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How would you set scaling for a swarm companion, /pfg/? What kind of swarm would you like to control?
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Pathfinder General - /pfg/
How would you set scaling for a swarm companion, /pfg/? What kind of swarm would you like to control?
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It's 3.5, and druid's one of the few things that changed rather a lot in PF, so you might have to do some more work than normal converting it, but I like this one:
Wouldn't know the first thing about appropriate scaling, but I think I could have fun controlling a rat swarm (preying at night/stalking at night optional).
Swarms are the main antagonists in a campaign I'm playing in. They're hefty telepaths, have the fetchling 'template' and infest people (replacing parts of their central nervous systems, or replace the entire thing if they have the time/inclination)
So I can't really like them, as a matter of principle.
At one time, I tried my hand at making a divine prestige that got a swarm companion, but I never finished due to lack of ideas and laziness.
Zealot. Activating zeal with aid another is a move action. He sits there waiting for you to run out of summons. Then you can't really fight him, you're forced to flee.
Thanks, Veeky Forums, you're helping.
> otherwise this character is going to just be a straight up burden on the party
This character should only heal. There will be buffs from other characters, and it shouldn't get too much spotlight. Well, it can take something interesting in support department, but not just +2 to AC or +1 to hit. Maybe something more clever, or not so obvious? If you have any ideas.
>Shouldn't get too much spotlight
Is this an NPC?
Alright you wonderful people, which of you lovelies are looking forward to your weekend sessions?
> That pic
> "It's right there, isn't it? It's right above my goddamn head again, floating there with its fucking faggot face. It doesn't even have a face and I know it's making a fucking face at me."
Is it possible to get 2 familiars ever?
Most of the time - yes
Everyone I REQUIRE HELP. I have created part of a class I am writing for a homebrew. I need opinion on the features that are out so far.
To explain the feature Facility Expansion it goes as the following.
The Agent gains a facility they can both pack and unpack, while it is unpacked you are able to make use of a number of features. At it's base it just gives skills, but your Facility Expansions provide other bonuses ranging from at low level stored research notes to at high levels a cloning lab.
Both packing and unpacking your facility is something one must consider as for how long it will take. As well as transporting it.
I would love to have some
I have my last session of campaign finishing up this weekend.
My last character created a fairly successful organization, but ended up destroying the phylactery of a teammate, because he was a dick. That teammate became the controller of the worm swarm and invaded my organization.
Now the infected organization is descending on our new team (completely separate campaign, 1000 years later), as we team with the Dwarven Mechanists in their high-tech mountain home in a ritual with 8 artifacts to write the swarm out of reality.
Should have tons of references, and be a pretty tough fight. That organization is like 80% shadow-themed 15% undead themed and 5% demon themed.
oh god, me. I really can't wait. We stopped right at the beginning of combat because the GM's computer shat itself and we have a rule that you need 4 players present to play, and our 4th fell asleep. Fucking timezones.
>no session this weekend
>mfw I have to wait another week to let the rest of the party take the spotlight after I accidentally took over the last session
>no idea if we're going to try to do any makeup sessions for the half-dozen we've missed over the last few months
Good things come to those who wait, but I'm not very patient.
Ileosa did nothing wrong
She and Sabina will conquer Golarion
Reminder that this needs to replace the United /pfg/ Link Repository for the next thread!
I've been informed that the google doc is outdated. That changes the way you go about things a bit. The wizard still aims to pin you down with summons while you fight them off, though. They remain invisible throughout as well, unless you have an item to see through such things. Then they can summon something with trip, preferrably. A bunch of Flying Giant Dire Wolves to trip you. Burn your move recovering and your standard getting up and getting AoO back down. Either way. You can switch stances to get out of the situation or attack from prone, if you have reach. It's gonna take you a while and a decent chunk of health, though. And Black Tentacles are still a possible cast, if the fight starts on the ground.
I believe any time you would get another familiar, you count as progressing the one you have, so no. I miiight be wrong, though.
I just remembered that there's actual good porn of Ileosa and Sabina. I wonder if the reprint will get Nesoun to return to PF 'art'...
IIRC, if you have 2 classes that grant familiars, their levels stack when determining its abilities, unless the familiar you take for one isn't available as a familiar for the other, in which case they're separate familiars with each of their abilities determined by your levels in the individual classes that grant them.
