>can't consistently kill before turn 4
Why does wizards do this? I'm not calling for a ban or anything, but infect can sure as fuck pull off turn 3 wins easily. I don't get why wizards had to go and ban Amulet Bloom and Twin and let infect be a thing, it really makes no sense to me. I only mention this, because I was played ting against it last night, and if you're not running a decent amount of interaction, you pretty much lose to infect.
MTG Modern General
because any real interaction shuts it right down.
> i don't like noninteractive explosive decks
>but i don't like to play interactive spells
Because the only way Infect wins turn three is if your opponent can't interact with the board in any way. Any creature deck wins quick under those circumstances.
I got so tired of encountering infect in my local meta that i mainboard spellskites in every modern deck i play except Living end (for obvious reasons).
Spellskite so gooood
R8 my junk sideboard please
2 leyline of Void
2 leyline of Sanctity
1 Languish [2 in main]
3 stony silence
3 natures claim
1 fulminator mage
1 Thragtusk
1 Thoughtseize [1 main plus 4 inquisition]
1 Dismember [4 AD and 4 Path main and 2 Gatekeeper of Malakir]
Because so can affinity and a ton of others decks fgt
7/10 what is your meta like
TronGifts Trongifts gifts affinity affinity lantern infect jund burn burn 8rack WW RGTron as i recall
How has languish been treating you? Is it a viable replacement to Damnation?
I don't get it.
Why these shitty wincons? Its not like its a budget deck or anything.
Been testing Hoogland's Kiki-Chord the past few days.
It's extremely fun but you have to know all decks semi well.
That's a lot of tron. Seems like you should play infect.
Only because Meme Rhino and Oblit survive it and i can path the bigger stuff
Hilarious to path an iona on black.
They board her out everytime i do it
But do i want to buy 3 noble heirarch?
Thats all Im missing
>Iona players this bad.
I play gifts, and man do I have to tell you, Junk players look so confused when I name white.
>"buuhhh, my Damnation... "
Yes, the one of in your list, I'm so scared.
Do it. It's great for those days when you want to play magic but are feeling tired and don't want to think. And you can always use the old women for something else.
Another "not my night" yesterday.
Notable fuckups:
>Board: 3 Nacatls, Hand: Supreme Verdict
>short of a second W
>EoT Gifts - start to build my pile
>suddenly realize I didn't want a Thopter pile but a pile for a white source
>lose because I don't draw into a second W
Second fuckup
>mull to 6
>keep Engineered on top
>opponent starts off with GG (has another two in hand as it turns out)
>I fetch EoT
I just can't keep focus high after a day of work - just sucks
And to give you something to actually reply to:
Meta is: Infect, Kiki Chord, Abzan Company, Blue Moon, UW Thopter Gifts, RG Burn, Naya Aggro, Jund
What could I play that fucks this meta the most? Somehow I don't see a blind spot.
I can second this. Infect are some of the easiest wins you can get, plus it's kind of fun watching people get salty.
Turbo Tutelage
>I don't know what liliana of the veil is
I am going to third this infect is super fun and easy to get a decent grip over
I'm fine with them naming white, I can turn sideways with Obliterator on Vault of Archangel shenanigans, or run a black edict. But yes, my meta is not top tier
ehhhh maybe
I'm about to start a full time job that pays $19/hour, so I guess I can throw money into more decks. Gotta prioritize my purchases though, because I still haven't gotten Lili's.
>I don't know what maelstrom pulse is
Are you retarded? It costs nothing, so you can counter it for just UU with shoal for x=0. I've had a judge called on it several times in tournaments. It works.
>"Hurr durr, it's two things, not one!"
Autism speaks.
>I'm not used to my opponent having any creatures at all, because my opponents are niggers.
>Gifts players
>having a second creature besides Iona
is the 5th T1 dork really needed? I cant afford a Hierarch atm. Also, do you agree with cutting Coursers?
>What is Bird, what is Finks, what is Rhino, what is Caryitad, what is Thraggy
What kind of gifts players do you play against? They must be fucking retards.
Tron Gifts and Thopter Gifts and bastard abominations between the two, and some gifts jammed into MonoU Mindslaver tron
Also, I've usually killed a creature on turn 2, 3, or 4, before the gifts
The point is mostly Caryitad, Thraggy, and Finks.
Unless you path Finks, it comes back.
Unless you edict Caryitad, you can't touch it.
Unless you double kill Thraggy, it comes back.
So, you realize they try to get the Iona lockdown on turn 5, right? That's the first thing they do, and they only have the one Iona
>you saying all these things
My friend, I play gifts, I know how it works. If I Iona lock, it's turn 4 generally (because bird and Caryitad)
But even so, I'm not gonna lock against Junk, I use the Thopter combo.
No it's not needed, but may be worth continued testing.
Cutting the Coursers for an Aven Mindcensor and a Sin Collector greatly increases the odds of winning game 1 against spell based combo decks like Scapeshift.
