
>Veeky Forums

is this the end of Veeky Forums?
will we finally have to accept becoming the /warhammer/ board?

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At least off-topic posters can't say "but quest threads exist" to defend threads that do not pertain to traditional games.

Veeky Forums has always been here, and quest threads have always been ruining Veeky Forums.

Stop whining, faggot.

Veeky Forums still does Veeky Forums stuff about as much as before and all you have to do is go to /qst/ and brows the catalogue to know we're better off without it.

>less multiple choice autistic anime circlejerks.
This is a good thing.

All the threads I came here for are just as active as always, and that means more stuff I'm interested in (not quests) can populate the board.

So no.

Despite the regular generals we have for Warmahordes, Battletech, Infinity, Star Wars.

Not to mention the shit ton of MTG and D&D threads around.

Yeah, we'll totally be all Warhammer all the time now. Like Warhammer doesn't already make up more than half the board.

Oh no, the Warhammer containment board that split off of /b/ has Warhammer on it. Everyone begin panicking.

>There are people right now that wasn't around when Veeky Forums wasn't all about Quests

Want to reword that one so it doesn't make you sound retarded user?

Just accept that the rest of us don't want you and go /qst/


This actually got me thinking why are there still quests on tg? Its only been a day and change so maybe people just haven't noticed and migrated.

So I went to the weekend quest general to see what's up.

>OP suggests migration to /qst/
>posts suggesting migration getting deleted
>quest faggots allcapsing that /qst/ is lame and full of faggots
>discussions about the integrity of the Veeky Forums quest community over /qst/

Shit's bananas, almost kek'd out of my chair.

No, why would I?

/qst/ is literally the best thing to happen to Veeky Forums in a long time. The only thing that could stay on Page 0 was filename threads because Quests were taking up most of the board. I'll take another era of Elf Slave Wat Do over the endless circlejerking of shitters trying to become the next Ruby Quest.

Now we need book threads to go to the book board, image dumps to go to the image dump boards, and requests to go to the request boards!
We're gettin' there, boys!


Uh what. They introduced Veeky Forums less than a year ago. It was put up last November.


Why are questfags so self-centered that they think Veeky Forums is going to collapse without their shitty waifu fanfiction?

I said that as in Veeky Forums has always been on this board, even with the actual Veeky Forums board in play.

Ah. I'm both tired, and have been at the drink, so that went right over my head.

And yeah, last couple times I went to Veeky Forums it was uh, less than impressive.

They're literally cancer.

Questers are already talking about shitposting and ignoring the containment board because they're literally to autistic to handle change.

Doesn't help that the hot pockets aren't actually enforcing /qst/ as a board and let the /a/utism continue to post here.

>quest faggots allcapsing that /qst/ is lame and full of faggots

I can't imagine why.

/qst/ is a good thing.

Now it just needs to be actually enforced and all the quest threads gtfo of Veeky Forums

The level of conceit in this post is absurd.

Veeky Forums was meant for board games and tabletop rpgs. Quests have always been an offtopic cancer. The only good one was Rubyquest, the rest were consistently shit.

>meta thread

>quests banned from Veeky Forums and forced onto /qst/
>/qst/ is actually a shitty board that hampers actual attempts at running quests

I love it. It's like the ironic hell you shitposters have always deserved.

there isn't an actual 'move your faggotasses over to /qst/ or else' rule yet, hopefully that gets put up soon

Hot pockets are actually handing out timeouts and bans for people that tell quests to move over.

Which is completely asinine if they want that board to actually be used. But again, nipmoot and hot pockets are functionally retarded so it is what it is.

I'm pretty sure that it's just one mod who created it against the wishes of the other mods. They'll probably end up taking it down.

It's what happens when you make an entire board to appease an extremely vocal but autistic minority.

>that hampers actual attempts at running quests

>All this Anti-Quest sentiment

I don't understand. How have quests impeded your enjoyment of Veeky Forums in any way?

>It takes up the Front Page

If you're still using the Front Page then you deserve to have your experience ruined.

a QM can only have one thread up at a time and it is a sloooooow board. bad news for QMs with more than one quest.

apparently update and thread watcher do not work or are buggy either

the standard not muh reeeee

Please, fuck off with this baseless meme.

If you can find one shred of proof, one single bit of anything to support your claim, I'd love to see it.

The /40k/ bullshit is only that. Bullshit that 40k fans believe and repeat so that they feel like its okay to spam ten threads a day when they could just as easily post those dumb comments in the 40k general.

