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also how'd the Cabal of Destiny fare in Warhammer?

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WS2 BS2 S5 T5 W5 A1 I1 Ld10

>Valus Ta'Aurc from Destiny
>the Cabal

I dont really know what I can stat him with much. But maybe:

INTELLIGENCE = 7 (because in the game; Destiny, The Cabal are actually a pretty smart militaristic and industrial race)

I dont else. But I bet alignment is Lawful Evil.

ALIGNMENT = Lawful Evil

Correct me if I'am wrong guys. But is that a space marine? What chapter? Looks like he's holding an assault cannon and I'am guessing that's a Terminator? If not, then where's this from?

This is from Destiny a video game created by Bungie, the cabal are essentially are the imperium viewed by alien races (pretty smart on bungies behalf when I realized it)

Except they didn't make the Cabal fight like the Imperium, with literally thousands of shit troops whose only only goal is too eat bullets until the artillery finishes things/the actually useful troops show up. Sort of like the Hive, but less NOM NOM NOM, more WHY ARE OUR FLASHLIGHTS NOT HURTING THEM?

Honestly I think the Cabal would not only do pretty well if they were in the Warhammer 40k-verse, but their tech's pretty much better than what the Imperium generally has and they can give the space marines a run for their money.

And another things the Cabal has that the Imperium probably doesn't have are a steady stream of magic soldiers they utilize for slave labor and as auxiliary soldiers meant for fighting other magical foes; the Psions. Which I can guess would be enslaved Psykers who undergone tortorous brainwashing and slight transmogrification in Warhammer standards.

I'd probably have even more respect for the Cabal in Destiny if they manage to make their weapons so advanced and sophisticated, not even Orks can reverse engineer them without the exact blueprint copies which only the Cabal have.

You know OP, you kinda just made me realize that destiny could be perceived as a grim dark game if you just used the setting

Kinda hard to make Destiny 'grim-dark' since Destiny's theme seems to lean towards Hope. Hope to fight and live another day and to overcome the darkness and evil that looms over head. Destiny is what you can say; an alternate noble bright interpretation of Warhammer.

Shit, right forgot about it. It does seem kind of hopeless to me though. All the countless conspiracy theories about the traveler and what not could make me see it as grim dark

So what does that makes the stats of the Psions?
I'll try, so anyone who knows their Destiny, boardgames and Warhammer 40K, correct me if I'am wrong.

TOUGHNESS: 25% (I imagine the typical Cabal Legionnaire's 'toughness' is 50% resistance against most damage, while the psions' are half since they still wear the similar armor made from the same compunds and material of typical Cabal Armor)

Go on and correct me if I'am wrong.

That's not to say Destiny doesn't have its own grim-darkness, its just the general theme is hope and determination, hell Warhammer 40000 also has a thing for hope and determination, but mostly fierce dogmatic determination than faithful hope outside of religious zealotry.

Also... Would Traveler be considered an "ally" to the Imperium and humanity in general if it were in Warhammer? I'd be the Admechs would worships the hell out of it and the Ecclesiarchy would tolerate worship of it and consider it as a "buddy of the emperor."

Yeah I think you got it pretty spot on, nothing much else I could say.
I kinda wanna try running a campaign of some sorts in the destiny world now but with more death and despair


So Cabal vs. Adeptus Astartes when then?

It's a shame destiny was so poorly executed, it has some pretty great lore

Mhhmm, at the very least its gameplay and gunplay is good and enjoyable, if you're okay with grindfests. You'd think /tg would break down the story and make something great out of it. Come on Veeky Forums you guys can make great stories and breakdown lore from other fantasy and sci-fi works. So why not do it for Destiny? I know its vidya and not tabletop, but I'am talking about the story and lore alone, so much potential which just makes me hope Destiny 2 will be enjoyable or decent atleast.

Sorry but not familiar with that stat format. I assume "LD" is land damage percentage? Anyone mind telling what those abbreviations mean?

It'd be a great setting to pull out of their hands and plop into an RPG. PCs can get high lethality, but be respawned by a Ghost assuming the one keyed to them isn't taken out during the process. Players can buy certain tech skills at a small discount by putting them in their Ghost, but these require the player dedicate said Ghost to performing these tasks for extended rounds, during which time they become more vulnerable because their floating respawn beacon is busy and either needs to drop everything to fix them or keep working potentially unguarded and do it later.

