You can't ban me for replying to a begging thread when I have a computer lab to myself.
Can't even ban me based on ISP or IP range because my university is it's own ISP you fucking retards.
You're all faggots, mods.
You can't ban me for replying to a begging thread when I have a computer lab to myself.
Can't even ban me based on ISP or IP range because my university is it's own ISP you fucking retards.
You're all faggots, mods.
Nice, just bought 100k
this board should be 23+
Stop shilling your shit coin dog
nice piss and shit bucket OP, moving up from shitting in the streets
Yeah good luck retard
I deserve this...
Fuck me up Veeky Forums.
> falanges medias
Why is there hair there?
that room isn't asian
Oh shit. I know who you are
You in my program?
Alternatively, Sasha?
>no one cares
Yeah yeah I know. Hardly go there anymore desu, biz and crypto has consumed all my free time like the soul-sucking monster it is.
>Skinniest finger
>Hairiest arm
Looks like you're already being punished by God, Mr Manbearskelly
Literally who the fuck are you and why should we care?
Those are some nasty ass fingernails. If your pussy ass ever has to hit someone, those things will cut your palms all up and since you have your own shit packed underneath them it will get infected.
You shouldn't. Forget this thread.
Thanks I don't take care of myself
tfw virgin fingers
wait what is the point of this thread? did you get banned for posting or replying to a pajeet thread?
Yeah pretty much.
It's been a long night okay? I'm lashing out. Have assignments up my fucking ass and I've wasted all my time browsing fucking biz like a retard instead of working.
i should reiterate, did you get banned for posting a giveaway thread, or replying to one?
Replying to. Probably pissed off a mod because I was arguing about how posting in a giveaway thread actually makes more sense than buying a lottery ticket. I don't know. Seems like a lot of work to ban 200 fucking IPs on a giveaway thread so I was probably singled out.
shit thats brutal as fuck. well its good that they are finally doing something about it, it sucks that you were caught in friendly fire
I guess. Obviously it doesn't really affect me at all if I'm still posting but it kind of pissed me off.
9/10 times people who curl their thumbs when flipping people off are complete pussies...and they tend to be bleeders too. Stop doing that, people that actually don't give two fucks about wrecking your shit pick up on this shit...don't ball it up like you are afraid if someone sees it, extend that thumb like you're actually proud to tell someone to go fuck themselves. When I flip someone off my thumb actually grows an additional 2 inches from pride in telling someone to fuck off. I don't ball it in like some scare fucking puppy that is getting yelled at by it's owner. Fuck, have some pride man....
This looks stupid though
Bullshit I punched a tree with nails twice as long and didnt cut myself from my own nails or the tree
But it says to the world, '"Look at how proud i am to flip this faggot off, fuck...i'm so proud i'm going to make it as visible as possible, so all passerby can see how much i fucking hate this piece of shit." I've removed window tint on my cars before just for this reason. just the other day i flipped this guy off for tailgating and he passed on the shoulder and flipped me off....his shit was curled up like a little bitch and then he ended up running from me after i flipped him off again and then chased him down the interstate doing speeds in excess of 100 mph. He was weaving in and out of traffic and everything to get away from me to avoid confrontation. this went on for miles, I was hoping for him to fuck up and total his car and possibly die in a fire but it didn't happen. if he would have taken my exit i would have made him my bitch for about 62 more miles....all of this because he just couldn't flip me off like a man. He had to curl his thumb like a fucking retarded 8 year old girl with carpal tunnel...pisses me off.
You at Queen's University op? I was there on exchange last year
Jesus fuck
i do the double outward facing curled thumb stone cold steve austin flip off
you're telling me hes a bitch? he doesnt like flipping people off?
jokes on you, he tucks his thumb into his fist when he punches
Stop doing cocaine
Right back at you cunt
Stop driving your selfish fuck.
>not pasta
saved as "internet tough guy pasta 5.txt"
ur a faget btw