Just keep the files blue, and it's all cool.
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>PF players
Optimisation in FATAL
>people could see the stars clearly in the past
This is why the world has gotten so depressing.
Light Pollution, as it turns out the ubiquitous electric light has made seeing the stars without mechanical assistance difficult if you're in a major urban area. Should you want to go stargazing plan a camping trip into relatively unspoiled wilderness.
Alternatively you could rename that Average Homebrew, but I think I already have something titled that.
Ah yes, here it is.
>tfw east coast
I need to visit northern Maine sometime.
Man, that's harsh.
But some of the later gen Pokemon do look a bit overdesigned and/or busy.
>the man with no name
you'd just be looking into the past anyway
since it takes even the closest star (aside from the sun) over 4 years to reach earth, many of those stars are probably already gone
Holy fucking shit, and this is the fucking kids show where they're not supposed to have optimized decks. What the actual fuck, ygo? I'm so glad I got out early.
Why the fuck would you post 2 minutes of that shit?
A strong son, salt of the earth.
Good Irish roots.
>stop stop he's already dead.gif
But seriously holy fucking shit his opponent pissed, shit, and pissed himself again watching his combo pull off flawlessly.
God damn...the filename is perfect for it.
I miss dark ritual
google fails me, sauce?
Needs a filename
>"Mom said you have to let me play, too!"
I prefer "Golarion" for a filename for that.
I think it's from Stargate: the Animated Series, or something like that.
>still 92%
Hurry up already.
>somebody suggests playing a steampunk rpg
Gonna be honest, this shit's pretty damn cool.
>when is my turn.webm
>no seriously.webm
Please tell me that kid is the fucking villain. Holy shit I hope he is. It isn't even fair, his opponent walked in thinking it was fair and gets kneecapped.
Good lord the yu GI oh writers are appealing to the powergamers now.
May as well rename the show to, "I beat you in 2 turns, better present that ass so I can rape it"
Almost forgot>wake me up inside.gif
>can't wake up it isn't my turn yet.gif
>the ride never ends.gif
>what it's like playing against a summoning psyker list.webm
>typical jace mindsculpting stuff.gif
>mercy is for the weak.webm
>typical BMing player.webm
>hearthstone in a nutshell.avi
Good lord Almighty
I fucking love this.
Untrained disguise check.
Honestly, what is this from? It's amazing.
The "Turn down for what" music video. It has been watched by 463 million people and none of them told you about it.
Turn Down For What
Much thanks, I'll crawl out from under my rock now.
Just for you bby.
music video of 'Turn down for What'
Gimmicky bullshit where his monster gets the combined atk of all the monsters his opponents combo'd out.
It's significantly less impressive that he's essentially just beating up children in a children's card game.
wow, why even?
ygo needs to stop
Well that happened.
>PC plans go about as well as you expected
>prepare for unforeseen consequences
>expecting a hardcore ass-whooping
>he draws the card so powerfully, so profoundly filled will the belief in the heart of the cards that it deals a combined 12k damage just from being drawn.
>his opponents thought they won and he drew a single card
>the shockwave/sonicboom from drawing the card destroyed the enemies will to fight.
>when the GM has had enough.webm
>believe in the heart of the cards.webm
>surprise motherfucker.webm
This motherfucker gave zero fucks the entire match just so he could mindfuck them with his super-draw.
Those fucking kids got fucked harder than a mill deck fighting against goblins.
They got killed so fast I bet his yu GI oh ancestors are disowning him from their thrones.
the real card (not anime) is pretty shitty in comparison
i don't really play though, so maybe it still has use in the meta
I remember when yugioh was simple.
It was more the show I was talking about anyways, I remember it being bad when I watched it as a kid but it somehow has actually gotten worse.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Okay, how the FUCK did him drawing a card defeat them?
Like holy shit.
Also the explosion was out of fucking now where, but I'm blaming duel disks being stupid again.
It will not stop, user.
It has to BE stopped.
oh god that webm looks terrible
it's not uncommon in current game yugioh for one guy to draw around 20 cards in the first turn and win if he has even a moderately specced deck.
This is why I don't like ygo. The whole turn one win if you're specced to hell.
And the worst part is, is the power creep.
We'll never have some dinosaur on this show playing the game without the fancy stuff using old cards and just WRECKING ASSHOLES.
Most of the stars in the night sky are within 100 million lightyears and 100 million years is not a long time to the average life of a star.
Well... you can always just play Exodia and get a turn 0 win. Never happens... but you can always hope.
We posting yugi webms?
my bad
>Let me tip that fedora for you
>duel disks are now literally lightsabers
Why don't they just use formats?
Goddamn it so do I.
Black was fucking fun.
Imagine if Magic had a TTRPG, imagine being a Black caster. God damn it would feel good.
Goddamn it, why can't I find this in English?
Yeah basically. Still it feels good to go second with an exodia combo deck and just flip over your entire deck.
"hmm yes I see, you syncro summon this that special summons that and so forth. Well, all I can say is EXODIA OBLITERATE!!!!"
[Yuuki Ray] Love Tsun Letter | Love/Hate Letter (COMIC Masyo 2014-11) [English] =LWB=
I knew that episode of Text to Speech was a parody of this show, but I had no idea it was so accurate.