Ops and Tactics Thread!

But, Ops and Tactics Thread!

>What is?

RPG that doesn't have a lot of fluff for you to with it what you will

>Why play?

Kickass Combat system. Kickass Magic/Psionics/invoking-summoning system. Lots of guns. Lots of options.

>Where get?


>Why make?

Because D20 Modern was a shit game written by shit people. And that would not stand.

Picture Related. It's guns and dice.

Feel free to ask me any questions, complaints, or whatever, and I will definitely respond to them ASAP.

Lost it at the last one.

Is it me or does prefered caliber(12 ga) mixed with crafting(chemical and Mech) seem really powerful, as you can make all the neat loads yourself at little cost. That amount of variety basically negates lesser cartridges, does it not?

OP, where are you

Sorry, went to the gun store.

It does not. 12 gauge suffers from loss damage at range. It also has pretty high recoil comparably, the ammo weighs more.

You also can't actually make the "Neat loads" unless your GM lets you.

And 12 gauge, while it is very versatile, usually suffers from very low capacity in firearms.

Where can I find a game or other people who want one?


I don't know, where do you find people to play a game normally?

shame it's 20. Not fond of that whole branch of games. Still, I'll give it a read.

Cool. Tell me what you think.

Wait, how is Ballad nazi propaganda? It seems to suck off not!Americans the most, the Rahoos.

It's a running joke that everything important or innovative in the Ballad universe is German.
Just like in real life.

So, like, what's the draw? I love guns to death, but it's >d20. What is the advantage over Nazi Propaganda and That-Which-Shall-Not-Be-Named? Both have unifed dice systems, and Nazi Propaganda is simple d10 pools, while TWSNBN has rules for fucking everything? Why would you pick this over the others, assuming you don't know any of them?

> I love guns to death, but it's >d20

Ops and tactics uses 3d6 as it's primary dice.

>So, like, what's the draw?
The combat system, which uses time units(Combat Points) for combat.

The magic system, which I basically took from Morrowwind (And a little bit of FMA) and shaped it into a customizeable magic system.

TWSNBN is really generic, and becasue of that, every game feels the same, rules wise.

You use Ops and Tactics if you want a modern RPG or a Semi-Futuristic RPG. Because that's it's wheelhouse and that's what it's good at.

Listening to my playtesters, who have played the non-named system, they prefer it for it's combat system, and the attention to detail on firearms, both crafting, making, and using.

>that image

Why did you think a picture of a Spanish soldier with too much gear that is constantly laughed at by anyone familiar with guns or military matters was a good one to use for when you tried to poke fun at other systems?

Also how is this system. I like to try systems (especially about guns), but what does it do better than, and lets pick two at random here, GURPS or Delta Green?

I didn't make it. I just thought it was funny.

>Also how is this system. I like to try systems (especially about guns), but what does it do better than, and lets pick two at random here, GURPS or Delta Green?

Better is relative. I think it accurately represents all of the possible choices one can put on a selected firearms.

It also has more guns than both of those systems.

And like I said before, I like the "Time unit/Combat Point" combat system, better than the "One attack per turn" bullshit.

I'll do you one better and give you an example

Let's build a Modern Sporting rifle.

One sec to get settled and then I'll start.

For this example I will be using one of the most common Rifles in The US, The AR 15/M16 series.

The M16A3 is pn page 171 of Armory.

It's chambered in 5.56x45(5d4 Ballistic), has upgrades on the Frame, the Barrrel, the Optics and 4 Tactica slots.

Now lets say you want a long distance rifle? Throw a x10 scope on it, a bipod on the tactical, A heavy barrel that's been threaded with a muzzle brake, and bam, there you go.

You want to go Close range? Turn it into a SBR with the SBR upgrade, get a Red-dot, a Vertical forgrip or something crazy like a handgoun mount(That allows you to mount a handgun to your rifle and use it like a Grenade launcher), a taser mount, or whatever crazy shit you want to do with your gun.

Want a different caliber? AR-15s and M16 series rifles can have their Uppers replaced with a host of new uppers with their own calibers, such as 300 blk, 7.62x39, .50 BMG, Or whatever you want.

But if none of that tickles your fancy? Then build your own damn gun. I spent a fuckton of time designing gunsmithing rules for both guns, caseless guns, plasarms, and lasarms.

So that's why you'd pick Oats over GURPS or Delta Green.

>Ops and tactics uses 3d6 as it's primary dice.

Yeah, for tests, but all your other dice are all over the place. Damage dice run the gamut, wealth uses d4s, even scattering is a d12. Also, cannot you not aim without a feat? I'm skimming here. Really, even if this uses 3d6 for tests, it has all the bad genes of d20.

>Also, cannot you not aim without a feat?

Aiming is implied in the regular combat rolls, unless you're talking about spending combat points to gain a bonus to a ranged attack over time, then yes, that requires a feat.