Veeky Forums has always been the warhammer board, it was originally created to get 40k threads off /m/

>I'm pretty sure that it's just one mod who created it against the wishes of the other mods.

no setting up all the special formatting and drawing stuff means it had to be planned

>It's what happens when you make an entire board to appease an extremely vocal but autistic minority.

yeah and that extremely vocal but autistic minority is so autistic it won't fuck off to the board tailor-made for it now and continues to shit up the traditional games board where it doesn't belong

This just means /qst/ needs to be tweaked/fixed, not demolished and the quest threads brought back to Veeky Forums.

>experience ruined.

My experience is, at worst, completely unaffected. I don't know why you think threads I don't care for and don't post in somehow benefit me.

It's certainly a low point for Veeky Forums, that's for sure.

They're in a bit of a shitposting frenzy right now because they are angry that they got janitor'd like a dozen times.

I mean, look at the deletions.

Nah. Poorly written CYOA bullshit taking up more than half the board was the low point.

When did CYOAs ever take over half the board?

Every weekend? Is it sunday that the autismos come out? I honestly don't pay attention.

Is four or five threads considered "taking over the board" now?

the correct answer is never.

There's been at least a dozen at once.
Usually on autism sunday or whichever day the kids choose to come out.

>four or five

I just counted 16 COYA/Quest threads on the catalogue. Might've missed a couple.

And thats AFTER the creation of /qst/

that's... not taking over the board.
Like, by any margin.

I hate most quests and I still consider the main cancer to be the million shitty 40k memes a day.

assuming you didn't highlight false positives like request or question

There's an entire board for your incredulous autism, can't you just be a cancerous pox over there?

And it bumps actual discussion off the board in favour of more retarded three choice autistic anime cancer.

So that is at least 10% of Veeky Forums off topic and on the wrong board. Pretty bad.

>There's been at least a dozen at once
Do you have any proof, or are you talking out of your ass? Even at it's peak all i can remember is the CYOA general, Jumpchain general, and two or three other popular CYOAs that got their own threads
So quests are CYOAs now?

I remember I was very pumped up when Veeky Forums started and saw it attacked by /pol/acks even when the rules where specifically against it. Nowadays it seems kind of tumblr bait tier, which is equally shit.

Since there is nothing still forbidding us explicitly from rambling on and on about arms armor and history, we can still have some slice of Veeky Forums here and not be reported, because board culture, just as we have the tradition of "bar" threads (esentially /adv/ with more RP fags and less suck) BBEG theme threads (/mu/) and similar others (even models are basically toys for neckbears). To forbid those would be monumentally stupid since such action would infringe general rules.

If anything Veeky Forums should give us a chance to take infinite discussion of things barely related to the hobby outside of this space, (just as we should do with /pol/ when things get out of hand). Of course, Veeky Forums needs to mature and become less of a containment board for that to happen, though.

I'm not worried by the fact that /qst/ exist as much as the fact that janitors MAY verily fuck this up for a number of reasons.
From newboard sticky:

>Quest board doesn't admit "meta" threads, only actual quests.

Ackshtual quote:

> If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

>Which means "meta" threads will have to happen somewhere (namely here)
>OI NIGGER! I'm just into 40k and can't use word filter! Quest related shit goes to /qst/!
>(Meta poster gets banned for trying to get a significant discussion going on)

So yes, the deal needs rewording and general revision to be a proper test.
Not to mention people are going to get pissy at civ games, evo games, CYOA threads and other things that aren't /qst/ enough to be there, but are still related.

Also, yes, as other pointed out this has always been warhamma board, BUT it has also been quest board too, since quests migrated here from random.

>actual discussion
Oh no, what will we do without more "elf slave wat do" or "was i that guy/that dm Veeky Forums???" or "le HERESY BLAM BLAM XD" threads?

>Do you have any proof,
Like what?
A screencap of the fucking catalog you autistic mouthbreather?

>So quests are CYOAs now?
Literally the same thing.

a thread has to be either past bump limit or be dead for 3 hours to get to the bottom.

do you know how Veeky Forums works?

>baseless meme

Shit bait, newfriend.
inb4 no amount of WH Wed references could ever be "proof enough" for this faggot.

Questfags got shitcanned. No one cares whether you understand the reasons. Now fuck off and deal with it elsewhere.

For the Emprah! :^)

>So quests are CYOAs now?

Its all the same shit IMO. One just rolls dice I guess?

>Implying those are the only threads.
>Listing troll threads to make a point.
Questers confirmed cancer.

