What's the closest thing to a villain or a BBEG that you can find in real life?
What's the closest thing to a villain or a BBEG that you can find in real life?
Kim Jong? Leader of ISIS?
[Insert political figure you disagree with here]
easy peasy
George Soros
He was an extremely charismatic warlord that united the savages of a desert backwater, and successfully waged war against the noble empires of the north.
We're talking about a man so aggressive, he was kicked out of one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Europe, a man that fucked a 9 year old and was praised for it.
No user, we love you
people running large criminal or terrorist organizations. The leadership behind islamic terrorism, drug cartels, sex trafficking, child prostitution, and all the other horrifically shitty stuff in the world.
Hitler? Pol Pot? Queen Victoria?
The GM
But user, you're the GM
Electronic Arts
My life
International capital is the only fit BBEG for a modern-day campaign.
There aren't many games that recognise this, sadly. I guess Mage: the Awakening and maybe the right game of Nobilis or Unknown Armies.
He said villain, /qst/adilla
Ted Cruz. Held the world hostage twice.
Al-Baghdadi, Kim Jung Il, Ghengis Khan, George Soros, maybe a few warlords in Africa. Pol Pot.
That one fucking guy who complains about a coupon's expiration date, calls the manager, and walks out with free stuff for his 'inconvenience.'
u r m o m
In history? Like, every famous conqueror. Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, etc.
Currently? Kim Jong-un, ISIS leadership, or some African warlord employing child soldiers or some shit.
I'd go with Elon Musk, the Pope, Vince McMahon, or a historically significant political adviser.
>President Lincoln was a ruthless bully to the south, demanding harder work for the country's supply of crops
>South rises up against his tyranny
>Lincoln is short on support and troops, the civil north begins to doubt him
>He pulls an "All men are born equal in the eyes of God" and frees the slaves
>North now has a "cause"
>Pillage the south, destroy its' lands and make them fix it after he reconquers them
>John Wilkes Booth was his party's bard
>Big plan to take him down and make him pay for what he's done
>Play goes haywire, John is the only one who can reach him in time
>Valiantly stealths up behind him and rolls a natural 20
>Caught and sent off to pay for crimes he rightfully committed
>Rerolls as James Earl Ray
>Elon Musk
>the Pope
The current Pope?
>a historically significant political adviser
Pic related.
>the pope
It's like I wandered into Protestant land.
They each have some (but not all) qualities of a BBEG. They're not really evil (except the adviser), but some people consider them evil and they are the tops of hierarchies.
> Elon Musk
He's a BB-CN-G at worst
> The Pope
Besides being Argentinian he's pretty alright.
> Vince McMahon
I mean, being the BBEG was basically his wrestling shtick, so you're not wrong, but I'm not sure if he counts as a 'real life' villain.
Muhammad never went to Europe, user. Go to Veeky Forums and try peddling any of that information and see how they take it over there.
Pol Pot.
Charles the bold probably.
Papa Adolf Hitler
All of these.
user, most of the states of the Confederacy seceded before Lincoln had even taken office.
And they fired the first shots of the war.
And why the Hell am I even bothering? I kno you won't listen to reason. Reason is foreign to the Reb.
And what you doing to stop it?
The hero's call?
Fucking Veeky Forums, always contrarian
Shillary, for sure.
The Koch brothers
The ghost of marx.
Sherman did nothing wrong.
le tramp
>this is what /pol/ actually believes
that shit truly is pure evil.
The US regime.
In terms of my personal campaign? Myself
I needed a laugh, thanks.
Hilary Clinton :^)
Full agreement, but could you cut out that /pol/-tier smiley bullshit?
You don't need to include the ":^)" everyone knows Hillary is pretty much the definition of Lawful Evil.
well memed. Make America great again (because now it's clearly shit)
I will show you true power.
She's just the midboss. Soros is the real BBEG of the setting.
This. Jew-Lich is the BBEG of real life.
>The exiled son of chief who united his people and fought a war against the corrupt empire who was keeping the tribes divided and easy to manage
Khan was a dark and edgy protagonist not a bbeg.
