Didn't Veeky Forums once homebrew a game that was literally about being cute and having tea parties and stuff? Does anyone have records of that? Maybe a 1d4chan link?
Didn't Veeky Forums once homebrew a game that was literally about being cute and having tea parties and stuff...
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You talking about princess pillowfighter?
That's pretty sad.
Better than anti D&D threads and alignment shitposting.
... A-and it's pretty fun...
I think that's the one. Thank you.
How would you have a tea party with RPG rules? You wouldn't want randomness, and you wouldn't need classes, so wouldn't it basically be acting out having a tea party?
It's almost like you didn't bother looking up the game before you posted.
Not that I know of but that's so lame, pathetic and magical realmy that I have no doubt Veeky Forums has done it.
>That's pretty sad.
people have tea party fetishes?
Implying that in order to role play. You need classes, randomizers, levels and other sundry bullshit. That is fundamentally unnecessary to rp. And instead is simply a part of a specific system. There are games that are classless, diceless, and many other thing-less. That still function and people still derive enjoyment from.
I'm not saying you need it, but without them - without any of those things at all - what would be the point? You're just literally having a tea party, but probably without a tea set.
You are role playing. Some people just enjoy acting out a character and getting into their heads. Noodling how they would react/respond in situations and having interesting in-character conversations. Not exactly (though I do have a weakness for it) my cup of tea. But to each their own.
oh, and almost forgot. I'm sure somebody out there is Magical realming it hard and furiously masturbating to the idea as well.
I kinda want to run a game where the PCs are a group of girls navigating the perils of growing up in upper class society now.
>magical realmy
>Magical realming
do people seriously jerk off to tea parties?
Sounds awesome. especially if it's a society tightly wound. With a ton of arbitrary rules and chances to commit faux pas. Like Victorian engalnd-ish or something.
Dude, people jerk off to EVERYTHING!
there is someone who gets off to tea parties. Hell, I get off on big overly complex dresses.
Humans will jerk off to ANYTHING. It's like our super power as a species. Somebody out there will find something stimulating in some form or another. If people can get off on being shat upon. I'm sure there is somebody out there that likes lacy dresses, and tea parties.
>dress isn't past the knees
>bare shoulders
Would not invite this butter face slut to my fancy tea party.
I'm thinking of a system like All Outta Bubblegum. Where you start off composed and proper but build up stress over time the trick is managing when and how you deal with that stress.
Time to re-read Jane Austin.
I could see it happening, as people already jerk off to everything else.
Maybe they like the idea that there might be a ton of sexual tension at the party, and some cute girl is going to press another down against the table and lick cream off her chest. Or maybe they just get really turned on by the idea of people sipping at tea, carefully blowing on it if it's too hot, and then slowly swallowing it down, gratefully holding out their cups for more, chatting amicably with each other even as they swallow down all this bitter liquid.
You could run it in MAID pretty easily.
>Maybe they like the idea that there might be a ton of sexual tension at the party, and some cute girl is going to press another down against the table and lick cream off her chest.
you could use that to justify anything being magical realmy, tho. "hey, is there a game about grocery shopping?" "You just like to imagine hot MILFs scissoring on top of the deli case!"
I'm wondering what makes tea parties specifically magical realm
Demure, loli princesses playing with each other in fancy lace dresses... You are one pizza delivery guy away from a porn,
You have a bunch of people gathered together in a fairly intimate setting. It's a lot more personal than meeting in the grocery store.
There's also probably lingering 'what do girls REALLY do at tea parties' stuff.
I was the fag that wrote the Princess Pillow Fighter pdf. It involved mild idea borrowing, of course. I'll try to address all of the stuff in the thread.
>how is a game where nothing happens and there are no mechanics a game
PPF was based on the idea that the players can't die or kill anything. There can be conflicts, even D&D type ones, but no character can die, and the players aren't good at fighting.
guessed the mechanics pretty accurately. When PCs attempt something hard, they pick an amount of stress or popularity to sacrifice. If they get over the difficulty, they succeed. There were also some base building mwchanics.
I'd post it but I'm at work. If the thread is up when I get home I'll put the pdf up.
"Magical realm" is like "autist" or "cuck". It's a placeholder for when someone is vaguely upset but lacks the ability to articulate.
They still have vague definitions. Seems Magical Realm is becoming "a roleplaying thing that would make me uncomfortable" with the assumption that someone is probably also getting off on it.
There are those regular secret/accidental magical realm threads and those are accepted, but don't fit with the original comic.
>do people seriously jerk off to tea parties?
You mean you don't?
are there rules for cute dresses?
Not really. They're probably assumed. You can create unique equipment, though, so a dress of +1 cute is possible. You could also have a character with starting unique gear of some sort.
There's nothing about it on 1d4chan, but searching for Princess Pillowfighter on 4plebs seems to work.
I'll post the latest pdf in an hour when I get home.
Aaaaand here it is. It's probably due for an update, since I think I compiled some crap to edit before vanishing, but yeah.
>You need classes to role-play
Son, have you ever played a class-less game? Not to mention one without levels?
Or actually role-played in your entire life at least once?
How to know you didn't even bothered to look out the game? Just by reading your post
... but only when you are a kissless virgin
No, seriously guys, this is reaching the level of unintended parody with the instant "MAGIC REALM!" scream. The game is literally about role-playing a tea party and some of you - without even bothering to read it - instantly KNOW for 200% sure it's a magic realm game that only lolis could create and play. Just like one of the guys pointed, apparently if you make a game about grocery and shopping, it will be in fact a magical realm full of MILFs that want to fuck you.
This is kind of pathetic.
Veeky Forums is slowly dying.
People are terrible, even if the concept is not, news at eleven.
Twig - Dame Cicely’s Academy
Classes are for school, user.
From my perspective it's simply depressing. Hence why it gets me agitated more than indifferent.
Guy that has only played D&D assumes things, is dumb, gets mad.