>mfw elf and half elf players
Mfw elf and half elf players
>mfw friendship between the races
It's from a Warhammer fan video :^)
>reposting this stupid thing
Go away already.
>WFB Dwarves
>Having anything to say to elves
Maybe if you dig deeper somewhere else you won't all get eaten this time.
>mfw a decent funny monologue got reposted to death and beyond by dwarffags to prove superiority of their imaginary race over other imaginary race, forever ruining it
Dwarffags are the worst.
Alternatively, falseflagging elffags are the worst
Just stop reposting it, this is not even a quality shitposting anymore.
Sounds like someone hasn't played a fookin' dwarf! That, or there's an unnatural amount of tree lovin' 'ere!
As fer why we use axes, IT'S TO CUT DOWN YER' GODDAMNED PANSY TREES YA' TREE HUGGER! Just cause it pisses yee off~
Robots don't say "ye".
Dwarves do, Hermes.
>decent funny monologue
It was never funny, and it's a stretch to call it decent.
So after dorfwankers which fantasy race has the worst fans?
40k humans, specifically Guardfags
I should've inb4'd that. We get it, HFY is a shit meme that 1/5 of Veeky Forums regulars try to revive every now and then. Move on, both of you. We're not a fantasy race either.
>peppy elf who had been raised by dwarves and is determined to be as dwarf-like as possible
She doesn't sound like she's been raised by dwarfs, she sounds like she's mocking them desu.
40k humans are a fantasy race.
What do you mean? Transhumans like the Space Marines? Grimderp?
>She doesn't sound like she's been raised by dwarfs, she sounds like she's mocking them desu.
It's in her genes.
>Dwarfs are banned in my group because everyone agrees they're the most boring race
Le ebin meme d00d! Mind if I save it XD
It's all yours my friend ;-)
>le ebin subversion "I want my dorf memes and elf waifu" maymay
It was cringey garbage with Sandwich and it's still shit now.
This would actually be funny if it ended with the elf saying, "...You really think my ass is perfect? Thanks!"
HFY humans are
My group holds it as mission to remove the Ale Jew if they exist.
>Ale Jew
>implying dwarves can brew ale underground
They're more fun to call the tunneling jew anyways
Oh, I know. I get off on reminding Veeky Forums of all its bad OC. I hope one day someone who contributed to the garbage I dig up apologizes publicly for it. Looking at you Liliumfags.
Try 1/1000th, at best.
The name is secondary.
Only dwarf heads on pikes really matter.
Veeky Forums's not a big board, it seemed accurate.
Why would you ban a race for being boring?
Why keep a race in your setting if they're not going to be interesting?
There's over 1000 people browsing Veeky Forums on average. Post rates are lower, but it's still a lot of eyeballs.
It's not as big as the largest boards (with /b/ having as many as 10,000 people looking through it) but it's certainly more than enough to dwarf that four guys from Reddit who are hoping to bring HFY back here.
>hating different races
>not mimicking life and hatin almost identical races
>not hatin those stinky dorfs that use pleb squared hats
>not engaging in a holy crusade to establish the glorious round hats over all dorfs
So nerds love dwarves so much because they're a race of fat manlet neckbeards, like them, right?
Basically. They also hate elves because those represent the desirable girls and popular guys at high school who ignored them or maybe even treated them like shit.
So is this a dumb counter meme where you come up with cartoonish armchair psychology and pretend elf hate wasn't born from bad fantasy authors using them as opionated mouthpieces and old school elf players whining about them being underpowered?
No. The Inheritance Cycle made me hate elves. Stop forcing your epic jilted high school nerd narrative.
Dwarves aren't fat and they have proper beards. Only the manlet part applies desu.
>/mlp/ is 15th out of 50+
what have we done
It sounds like you're trying to rationalize your hatred for a fictional race.
Your own reasons are just as retarded as the meme version.