Other than that it's mostly a matter of just finding some core mechanics that do gunplay and wizard powers well on the fast and loose and figuring out gear and monster stats, I guess.

Weapon Skill
Ballistic Skill

I assume at least. I'm surprised they don't have fewer wounds but an armor save.

This, it's a 40K statblock. The joke is that Cabal are Tau.

Most Cabal are basically space marines though, and the only little Cabal are clearly psykers.

Just explaining this jokeCabal strike me as Tau Crisis Suits. They are pretty shit in CC but can handle themselves in a pinch...god help you at range...they need better helmets though, as my Warlock's High Fixer one shots them...

>Cabal are shit in CC
Valus Mau'uul would like to have a word with you user.

What do you mean the Cabal are Tau!? They're obviously space marine expys. And they're shit in CC? So far the only Cabal we've mostly seen in Destiny are just infantry with bolters. Once another expansion involving the Cabal is released, we'll be seeing Cabal with chainsword and power hammer-like weapons.

And are you forgetting valus mau'uul?

>INTELLIGENCE = 7 (because in the game; Destiny, The Cabal are actually a pretty smart militaristic and industrial race)

Yeah, but the AI is shit

And while we're talking about the Cabal of Destiny, what're the stats for Valus Mau'Uul and Tlu'Urn

user is referring to the fact that they're an militaristic and industrial powerhouse with an organized military and chain-of-command and have sophisticated weaponry. So yes, a Cabal's stats in intelligence should be high or above average. You don't become a space marine expy for just being a big-dumb-brute. yes the ingame AI is unimpressive and pretty average at best, but again, user is referring their intelligence lore-wise. 'Cause again, you are not a space marine expy if you're dumb.

>Space Marine Expys

Maybe as the literal generic space marine like from Starcraft.

I don't see them as Heroic Warrior monks who decend from the sky in drop pods shattering the backs of armies.

I see generic power armor guys.

So I guess this does not do justice for a Cabal commander like Valus Ta'Aurc then??

In that case the Cabal's stats should be just like the space marines' but somewhat modified to put emphasis on high damage weaponry and armor.

ALSO I'd bet the Cabal's vehicles; epecially the Goliath Tank is pretty much better and more superior than Imperium's land vehicles.

>Should be like a Space Marines stats


>I bet the Cabal's Vehicles


You're hilariously sounding like the Halofag now.

Oh look, it's a really slow Devilfish!

>and the only little Cabal are clearly psykers.
You mean the Psions? Yeah I've always guessed they're psykers, enslaved psykers since its implied in the grimoire cards.

But I've somewhat always thought the Psion Flayers are Eldar for some reason.

So what do you think are the stats for Psions then?

The last time I played destiny was just before the Dark Below expansion so I have no idea who the new and/or close combat Cabal are...
Valus Tau'Arc....Commander Longstrike?

BS 3 WS 3 S 3 T 3 I 3 LD 7 Save 5+

I have to disagree with them having same stats as space marines too. However correct me if I'am wrong, but I have to agree a bit with the vehicles.

Looking at the imperium's tanks. They're tanks are essentially retrofitted dark age vehicles. While the goliath tank is an actual battle tank. Sure its slower than a Devilfish from what I see in gameplay but when it comes vehicles, I have to agree with their vehicles being somewhat better.

We have yet to see their space ships yet fully asides from their Harvester Dropships.

The point is the Leman Russ is a heavily armored trackor with a very strong main gun.

It doesn't matter if it's a bucket. The fucking is packing a howitzer that would smash the living fuck out of the Goliath tank while the Leman Russ will simply refuse to die.

Then there is stuff like the Predator tank, that is canon wise pretty fucking agile.

That suppose to be the stats for the regular psions? Or the Psion Flayers? Because they're different. The Psion Flayers are stronger and powerful and can lift manipulate space rocks as opposed to normal objects.

Oh, they're psykers?

I4 then.

Point is they look like wispy pathetic looking front line troopers and sound like it.

You can't compare them to eldar when eldar are canon as fast as a space marine is strong.

A Striking scorpion or Banshee would probably solo the Destiny universe because they're that fucking insane.

