How does this make you feel?
wait, SoI doesn't even focus on a Jacetice League member.
dumbfuck he's ON THE BOX
Thats kinda boring
The story of SoI is about Jace wandering Innistrad, solving its mystery. Half of the blue cards feature him and Tamiyo's book rambling about clues in flavor text.
And here I was thinking the backlash to the Jacetice League might compel them to make a story about a Legendary character every now and then. Fuck me I'm stupid.
It's retarded, but what else is new with WotC? Of course it will focus on the Jacetice League. Get ready for Gideon/Nissa/Jace/Chandra forever.
As long a it means we'll eventually get a JTMS/LOTV power level card for Chandra, I'm up for it.
>How does this make you feel?
Tired. Like a lot of other things recently.
We don't even have a red candidate for the overpowered 2-drop cycle in Modern, we'll never get an overpowered redwalker.
We will never get good chandra..
>good abilities = costs 7 mana
>low usable cmc = shitty abilities
In abandoning magic.
Hi guys I am a developer for MTG looking for opinions from fans on our new naming ideas for the game. So far we have:
Jace Beleren and the Philosophers Stone
Jacey and the Pussycats
The Planeswalker Games: MockingJace
Jace Club
Forrest Jace
Jace of the Rings
The Silence of the Fans
Jace to the Future
The Jaceing
Jace's Eleven
Obviously all of these have very different themes and we are taking the game in a really unique direction where all cards will in fact be Jace or some form of Jace or in some way reference Jace, and of course all cards will cost $80 on the secondary market. Focus groups have suggested that Jace is the most popular character so we really want to make sure future sets highlight Jace but without overdoing it.
Annoyed. They've already proven that they're willing to force in Jace where Tamiyo already fit perfectly as the lone Blue walker. I doubt they'll do much better in the future.
What's next? Return to Theros with Gideon overshadowing Elspeth?
Young pyromancer is still a good card. Maybe not in modern though.
Since when has the default mattered to MTG? If anything, setting it as the default means they're going to stray from it more often than they adhere to it
Once Trump gets in the white house, Urza will return from the Void and bitchslap Jacey into the Blind Eternities.
>Time Spiral 2
>Jace meets Kid Jace, Midlife Crisis Jace and Old Grandpa Jace
>Together they must fight Baby Bolas, Sittin'-n-readin' Elder Dragon Bolas and Mecha Bolas
>Featuring the kid's version of the Gatewatch, called the Time League™, that features alternative realities of the rest of the planeswalkers: a gay an cowardly Gideon, a shy Chandra who suffers aspergers and a trans demi elf-kor Nissa that fights for the equality of every timeline
MaRo, please, no. PLEASE,NO.
Friday Night Magic the 13th, featuring Jaceon
Lame but whatever
>He only played MTG for the story.
Didn't already said that Jace is going to be in every block ever?
I know this might sound stupid, but I'd watch the hell out of Jace's Eleven. Like, they have to steal a powerful artifact from Bolas so they can do a thing on another plane. Set 1, the setup: detail the plan, gather the necessary people. Sure, not everyone gets along so well, but they can work together mostly. Set 2, everything goes terribly wrong and it looks like they might not pull it off. But they ultimately succeed and feel really good about themselves for like a minute, until they remember they don't really like each other and fuck off. At the end, Bolas accelerates any plans he might have, just so he can hunt down each of them, one by one.
Design even half-decent cards and you've got a best selling block.
>best selling block
>features a story even less interesting than the one in RtZendikar
>Ajani will never be a main character again.
>We'll never get a block with young, inexperienced planeswalkers where the Jacetice League doesn't show up to "guide them"
>We'll never get a block that focuses on Legendary Creatures dealing with shit on their plane without the Gatewatch rubbing their dicks all over it.
Nigger, every Magic story is boring.
>Angry white bitch has daddy issues, also turning into fish people.
>Justice League kills Starro the Conqueror.
>Boring Back story arch.
>Dragon time magic.
>Everyone in huge city is a huge dick. More at 11.
We're not exactly reading Pulitzer prize winning shit here.
Old blocks were really interesting and pretty well written
>What's next? Return to Theros with Gideon overshadowing Elspeth?
That might actually make sense though since he's from there
>ancient wizard accidentally the timelines. ALL OF THEM.
>Stay away of my fucking island you fucking crackas
>We're on a boat! SPACE BOAT!
>I once had a feel when no gf, so I made my gf.
It'd be funny if he appears for 10 seconds and go "Yep, still a fucking shithole, you're an idiot eslpeth" and then walks away
We should get more like this. I don't usually follow the story and in amused at their summaries
Well the competitive scene has been a joke for years, so flavour has to be the only thing keeping people stuck with MtG.
That or vintage, but the secondary market keeps new blood almost entirely out.
>No members of the gatewatch know about New Phyrexia
We're never going back are we?
Glad I quit when I did.
Magic hasn't been about the players' journey in a while.
You no longer play a wizard (now planeswalker) exploring and building a deck of spells. You now play "as" a member of the superfriends and use a deck to tell a story of their conflict with whatever.
>tfw dredgeplayer
WHERE WE AT /badguys/?
How is any one surprised by this?
I'm not surprised. I'm just disappointed.
So, first everything becomes about Planeswalkers.
And now everything becomes about a specific subgroup of those Planeswalkers.
It was already shit, not it's just more of the same shit.
I miss Kamahl.
Fuck the Jacetice League, it's one of the worst thing that's ever happened to MTG lore.
Only ok if the next block is about lesbian Chandra/Nissa in Egypt.
Are you one of those people that earnestly believed that the MTG lore was ever good?
I wouldn't call if good, but I had heaps of fun with the Weatherlight Saga, the Odyssey and everything that happened in Onslaught.
Consider this: How old were you? Does everything look rosy?
He doesn't release it was never good
In my mid-twenties, but I started out during Mirrodin and Ravnica and didn't read back into MtG Lore until after that, and I enjoy Weatherlight, Lorwynn and Odyssey way more than Mirrodin, Ravnica or the Brother's War.
As someone who doesn't play magic, never has, never will (just not my thing. Shine on you crazy diamonds who like it), lore has gotten way dumber from everything I've learned from my friends who do play.
Time spiral 2 will be jace going back in time in a 1980s stainless steel weather light to the date urza created it.
Hot meme bruh