Sure, you can hate particular elves, or you can hate bad players, but your general hatred makes you look like sad little dweebs.
there is literally nothing wrong with being short
It's not literal hatred in my case, or most people's I hope, it's only banter and and general shitting on them for fun. Like people with dwarves itt. Anyway, I'm way past that as the joke got old. I just know that elf hate was popularity backlash fueled by those reasons and it fucking baffles me that there are people who are this fucking clueless as to why it ever came about.
only ugly people play dwarves
Hate is a strong word but I think elves and other immortal races don't work most of the time and few authors can do it justice. It's more like my dislike of a handful of tropes that are easily abused. And in a TTRPG? Just forget it, most folks can't even RP them properly.
You're just spinning a myth as pointless as any other attempt rationalize such a petty hatred.
If anything, I prefer the "only losers who were bullied by popular people hate elves" story, because it seems to provide the people who are needlessly raging something to genuinely get upset about.
only cool people play orcs, and none of that "noble barbarian" bullshit. fact.
See you're making the mistake, again, of thinking people unironically hold hatred in their heart for elves. Way to read none of the post.
No, it's pretty much the same old same old for why people dislike XYZ concept or writting convention in fiction or disliking something because it got too popular. Like almost everything in all mediums ever. That's not a fucking "myth".
Do you have literal autism and think anons are actually mad at elves? Or that someone forming their opinions on fiction by consuming fiction and playing games is somehow farfetched?
No, you're still trying. You're trying to weave a pointless myth that's about as factual as all the rest of the armchair psychoanlysis. There's a myriad of "reasons" you can pretend are behind such a senseless form of imaginary racism, but that's just you trying to come to find some way to convey a sense of rationality that you find acceptable.
And, that's not the case. It's just people not liking things preferentially.
To hate elves by saying "I hated when Bob played an elf" is really just saying "I hate how Bob played an elf. To hate a particular type of elf is once again just finding a reason to hate a particular type, and not by extension all.
There's no real rationality to it. No sense to it. So trying to find reasons for hating on elves as a whole really can really be chalked up for any number of bogus reasons, including ones which are far more embarrassing to admit to than simply "I've played with bad players."
Like them getting bullied by popular people. Or being fat and ugly. Basically, whatever kind of reasons you want to provide banter to hate people who hate elves, to show them sort of how annoying they can be.
The Elf Hate meme is so tired and humorless, that it's hard to figure out a reason why they'd actually try to persist with it outside of genuinely being upset about elves.
Look. user.
Do you think these people are being actual imaginary racists?
You kind of need to define an elf hater here because behind all the memes at worst it's just opinions like Time doesn't always erase shit memes or people monkeying the crowd. You don't think the BLAM HERESY XD 40kids are serious now, right?
Define "serious."
If by "serious" you mean they wish to perpetuate the meme, then yes, they are serious, and yes, they deserve all the ridicule they earn for actually thinking something so lame might be humorous.
People being dumb are people being dumb, regardless of how they try to rationalize it.
Serious as in people hating elves like they're real. At most it's more like hating a movie, a song, or book.
Also I'm feeling the same way about the bogus armchair claims meme. I can't tell if you're serious or not and people smugly thinking they have the answer when they clearly don't is way more grating than 40k memes. I got used to those, kind of. You don't need to supplant stupid shit with more stupid shit (but it's more like one more piece of regurgitated shit added to pile).
>Veeky Forums
That's just the side of the fence you're sitting on.
You identify with the elf haters, so when people make fun of you because of your insecurities and how you were bullied, you get upset.
>side of the fence you're sitting on
That's not how fence sitting works, or what it means. And no, I have a general dislike of armchair psychology. It's probably one way to piss me off no matter the topic because it's always wrong or uses HFY tier logic leaps to make conclusions.
>user in charge of not being a hypocrite
>And no, I have a general dislike of armchair psychology
Looks like this guy has a message for you.
We left God behind and tread upon the path of Darkness. The Night comes, prepare yourself.
I'm an armchair psychologist, because reasons? If I made up a story about how you were bullied for playing an elf as to why you want to force a meme, maybe
>implying Ceridan wouldn't whoop the piss out of the dwarf.
