Gnome warriors edition

Gnome warriors edition

Discuss the viability of the Warcraft universe as a tabletop RPG setting. Have fun, don't go full autist, and keep your cool. Keep your asspain to yourself. This is not /v/ or Veeky Forums.

Old Expansion

This is the superior thread, it has Anzka gnomes

I'll concede defeat then.

>not pink hair

why even bother?


Because Pink Hair and Pigtails are overused?

>want to be a Quilboar
>can't really justify it not being angry and xenophobic

do quilboar or tauren taste better?

Quillboars are also dumb as rocks and worship giant bats.

>two L's

Why do people do this? It's just one L in their name.

holy shit do are you the quilboar defense force or something? calm down

>Why do people do this?

Cause it's a made-up fantasy monster with a weird name?

>____ __ _ ______ (____)

You should be able to solve this, Veeky Forums.

this is a gnome (cute)

dragons should always be asexual anyway so i dont care

Chromie is best dragon, I always love the quests she shows up in.


I really want to kiss the gnome with green eyes.

breeding program between men and vyrkul to make men great again. yes or no?

What the fuck kind of club-axe is that?


Blizzard already told you guys to fuck off years ago. Chromie's female with a male name.

Wait that's confirmed? I thought Blizz themselves honestly intended Chromie as not really female.

oops vrykul

Does it really matter? She's a qt no matter what.

On a different matter, what exactly changed for the Night Elves after Teldrassil got blessed by the Red and Green Dragons again?

They got to attend thrall's wedding

as long as it is the vrykul women being bred

The WoW Magazine, Volume 2. Really sucks they didn't continue it longer than a few volumes.

of course user. in reality im pretty sure human women would all die in child birth anyway

Damn shotgun weddings.

Pretty sure most Vyrkul women would rip your head off for even suggesting they give birth to a weak human child.

vyrkul are stupid and after i bitchslap some vrykul men around in front of her with my big swinging murderhobo powers she will see im the alpha male

>Human eugenics program with Vrykul
>Several generations later humans have become near Vrykul sized
>Forced to go to the one race that understands their size problems for help rebuilding their cities.
>pic related happens


I was looking forward to the Titan comic it had.

>no story in which a vrykul woman is spared by a hotheaded warrior because he doesn't like killing women.
>she begins to accompany him because he is strong enough for her.
>/ss/ happens and they live happily ever after in northrend amidst the pine trees.

>i-its not like want to spend time with you or anything...b-baka!


>another human race in the Alliance

humans are the master race and the only legitimate race to play as

sometimes dwarves are acceptable

youre not a faggot or a furry are you user?

Trolls solved their height problem by evolving a species wide case of scoliosis.

>Being this wrong
>Not realizing pandaren are best race

Fuck off, outsider. We're full.


>outsiders enter his monastery and beat him half to death


Don't worry, they're getting better skin soon.
All the better to snu-snu with.

just imagine the porn

is there any porn of vrykuls?

Oh hey, it's azeroth, n'zoth and rage land is eastern kingdoms, yogg-saron is northrend, c'thun is in tanaris or whatever that other desert zone is called.

>the Kosak-fueled offspring of Spec Ops: The Line and Naruto
fuck off

Man C'thun sure went on a diet

You do realize that humans are vrykul runts? Their King said to kill all the little ones, but vrykul mommies sent them away instead. Vrykul are humans as they are meant to be.

Go home /v/
There has been nothing Veeky Forums related in this thread.


Trolls are dumb as rocks and worship a giant snake.

Only a little, and most of it is males-on-player races. Val'kyr took the spotlight off them, and their heavily clothed models made it hard for animators to do more than blowjobs.

Let's be fair, it's a pretty damn big snake

Big Boss?

what a shame.
any val'kyr porn?

Seem more like "gnome miltia". The ideal gnome soldier is armed with a gun to offset their lack of muscle, resorting to melee only if they're augumented by steam armor or being a death knight or something.

they are wearing power armor m8

A gnome soldier should be an automaton.

That doesn't look like a powered armour m8

Anzka Gnomes are indeed the best Gnomes.

just check the boorus, fagm8

>Vrykul are humans as they are meant to be.

Vrykul are fleshy shits, they ain't supposed to be anything except an Old God plan to sabotage the Titans. Humans are the ultimate backfire that ends up wrecking the Old Gods.

How many threads do you really need about this? Isn't this like the 24th one?

So someone explain to me what Putress' master plan was. He develops the Blight, ambushes everyone at the Wrathgate, ganks a few Horde and Alliance troops that were likely gonna get murdered anyway, gives the Lich King a throaty cough that inconveniences him but obviously doesn't kill him, and then... what? He calls it mission complete and fucks off back to the Undercity? Why? How? Did he just get bored? Did he remember he had some abomination guts fermenting back home? If he wanted to stick it to the Lich King then there was clearly more work for him to do in Northrend, but if his end goal was to help Varimathras summon the Legion, why'd he tip everyone off by staging the ambush?

His blight was supposed to be perfected so it's not unreasonable to assume he thought the Lich King would be dead and that he could hold the Undercity.

>spend all those years developing a blight to kill everything
>lich king politely coughs and walks away

What is the best way to include the Gnomish Shrink Ray in a game?

Usable on animals only?

Only shows up during a lulz session, such as when most players aren't available?

Simple Agamaggan is back and that's made a bunch of the Quilboar chill out.
They just bred the bats because apparently bat guano has dire-boar growth/rage effects.

