Autism Tales

The word 'autistic' gets tossed around a lot.

What is the most legitimately autistic Veeky Forums related thing you've seen? I'm not using that word as a synonym for stupid. I mean full-on genuine autism.

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We had a player who was on the spectrum in college. Played allot of Paladins and such, wasn't a big deal sense we always played good aligned parties. The brosest and basest guy I ever met, though smelled funny.

A guy who completely hated this one theocracy and spent the entire game conspiring against it. It was (relatively) benevolent and it was hard to break their religious decrees without going out of your way to do so, but the guy still spent every session trying to convince the others it was inherently evil and had to be overthrown and refused to trust any of their officials. No in character explanation btw

It's awful. I'm not good at roleplaying despite enjoying it, and I can tell the other players don't want me around.
I wasn't even really doing anything disruptive, I just don't understand how to convey personality traits in practice.

Aspie here with many former teammates who were quite spectral as well.

The one that comes to mind is this one kid who played a monk that had taken a vow of silence and would never speak in character and hardly ever out of it unless we pressured him to remind us what specific actions he was rolling for- but he had like a fucking STACK of lined notebooks that kept growing that was full of his in-character journal that was detailed down to what he ate for breakfast every morning (it was almost always just fucking rice, I checked) and what he thought of all the other PCs (I was a self-serving asshole and I think he was in love with the paladin)

This one time me and couple of friends wanted to play Pathfinder, and one friend got the brilliant idea of finding a DM on the internet to run a game for us.

We got this one guy who apparently made a living off of this shit, did nothing but ran Pathfinder and D&D 3.5 for people. And he was inordinately proud of his DMing abilities because he had it in his head he could get paid to do this shit full time.

We sat and watched him run a game for another group once and he got absolutely pissed when the group tried to discuss tactics in a battle. The players were not allowed to coordinate with each other, except in the strictest sense of the rules, so like single sentences per turn. He also wouldn't allow the Fighter or Paladin to have full plate even though they were 12th level because he thought full plate was OP.

The campaign setting he had been working for multiple years, and was convinced that he could get Paizo to publish it. He bragged about how hard it was and how only like 10% of the groups that had played through it had even gotten out of the first dungeon. All of the villains, ALL of them, were literal rip-offs of various Disney villains. Like he actually described the villains as such. One that he was particularly proud of was based off Dr. Fascilier from The Princess and the Frog, who had a spell where he sang "Friends on the Other Side" and then the party had to all make both a DC 40 Will and Fortitude save or die instantly. If they failed one they took 20d20 damage. If they passed both they still took 10d20 damage.

We never actually played a single session with him, because his attitude and seeing how he handled the other group scared us all off. We did eventually find another DM who was actually a pretty cool guy, but then he got hit by a car after the first session and died.

It's like God himself doesn't want me to ever have a decent game.

That is some next level dedication

Conlanging i suppose

>What is the most legitimately autistic Veeky Forums related thing you've seen?
Had a player briefly join my AoR game who informed us that he was clinically diagnosed as autistic.

Great guy, brought something overall positive to the game.

The actual That Guy of the party had no such excuse (that I know of) for his little outbursts.

Yeah it was weird, the literally autistic guy would roll with it and accept things as they were presented. While the other guy would draw his own conclusions and assumptions on how things should be and then throw a tantrum when they don't adhere to his conclusions, even though they were never under any obligations to follow his arbitrarily assigned rules (he wasn't even the GM and he still did this).

it's been a while but I think the 2nd Edition of Palldium's Beyond the Supernatural game has "Idiot-Savant" as an actual character class if that counts.

Some autists are pretty cool

Some are pretty lame

Most are speedrunners though

>but then he got hit by a car after the first session and died.

Why don't you play autistic characters, user?

Because the actual autistic players in my group get mad out of character at me.

Had an autistic guy in a game I ran. Put up with him for two sessions, then I apologized and threw him out. I can hardly deal with the retardation output of normal people - no idea why I thought I could deal with that.

Hey, you're not me!

I don't know if I'm strictly capable of writing anyone that ISN'T autistic. How do you write someone that isn't if you aren't? I guess by definition everything I do is 'autistic' according to OP lol

I used to play in Pathfinder Society years ago, and there was a fat guy with a speech impediment, I think he may have legitimately had Downs. Anyway he would spend all his gold on invisibility potions, he had dozens of these things stocked up and literally nothing else to his name except his starting equipment. And every round, the GM would ask him what he would do and he would reply "I dwink an invisbiwity potion." Every round. He would turn invisible, stand in the corner while everyone else did all the work, and uncork another potion. And if the GM would try to engage him in any way, he would get really agitated and repeat "I'm invisibuh! I'm invisibuh!"

He would literally come to the FLGS every other Saturday just to sit and say he was invisible.

He once was the only survivor of an otherwise TPK to some kind of dragon monster, and all he did was drink another invisibility potion.

That sucks. I have a player in my regular group who I feel like is the same way.

He's a nice enough guy, but he's not particularly good at roleplaying, and like, mechanically he always gets lost. He can never remember how the rules work, and forgets most of his own abilities, and only ever really does stuff when other people remind him of his moves and point out that it would be a good opportunity to use them.

Maybe he has other stuff on the mind?

Everything that faggot Shas sticks his Tau-loving cock in.

Look at this guy.

Funny, that's half my players.

>Playing with a new group next week
>Only know the DM, everyone is strangers
>Two of the players have Aspergers
>I'm one of them.