> I miiight be wrong, though.
Threadly reminder that Marc Radle is a whiny bitch and Paizo are tools for enabling him.
Why is she in a coffin?
I'm like 90% sure that's the case. It's better that way, honestly, because getting like six shitty familiars would be terrible.
If I google "Illeosa and Sabina" am I likely to stumble upon this?
Because she was hiding.
Because smuggling chaika is hard work, and because my homunculus died last session.
How do I make the enemy concept of "slayer that pretends to be harmless background NPC, walks up to the most vulnerable PC, suddenly takes out a pair of short swords and goes to down with sneak attacks/death attack with his first strike" one that won't make people ragequit the game?
Is that possible? Do I just have to properly train them to be on the lookout for stuff like that? I realized how pointless Big Bad Monster fights are against pathfinder characters past the first couple levels so I wanna start using enemies that use strategy instead
I asked this the other day
the consensus was that the alchemists tumor familiar is the only one that doesn't mention it working like the wizard familiar, so you might be able to rules lawer it so you have alchemist + any other familiar class
>How do I instakill a PC from stealth without pissing off the player
I'm sorry, but that's really how this comes across, and it's a behavior that would frankly cause me to walk.
If they're good with disguise, start with the player's allies.
If the players know it's coming then they have no recourse to bitch if they didn't take precautions.
Nesoun does what Nesoun is commissioned, he's already done the main cast of women in Reign of Winter.
His Ameiko is adorable, though I want to see him do Trinia Sabor or Shayliss Vinder.
yeah that's what it sounds like, but at the same time you can keep look out for suspicious stuff right?
I'm not saying some guy is just gonna *teleports behind u* and stabs someone, obviously that'd be stupid. I just want something that involves a foe that fights more realistically than "walk up to nearest guy, attack endlessly" like in a videogame
I hadn't thought of this, this would be a good way to clue them into the idea of an assassin
Would you lads say it's possible to make a male Sun God without stepping on any of the roles of the other Golarion deities?
What are some domain/subdomain combinations you think are criminally absent in the major Golarion pantheon?
you can't
the idea of a GM making competition or challenges for the players to overcome instead of "the heroes just barely beat everyone so it looks dramatic but they're never in any actual real danger" like something from professional wrestling has been chipped away over decades
Players are heading to Nirvana next session on quest business.
What would be some cool, flavorful encounters or scenes or locations for them to see there?
>the idea of a GM making competition or challenges for the players to overcome instead of "the heroes just barely beat everyone so it looks dramatic but they're never in any actual real danger" like something from professional wrestling has been chipped away over decades
You must have a shitty group if it's that bad, user. Not that I think is a good idea, but last campaign I ran had several PC deaths to random encounters and no-one bitched about it.
Is Nirvana different from Elysian Fields?
Would be pretty cool to encounter a circle of philosophers in a centuries-long debate.
But user, there's already a male sun god! His light will drive out the Chelish devils and make Mwangi great again!
There's several though, seriously. I don't see any reason why this is a niche that needs filling, unless you're going to start insisting there be a major deity of every gender for every other portfolio too.
Does the Vigilante (Brute) deserve Tier 7 as representing a latent risk to the party?
Sarenrae is a former empyreal lord, now deity of the sun
Elysium is the CG plane
Nirvana is the NG plane
in Pathfinder
(in D&D the NG plane was Elysium and the CG plane was Arborea!)
>Does the Vigilante (Brute) deserve Tier 7 as representing a latent risk to the party?
Yes. It's objectively below commoner.
Sarenrae is turbo-Arab and Walkena is Mwangi as fuck.
I'm just interested in a Gwyn/Sol Invictus type deal, hell PELOR does a better job of being a sun god than the sun gods in Golarion.
So I guess what I'm saying is my intentions are more for making something that seems European enough, and "historical" enough, to make sense. The Solar worship we got going on in Golarion is weird.
Why is Elysium Chaotic Good? The Elysian Fields were historically where basically everyone generic good went, not just the people who fought against authority.
>Would you lads say it's possible to make a male Sun God without stepping on any of the roles of the other Golarion deities?
Pelor, the Burning Hate, maybe?
>Does the Vigilante (Brute) deserve Tier 7 as representing a latent risk to the party?