I imagine there's some art vs science stuff there too
I love this recent pasta
You're really going to go through this whole cycle again?
You're a hypocrite because you don't even realize that yes, you are being an armchair psychologist, and no, your reasons are no more valid than the more insulting ones you disfavor.
Is having the mirror held up to you really that painful?
my anus is ready
>mfw pure human players
Nope. All I've done is pretty much say that people memeing against elves is fueled by the same reason any piece of fiction is meme'd against because your claim is just nonsense. That's not unreasonable. You're the one going in circles, you're the one simultaneously agreeing that armchair psychology is bad while trying to be my armchair psychologist.
And speaking of that. I just think you're intentionally being belligerent at this point.
>That's not unreasonable
But it's wrong. Because, it's also "not unreasonable" to assume that it's because you are short and ugly.
What you're missing is the realization that your armchair psychology is not really all that valid, because it relies on the hope that you can somehow use what a few people might use to explain their feelings towards a small aspect of something, in hopes of explaining the entirety of all the reasons people might hate the entirety of the race, followed with the admittance that you don't even believe they actually hate the fictional race and are just acting like fuckwads.
Overall, it's far more "reasonable" to assume the problem lies with the person themselves, rather than trying to pin the blame on outlying forces and people. Your "explanation" is really only a hope to excuse their behavior and to divert the blame from where it should be directed.
>hate the entirety of the race
>followed with the admittance that you don't even believe they actually hate the fictional race and are just acting like fuckwads.
If you think it's not unreasonable to assume I'm short and ugly I hope you don't think it's not unreasonable for me to think that you're on the spectrum if you needed this pointed out to you still don't believe it.
>Overall, it's far more "reasonable" to assume the problem lies with the person themselves, rather than trying to pin the blame on outlying forces
Those outlying forces being works of fiction, user. Opinions of fiction formed by fiction or hipster behavior. I've listed parallels already, it's not like I'm saying this is the only case of it ever, or something I came up with just for this conversation. So what's the deal? Sorry for not blindly going along with your meme I guess.
>Your "explanation" is really only a hope to excuse their behavior and to divert the blame from where it should be directed.
No, christ. Give them shit, tell them to fuck off, but don't use your own brand of shit behavior. What is difficult about this to you? You want to force your meme? Go ahead, I can't stop you. But just know you aren't any better than them.
Also the annoying "but I was just being a retard" thing is that it's still dumb, unfunny, and more importantly so widespread that it lost all its humor decades ago already.
Elf hate memeing is on literally every tabletop board and always gets defended in the same bullshit ways that sound like people still reeling at not being considered pretty people.
And while it might not be and you might defend yourself based on the idea that it's a joke, it stopped being remotely funny sometime around 2000 at most, probably earlier. It was already stale when tg was split from b.
At this point Veeky Forums dorffags are literally doing everything dumb Pasolini did with Eragon's elves, but all the time and while still whining about Pasolini using them as a mouthpiece for his vegan shit.
There's basically more stories about dwarves and humans being rightfully triggered by the mere presence of elves than there are about the elves being undeniably right, because it's a dumb cliche that wasn't true in most cases.
And the whole "hurr faggot" is really boring, insecure shit. Imagine if the entirety of De Bello Gallico was Caesar whining about the unmanliness of the Gauls' and Bretons' obsession with haircare and their love of gold jewelry. The dorffaggotry is about at that level at this point.
You seem confused and stupid.
I'll help you out with the confused part.
I'm not the guy who, as you would put it, is trying to "force a meme" about how elf haters are jealous of popular people or are short and fat. Not even the guy or guys who originally said that, in whatever way they said that in this thread. I'm the guy who's pointing out that that "meme" is just as valid as your "elf haters are blameless victims who endured great hardships at the hands of bad players and writers" meme.
Your hypocrisy is that you don't recognize what you are doing, because you are so ingrained in your beliefs that you have a hard time seeing anything beyond them.