Its like an electric arc. You can program it for a creature size, and shoot it, but cant always guarantee it arcs to your target. Something bigger or closer can be hit, and it can have funny or terrifying results. A tiny arm on an ogre, shrank just his nipple, maybe you just shrank his heart and he died.

To be fair, nobody elses plagues touched him. Putress had something that affected multiple species of the living, the undead, and a mythic dead guy with magic shoved into all of him. A guy thats pretty resistant to plagues, using them himself and all

Honestly the Lich King was about to wreck those armies anyway. Saurfang and Bolvar didn't stand a chance.

/V/ needs it's permanent foothold in Veeky Forums.
If these anons had to actually go to /v/ to discuss vidya lore, why, that would just be so unfair.

Not the first time the shitmonger have colonized here, won't be the last.

Veeky Forums has tolerated vidya before, so long as the conversation isn't completely cancerous (which, admittedly, the first half of this one thread isn't the best example of). I remember when The Secret World generals were a thing here, I kinda miss those, there were some neat lore discussions.

And in any case, Warcraft has had an RPG, a TCG and two board games, the franchise is Veeky Forums.

That battle really was sloppy. They didn't even have a way to breach the gate, Bolvar could only talk shit and pray Arthas was nice enough to come out. The reds didn't take long to arrive though, so maybe the plan was to have Alexstrasza and pals nuke him while he was distracted with the army?

>Elite warriors that are so shit at their job that the orders HQ gets taken over by Sha the moment they make a fuckup

you're full of faggots

I'm guessing some of that was a snowball effect. The Shado-pan never had to deal with everything fucking up on such a massive scale at the same time before, and that stress made them more emotional than they would usually be. Doesn't help that the Celestials got hit bad and were largely unable to steady them.

'Course, for all that people bitch about Taran Zhu, most of them seem to have missed that most of his character arc in Mists is about him learning that he has to stop being an asshole to all the foreigners. He's supposed to come off as a bit of a dick, even if he also has a point.

The foreigners bring nothing bullshit tho, pandas had every reason to go full reeeeeeeeeeeeee mode.

This. Nazgrim and Co. show up on Pandaland's shores and immediately start a bunch of bullshit. Zhu tells them he wants no part of their race war, and Nazgrim's response is to call him a faggot who doesn't have enough lok'tar ogar.

Alliance is a little more gracious about it but he still has no reason to trust them when he shows up.

Also chock full of the creepy sub sect of furfags. Them and female worgen.

That's adorable, also, I'm getting a distinct "MAGGOTS!" vibe from this.

How does Anzka always make the best gnomes?

Why no subject?

>A druid should have better control of his own mind, don't you think?

That's nice coming from the mind twisting servant of the Gods of madness, but I guess that's the point. A competent Shadow Priest needs to have a lot of control over their own mind to wield the forces they do.

An excellent grasp of expressions, and a good selection of topics to homage, like the TF2 spldier and Death of the Endless.

>Vanilla WoW
>Ironforge the central might of the Alliance Military

>WoW now
>Huur Duur Stormwind stronk

I miss this the most. Ironforge had a fucking battle bunker with tanks and planes. If they commited their full might the Dwarves could probably wipe out everything on the eastern kingdoms.

Except, their enemies to the north have better magic and biological wmds.

Stormwind has to be the best at everything because it's hard for people to associate with the other Alliance races since we're all humans irl :^)

>You receive loot: [Fatty Bearsteak]

I'm totally naming my next barbarian that

Oh yeah that's real nice... oh wait

>Literally shelled to death from miles away or bombed from the sky.

Ironforge literally fights using WW2 tactics when everyone else is fighting in a swords and sorcery setting.

That's before considering the Gnomregarn brigade, then you're having fucking mech suits.

>I miss this the most. Ironforge had a fucking battle bunker with tanks and planes.

I haven't played in 8 years, but I remember a gnomish airstrip north of Ironforge that the Griffon path passed over. People spent hours trying to find a way up there.

Was anything ever done with it?

gnomes/goblins/trolls with nonstandard finger numbers are the worst.

Used in questing now, Dark irons try and take it.

The actual effectiveness of their tactics are somewhat mitigated, mind you.

What with things like the player character stopping the entire Gnomish fleet with a single AA cannon in Stonetalon.

While I agree the power dynamic back then was really cool, there is a reason why it changed.

Stormwind was always kind of a nobody in Alliance politics, considering it was fuck all on the other side of the continent from the rest of them. Then it got sacked. Then the rest of the Alliance got Scourged/Worgened/Legioned/Ogred. Then they found themselves the last real human kingdom left and suddenly their king got shanghaied and disappeared. They had to rely on Ironforge as the real power force.

Once Varien came back, he saw this mess and kicked Stormwind into overdrive. The current state of Stormwind is a logical evolution.


>Wrathion: Aunt Alexstrasza, I--
>Alex: Shh. My dear nephew, it's alright.
>Wrathion: But I'm not upse--
>Alex: I'm here. Shh.
>Wrathion: ...

>Anduin: ... (I think Prestor gave me a dragon fetish.)

so i'm sure you guys get this question a lot, but is there an actual recommended system for a warcraft campaign? i want to run one

ideally you want to start humble and then gradually make the players demigods since that's what warcraft's all about

also feel free to share any plot hooks your dms have thrown at you because i want to make this fun for my players. they've been asking for it for a long time but i'm so bad at running anything that isn't d&d

>gradually make the players demigods since that's what warcraft's all about
that stuff ruined the game

>is there an actual recommended system for a warcraft campaign?


you talking about wow? 'cause im not about to argue about wow or whatever, just want some system recommendations

D&D 4E