I'm gonna have to say yes. it brings very little to the table and can become a detriment more often than solving problems.
Man, I don't know.
So you want a European sun god (aka must be male) rather than having a deity that works with Pathfinder's domain system?
The deities in Pathfinder aren't just personifications of aspects of nature (the very few that are would be TN), they have political agendas and varied focuses in their worship, because they're people, not early man's attempts to explain things they saw.
Not saying it couldn't be done, but why worship it? It's the sun, it's not going to cure your diseases or help with the bandits. Hell, it doesn't sound like it has an afterlife for you. Best you got is keep rising and don't stop shining on my crops. And there are deities FOCUSED on that.
How the fuck do I pull off Neutral Good Social, Chaotic Neutral Vigilante
depends on if you can make them all improved and give them wands for lulz. What the fuck is up with captcha and storefronts today?
They just needed a name for a positive afterlife. Heaven conjured ideas of paladins, orderly celestial legions and clean paved streets. Nirvana was perfect for the NG calm ponds and introspection, so what do you recommend as a replacement?
The 'Sarenrae belongs to Qadira' meme needs to stop. There's a major cult of Sarenrae there, yes, but that doesn't mean shit because she's a non-ascended deity who was never human and existed long before Qadira was even settled.
She's no more restricted to Qadira/Kelesh-style worshipers than Erastil is to being worshipped exclusively by peasants and farmers.
What kind of social?
You could be the generous philanthropist who spent their lives being the perfect kind gentleman, following etiquette and never drawing attention to yourself, desperately wanting to cut loose and run across some rooftops, doing what YOU want for a change, not what everyone else wants.
I'm pretty sure she has such a big following there because it's really sunny in the desert.
>If I lived on the coast, probably a big following for water gods there. Doesn't mean there's no water inland
I'd say something like a long betrayal. Why are these people attacking the party? Did they attempt to trick the party or are they just trying to kill them for funsies? Adventurers as many portray them are homicidal and easily provoked, so I'd think they would attempt poison or somesuch instead of actually attacking, if they were hired killers. I wouldn't go near a group of adventurers, desu. The poison angle will let them know somebody is after them. If it fails, they likely rolled well or had to use spells or skills to get out of dying. They'll be wary. I never suggest death effects, as players can get PISSED. I played in a group that fell apart over death effects.
Elysium, and the Island of the Blessed were meant to just represent a physical paradise.
You had drink and food without obligations to relax after a heroic life.
“For them [in Elysium] the sun shineth in his strength, in the world below, while here ‘tis night; and, in meadows red with roses, the space before their city is shaded by the incense-tree, and is laden with golden fruits. Some of them delight themselves with horses and with wrestling; others with draughts, and with lures; while beside them bloometh the fair flower of perfect bliss. And o’er that lovely land fragrance is ever shed, while they mingle all manner of incense with the far-shining fire on the altar of the gods."
"There round the Islands of the Blest (Nesoi Makaron), the winds of Okeanos play, and golden blossoms burn, some nursed upon the waters, others on land on glorious trees; and woven on their hands are wreaths enchained and flowering crowns"
No responsibilities, no direction, just bliss. It's not so much anti-authority as it is life without authority. It's the ideal hippie/hedonistic commune
Charcter is a Noble's son who got fucked over by ultimogeniture, entire noble house got fucked over and razed in turn because the Regent was greedy, now extremely jaded and forcing my rigid definition of "right" upon others
Feels like an awful waste that deities aren't seen as personifications of nature in Golarion, desu.
Oh wait, except there are deities in Vuldra that totally are, as well as many deities in Tian Xia (Shizuru is *literally* the sun, for example.)
I just don't get why no deity in Avistan has taken up that valuable real estate. You've got plenty of deities that value the sun but none that EMBODY the sun.
Be the good son, secretely bent on revenge for your own sake, not because he's bad, but because he was bad to YOU.
Maybe it would be weird to have a bunch of deities who consider another deity be so central to their own identity.
I mean, I'd ship it.
Except Sarenrae is displayed most prominently as Fem!Allah even when you find cults to her in the north.
Unless you're going to point me towards a depiction of Sarenrae as a Jesus figure?
Citation needed on Shizuru ever being literally the sun. She's a goddess like any other, the sun is a known entity that people can travel to and live on.
