Holy shit, this is awesome

Holy shit, this is awesome

Post what result you got and we will try and make a form of setting/premise of it.

My result:

>Species: Yityant

>Home-World: Myotzeon

They may look like cats, but they're actually colonies of super-intelligent fungus. They are carnivorous. They are governed by a gerontocracy.

Not bad.

>Species: Minari

>Home-World: Frubia VIII

>Description: A race of purple-eyed, telepathic humanoids who are governed by a committee of prominent businessmen. For religious reasons, they grind their food into fine a paste. They carry ceremonial pestles and wear hats that can be used as mixing bowls. They eat at least five times a day.

Love this.



A race of cowardly hypochondriacs. They excrete a flammable liquid from their armpits, which they use as a form of currency. They are governed by a number of tribal councils which makes important decisions based on a game of chance.


>Species: Bellogites

>Home-World: Terronda VII

>Description: A race of space-dwelling life-forms who are governed by a network of super-computers. Sex is extremely important in their society, and is used as a form of social ranking. Highly successful individuals who are deemed to contribute more to society are permitted to have multiple spouses, while ordinary citizens are only permitted to have one. Taking more sexual partners than your social rank permits is a criminal offense and is punishable by castration. Having not yet left their own planet, they believe themselves to be the only intelligent life-forms in the universe.

Species: Norgerathi

Home-World: Vulbia

Description: A race of fascist plants with strong bones. They seek to destroy all life in the universe. Sex is extremely important in their society, and is used as a form of social ranking. Highly successful individuals who are deemed to contribute more to society are permitted to have multiple spouses, while ordinary citizens are only permitted to have one. Taking more sexual partners than your social rank permits is a criminal offense and is punishable by castration. Those who are unable to find a sexual partner are given government support, therapy, and disability benefits. Their homeworld is covered by one enormous ocean, which is five miles deep at it's shallowest point. It is unclear whether they evolved on this world or whether they originate on another planet.

>Those who are unable to find a sexual partner are given government support, therapy, and disability benefits.
Just like reality.

Species: Aranob

Home-World: Wixiz V

Description: A race of scavengers. They evolved on the same world as another intelligent race, but they exterminated them all long ago. They bought the technology required for interstellar travel from another species.

Sounds like Norway

>A race of fascist plants with strong bones
I already what.

Witness, the most excitign species in the galaxy!

>Species: Valdorn

>Home-World: Giana 3

>Description: A race of blue hexapods with compound eyes. They consider standing still to be both an art-form and a sport.

Keep Vulbia clean, also where are my wife(s)!

>Species: Zuravites

>Home-World: Madrelia

>Description: A race of sexually aggressive hypochondriacs with trunk-like noses. Alcohol is poisonous to them. They secrete a flammable liquid from glands in their skin, and they regularly set fire to themselves as a way of cleansing their bodies.

Holy fuck imagine an entire species that clean themselves by self combustion

Species: Grossons

Home-World: Folia

Description: A race of humanoid aliens who have large resonating chambers on the front of their heads, through which they speak and retractable claws. They share their homeworld with beings of pure energy, whom they worship as gods.. They grow thick coats of fur during the winter months but shed them in the spring.


Species: Chifkoloth

Home-World: Credacia VI

Description: A race of humanoid aliens with bony heads. They are easily insulted and quick to judge and are obsessed with sports.


I think you mean FRUNGY, the sport of kings.

>Species: Elayiri

>Home-World: Orh'neon

>Description: A race of armoured molluscs who have incredible regenerative abilities. A state lottery reduces population growth by killing those who win. The lottery is entered by drawing free money from a lottery cash machine. The more money they take, the higher the probability that they will be killed.

>Species: Draziri

>Home-World: Blezia

>Description: A race of fearless monotremes with large resonating chambers on the front of their heads, through which they speak.
>They use musical instruments to communicate.
For cultural reasons?

>Species: Nusheites

>Home-World: Gordaneon

>Description: A race of elephant-like creatures who feed on a fungus that grows on their bodies. A social taboo forbids them to speak directly with members of other species. Their home-world is tidally locked, meaning that one side continually faces the sun and one side is perpetually dark.

Imagine how passive aggressive their insults and negotiating could be

I'll take

>Species: Venmilans

>Home-World: Zealae 3

>Description: A race of ancient humanoid aliens who have long, dexterous trunks and three stomachs. Their culture is highly competitive and places a great deal of emphasis on competitive sports and games. Most individuals play some form of sport, whether it is a physical game or an intellectual game. Contact sports are extremely popular, as are games of strategy. They share their homeworld with invisible beings of pure energy, whom they worship as gods. Their culture forbids them to lie, and their gods will often punish them if they do..