The end of the story is pretty simple. There are no deep reasons behind disliking elves, because there are so many varieties and so many incarnations that to hate one variety of elf for any one reason means nothing in the grand scheme of things. There's absolutely no reason to even try to rationalize the hatred, because most of the "arguments" can be loosely applied to any race, and ultimately end up being meaningless.
And, above all else, this unfunny fictional racism is tired, and needs less attempts to mindlessly justify why people persist with it and more attempts to simply say "No, the problem lies with you."
Okay, you seem just as confused.
For the record, I don't do the elf hate meme. Worst I've done was a girly-man comment or two when playing a barbarian a few years back. So come off it with the "you". And when while Paolini definitely pissed me off he fortunately was not my first exposure to elves (and by the way there definitely was a ton of stories where the elves were always right they were just much older and most authors learned. But I disgress don't get caught up in this bit).
Second, I never ever said their reasons for doing something were valid or just. Only why they exist. Read the previous line five times. I said they followed the same pattern of popularity backlash and experiencing a poorly done version of something. I didn't add "this makes it okay." Reread that line.
Next, you should be careful about telling others they are ingrained in their beliefs because I can say the same damn thing. I am NOT painting them as "blameless victims". The world is not black and white. It's not one thing or the other. Shit, even if you aren't the original guy you're coming across as someone with a vendetta at this point and anyone who hates your methods is obviously the enemy.
I can hate an unfunny joke as a response to an unfunny joke. Reread that line.
>Wahhh stop hating elves
>Wahhh stop raping elves
I guess I didn't make myself clear.
>The end of the story is pretty simple. There are no deep reasons behind disliking elves
Let's take a look at the original problem post, to ensure we're all on the same page.
>So is this a dumb counter meme where you come up with cartoonish armchair psychology and pretend elf hate wasn't born from bad fantasy authors using them as opionated mouthpieces and old school elf players whining about them being underpowered?
The implication here is that "elf hate" was born from something other than idiots without enough problems in their lives. It also is an attempt to say "No, your armchair psychology is somehow inferior to my personal brand of armchair psychology."
>Second, I never ever said their reasons for doing something were valid or just. Only why they exist.
Let's not play semantics here. If you offer up a contrary opinion in an attempt to dismiss another, you can't really backpedal to say "I never said it was valid."
You seem to think those reasons are more valid than the opinion that the elf haters were bullied by popular kids or that elf haters are short and ugly, and I'm going have to point out, once again, that no, they are all equally valid.
Because they are all equally stupid.
These Elf Hate people hate elves largely for the same reason I hate fava beans. Trying to correlate some sort of trend or to establish some line of rationality behind what largely amounts to a preference is silly, just as silly as trying to say I hate fava beans because I hate Silence of the Lambs.
The examples I offered were examples I've heard and they aren't exclusive to elves. They pop up in some way or another elsewhere. Note, I wasn't saying those were *the* reasons someone hates elves just ones that followed a common pattern and is cited by people who dislike elves. Our conclusions are are roughly the same, actually. I'll outline it below.
>Let's not play semantics here. If you offer up a contrary opinion in an attempt to dismiss another, you can't really backpedal to say "I never said it was valid."
I wasn't backpedaling there. Valid as in 'it's a decent/justifiable reason to do XYZ'. Because you seemed to think I was excusing their behavior with it. Explaining someone's behavior and supporting it are different things is what I was getting at.
>These Elf Hate people hate elves largely for the same reason I hate fava beans. Trying to correlate some sort of trend or to establish some line of rationality behind what largely amounts to a preference is silly, just as silly as trying to say I hate fava beans because I hate Silence of the Lambs.
Okay. For the most part I've been saying the same thing. I can TL;DR it as 'people hate elves for the same reason people hate anything in fiction'. But the most common things you'll hear for why someone hates something usually amounts to "I had a bad experience" or "it became popular to hate it". That's what I've been getting at. Yeah, no shit it's not going to be this way 100% of time. Holy shit. If I knew I'd be typing this shit hours later I would have just put the TL;DR text instead then tell them to fuck off with their dumb shit.