>No Snapcasters
>No Consecrated Sphinx
Like, why?
if I'm really autistic, what do I cut to make it 60 MB. I'm thinking a Wall of Omens?
Also, can i see a sideboard?
Ive been playing Kiki-chord for about 3 months now and I want to take it to GPLA next month.
tweaked my green from last thread, ditched the ramp stuff
>Are you retarded?
Are you? The person you responded to was just clarifying that Ancestral Vision does not have a mana cost of 0, but instead has no mana cost at all.
have you consider Beast Within as removal?
i've seen a similar deck
maybe you'll find something useful
Giving your opponent a creature capable of blocking half your guys and trading with the rest is a great way of pushing damage through.
Explore and lead by example suck the dick here get aspect of hydra for them sick beats
someone make modern zombies a thing
ditch the groundbreaker for leatherback baloths. commune with nature is unnecessary because you are an aggro deck. same with elvish visionary and explore, you dont need ramp because your curve is very low. lead by example is not good. add more vines and some removal, like dismember or prey upon. consider some scavenging oozes for value and synergy with your avatars.
so pretty much listen to this user and go this route this is a proven to work deck
I play a lot of mono u tron. I'm thinking about building gifts tron I know it is more expensive, but how does it play compared to mono u?
>Zombie hunt
what is dismember and how does it work
>as an additonal cost to X pay four life and >discard a card.
>Destroy target permanent.
This is what you're describing, would you play that? I wouldn't
booohooo top notch 1 mana creature removal comes at a certain cost WAAAAAAAAAAH
you are beating your opponent to dust asap, guess what your own life total does not matter as much as board state does!! welcome to mtg strategy
> I wouldn't
and that is why you are a complete pleb
What are you talking about? I don't see how the conversation flows from the two posts you linked to your post.
Ditch the explore, you aint got time for that. I'd say the same for elvish mystic. Drawing action is better than drawing commune, but if you feel like you need it to smooth your deck out a little, that's fine. Groundbreaker is questionable, but if you think the threat density of your deck is high enough to tax their removal and therefore allow your GB to sneak in there then do whatever you want with them. As someone else on this thread have already suggested, leatherback baloth is probably the better card. I also question the inclusion of Lead by Example
What deck to buy into? i've played a couple of burn itterations, infect, and Blue Moon that my friend owns, they're all pretty cool.
Any cool budget brews anyones' fucked around with recently?
Hows CoCo in Stompy? Too slow?
What's your budget?
I'm about to build something like this tappedout.net
I came across the master of crueties and break the line combo while building Alesha who smiles at death. Figured I could see if anyone made a deck for it and found this
eh maybe 5-600? just kinda lookin to a sort of "starter" modern thing. Really like naya burn though. I know basically anything "good" is in the 1k range and i dont feel like just blowing 1k on something right off the rip.
That looks quite interesting, thanks for the link.
It's just crazy enough to work, or get shat on by actually good decks
Yeah go naya burn or kikichord if you want something a little dirtier
you have options at that price breh. Kiki-chord, naya burn, infect, tron gifts, living end, dredgevine, death and taxes. Looks up any of the names that get your attention.
if you're into combo theres storm and ad naseum
If you feel like slow is the way to go to you can run lantern control or turbo-fog
i dont think lantern is in his range.
Can I recomendamos my bug tezzerator list?
Land (23)
1x Academy Ruins
1x Breeding Pool
3x Darkslick Shores
2x Darksteel Citadel
2x Island
2x Misty Rainforest
4x Polluted Delta
2x Sunken Ruins
1x Swamp
1x Verdant Catacombs
4x Watery Grave
Instant (16)
3x Abrupt Decay
3x Dismember
4x Mana Leak
2x Remand
4x Thirst for Knowledge
Planeswalker (4)
4x Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
Artifact (12)
1x Batterskull
4x Chalice of the Void
3x Sword of the Meek
4x Thopter Foundry
Sorcery (2)
2x Damnation
Creature (3)
3x Spellskite
I post this every modern thread, and never get any replies, but desu it's a really fun deck. Between the 3 skites and 4 chalice main boards my aggro match up is pretty sweet. On top of that, the thopter sword combo is great against aggro. All in all I just have such good match ups against my field, as I'm running all this main deck aggro hate, it's pretty rad. Then my midrange and control matchup is prettyy great, as my deck is just so good at finding the combo, and the combo is just so hard for them to beat. Loving this deck desu, give it a shot.
pls dont buy listen to this man
Allow me to introduce you to UW Gifts Tron, the spiciest deck in modern. We've got it all
>Gifts Ungiven
Any card you want, when you want it, and where you want it. This card puts your opponent in the hot seat and lets you control your hand and graveyard.
You know you want to crack this bad boy. It's one of those cards that's just so crazy it works, and you can even win by taking all of your opponents turns and decking them.
>Iona, Shield of Emeria
Nine mana? In my format? It's more likely than you think. Think of the salt you'll sow naming red against burn or green against elves. Comes with a bonus giant flying beat stick.
