Jumpchain CYOA Thread #809: Great Leap Forwards Edition

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I don't think this ever got answered but-does anyone know what Worthy of Legend from Xena/Hercules: The Legendary Journeys is based on? I'm just curious

So. Jumpers.

How do you like to look in a fight?


We don't. Being able to be seen in a fight is a tactical disadvantage.

We much precer to neutralise or bypass the opposition from a vantage point they
cannot meaningfully engage us from.This is the point of the 2d chalk person avatar actually-it's a tiny, tiny part of who and what we really are but its' humanoid form looks like a target and encourages opponents to waste ammunition on a Dirac portal. And if something CAN meaninfully disrupt it, it's a wakeup call to step up our game.

so i know jumpchain will never be a multiplayer game...but I have to ask. how pissed would you be, jumpers, if you arrived into a world and realized that someone had already stolen all the shinies and waifu'd all the waifus? what would you do?

Create new, better shinies.

Create new, hotter waifus.

A sort of punk rock variation of Sanetoshi Watase, where the coat- my Kamui -exposes my upper back and the sleeves are each sectioned into three parts by zippers. When activated, said zippers all become mouths.

Between that, having a pair of eyes on each shoulder and glowing like the last dawn on Earth, 's pretty cool.


Depends very heavily on the world. There are plenty of places I go where there's nothing I really want there, but I still really want to punch the assholes that live there in the face.


Making a lot of assumptions here, buddy.


Making even more assumptions. There's more to do than collect shinies and waifus, you know. Probably just chill somewhere as per standard jump procedure when there isn't urgent business.

As tiny and as silly as possible. The humiliation of being defeated with a single strike of a retarded fairy is a much more harmful weapon that being defeated by a giant god of destruction.

In my current side chain my enemies loved ones with mental powers letting me imitate them in mannerisms and create convincing reasons for it to happen.

In my main chain a supernaturally attractive person with green hair (can't decide on appearance beyond that and took a lot of shapeshifting) or a demonic eel dragon wolf monstrosity which i cannot draw well enough to show.

>Making a lot of assumptions here, buddy.

The amount of waifus in your retinue suggests otherwise.

We all know you have them for more than just their personalities after all.

Maybe I'm just imagining things, but I think that Jumpchan is forcing me to become a demon or at least a evil aligned force.

Everything I go, I either go demon or I just get not-awesome perks.

Is there any place outside Bayonetta when you can get cool angelic abilities?

So when did you first pull off this move /jump/?

did you ever get high on acid and watch a bunch of Gumby cartoons? now imagine if the trip started turning bad.

Dark Souls, Van Helsing and King Arthur are my favorites for wielding heavenly powers.

I'm not sure I understand the question.
I look the same. If I didn't, I wouldn't be a stealth jumper. Small, unassuming girl. Usually wears a coat and/or goggles.
I mostly stick to what's capable of my persona, unless I've run out of fucks to give, in which case it's high power magical blasts all the way.

That said, sometimes when I really want to impress on someone HOW BADLY they're fucking up, I undo the lock on Waveform Anatomy just enough so that, combined with Hot Off The Press from Macross, my hair starts doing that "I'm channeling Dracula" thing Soma does in Aria of Sorrow, kinda moving even when still. Transformative Wings from Darkstalkers lets me do weird shit with my shadow. That and Gate's Bloodstained Grin, Webmage's Chaos Form, or just being from America in Squirrel & Hedgehog means my eyes can do all kinds of glowing multicolour bullshit. Or even just using Marvel Shapeshifting to change the shape of my iris! I'm partial to cats, myself.
Bonus points if I start talking with the voice of Legion.
It is SUPER fun to do that stuff in settings where that shit isn't remotely normal.

Did I mention I have a ton of intimidate perks?

Well, you can stack divine casting from D&D. Supernatural and Highschool DxD let you be angels. Also Unholy Heights, although that's contestable.
Other than that it's mostly just stacking divine/spiritual powers. There's a lot of those.

>Lose your cute form to intimidate someone

Why don't make some monstrous creature appear behind you and lift your 'stealth perks'?

That's what usually works for me.

Nice animation. Source?

Looks to be Full Metal Alchemist. That's Pride, dropping his disguise as Selim Bradley.

A horde of Bioshock infinite style replicants.

You would be surprised how many people do not expect the Hawaiian shirt to actually be power armor. All the protection,but none of the hassle.

Considering the amount of waifu hunting that happens during most jumpers journeys it is both surprising and impressive that no one has gone back and made a real Monster Girl Encyclopedia jump after Quicksilver's joke at the start of the Mass Effect Jump.

That into still makes me laugh when I read it.

I can be cute AND scary at the same time.
Haven't you ever seen an anime girl covered in blood and laughing wielding a knife? It's kindof like that.

It's almost like you want another shitstorm on a worse scale.