I made a half-elf monk called Mickey Knife Ears once.
I agree, elf haters are the kind of retards who are unable to come up with a plausible scenario where the elves they can imagine, aren't better than the dwarves they can imagine. Yet they persist to secretly want elves around to hate, even though the logic and common sense we all share say that delicate beautiful and sensitive elves are the best parts of humanity, and dwarves are almost by definition the parts of humanity that only a callous fascist could tolerate existing, hmm do i want to mine all day so we can have a bit more gold and iron? Or should I teach the children to respect all life and exist as a part of nature, in harmony with my rivals instead of constantly trying to horde more shit to kill off any competition?
>STILL spouting your elf propaganda
and yet you wonder why everyone hates knife ears.
>knife ears
Is that a compliment?
If we're being fair here Tolkien wanted both elves and dwarves to be a message. Both kind of at the expense of elves and dwarves. With elves it's more about why being born into perfection is not necessarily a good thing and ennui, etc. etc. etc. Not something you have to agree with personally but the elves were intended as a lesson just like the dwarves were.
If we're going into D&D, dwarves aren't all that bad since they're Gimli clones. Yes they're greedy and while they have the bad parts of conservative values they have the good orderly parts as well. They're industrious, have a well oiled social order, care about their elders and ancestors, groom their beards and so on. They're really not neckbeards in this sense. I mean NEET and industrious don't go together.
Oh no. Not this again.
Yes, I'm going to take your ears and use them as eating utensils!
Alright then, spoonears.
Did somebody say Spoony?
Yeah exactly they are both lessons for humanity, but one of these is clearly better than the other- "slightly arrogant but still more than intelligent enough to at least think through any situation" and then dwarves "significantly less arrogant but still arrogant, more xenophobic, more greedy, willing to work hard but not willing to think about anything too difficult or hateful, hateful including millions of non dwarfy things that arent runes or ale so must be shit. Imagine any societal crises, elves could get through it. Imagine the many situations you cant fight or dig your way out of, like a sudden food shortage- elves are sad but gather together to starve in communion and tell stories of better times, - dwarves begin arguing about who is the most deserving of the extra calories, blood feud gets brought up quickly and then almost as fast the axes are out and they're making more blood feuds, then after the carnage the only thing they can agree on is they're too proud to eat proud warriors so everyone will just die after the exhausted winner eats their last mushroom
But I like Sandwich.
Just because it's bad content now doesn't mean it was bad in and of itself, it simply means that everyone on here now is a bitter queer.
>old Veeky Forums
>hates quests flooding the board
>loves HFY
>loves dorfwank
>loves warhammer OC waifus
>new Veeky Forums
>loves quests flooding the board
>hates HFY
>hates dorfwank
>hates warhammer OC waifus
What happened?
I've pretty much given up on Spoony. He was great once, but then he started making videos about Wrestling and nothing but.
Projared has really been growing on me. He reminds me of a parallel universe version of Spoony who actually has a work ethic. His D&D December series is pretty good. It makes me wish he'd do more Veeky Forums related videos.
Quests don't really *Flood* the board, they did once that one summer because it was the the new *In* thing. Though they DO flood the archives because every fucker wants to archive their quests they don't dedicate themselves to beyond three threads -if that.
As for the other stuff? We all became even bigger tools than we were before.
Lots of that is just people getting bored and tired of something. HFY pretty much started as a response to all the stuff where elves or aliens or whatever are just "better than you", subverting that by making humans the ones that are better. But once it gets repeated long enough, it becomes the new cliche and people get tired of it. Same with dorfs.
The fuck is up with Jared's face tho
It's not just horseface, there's something deeply and inherently fucked up with his face and I cant put a finger on it.
>"old" Veeky Forums aka the Veeky Forums of 2010
There were always people who hated what you consider "old" Veeky Forums