>I don't see them as Heroic Warrior monks who decend from the sky in drop pods shattering the backs of armies.
Replace "Not!Catholic monk" parts of Astartes with "hyper-patriotic Not!Roman legionnaire" and they're literally the same thing, down to the augments and chemical steroids, with the sole exception being fewer drop pods (there are more efficient ways to transport troops in Destiny, you can literally drop pod a whole base in) and that Cabal are from a conquering race of Rhinomen, not a bunch of mutant humans trying to defend the corpse of an empire that should have been trampled thousands of years ago.

Vex are almost literally Necrons, just replace skeleton themes with their own visual shit and make them shoddy time travelers.

The gameplay of Bungie games has always been stated to not reflect fluff capabilities of the setting. If you go by Grimoire cards every faction is infinitely more scary.

So they're the Ultramarines.... but without the grasp on the whole Roman thing and clearly not a match for Space Marines.

If you can drop a whole base in, why NOT use drop pods?

Like seriously, out of the one thing Space Marines do, Slamming a man made meteor into the ranks of the enemy who are pinned down by guardsmen only to have the meteors burst open and now you have 7 foot tall killy men attacking you is probably the most logical tactic ever devised.

I mean do the Cabal have an answer to the Power sword? No? Are they fast? No?

>I mean do the Cabal have an answer to the Power sword?
A gun with a reasonably large magazine, for one.

>Are they fast?
Their teleporting psychics who can paralyze you with mind screams and pin you under a hail of explosions and gunfire certainly are.

So Stub guns and Lesser warp spiders/ Banshees.

Nothing Space Marines haven't flattened before.

>Cabal aren't Tau guys
>they use power armor with integrated weapon systems
>their troops use articulated jetpacks to get into and out of optimal firing positions for their "hit and run" style of combat
>they're hi-tech as fuck
>they have hover tanks with a advanced long range weaponry while using swarm style countermeasures
>they used burst cannons, smart missiles, and bolters so totally Marines
>they stay at range except for a select few trained in close combat...mostly just one crazy red commander guy
>totally NOT Tau guys!

>adds "lesser" to everything and downplays shit because how dare another setting want to not fellate 40k
Okay kiddo, come back when you want to have a discussion rather than wave your dick like you wrote your preferred space fantasy.

>main soldier type is a giant, roided-out mutant version of their race designed to be huge and nearly unrecognizable from their base state
>fiercely loyal to their masters based on centuries old combat dogma which shuns all forms of retreat and surrender
>any force who shows the first sign of resistance is genocided to oblivion because the universe is the property by divine right of the Emperor
>totally not space marines because they don't come from a setting where religious technophobia exists
They're just marines from a setting where the Horus Heresy didn't happen.

I'm sorry, am I supposed to instead supplant myself before the most boring and stereotypical Sci-fi shit ever?

I mean fuck

>Evil aliens in power armor are the Roman Legion

It's always the fucking Roman legions.

Why not have them be a analogue to Charlemange's royal court, trying to purge the world of the Human-Saxons?

Looks like somebody does not understand what "And they shall know no fear means"

Space Marines retreat all the time, they just actually use the word tactical properly.

They sound more like Fallout New Vegas' Caesar's legion in space.

Not the crusaders the Space Marines are.

So they're a pale imitation that copies just the most superficial of traits.

>They're just marines from a setting where the Horus Heresy didn't happen.
>They're just marines from a setting where the Horus Heresy didn't happen.

So not Space Marines then. Thank you.

Marines if you ignore the most important event in Marine history.

Why did you quote him twice? That's weird

Im a phoneposter and cancer is my thing.

>also how'd the Cabal of Destiny fare in Warhammer?
What about Chaos Influence?
I'll bet there'd be Cabal who would so totally fall under Khorne's Influence 'cause they be proud-warrior guys with organized chain of command. (Thus giving further meaning to their name that not all of them are 100% loyal to each other)

holy shit that is the ugliest wannabe bionicle I have ever seen in my life. Can't believe someone actually got paid to bring that monstrosity to the earth.

>I've somewhat always thought the Psion Flayers are Eldar for some reason
Thanks user, now I'am imagining that if the Cabal from Destiny were in Warhammer, they'd not only often take psykers to make them into their Psions, they'll also do the same to Eldar. And when they encounter Eldar, they'll try to find the psyker, or 'magic user' among the group, take him/her alive, subject him/her into brainwashing, a lobotomy and slight transmogrification to turn him/her into a a Psion, or a Psion Flayer depending on the power of the individual.