Vary lewd. I blame my Mantra Affinity, and my Embodiment of Evil. At least it distracts the enemy something fierce.

replace black with blue and red with green

Damn, I never picked up FMA because the animation didn't impress me at first glance. I seem to have made a grievous error

What about the sunglasses and gold chain?

What shitstorm? Seriously just try to read that intro without laughing.

The shitstorm when that thing dropped joke-intro and all.

Now that I have discovered that Endless Legend and Endless Space
are in the same universe and time, I might need to go there and get me some nice Dust.

You want to watch FMA: Brotherhood, that's the one with good animation and stuff, the original was made before the manga was done.

> I seem to have made a grievous error
It's a pretty fun series!

There are two, the '03 version and Brotherhood. Brotherhood is the superior version, the one based off the manga, and the one the jump is based off of.

However, '03 is still quite good. It was made when the original anime caught up to the manga, and the manga-kun wrote them a new villain and ending just for that series, so it's actually pretty interesting as well, and does some things with the ideas that Brotherhood doesn't.
It is also, somewhat hilariously, FAR more dark than Brotherhood. The ending is far more depressing, despite the heroes earning victory.

They both average around fifty episodes, and either one is worth checking out on their own merits.

Did you really think Jumpchain only started throwing shitstorms about stupid shot recently? It's been part and parcel of our threads since the beginning.

Both series are made by BONES. Aside from a few mistakes like Soul Eater NOT!, BONES always delivers when it comes to animation and choreography.

It's banned.

Getting choked out? Never I hope.

When I'm playing around, just my normal self, but with a bit more green fire than usual.

If I'm serious about the fight, mostly like a swarm of twenty cyborg dragon skeletons. Not that anyone notices, because all of my twenty bodies are the size of an ant, invisible, silent, under a ton of stealth-spells, using a whole bunch of stealth perks, and firing lasers through portals. Mostly, they see my minions.

Depends on the jump and how much I like- ...No wait, scratch that, I'd probably assume I took a drawback that erased itself from my memory and prepare for all-out war.

InFamous, second jump. Probably could've done so in Pokemon through, consider how buff I got there, just didn't have a reason until then.

Because reasons.

Imagine when a being of calmness, grace, and majesty, maybe even fragility, starts growing bone spikes and bending her joints at odd angles before running after you like a horrible bloody contortionist dog.

It's pretty fun.

Are Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm covered under the Warcraft jumps or would they merit their own jumps? Not calling anything, just legit curious

Both are kosher, although Heroes of the Storm being essentially a crossover setting is going to be tricky to handle and likely require input from other Blizzard-setting jumpmakers to avoid unnecessary toe-stomping.

Fleshbeast gonna fleshbeast.

Well that is the fun part!

The entire outfit is technically power armor with all its protective qualities except with a different looks.

Transmog from World of Warcraft (which you get for Free) is a hell of a thing. Want that legendary armor to look not as dangerous? Done. Scary sword now a stick? Sure. Entire outfits that are actually power armor? Why the hell not!

I like the comfortable feel personally so even if it "looks" like your skin is exposed it technically isn't, but to answer your question: The Glasses are technically the helmet but the gold chain is just a gold chain because sometimes it is nice to have a "little' bling.

If I wanted to show off I would simply do this with the same process because either way? It is at that point in the chain where I can't be asked to take a fight seriously enough where I need to look the part.

So NOT! is terrible?


NOT! is not worth watching, no.

Dammit! Wrong picture, but I guess the ghost part would work too.

From what I saw in a previous topic, it was based on an episode where someone pretended to be Hercules.

Whenever I deign to personally fight someone, and don't just send my monstrous sociopathic Partner after them, I flow towards them as a roiling mass of Ink and Paper.

What song plays at the end of your Jumps?


>Aisling Duval

Are you capable of doing pic related, Jumpers?

Not through towing, but yes. I can swallow planets whole and spit them out somewhere else.




What point is there in fighting fate, anyway?

Not personally. But I have machines/ship that can do that, yes.

Oh, hey you. I see that's your method of finishing every jump after Murdertale?

You say that like it's a bad thing...

>mfw the sheer gravitational pull should be causing planets that close to fuck each other up hard
>that kind of proximity should be destroying them
>how the fuck is that chain not breaking
>how are they not all freezing to death from being pulled away from the sun
>how is superman breathing in space
>how the fuck is any of this working
>how are they all still alive

Silver Age Comics.

We just don't argue with them.

>how is superman breathing in space
Really? The other points are valid ones, but you're asking how Superman can survive in space? Come on, Red, this is like Superman 101, here.

>how is superman breathing in space
This one is easy, actually. He doesn't have to breathe.

I'll give you everything else through. Silver Age is a hell of a drug.

I promise that it's much horrifying to see what's going on the surface.

>how are they not all freezing to death from being pulled away from the sun

Sun_s_, Red. Those are all the inhabited planets in an entire galaxy.