I imagine that if an outworlder cheated they would flip their shit.

>refresh three times
>telepaths, telepaths, telepaths...
and then

Species: Bespubites
Home-World: Vendan 3
Description: A race of humanoid aliens who have large resonating chambers on the back of their heads, through which they speak and both male and female genitalia. For some strange reason, they find death to be outrageously funny. Several of their most famous comedians have died on stage.

>Roma IX
>A race of feathered shape-shifters with one eye and long fingers. They believe everything in the universe is literally alive. They also believe that everything in the universe is trying to kill them. This grim outlook on life has led them to become very suspicious but also very resilient. It may also explain why they have no sense of humour. If they get too hot, they have been known to explode.

Here is what I got. Also thank you user for this website. It can help me think of a new species for my galaxy.

>Species: Entirorg

>Home-World: Glaash 3

>Description: A race of small marsupials with long necks. They are an ancient race and have already visited most of the stars in the galaxy.

>Species: Ssaaans

>Home-World: GC-818

>Description: A race of intelligent slugs who evolved on a high-gravity world with large resonating chambers on the back of their heads, through which they speak and long, dexterous trunks. They are most comfortable in temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius and wear ceremonial robes. They are ruled by a creature known as 'The P'gazar', which originated in another dimension.

High grav fire slugs who are ruled by an elder god, speak out of the back of their heads and have torsos. So like a slugtar?

>Species: Toraxians

>Home-World: Rheychania Prime

>Description: An invertebrate species with hydraulic joints. They are incapable of experiencing pain. They long ago abandoned their homeworld following a natural disaster and now live inside several hollowed out asteroids.

That is actually pretty neet. I may use this

Species: Oyorg

Home-World: Ariana 3

Description: A race of optimistic and blue humanoids. Their home-world is tidally locked, meaning that one side continually faces the sun and one side is perpetually dark.

It's Twi'lek. It's fucking Twi'lek.

I'd still do 'em.

That was old canon.

None of the tidal-lock stuff, or cave-dwelling applies to the new canon Twi'leks.


>They seek to destroy all life in the universe. Sex is extremely important in their society,

Seems pretty fuckin counterproductive!

Species: Rhelomites

Home-World: Venania

Description: A race of hairy humanoids with powerful mandibles. Their soldiers ritually burn and mutilate their own flesh to demonstrate their loyalty to their leaders.

Species: Vzeviy

Home-World: Concordia IX

Description: A race of brachiators with high-pitched voices. A social taboo forbids them to speak directly with members of other species. Despite all their scientific and technological accomplishments, they never invented the pocket or the bag; they just had to carry things instead.

Paranoid, loud egg-laying jungle mammals for the win!

>Species: Chopiriri
>Home-World: Suum 5
>Description: A race of superstitious monotremes. They are very outspoken. Their homeworld is a dense jungle planet..

Species: Toraxians

Home-World: Leveer V

Description: A race of small marsupials with large resonating chambers on the front of their heads, through which they speak. They communicate only through body language. They keep humans as slaves. Their homeworld is covered by one enormous ocean, which is five miles deep at it's shallowest point. It is unclear whether they evolved on this world or whether they originate on another planet..

>large resonating chambers on the front of their heads, through which they speak
>They communicate only through body language.

Species: Dushraki

Home-World: Diophantus

Description: A race of arrogant mammals with transparent skulls and scaly skin. Their home-world experiences extremes of temperature due to a highly elliptical orbit. They are currently receiving early television broadcasts from Earth, and they love to watch old American sitcoms. Many of them consider humans to be gods, and Laurel and Hardy are worshipped as deities of misfortune.



Species: Elorden

Home-World: Rohini 3

Description: A race of photosynthetic and philosophical lifeforms. Their culture is highly competitive and places a great deal of emphasis on competitive sports and games. Most individuals play some form of sport, whether it is a physical game or an intellectual game. Contact sports are extremely popular, as are games of strategy. Their national sport, Grazoaral, combines both. It involves two teams fighting for control of three flags in a continually changing maze-like arena.

I kinda like these guys.

Species: Drozonans

Home-World: Madrela

Description: A race of highly evolved humanoid aliens who have precognitive abilities. They believe in an all-knowing creator god called Taman and are obsessed with spreading the word of their religion to members of other alien races.

Rock on, Drozonans.

Species: Globbians

Home-World: Slar'ma

Description: A race of bi-sexual warriors with long fingers and sharp claws. Their artwork and symbolism is similar to that of the ancient Celtic civilizations of Europe.

Species: Araons

Home-World: Liana 5

Description: A race of insectoid warriors. They have very little agriculture and prefer their food to grow wild. They have two mouths; one to eat with and one to drink with.