Gods know what the Cabal would do to the Soulstones of some Eldar the kill or capture.

>big, slow rhinomen aliens dressed up as space marines

>implying the Farseer waifus will not use their more superior psychic powers against their big asses
>implying the Howling Banshee will not use her L337 Ninja skills and scream at the space roman rhinomen to death
>implying the space roman rhinomen can beat and lay a finger on graceful space elf waifus

Was anyone else disappointed that Oryx in gameplay dialogue didn't synch up with Oryx from the Books of Sorrow? I feel like Oryx was a much more interesting character in the grimoire with his Philosopher-King schtick, whilst in gam he was just another raging villain.

Psions dude, The Cabal would use their psions to beat other psykers and eldar to take them to be made into more psions.

So yes, a coordinated group of Cabal Legionnaires and psions led by their Centurions (their field officers) can BTFO the most tenacious psyker and eldar farseer; even if said farseer is the fan favorite "Monkeigh Fucker", the super-horny virgin or the flat chested bitch.

As for the looted Soulstones, I dont really know, maybe its given to the Psions as a treat for a job well done? Maybe Cabal personnel would use them as batteries to power their smaller gadgets?

So what about stats for the other Cabal Units?





WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 A1 I2 Ld8 Sv4+
(Jump Infantry [Jet Pack])

>Slug rifle
S4 Ap4 rapid fire 24"

WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 A1 I2 Ld9 Sv4+, 5+ (Inv.)
(Jump Infantry [Jet pack])

>Projection rifle
S5 Ap3 Assault 2 24"

WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 A1 I1 Ld8 Sv4+ (Inv.)


slug rifle

Slow and Purposeful

WS4 BS4 S5 T5 W2 A1 I2 Ld9 Sv4+

(Monstrous Creature)

Heavy Slug Thrower
S6 AP3 Heavy 3 36"


Not to mention the fact that the Cabal have apparently achieved everything they have without the direct aid of the Traveller or the Darkness. Unlike all the other races in setting.

We don't have that much to measure the goliath against though.

The weapons you're packing in Destiny are more hyper-future than the stuff in 40k by a long shot. Programmable matter, hardlight construction, and atomic scale manufacture are all hallmarks of Golden Age construction. The fact that the Goliath can take an enormous pounding from even that sort of thing implies to me that it would basically shrug off any modern firearms, and most conventional arms in 40k. Tank shells would do ass all against it, and las-cannons would take multiple shots to take it out.


The Psion Flayers moved Phobos on their own, and can download themselves into computers at will.

>Muh super-Farseers and Psykers

Still die like bitches to an airstrike. Any commander who would actually be retarded enough to rely on such a limited use of a Psyker's gift would soon find their entire army in shatters and their allies executing them for incompetence.

WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 Ld8 Sv6+


Slug rifle

Psychic scream
S5 AP2 Assault 1 18"

Front12 Side11 Rear11 BS4


Projection rifle (twin linked)

>Goliath tank
Front14 Side14 Rear13 BS4


Main cannon
S8 Ap3 Heavy 1 large blast 48"

slug rifle (co axial)

Front 13 Side 13 Rear 12


Harvester turret
S5 Ap 4 Heavy 2 24"

Transport (8)

>Warlock uses Witchfire
>Psions are now dead

When you're trying to do a Psyker fist fight, you really should not pick Eldar

Hahaha, no.

Because you use conventional firearms in Destiny.

Hardlight constructions and programmable matter don't mean it's somehow tougher and harder than anything else.

You're trying to use bullshit words to say a paltry machine gun or rocket launcher in Destiny is somehow dramatically more powerful than it's 40k counterpart.

>Says Atomic scale manufacture like it's somehow amazing
>Everyone and their mom in the 40k universe uses Mono-edged blades.

A boot knife of a catachan guardsmen is as high tech as all the weapons in Destiny.

Everything here can be beaten by the MC in Destiny.

So everything here needs to have worse stats than a Skitarri ranger.

How does that even make sense?

How do they sharpen them?

They don't?

They're just perma sharp. This is why I am laughing at Destiny.

Warhammer 40k is a dystopian future where all these cool and amazing inventions have come and gone, they're worthless compared to cheap mass produced infantry and abominations in drop pods.

