Work this into your current campaign. Post results

Work this into your current campaign. Post results.

You know what, fine.

* bump

quite frankly i might write up a campaign just for this

feathered dinosaurs are gay


Do I add it to my lewd campaign, or the one based on Dungeon Keeper?



Works perfectly fine as a random encounter on so many worlds. Players would even bat an eye.

Right. Giant bird-girls trying to eat the party then. If they take fire damage the feathers come off and reveal them to be dinosaur girls.

> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little mammalian bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of the Saurischian Order, and I’ve been involved in numerous documentaries on Discovery Channel, where highly educated scientists were paid to jerk off to how badass I was for 40 minutes. I am trained in slaughter and I’m the top murderer in the entirety of prehistoric US history. You are nothing to me but just another snack. I will wipe you the fuck out with savagery the likes of which has never been seen again on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am tracking your IP right now with my superior sense of smell, so you better prepare for the storm, ape. The meteor that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your age. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my jaws alone. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to millions of years worth of adapted hunting skills, and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re an outhouse sandwich, you goddamn idiot. I will shit primal fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking extinct, kiddo.

Deliver user. Deliver.

They're not one and the same?

I mean, have you SEEN the dark mistress?

5/7, would read again

>you will never be murdered by a 30ft sparrow

feathered dinosaurs aren't gay

feathered dinosaurs that look like sparrows are gay

T-Rexes probably lost most of their feathers as they left adolescence. At least some of them did. Some of them may have kept a bit of a feathered coat, but whether it was because of climate changes or regional differences we'll probably never know.

>Life Mages

Oh, bloody hell. I can hear our Ranger now.

Fucker - as in, the actual fucker, not his PC - is six-five, shaved head, comes from Dublin and has an accent thick enough to cut with a knife. How the fuck he got into tabletop gaming, let alone our table, I'll never know.

Knowing him, he'll take one look at the picture, take a drag of that fucking horrible cigarette of his, and say something like, "'At's fickin' a-darr'buhll, 'atiss. Amma catchitt."

Which means we're probably up for another two fucking sessions of chasing some fucked-off beast across the countryside instead of doing whatever we were actually hired to do in the first place, fuck it, by this point I don't know if I even remember what the original quest is.

Fucking hell, I love my group.


Just as a reminder, but those little arms can lift at least 2 tons.

>unarmed combat


Misquote. Meant to hit the OP

Nemean Canary that's been given Jotunblut.

...Actually I could put that in my current campaign. There are all kinds of mutants and genetical experiments in the wasteland and a blood thirsty fluffy dinosaur would fit right in.

...Except that the campaign is on hiatus/cancelled because most of the players lost interest and now I'm just wondering if I suck as a GM or did I have bad luck and if I should try to get more players to continue the campaign or just give up and cry.


Sure why the fuck not.

On the same Lost World plateau with bullshit movie T-Rex and others.

say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

Based on DK? What system?

You look like a gotdamn ape. Fucking king louie would be mad at you for stealing his look or try and fuck you, thinking you're the last female of his species.


Marie Antoinette?

So fluffy

We kill it with our space ship and assume the aliens we just attacked left it as some sort of revenge.

After all, we did just raid a village of primitive avian psychics for their eggs in order to give them to a pair of vat-grown H.R. Giger clones.

Not the most effective for of revenge we've seen, but at least it's memorable.

You look like a gddamn ape.

>I will wipe you the fuck out with savagery the likes of which has never been seen again on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

Why did you give them clones of Giger?
Two of them?

>Saurischian Order

I don't understand.

That part made sense to me.

Top Kek.

That guy alone is reason enough for me to watch youtube logs of your group.

Bonus points if they don't try to avoid cursing because that would "pass off a bad image".