Literally all aboard the Supes train.


I just. It. That. Fuck. FUCK. Silver Age or not this is absolute bullshit. The sheer force you'd need to even PULL those planets out of their suns' gravitational pulls, to say nothing of adding the mass of each planet each and every time you did it and just.

You know what no fuck this. I'm going back in my trash can.

Silver Age Superman.

Where his power is literally Ability Creation, because in at least one comic I remember him shooting miniature supermen out of his fingers.

Sauce pls?

If I remember right that only happened because of exposure to weird space radiation. Still dumb, but it's not like it was a conscious choice on his part.

>>how are they not all freezing to death from being pulled away from the sun
It actually takes a while for a planet to freeze over like that. It wouldn't be instantaneous.
If our sun disappeared right now, it'd take something like a week for things to start getting really shitty.
It would still suck and fuck the environment up, but as long as Supes is fast enough (and we all know he is), that at least wouldn't be a problem.

Also, everyone knows that Superman AND Batman can both breath in space.

The Thing, the remake from like 2013.

Planets aren't that massive on the scale of things. One Sol has as much mass as thousands of Earths.

I'm pretty sure that's from the 2011 The Thing prequel. One of the few actually disturbing monsters in it, the rest were kind of lackluster.

>him shooting miniature supermen out of his fingers


Yeah, I can, actually.
Invader Zim tech is crazy.


To be fair it wasnt just Supes back in the silver age, but it was also totally Jimmy Olsen cycling superpowers every other issue

It was a wierd time

Why would I want to be seen in a fight? Generally, the whole thing happens while I'm under a few layers of invisibility. Then I just paralyze or knockout my foes. If I need to be subtle about it, I leave a double where I was and they try to talk my way out of it.

Actually, general combat tactics are to be invisible and highly mobile, attack from range and take advantage of my ability to bounce bullets and jump a few stories with ease. If possible, have lots of support units to draw attention.


Supernatural makes you a badass angel.
Twilight, Second jump. Some people are just dicks, ya know?
Yeah, i guess, if i got creative with the surrounding celestial bodies.

Why would i want to, though?
Yep. For some reason i must have taken a drawback. that removed all the shinies and waifus.
And yeah, I'd start looking behind my back for some dark asshole version of me, because that's what the dark asshole version of me would do.
Armored leather jacket, Tech leggings (and shorts), some kind of hat, dark aura everywhere. Whip/saber outstretched in one arm, other wielding magic/psychic powers. Good for acrobatics, too, Jumping around everywhere, taking out highly armored targets while my troops take out personnel.

Or, I stay in my pajamas and wave as everyone's head explode via mind powers.

Is there any way to play a sentient dog as a jumper besides just making dog appropriate choices



That's quite beside the point, assuming you can traverse one end of the universe to the other in a reasonable amount of time it would be much safer to open a set of Portal-style wormholes between the worlds and their destination before gently shoving them through. If you just tug it on a chain and somehow prevent the planets from tearing apart you still have to realign it in orbit properly so that it doesn't crash into existing planets/planetoids, end up too far/too near the sun for sentient life to survive and calibrate the orbits so days and so on can work properly.

If you mean doing the choking, KOTOR (#13)

If you mean being choked, Dragon's Dogma (#18)

, or possess a dog. I'm sure you can do that in a myriad of ways.

Bullshitting your way into a joke jump and taking a really stupid interpretation of a perk that explicitly doesn't make you the reality warping geometric being it's based on for doing stupid shit is a bad thing, yes.


Ruh roh.


Also One Punch Man. There's an S-Rank who's just a dude in a dogsuit, so presumably you could be a Mysterious Being whose power is being a dog.



Dog's one of the backgrounds in Secret of Evermore. It's got a pretty awesome capstone too.

Alright, your response made go look up what an Aisling Duval is, I got nothing.

What are you talking about? What joke jump is this?

I think you got the wrong guy. I don't bullshit my way into anything.

Well, beyond maybe both a wet and a space navy using liberal interpretation of Pokeballs and shrinking spells. But that's it.

The wrong thing because I misread, was who I was talking about. The Undertale jump has a hidden link to a jump called Murdertale that parodies the Genocide Route which was intended as an easter egg but someone is using it to get Chara's powers

I did, yeah. Sorry about the mixup

No worries friend.

Be safe, fly dangerously.

Can you teach others how to be D&D (FR) Wizards?

What about the classes from the Book of Weeaboo Fightan Magic?

Nope. Dunno about Sorcerers though, on the one hand a lot of spells depend on being near certain metaphysical structures, on the other hand shit's apparently genetic like in Harry Potter? Never really understood that. Or how dragons fuck everything for that matter.


Mistakes were made:
- Rachel (Animorphs)
- Karasuba (Sekirei)
- Saeko (HSotD)
- Seras (Hellsing)
- Sakura (F/SN)

Someone, anyone, send hel