You can't have a mono-edge be permanently sharp, unless it's totally indestructible or constantly repairing itself.

Like the War Scythe or Wraithbone weapons.

>They're worthless compared to cheap mass produced infantry and abominations in drop pods.

Not even close in the slightest. The Imperium sends wave after wave if infantry because it has to due to the lack of efficiency in almost everything they do, ever, including their technology. Anyone with a sufficiently advanced industrial base could shit out Astartes by the legions relatively easily, what would the Militarum do then, when the more advanced ships are stripping them of their support and the Space Marine legions come charging?

They simply don't wear out so much.

Imperial Guard technology is designed to be durable and last almost forever.

Catachan knives are said never to lose their edge.

It just works because the intricate details have been lost under mountains of mass production and ritualised schematics.

because Charlemagne was right?

>Could shit out Astartes by the Legions

Look just because your shallow sci-fi has a space marine analogue; doesn't mean they are astartes in the slightest.

How would the Cabal deal with Orks, or Tyranids? Or Necrons or Eldar?

By dying horrifically by either getting swarmed or getting outflanked dramatically.

The Imperial Guard is a logical step in humanities survival because it allows the Imperium to actually pin enemies down on a battlefield to allow their resources to come to bear.

Well by that point you did kill his son iirc

>Pin enemies down
>Hordes of infantry and vehicles
>In a setting where Voidships exist

All one needs is void superiority and a couple dozen rounds the size of a battle-tank and your Regiments are reduced to ash without you being able to counter in literally any way,

They'd probably just blow up their planets like they do to all the ones they don't have interest in recovering the technology from.

Or just crush them under their own nigh endless military might. The forces you fight in system are a tiny scouting and reconnaissance force who didn't expect to face any significant resistance.

>Destroy the planet you're trying to hold

I'm not talking about the Cabal fighting the Imperium.

How would they fight against the Imperiums enemies.

Here is a hint. They'd lose. Dramatically.

>Crush them

Eldar destroy their infastructure in a lightning fast sector wide webway raid.

Orks grind their weaker forces into dust

Tyranids devour their forces and produce unstoppable abominations

Necrons vaporise them with their infinitely superior technology.

The Cabal loses. Sorry for playing the 40k Game.

>Destroy the planet you're trying to hold
>Destroy the planet

Literally only 40k's retardedly ineffective void-to-ground targeting technology enforces this. Precision strikes would be almost trivial for any race or setting that follows even the slightest hint of military logic, unlike 40k which, while one of my favourite settings, conveniently forgets what tactics and technology are whenever the main characters of a narrative need to look cool.

>B-But my precision strikes

Ah yes, I forgot the 40k universe only operates entirely on VOID and PLANET

It's not like each race has situations on how to interact with each of them without resorting to total planet destruction.

And how they all have defenses against air attacks.

Yeah, I forgot that's 40ks failing point, not the fact that you just don't fucking pay attention.

>Ah yes, I forgot the 40k universe only operates entirely on VOID and PLANET

Most of it does unless we're talking about void vs. void, at which point better targeting systems would still almost be a game-breaker unless the Cabal are dealing with something nasty like Necrontyr.

>And how they all have defenses against air attacks

Yes, defences against massive projectiles going at such ludicrous speeds that, on impact, would utterly vaporize anything within a magnificent blast-zone. Void Shields? Sure, but those are very rare.

Also, if you really, truly believe that any of 40k is an example of tactical or logical brilliance in the art of war, I urge you to talk to literally anyone with military experience.

>Muh Military logic.

Are you one of those armchair military autistics who thinks WW1 tactics are "Outdated" because modern warfare is different?

Let me explain this to you so you understand. 40K has Planetary bombardments. They happen quite as standard. It also has Planetary defences just as able to slap the shit out of any ship trying to bombard said planet.

So, due you your so famed military logic, where do you go when you're at a stalemate in a Siege?

You either way the enemy out and let them starve, or you try and storm the defences.

Many enemies in 40k cannot be waited out. Many also don't like waiting. So the Imperium has countermeasures to defend against things like, say; Orks Dropping Rokks into the atmosphere disgorging billions of Orks onto the surface in Military blitzkriegs so huge it defies all notions of modern warfare.

Let's use a test example.

How would the Cabal defend Armageddon from Gazkhull Thrakka?

>Void Shields
>Very Rare

They're on Titans and Leviathan forward command units.

