunch of synergy stuff, Tormented, etc.

Which would you suggest I go after? I played control Menoth back in Warmachine and really enjoyed the synergies in that faction, I like manipulation but I also like killing shit.

What do?

Menoth players aren't allowed to play Malifaux, you're too too much of a faggot.

>Jack Daw with a bunch of synergy stuff
I've been told these are complex and as such hard to learn cold, so not good entrance masters.

Von Schill is easy and fun though.

I'd never really thought about it before, but this might be one of the most offensive things I've ever seen in a Malifaux thread.
Obviously everyone hates Warmahordes players, but it's usually phrased less unpleasantly.


Well, that's two factions: Guild and Outcasts. In Malifaux, you only declare your faction at first. Once you see the objectives (strat and schemes) then you build your crew.

In your Guild pool you've got 3 masters with a similar overall style (support) but they do it different ways. Hoffman directly buffs constructs, lets you share stats, and can make them take extra actions. He's probably the most warmachine-esque master, stacking buffs and operating in a loose bubble.

Lucius is about dropping scheme markers, positioning models, and ordering his minions around. He's hard to learn and arguably the worst master in the game. But he's my favorite.

McCabe supports by making his crew fast as fuck and giving them upgrades to boost attack/defense/speed/healing. Very fluid playstyle.

So that Guild trio gives you 3 distinct playstyles that can cover the various strategies. Good models for all 3 are Wardens, Peacekeeper, Austringers, Brutal Emissary, Master Queeg, and Witchling Stalkers.

On the Outcast side you have Daw and Von Schill.

Daw is a control/debuff type. He curses models to limit their effectiveness and can really hurt cursed models by controlling them or doing extra damage.

Von Schill is a jack of all trades. He does good damage, can buff other Freikorps, just good all around. Not the best at anything, though.

Good models for them would be Hannah, Johan, Sue, Hodgepodge effigy and emissary, Trappers, Librarians, Strongarm, and Lazarus.

Thanks for being helpful, unlike that cunt up there. :^)

Can you do the same with Ryle?


Ryle you can just give Targeting Systems to normally. The emissary wombo combo is to get around the restriction on Howard.

Otherwise, yeah, you can pull similar shit with Ryle or any buried model.

Alright thank you for the help