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This Girl
Is this...a lady knight thread?
Could someone post a pic of a giantess lady knight?
Don't you mean "that girl"?
What's the difference?
The difference of "this" and "that" are that "this" is the polar opposite of "that"...
tl;dr OP wants stories about excellent grill players.
Whether you believe this phenomenon or not is entirely up to you.
Found me some players from Veeky Forums using pathfinder to bait in players on my style of running games then switch when they got addicted to it.
The girl in question is incredibly good at playing in character and playing diverse characters, each with their own drives, goals, and personalities. She's also very good about taking notes and follows a very clear line of logic in her questions that tend to lead her to the right place. I've been very impressed with her understanding of the games. She keeps the group on track and makes sure everyone is relaxed. She's also basically held the group together on her own. I was ready to quit and she talked me down. If I could pick and chose players to take to another game, I would snag her from this game in a heartbeat.
She's also my vice minister of recruiting and salsa.
>vice minister of salsa
Okay I get now, but why is the thread so quiet?
Nobody on Veeky Forums knows any great players that also happen to be george foremans?
is she handsome?
A good chunk of the board left to the new quest board, those who remain are burned out on the subject.
Close enough.
She's so easy to cheese tho
Because not a lot of female players are good. Unfortunately we tend to focus and zero in on the bad qualities because that's what Veeky Forums does.
In my experience female players tend to be good role players but not the best with mechanics. While males are the other way around.
Most women I've played with tend to be more into the storytelling and acting side of RPGs, which for me definitely enhances the game.
Is there an explanation for this? Educate me, armchair psychologists of Veeky Forums.
This makes me want to nitpick my favorite female players over the years and run a game just for them. Watch them act their way through dungeon crawls because I actually know the three of them can with little difficulty.
One of our regs is a great player, highly imaginative and good at making interesting personalities.
She's been into comic books since she saw the first Spider-Man (as in she actually reads classic back-issues on her comp, not just into superhero stuff) so M&M is one of her favorite games and she's pretty good at making fun characters. Her longest-running M&M char is basically gender swapped Nightwing, which is funny on a number of levels.
The one game we don't let her play is the Song of Ice and Fire RPG.
Not because she's bad at it but because she's TOO GOOD and she regularly makes whoever's GMing struggle to to deal with the complexity of her manipulation triangles and because the rest of the group frequently has a hard time making characters when she will inevitably turn hers into a scheming vindictive Lady MacBeth-type who's all too willing to manipulate and lie and fuck her way out of situations while cruelly dissolving social ties and gathering power for herself.
It's kinda freaky because she's a sweetheart in real life.
>Friend brings his new gf to the table
>Cripplingly shy, struggles even just introducing herself at the table
>Rolls a quiet tiefling barbarian
>Freaks out and completely shuts down whenever I try and engage her in roleplay
>This goes on for 3 sessions
>I'm close to giving up on her as a player entirely
>Next session has a hostage situation
>Barbarian is the only one on hand to try and resolve the situation
>Offers the bandit money to let the hostage go
>Bandit starts haggling for more money
>Party is pissing themselves laughing as the barbarian pretty much gets herself mugged
>She actually roleplays it pretty well
>Lightbulb appears above my head
>Every session now has a section where an NPC bullies her into doing something stupid for her to roleplay
>Whole party loves it, especially her
>mfw I find out from the boyfriend that she's actually a huge masochist
Yeah but then you don't get to look at this often enough.
nice digits
was she cute?
So she attacks you with her swords and with her butt?
>hey guys, I'm bringing my girlfriend into the campaign! It is her first game, so go easy on her.
>cue groans around the table, followed by tacit acceptance
>she shows up with a fairly chliche, but acceptable character.
>actually read the manual cover to cover, corrects GM on rules multiple times
>good roleplayed, comes up with creative solutions to problems
She's part of the normal group now, everything went better than expected.
Does anyone have a screencap of that one time a That Girl tried to make a spell that would kill all men, but then This Girl stepped in and BTFO?
it's on and is called the Diplomancer.
If you ask her nicely.
Never had a decent female player, sorry OP.
Group drama always fucked it up by time they wouldve gotten to that point.
She was new but played cast buffs and healed competently.
The end.
Meaning what? The rest of the group getting into a dick measuring contest to see who would impress her the most?
I run a game for my girlfriend and her five female friends. Boyfriends and such are allowed to watch, but only the girls play. It's a pretty casual game and we're only three sessions in, but so far they're by far the best group I've ever had. No one bitches about anything, issues are settled quickly and without getting nasty, I kind of wish I could force my other groups to come watch and take notes.
You're crazy, that never happens