I was playing in a Champions game around 2 years ago and met the apparent autist. He was a nice guy. Mostly played flying bricks and always put regeneration 1/turn on all of his characters, even the dance-shaman he once made. What made his autism apparent was when he created a flying brick and abused the multipower pool (misunderstanding) to have 300 points of density increase for 30 points, then fell at terminal velocity onto a bomb bunker while at max density. He even managed to apply an additional pile of dice by punching the thing upon impact. The total damage rolled that round would have been in triple digits of d6's and he demanded that every die be rolled, even though his character would survive the body damage even if he rolled 50% 6's. His character ended up in a three day coma after ten minutes of rolling and counting up different damage values.

>What is the most legitimately autistic Veeky Forums related thing you've seen?
Quest threads

The only correct answer


I played with two ausistic dudes and watched the game grind to a halt after one complained about some sexy monsters for being unrealistic and the other took the opportunity to completely deconstruct and shit on his nonsexy ladyknight and I watched and kind of helped by pointing out a historical inconsistency or two.

We EVENTUALLY got the game back on track, but the whole autistic conversation took up the greater part of the game and included such gems as ladyknight autist saying "I believe the monsters in mythology could have been the result of evolution" and I had to actually explain to him how evolution works and how it's incompatible with just about any real-world religious/mythos narrative.

I doubt it. He's like that with EVERYTHING. Video games, commentary, the lot.

Honestly this is just kinda hilarious.

Quest fags refusing to use the quest board.

OP said Veeky Forums related.


Autists aren't ghosts, user.


Honestly way less worse/cool than most of the posts in this thread
Just use the filters you autist

Spotted the quest fag

I played against a guy with Asperger syndrome in a casual MtG tourny. It was right when Theros started up and he had a mono green deck he was so proud of. When he played he didn't even care wether he was winning or losing, he just loved going over the cards and looking at what kind of creatures people had. Honestly one of my best Mtg gaming experiences.


Gonna need a source for that, chief

I plan out my equipment, down to weight and location, as best I can. It never comes up, I just do it for me. I've had other players ask why I'm not wearing better armor and the only answers I can really give them is comfort


I'd say the OP.

Actual autist here.

I wouldn't be mad at you! ... but I suppose I'd be irritated if your portrayal of an autist was not accurate. Though so long as you're open to advice on how to make your autist an authentic autist it'd be ok. ^^


Got any buff male orcs in that folder too?
I need them for ... uh ... gender balance.

I ain't gay for guys' penises, yo

fuck you I totally have ghost powers no one can tell me what to be

I played with Touhoufag.

How was that?

Aspie here. My group mostly just plays eurogames, so the autism is mostly contained by coherent rules. I think half of us are on the spectrum in one way or another.

The most autistic thing I normally do is get really anal about aether vial rules, and triggers when I play MTG, but legacy never fires anyway.


Just use your own fucking board you autist.


>What is the most legitimately autistic Veeky Forums related thing you've seen?
Assuming you're not including Veeky Forums itself...

I keep in mind that everyone is somewhere on the autism spectrum ("neuro-normal" is on the spectrum too) with any gaming I do because people all have their no-go zones.

But the single most autistic thing I can recall is while I was running D6 Star Wars for some coworkers at a FLGS. We're all 30-something (or older) playing a game that was last published before the majority of the people in the store were conceived. I've been playing D6 for more than 20 years, in fact.

So we're playing. It's some scenario that involves the slicer breaking into the Banking Guild's local mirror to spoof someone's account in order to steal an Imperial arms shipment. Slicer is slicing, but the pilot and legbreaker notice slicer's activity is drawing some attention from locals. Sooner or later local yokels show up and pilot and legbreaker are swiftly embroiled in a lightfight. The fourth member of the team, "team leader" is nowhere to be found because reasons (player was in the shitter).

At this point autist has been watching/listening for about ten minutes while stuffing his face with food. He snorts. I think it was a snort. It was like an explosion of lactose intolerance and meat gurgling up from some hellpit. Smelled like it too.

"Thatsh not realistic. Why would thosh normies know what the slisher was doing?"

Mental screeching tires. Going back about ten minutes now to remember what I said. Confusion creeping onto my face.

"Beshides you're not rolling dishe correctly. Deeshish doesn't use eshploding dishe."

Now I'm visibly more confused. This kid may be 18. MAY BE. Meaning the last WEG book was published the year he was born. And it does, indeed, use exploding dice by default.

At this point we're probably 30 minutes from end time anyway. I glance at the players and go "Yeah, I think we'll pick this up next...time."

Another person with Autism here

I second this post.

Except if I'm playing an Autistic character myself (TOTALLY NOT SELFINSERT GUISE I SWARE), in which case I'd have my character flap his arms around and scream when shit was too much.

"If you're on the spectrum and you know it flap your hands!" *flap flap*

Everything currently going on with /qst/. Including this post about it, and any replies.

next level TPK PTSD right there

Morte, you fucking horny skull


>not Crack-eye


>being this assblasted about reaction pics
>on an image board

Go back to your anime quest, senpai

I'm not assblasted at the images. I'm assblasted at the /r/Veeky Forums tier one line funny but cheap comment, and subsequent LOL SO FUNNY reaction pics with no text at all.

If that is reddit, then you're tumblr for how triggered you are


That wasn't even a joke, if we are going to be whiny /b/itches about stupid shit and insulting others by claiming they browse other websites, you definetly fit the bill.

I'm not claiming they browse other websites you dumb fuck. *I* browse other websites-- you think Veeky Forums has enough worldbuilding by itself?

If you actually go on /r/Veeky Forums, you'll see that most of the posts there consist of
>some user says something
>another user makes a pretty funny but cheap/obvious joke at first user's expense
>the rest is just posters responding with meme reaction images

It's all really flying over your head, isn't it
Then again, this is an autism thread, so I guess it fits.

Perhaps /b/ would be more your speed, user.

You're the one using muh reddit insults



Were you one of the ones he kept asking Veeky Forums for help with?