>but all your other dice are all over the place.

Yeah? Was this something people really complained about?

> Damage dice run the gamut
Necessary for the outcomes.

>Really, even if this uses 3d6 for tests, it has all the bad genes of d20.

And what exactly are those bad genes?

The thing about it is the system is fairly heavily mathhacked and counter-balanced against itself. 3d6 spread involved a LOT of numbercrunching on anydice for compatable or near-interesting ones

A good example is critical hits being adjusted to have similiar probabilities.

Additionally, combat within the core is fairly hugely balanced - defensive bonuses from movement, cover, range falloff - all actually really intricate if you dig into it.

Why to play the game?
You can replicate anything from Achilles vs Hector, to halo, and there's a lot of entirely fascinating combinations of things once you dig in.

Hell, there's a classless version now.

But mostly: Original Fallout style action points. You can do anything you want with your turn.

>And what exactly are those bad genes?

For one, like I said, too many fucking dice types. Almost all of the complaints I have with the system are "muh personal preference", so I'll refrain from shitting up the thread with them. I like the guns, obviously, and the customization is nice (except you can only put foregrips and permanent stocks on machine pistols, not normal pistols, don't tell me how to live my life, you ATF shitlord, REEEEEE). I'm looking through the magic now. I just feel like all this effort and love could've gone into a better base system, rather than d20, but again, personal preference, and if that's what you chose, that's your prerogative.

>For one, like I said, too many fucking dice types.

It was either use multiple dice types, or take concessions with the ranges of numbers I was trying to achieve.

And if I was going to take concessions, I'd just use GURPS and be done with it.

>(except you can only put foregrips and permanent stocks on machine pistols, not normal pistols, don't tell me how to live my life, you ATF shitlord, REEEEEE).

Handguns have removable stocks. Putting a permanent stock on a handgun turns it into a rifle. With a really short barrel.

You can put a foregrip on any gun with a tactical rail, including handguns.

>I'm looking through the magic now. I just feel like all this effort and love could've gone into a better base system,

Then feel to take what I wrote and do just that. It's Open source, creative commons. Steal what I wrote and do just that. I encourage you to.

>Putting a permanent stock on a handgun turns it into a rifle. With a really short barrel.

atf pls

>Steal what I wrote and do just that. I encourage you to.
And yeah, I probably will. I like how you've done gun customization and building, so I'll probably rip it off shamelessly. Well, I suppose that's all from the bitching corner. Good luck with the system man. I can tell a lot of love went in to it.

My particular notes for you to steal are Magic/Psionics/Invoking, The Gun building, the Gridless Rules(Which I didn't make, Thank you Conscripts Gary), Plasma guns, Psiblades and plasma blades, and the spaceship rules.

And thank you!

By the way, what system are you going to convert this to? I can probably advise/help.

>Well, I suppose that's all from the bitching corner.

you are no /fatguy/.

Out called, they want you back.

Shh, it's a secret. I'll get in touch if I get something workable I need input on, hit a road block, simply think you'll like to see it. I appreciate the offer.

As a man who has pet games and projects of his own, I find it insufferable when one fucking autist pops in and bitches about things that can't or won't change, and really come down to personal preference and opinion. Design choices are design choices, opinions are opinion.

But my opinion is better than yours, and what I like is objectively superior to what you like

>As a man who has pet games and projects of his own, I find it insufferable when one fucking autist pops in and bitches about things that can't or won't change,

This. People used to tell me to write splat books for gurps instead of work on Ops and Tactics and that completely removed the point of this system.

Real talk? This sytem was written to replace D20 Modern. That's why I went with D20. I can not stand D20 Modern at all, and I felt It should be replaced.

So I did.

THERE's the spirit of salty bitterness and autism that my names' for. You go, you. You go.

Ballad of the Laser Wales?

Visit the site

Branch off of Song of Swords, which is a derivative of Riddle of Steel. Both Ballad and Song of Swords are still in Alpha, and Ballad needs Song's rules to be parsed for the most part. But for all that, Ballad is pretty slick shootan' combat, simple D10 dice pool system, pretty lethal and realistic. The game setting (very roughly) is... WW1-WW2 Interwar period mixed with Dishonored and Skies of Arcadia. It's weird. To say the least. But it's good, lots of ship boarding action. And even if you don't like it, the shooting and gun rules can be extracted and just run as WW1-70s era modern combat. It's neat. Their thread, Song and Ballad, is here .

The /k/arabiner TS has a few. Some people just finished up with a panzer-themed campaign

Meant to respond to

Okay. I can't do that in delta green, but I'm positive I can do it with GURPS.

Can you trick out a Customized 1911 in .460 Rowland in GURPS?

How about a 10mm Lever action rifle?

That image is fucking stupid OP.

I agree that the GURPS section is being far too generous with Diane Feinstein by implying that she is merely a retard.