Yes! yes! more people are converting to the power of the Asurant Aegis / Barbarian.
How should I build him?
>The glorious Islamic figure
>Ever being depicted as the tyrannical Christianity
But really, Iomedae is the Jesus figure.
What is that even supposed to mean? Literally what does 'fem-Allah' even mean? Are you actually trying to say that the only way Sarenrae can NOT be an allegory for Islam is if she's one for Christianity instead?
You want alternative depictions of Sarenrae? Fucking Shensen is a Sarenrite. The fucking hipster slut bard maintains a giant shrine to Sarenrae under her house, about the person least resembling any kind of Islamic parallel that you could find. There's a tribe of CG orcs out in Belkzen who worship Sarenrae.
The caretaker of the Sandpoint Boneyard and cathedral is a deformed smuggler who found redemption through Sarenrae's religion, a blatant Hunchback of Notre Dame expy, which is as close to Christianity as you're going to get in a pantheistic fantasy setting.
>There's a tribe of CG orcs out in Belkzen who worship Sarenrae.
You had my interest, but now you have my attention.
Clearly this is meant to be a world where Islam has already conquered the hearts and minds of Avistan.
She's literally a brown-girl in Eastern garb with a weapon commonly associated with Arabia, she's about the most Islamic thing in the setting.
>A female being in charge of anything
>The most Islamic thing in the setting
She represents JJs 'secret' desire for Muslim BBC to be in all his holes, every hour of every day.
You're not helping your case.
Now-now, not every Allu-Snackbar hates women.
For example, the Tuareg people are big on their Queen-Momma
Here, knock yourself out.
I know the art is disgusting to look at, but she's clearly fair-skinned as fuck.
You can run regular aegis or aberrant, I think aberrant has better base customizations (hardened strikes & brawn)
For all the extra arms you need an aegis level of minimum 9 because it takes 12 points to get greater extra arms twice (and GEE requires level 8). It doesn't specifically say you can take extra arms twice, but it also doesn't say you cant.
Beyond that? Sky's the limit friend. Base aegis also allows for ranged attack (shooting a 1d8 'crystal' that could be refluffed).
Some of the stuff that Asura does is prettymuch DM fiat though.
With the rage powers I like elemental rage simply because its more dice tacked on to every hit
I think they meant Sarenrae, not Shensen.
The deity was made by hyper-liberal hipsters in the biggest ignorance bubble west of the Rockies.
It's not a stretch to imagine they're completely serious with what they did with Sarenrae, just like making Shensen have a big ole temple to Not!Islam in San Kintargo seems awfully progressive when you consider Cheliax is Evil White Men, the Empire.
He means Sarenrae. Who, yes, is a qt3.14 brown girl.
>She's literally a brown-girl
>CG Orc tribe
>Started and pioneered by a female Orc
I'm noticing a pattern in Paizp writing.
When's the last time we had a man take charge in something Good?
I thought Cheliax was ruled by a woman?
user, that's not brown at all, she's literally made out of fire...
I was talking about Sarenrae, who is extremely Arabic in basically every way.
Though I do remember Paizo saying that deities have different appearances depending on which culture is viewing them???
Leader of the Order of the Torrent.
Who isn't just a man, he's a god damn Sexual Tyrannosaurus rampaging through down town Cheliax.
If Neeson in Taken was said T-Rex.
>Sarenrae manifests as a bronze angelic beauty, with golden hair composed of flowing flame. From one hand emits a holy light which trickles down like liquid luminescence, whereas the other holds a scimitar emblazoned with radiant fire. Her holy light provides healing and sustenance, while the scimitar creates gusts of winds that remove disease and fear.
She's brown-skinned, guy.
The one campaign I actually really like has gotten canceled for the Nth week in a row. Between the GM's thesis defense, and the players' work/home schedules we haven't played since February. The GM is pretty good, the world is interesting, and my party members all act like adults, so I'm holding out hope that this one doesn't die out.
Got an evil campaign 1-2 shot tomorrow night. Don't know how it's gonna be, because online evil campaigns attract the worst of the edgy autists. Got my Elven serial killer prepped and ready to go, so if everything goes to shit I can spend time RPing as Ted Cruz.
