What's the most titles one of your PCs has held at the same time?
What's the most titles one of your PCs has held at the same time?
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Do bullshit titles I successfully convince NPCs I have count? Because I played a rogue who specialized in that. And there would've been a lot.
>apple master
>king consort
I have several tied at first with one.
Notable amongst those are "wizdom of wizardry" and "king"
>King of the rats
>Rasta master
>The barrel hero
The last two are less glorious.
Hoooo boy, I believe that honor goes to my Bard. His current titles in no particular order:
>Grand Viscount
>Esteemed/Disgraced Agent of the Blades (depends on who you asked)
>Agent of the Pathfinder Society
>Venture Captain of the Pathfinder Society
>Former Scion of the Cassomir Semaphore Line
>Esteemed Brother of the Snowmask Clan
>Dragon Slayer
>Hag (S)layer
>Ghost Fucker
Like what for example?
Sir Alexander the Lionheart, Windlord, Dragonslayer, Walker of The Razor's Edge, Doom of Radog, and The Paladin Who Most Assuredly Is Not.
Quakenbush is such a hack, oh my god
I played a fairy princess who was Immortal and had enough titles to span a 3 hour introduction for her name alone.
Thagrak Trollbiter, Dragonchewer, Fiendbleeder, Thunderbelch, Maneater, Daemonslayer, Longstrider, Giantbreaker, Beastkiller, Fangcracker, Orcstomper, Mountaineater, Mawseeker the Unwieldy
...Is the full name and titles of my current ogre character in a WFRP campaign.
I once played a Sorceress who was from old money and even older blood who would always introduce herself with a title, rarely the same one.
The DM rolled with it after a while and started to reward her new titles along the way.
I don't think she ever realised most the titles were self-depreciating jokes she was making up on the spot mostly to talk herself up.
>I'm Lady Vilibi of Numbarg, Dame Whitestone, Viscountess of Silverfinger Isles, Patron of the Morning Flower and Evening Bloom, Barrister Emerald of Lay, Harpy of the Red Corridor, Maiden Rouge, Crowned Princess of False Face Territories.
That's just a few I could remember without dragging out her character sheet.
My last party has had several, and some of my group members had titles tied to my character's deeds.
He didn't like to show off or brag, however, and is more the "who's that guy" of our group. He doesn't even show up in most of the paintings or statues of us that were made in-setting, which raises questions when someone notices his inclusion and can't find out who he is or why he's there. Doesn't help that he's also always depicted in a full mask and hood when he does show up.
My party has a Cavalier whom the GM rewards with new titles every time he achieves anything which moves the story on a bit.
>Hero of Innsgard, Restorer of the Beard, Consoler of Dwarves, Protector of Tear, Champion of the Joust, Master of the Melee
And I think he's got a few more as well.
My druid was granted the title of Royal Raven herder. It was just because Ravens were his favorite animals, and he happened to have one as an animal companion.
I'm building a system where the Experience system is based around accruing titles. Minor titles like soldier give you basic skills, major titles like dragon slayer give you potent magical effects.
I had a character whose proper titling required heralds to take three breaths to complete.
>Wanted Dead or Unalive
All because wrong place at the wrong time
I've played Rogue Trader as a member of an ancient dynasty. My character had about eight middle names and two last names, a dozen formal titles, and upwards of two dozen more if she felt like pushing it. Welcome to Space Venice, enjoy your stay.
>ghost fucker
Is this you?