The Jews, obviously.
The fuck is he anyway?
In Finland we have this asshole.
and I'm pretty sure that he's a lizardperson.
But you see
He's basically Hitler.
Really charismatic but has no fucking idea what he's doing and hates minorities.
This asshole
Wow, I was somewhat for the demonstrations, and even I'm saying that's sketchy as hell.
In his own memoir he admits(as a German Jew) to helping Nazis round up Jewish families and helping himself to their riches. Claims it was one of the happiest times of his life
Maybe Hitler wasn't that bad after all.
Thanks a lot asshole you brought /pol/ in here
His "right-protecting" fund organised a fuckload of revolutions and ruined a great amount of lives. See Colour Revolution
at least they don't go to "ethnic threads" with their helldamned we wuz-ing
I don't understand the humor behind why the characters in the page of The Punisher comic in OP's post have had their faces replaced and several of their words replaced with "Frank."
What is the origin of this joke
And Ubisoft
Putting Tom Clancy's name in The Division was the last straw
Which is a shame, because Silent Hunter and Assassin's Creed had amazing themes
If I wanted to go to pol I'd open my other tab
/pol/ is like Nugle-worhipping tyranids: they infect everything, ruin whatever they touch and very hard to get rid of
It's always been shit, user.
This guy is one spin away from being Palpatine.
Implyin' it's bad?
The least people could do is NOT bring current politics up.
God dam, they even sell out their own kind? No fucking loyalty what so ever.
Of course. The only God they worship is the almighty sheckel
>Assassin's creed
>implying all the games since 4 haven't been Ubi beating a dead horse
To be fair, this is a gross oversimplification. He was 14 at the time, and was masquerading as the son of a Christian man whose job it was to confiscate any valuables from those being sent to concentration camps. He helped out, and saw nothing wrong with it, since he was 14 at the time and figured if not him (a fellow Jew), then the Nazis.
He also warned those being summoned to concentration camps that they would be taken beforehand, so that they might have a chance to hide themselves or escape.
I don't feel that politicians are "Villains" like you see in fantasy and other fiction. To be a proper BBEG you have to be taking some amount of personal action, like, it's you yourself burning down that orphanage. Having reprehensible opinions and the power/money to enforce them is evil and all, but it's not the same as being Sauron or The Penguin.
Upper-tier mafiosos and Hell's Angels types and the like would probably qualify because they actually do their own gangster shit at times.
>>implying all the games since 2 haven't been Ubi beating a dead horse
Yes he did.
He left survivors.
Do nations count? America.
I'm voting for her and I still know she's at the very best Lawful Neutral.
>the man that helped liberate Veeky Forums from quest threads
Real-life psychopaths can do some twisted shit.
You can argue about whether they're truly evil, but there is a tendency for them to become criminals and/or powerful businessmen.
Clearly a questfag mad that he is no longer free to shit up a good christian God-fearing board.
/qst/ is a tail board that no QM is under any obligation to use, quest had barely any presence here at the time of it's creation no one has been liberated from anything.
Oh fuck him. I could say that I support partially his party, but fuck him sideways
Soros. Also, jews in general.
>Muhammad fucked a 9 yr old
I knew he married a young girl but it was my understanding that in that culture you could marry a young girl for political reasons and then wait to fuck her until she grew up a bit (of course for them, that meant when she was like 12 or 13 and started growing pubes)
Globalized colonial consumer capital market expansion.
Failing that, the massive fungus living under Oregon or maybe garbage gyres.
>spewing bullshit
Mohammed probably wasn't someone who would get along well in today's version of western civilization or whatever the Veeky Forums demographic is, but neither would anyone else from that time period. It's one thing to dislike (whatever you dislike) because of political, ethical, religious, or moral reasons, but if you're going to object to it, at least do your research
He was a genocidal lunatic. There's no time in history that this guy wouldn't be considered bad.
Not sure what Veeky Forums you were visiting cause despite it existing I still have to put the quest filter up to make like 8 threads go away.
He waited, alright. He waited until she was 9. He married her when she was 7, I think.