Dubs decides the theme for my next MTG deck.
Dubs decides the theme for my next MTG deck
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ur mom
burn your fucking cards
What? It's viable.
deez nuts
Oh god, I thought Veeky Forums loved Magic.
Trips count, user. Base a deck around fucking yourself in the ass.
Mono-white human/spirit deck
Uhh..... How do I do dis?
I don't known, I don't play magic.
I just assumed you could gain something from constant sacrifice and casualties.
Ride eternal, shiny, and chrome.
Hahaha, okay, I'm sure I can figure something out.
There is no way I can choose anything else now.
At the very least, it will be fucking metal.
I've decided it will be black and red. A bunch of madness, discarding, and delirium destruction.
Hasn't suicide black been around for a time now?
>Black and Red
Good, gooooooood.
You have chosen the right path.
Possibly include a bunch of Hellbent cards.
Deck called suicide zoo in modern, its pretty fun
I think I'll include some graveyard retrieval cards, so I can keep putting out fodder.
Cultists and Golems
Who the fuck indicated otherwise!?
Kill your self!
I love you...
suicide black duh
any good card that you have to pay life for goes in the deck
Delirium/Madness deck incoming
That's pretty much half of all Black Cards in existence.
>anti-satan plays black
suicide zoo. Just purchased it very fun, but it keeps you on your toes since you do go to a very low life total.
Suicide Black is a fun as fuck deck anyway.
Remember: The only important point of HP is your last one.
Suicide Black is a classic.
Mmm, remember when Carnophage was a good card?
MTG is so silly now.
It still can be.
Play Pauper.