Stat me, Veeky Forums.
Stat me, Veeky Forums
STR: 5
AGI: 10
END: 8
HET: 6
WIP: 8
INT: 5
PER: 7
Awareness: 10
Athletics: 8
Stealth: 10
Survival: 10
Animal Handling: 6
Piloting: 3
ADR: 10
TOU: 4
CAR: 16
MOB: 11
CHA: 12
Pistol 15, SMG 15, Rifle 15, Wrestling 20
Beautiful (2), Tall (1), Natural Born Killer (3), Brave (2), Impressive Voice (Soothing)
Sneaking Suit
"Patriot" Submachinegun
+4 STR
+1 not being alive
How would a fantasy adaptation of The Patriot work out, assuming no guns in the setting?
Did she lose on purpose? Was she superior to Snake?
I don't think she did. as much as she loved snake she was all about the mission and was doing her damndest to kill snake. I find it hard to believe that someone like the boss who we see throughout the series is defined my her philosophy, would compromise her code for anything even the man she mentored/loved.
she was a true patriot through and through.
But if she was a true patriot, she would have lost on purpose to guarantee that the US (and the world) would be safe from an all out nuclear war.
She deliberately ensured he'd be better than her so she could go all-out and would still lose like her country needed.
5e, human fighter 20, champion subclass. Give her some sort of philosophical background.
... that means she was not going all-out.
I could do it in GURPS. She's probably worth around 500 points almost entirely in skills and attributes.
No, it means she was training him so that she could go all out.
Give her a specialized repeating handcrossbow.
5e has firearms rules. Just say she's from Beyond the Barrier Peaks or something.
Her mission was to die, but to make the fight look good. I suppose the only objective answer to this question is that it's possible to lose the fight. Boss can kill Snake during the final battle, meaning that she is trying to kill him. Whether or not she is going "full out" is unknown, and can never be known, but it is worth noting that at no point does Snake EVER defeat her using CQC, he can only kill her using firearms, the great equalizer. She doesn't go easy on him, but she doesn't have to--he has a gun and she's bare-chested.
Compare to, say, the Ocelot fight on the plane, where it is impossible for Snake to die, because Ocelot had no actual intention of killing him. There it is clear that Adamska is -not- going all out, he's just indulging in his hero-worship.
I would say that Boss was probably better than him in terms of raw skill (again, he loses literally every CQC engagement against her throughout the entire game) but she was also older, a woman, and fighting at a deliberate disadvantage with the express intention of dying.
The grand arc of the series ironically is that Solid Snake and Ocelot are basically brothers. Snake is the biological "son" of Big Boss, but the memetic successor to Boss, whereas Ocelot is the biological son of Boss, but the memetic successor to Big Boss. In the end, the story repeats itself, and the children of the two heroes play out their roles in identical fashion, with Snake killing Ocelot without knowing WHY he was killing Ocelot until afterwards.
The second perfect irony is that Ocelot dies without ever knowing that The Boss was his mother--meaning that Ocelot, by destroying the Patriots under Liquid's influence, avenged his mother's death without meaning to.
Ws5 bs5 str3 t3 w2 i5 a4 ld10 5+ 3++ 6+++
Eternal warrior
Patriot smg: Str 4 ap 5 assault 4
10 minutes jack: If The Boss is still in play on turn 6, then 4 str 8 ap 2 apocalyptic blasts target her before the players movement phase. These scatter at full distance.
ST: 14
DX: 20
IQ: 14
HT: 12
Will: 20
Perception: 14
Speed: Bought up to 10.00
Extreme Fanaticism
Sense of Duty: Jack
Charisma 5
Wildcard Skill - !Boss-21
This wildcard skill handles anything that The fucking Boss can and will do to take your ass apart and EAT IT ALIVE one piece at a time like the fuckboi trash fancy dessert you are
WS8 BS6 S4 T4 W5 I8 A1 Ld10 4+/6++
The Patriot, CQC, Sneaking Suit, The Joy, Ten Minutes, Microbomb
The Patriot: 24", S3, AP6, Assault 10, Master Crafted, Pinning
CQC: S:User, AP-, Concussive, Blind
Sneaking Suit: 4+/6++, Shrouded, Stealth
The Joy: Fleet, Fearless, IWND, Eternal Warrior, Adamantium Will, Crusader, Zealot, Move Through Cover
Ten Minutes: If The Boss is killed by any method other than a challenge, the opponent loses 1D3 victory points.
Microbomb: Upon death, place an S8 AP3 small blast marker over The Boss, resolving one hit for every model affected.
>Ten Minutes: If The Boss is killed by any method other than a challenge, the opponent loses 1D3 victory points.
So 'Non-melee armies lose if she's on the field'
Keeping people out of challenges is really damn easy.
I just thought i'd play up the 1v1 combat aspect of her story. She's supposed to die in a challenge.
You might want to add then 'She must accept challenges/be the nominated model in a challenge'.
Mind you, even then it means that Tau/SOB/Imperial Guard/Many other forces are going to just flat lose the VP as they don't have anything that could carve through 5 eternal warrior wounds in a challenge.
Alright. Try this.
Ten Minutes: The Boss must issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If killed by any method other than a challenge, the opponent loses 1d3 victory points. If defeated in a challenge, your opponent claims 1d3 victory points.
You CAN defeat her with CQC if you time it correctly, which is what most good players do.
The big boss is suppose to be better than Boss in combat at this point since he suppose to be super efficient like how the fabled Men of ritual plays him.
>gatarifags talking shit about anyone