>Elesh Norn
Got $500? Then you can get the prettiest judge promo ever printed /and/ play it in modern. A house against creature decks, especially ones that go wide.
15 mana, win the game. Spicy tech with Gifts since it can get you all your spent cards back or go into your hand for the fabled inevitability. Works in the main or side.
>Thopter combo
Tron manabase pushes this combo to the extreme. If you though rev for 15 was a hot meme wait until you fire off this piece of shit.
>Crucible of Worlds
Smells like EDH in here. This card borders on abuse with your draw spells and gifts
Plus you get access to blue's counter suite and white's removal suite, as well as value trains like Rev for 15.
Why play 4 mana leaks when you can just play 4 rune snags?
Black/White tokens and Soul Sisters are both budget tier 1.5 decks. They hate on specific strategies, and get beaten by others.
The problem with both is that they don't really have cards that will Transfer to other decks if you move away from them, aside from Path to Exile and Inqusition of Kozilek/Thoughtseize.
Soul Sisters is my favorite deck, and only costs about 300 for a completely optimized list, and about 100 of that comes from 3 Archangel of Thunes. People say gaining life doesn't win games. Prove them wrong.
Because graveyard hate gets brought in against my deck, also its normally just not as good.
>tier 1.5
Nah bruh
Truth be told, I just really fucking love cracking fetchlands.
Pic isn't even its final form.
Wouldn't copperline gorge or better yet Grove of the Burnwillows not be superior to Fire-lit Thicket? In my own testing and just watching Hoogland streams thicket bites you in the ass way more than it ever helps.
Also what should I replace horizon canopy with until I get one? I've tried a bunch of different things and nothing feels quite right.
Got a list?
Idk, it depends on some stuff, what's your list? I run 2 PnK and Kiki, and it really helps me cast that shot cause its really like my only read source outside 2 shocks and birds.
The only differences between mine and Hooglands last list is i run a maindeck courser instead of mindcensor, I run one huntmaster in place of one of the PnKs, I run a copperline gorge instead of a Thicket(should hopefully be a Burnwillows by tomorrow) and I keep trying to find something to sub for the horizon canopy until i can get one(right now I am trying a mana confluence and it has been functional).
This deck looks sweet, but god damn G2 must be awful.
Soul Sisters is tier 1.5 easily. It beats up on creature decks and burn, but it loses to combo decks, tron and infect. That's what I consider a 1.5 deck, but your opinion can vary. It plays fair against a lot of decks, but gets reamed by others. It's a great deck when you expect a lot of aggro on the field.
No, tier means what share of the meta a deck makes up, if you're saying soul sisters is in between tiers 1 and 2 that's just wrong.
Well there used to be a time where sticking Blood Moon did hilarious things to people.
But then they unbanned Sword. To be honest I haven't played Boros much at all between lolELDRAZI and now ThopterSword being legal. And when I did it used to eat shit to Splinter Twin because in practice keeping up removal to intercept the combo is harder than it looks.
Fucking Deceiver Exarch and its 4 toughness.
R8 my cockatrice account
Alright Veeky Forums tonight I play an iteration of mono U tron AKA most fun tron. Mainboarding 2 chalice of the voids to make aggro feel silly. Will reportt back in a few hours.
I like decks that don't auto lose to multiple copies of Electrolyze or Pyroclasm.
ALRIGHT I'M FUCKING TIRED OF LOSING TO SNEAK AND SHOW. I play loam Pox and I always lose to this guy at fnm ;-;. Give me sideboard plox.
I've been thinking about building elves as my next modern deck. Not sure if I would want to go G/W or G/B. Anyone got a list they use?
Good thing no one plays multiple copies of Electrolyze or Pyroclasm anymore.
Elves fucking sucks mate, use your money for something else.
Then what would you suggest that has a similar feel to it?
Also does anyone run UB Tezz in their affinity deck? Been thinking about trying it, but it just seems like it would be a bit clunky.
Get your index and middle finger and put them in your ass and curl them up to find the prostate, this feels exactly like playing elves
Then take out your shit smeared fingers and put them in your mouth, this is what modern feels like
Tezz is really not what you want to be doing in affinity. It's bad enough getting to 4 mana. Win more as fuck
That really wasn't funny desu m8
Modern isnt funny, its a serious fucking "competitive" format play one of the top 3 netdecks or fuck off back to the casual thread this is for serious discussion on t1 decks that only pros are playing
Green White is alright for sideboard. Mirror Entity is shit don't bother. Go with Craterhoof.
I'm trying Black Green but so far it's pretty much the same but less ramp and more crippled by boardwipes.
Elves are dank as fuck you degenerate. I bet you play Merfolk
I lol'd
Hmm, I haven't seen any lists running Craterhoof yet. This is why I ask questions before I build.
Merfolk beat elves 100% of the time
>What is BG/x
>What is Night of Soul's Betrayal
>What is Golgari Charm
>What is Zealous Persecution
Enjoy getting hosed G2/G3 by a Scavenging Ooze from a guy who mulled to 4.