And Star forts and high security bunkers ALWAYS have void shields.

I feel like people tend to forget the fact that 40k is supposed to Grimdark.

Everything is fucked up, backwards, inefficient, and barely holding itself together. The Imperium of Man is, essentially, circling the drain by the 42nd Millennium with anyone in any position of relative perspective being able to see that. At this point it's basically held together exclusively by it's massive size and individual acts of heroism. All it's other systems are broken and decaying.

40k space targetting is fine desu.
They regularly engage at distances of hundreds of thousands of km.

Lightyears user. It's easier just to say Lightyears.

Show me an example of non-BL fluff that says that.

>Are you one of those armchair military autistics who thinks WW1 tactics are "Outdated" because modern warfare is different?

No, they're outdated because they relied on technology far below our own and were extremely inefficient.

> It also has Planetary defences just as able to slap the shit out of any ship trying to bombard said planet.

Yes, but only because of 40k's horrendous idea that somebody needs to get remotely close to a planet to do accurate firing, when they're shooting at each other from many thousands of km away in space. Anyone with access to even basic computers by Destiny standards and not constrained by this narrative-based logic wouldn't even need to get into orbit to perform precision orbital strikes. It's a simple matter of mathematical and physical principles that you're not accepting on account of GW's word, insisting that a bunch of writers who can't even keep their own internal consistency or stay true to how physics works are somehow logically deducing the flow of their wars.

The whole idea that there even needs to be a siege in most cases is absurd. If the opponent takes void superiority and is actively launching infantry at your own, you have no hope beyond literally plot-armour.

>How would the Cabal defend Armageddon from Gazkhull Thrakka?
On the extreme end, they lure as many orks as possible onto the planet, and then blow it up. Lore-wise, they've already leveled planets for getting in the way, and would've blown up a starship's core that'd destroy half the solar system.

On the lower end, they'd probably be a still more extreme version of the Imperium, crashing moons and destroying hive cities to take as many orks as possible.

I think in the end, it's because Oryx seemed to treat the world as a big game, like he was still a little girl or something. Death was the game he'd play with his sisters and children, because the Ascendant plane meant no grander consequences beyond "u ded, git gud and come back in a century" to those that mattered, fuck all other life. When you live as a god like that for so long then suddenly WHOOPS THESE FUCKERS KILLED MY SON FOR GOOD??? I don't think you remain dispassionate and philosophical.

BL is canon, especially when there's no other source claiming otherwise.

>Yes, but only because of 40k's horrendous idea that somebody needs to get remotely close to a planet to do accurate firing

It's always fun when a anti-40k autist turns up, trying to complaina bout 40k without knowing anything.

Let's say you engage an Emperor class battleship at 2 lighthours away with another Emperor class battleship.

Your Macro canon hits the target after 2 hours. The Void shields dissipate the fire. There is a fucking 2 hour stopgap for the enemy ship to react. so unless you're firing every canon very fast very hard at the target and catching them by surprise, chances are, voidshields are up and they're easily defending themselves.

And worse, you miss.

Welcome to space warfare, or have you forgotten modern navel craft use AIRCRAFT who GET CLOSER to the enemy for reliable attacks?


You blew up a planet containing 1% of the Ork forces you have now attracted.

I hope the Cabal can do that for every Planet and ship they will have to fight on.

You're saying the Cabal would destroy entire systems of highly productive and valuable worlds just to defeat a threat like the Orks?

Sounds like the Cabal are weaker and less prepared to fight than the Imperium then, because the Imperium DON'T need to resort to planetary destruction every single time.

It's always fun when somebody turns up, complaining about somebody's post by completely disregarding what was said.

I wasn't talking about void vs. void, you ass. I was talking about how expendable ground forces are if the opponent has void superiority. Take, for example, most battles of Astartes vs. Necrons, GW cannot accept that the Necrons have every right to just lifewipe the Marines from orbit or the ground with their advanced technology, why? Because we need an excuse for our cool dudes to go in and achieve a resounding victory.

Ah yes, the Necrons with their ritualised warfare than those who don't follow it doing exactly that, lifewiping planets with ease.

Or if you prefer the Oldcrons; wanting to fucking harvest people.

Are you whining things like the celestial Ornery are not used as much?

Because we've seen whole planets vanish to catastrophic super weapons in 40k tons of times.