Got the first session of a political intrigue type game on Sunday. All our characters are retainers/servants to this major noble family, so we drew starting backgrounds at random. I ended up accidentally making Battle Maid. GM has disappeared since last Sunday, so I'm not entirely sure it's gonna happen.
And in last night's game the GM pulled an "elf slave wat do." I wonder how long it's gonna take him to figure out my PC isn't into girls...
Do you want a set from the same damn book, or would you prefer to take your goalposts and go home?
>Located near Belkzen’s eastern border with Lastwall, the Gorum-worshiping Bloodied Gauntlets are locked in conflict with their human Gorumite counterparts. While the tribe’s fierce battles escalate quickly to shocking levels of violence and carnage, the presence of the Bloodied Gauntlets has proven to be an oddly stabilizing force in the area. More concerned with glory and the thrill of battle than cruelty and destruction, the Bloodied Gauntlets possess something their human brethren in faith might call honor. The obviously weak and helpless are ignored in favor of worthy opponents, and defeated foes are ransomed for steel. For the Bloodied Gauntlets, a worthy enemy is something to be cherished, not squandered.
>This peculiar relationship has led the orcs of this tribe to be oddly protective of their favored rivals. A few more monstrous tribes have been attacked for daring to encroach upon their battlefield. This conflict is partially driven by their half-orc chieftain, Aazhg (CN male half-orc cleric of Gorum 8), and his human brother, Aaren Gaulder (CG male human warpriestACG of Gorum 7). Born on opposite sides of the war, the brothers have set themselves against each other in a hot-blooded but hateless rivalry in the names of their shared father and god.
Well yeah, can't have a man doing that.
Even her male devil bodyguard is described as incompetent, so incompetent Asmodeus had to give her a female Erinyes instructor who has been doing a fantastic job at training the young woman.
It just seems like a massive in-joke on Paizo's part, like having the head of the Nazi Party turn out to be a Jew, or the leader of the Ku Klux Klan is a black woman.
Isn't he gay?
Gay people count as women to Paizo, while lesbian women are double women (hence why they're the focus of so many APs.)
Bronze, not bronze-skinned. Bronze as in the metal. With hair made of gold and fire. Because she is a god, not a fleshy being.
She's also got the whole scimitar thing going on, senpai.
If you want to be that autistic about it, go ahead. The implication is 100% clear.
>Paizo only cares about women
>well, that's an evil woman, but she doesn't count because her advisor's male, so clearly they meant for the sheeple to attribute all of her evil to him!
>well, that's a good man, but he's probably gay or something which makes him basically a woman!
He's not, by the by. The gay guy in that book is the LN Chelish naval captain.
>mfw no weekend session
>mfw no session until late May at the earliest
>mfw upcoming campaign is the highlight of my life and all the cool stuff I ever did was when I was a kid so it doesn't even matter that I did it
>mfw my futile existence has no meaning
PoW question
About what ratio of Counters, Strikes, and Boosts is advisable for your standard Initiator?
Sorry, Didn't mean to quote you
I tend to find that a 50/50 split works best for me, with strikes as one 50, and the other side being a mix of counters and boosts. More counters if I want a defensive character, more boosts if I want an offensive one.
Depends on how you plan to play, but generally a safe bet would be 1/2/1 for counters/strikes/boosts.
Warlords and harbingers generally want more in the strike department, since their recovery is gated by swift, while warder obviously makes better use of counters, but as a general rule, that should keep you fairly comfortable.
So what's the most durable sword n board martial available, Warder?
Where's the best place to play kingmaker?
I've never had the chance to play nation building and the DM is taking suggestions after his last group fell through.
Thanks for the feedback, this is the kind of stuff I've been trying to get from people.
Do you have any particular things you're not sure about with the discipline, or could you go more in detail about it? I'm still trying to work on it so any more details would be great.
Warder's a strong contender, but i'd also argue possibly Paladin, in terms of sheer durability. Cha to saves and swift action healing are pretty strong, and you can pick up some Iron Tortoise tricks through Knight Disciple if you really want counters.
She's probably just tan. The sun goddess isn't going to be using sunblock, and is immune to skin cancer.
>Naked Sarenrae, basking in the radiance of her element
why are all vigilante archetypes shit
Are Strikes really that important and useful? I mean, as a Martial you should already be good on the damage and hitting front, it an I severely underestimating how potent Strikes are?