>/tgg/ - Traditional Game Generals

Now Veeky Forums can finally get rid of these general threads that eat up half the board.

I'm serious there are 36 general threads active right now, but only 12 quest threads.

Why make a new board for quest threads when they are not most common subset of Veeky Forums but general threads are?

>A screencap of the fucking catalog you autistic mouthbreather?
you could go search the archive like did
>Literally the same thing.
>Its all the same shit IMO.
oh, so really you're just a bunch of shitposters railing against anything that doesn't fit your narrow view of what's related to this board.

>all the same

In that, it's not game *discussion* and so, both are off-topic on this board.

With any luck, we'll get a /ccg/ board next, draining the swamp even further. Things are looking up for Veeky Forums!

I see them shitting up the front page more than anything else. And since you obviously don't use the catalog that's all that matters.

People actually like generals and quests are cancerous spill over from when they got banished from /a/ since all the good Veeky Forums quest runners left when nazimod took over?

>Being actually retarded.
Quests is literally choose your own adventure.

>oh, so really you're just a bunch of shitposters railing against anything that doesn't fit your narrow view of what's related to this board.

And you're just a bunch of shitposters filling this place with a bunch of crap that doesn't belong.

Ain't opinions grand?

But I do use the catalog and your strawman argument is retarded.

Thanks for playing.

>Quests is literally choose your own adventure.
Not in the way it's defined by the CYOA threads.
>And you're just a bunch of shitposters filling this place with a bunch of crap that doesn't belong.
No, actually, that's you, and your shitty meta thread is proof of it.

>But I do use the catalog
If you used the catalog you wouldn't be complaining about the vast minority of threads """""""""shitting up""""""""" this board because you would easily be able to see past them.

Thanks for playing.

>No, actually, that's you, and your shitty meta thread is proof of it.

No actually, its you, and /qst/ existing is proof of it.

>They bump actual discussion off the board.
If you weren't retarded maybe you could keep up with the discussion.

>Trying to recycle comebacks.
Now that's just pathetic.

I don't think that's what the OP was going for

>Now that's just pathetic.

Its Veeky Forums, we're all pathetic here.

ALL new threads push your "actual discussion" off the board, faggot. I guess we should just have mods ban the posting of new threads on Veeky Forums, then you can discuss the same shit forever and soothe your autism

It's tragic to see all this bickering over one of hte pillars of Veeky Forums.

Of course, this bickering has been going on since the start, so I guess it's one of those infinite things.

we had to migrate stuff into general threads because stuff was dropping off the board too quickly due to all the quest threads, once those faggots are shipped off to their proper place maybe we won't need so many generals anymore

I know right? Generals keep crowding out the "elf slave wat do" and "here's my character" threads with their discussion of game mechanics and lore and stuff. How horrible!

>No actually, its you, and /qst/ existing is proof of it.
Then why have quest threads not been banned off Veeky Forums yet? Why is /qst/ still referred to as a "trial board"?

Some of us just come here for the discussion and don't actually watch manchild cartoons, but believe what you will my friend.

Most of those are also discussions ye wee mads. So it's not so bad.

It's when autistic anime circlejerk of the day #19579 pushes threads off the board that it becomes a problem.

Can you guys stop shitposting about how much you hate quests?
Like 90% of the threads are "buh I hate quests" spam these days, and it's getting old.
Please stop bumping off actual discussion with your bitching about quests.

Quests were never one of the pillars of Veeky Forums.

You guys just did it here because no other board would let you.

Because it's literally 30 hours old?

Thank you for the reminder, user.

user, you have to be revisionist as hell if you think that.

once questfaggots move to where they belong there won't be any more bitching, you should really be encouraging the questfaggots to stop shitposting where they no longer belong

No, I'm asking -you-.
You guys have like 90% of the catalog full of bitching.
Stop hogging posts away from actual discussion.

>using catalogue
>seeing only the first posts
>on a board site-famed for its derails

I'm glad we won.

>Most of those
Oh, I'm fucking sorry. I was under the impression you said that CYOAs and Quest threads were "taking over the board"
but clearly if most of the threads made are actual discussion then that isn't the case and there's no problem
Please just kill yourself, you literal retard.

We need a new board for anti-quest shitposters, they take up too much room.

It's a baseless meme. Saying "warhammer wed" doesn't mean anything other than that you have a really exaggerated sense of how anyone other than 40k fans cared about that.

Where's the part where you explain how 40k got a containment board, when it was during a time when containment boards were not made? Or explaining why it's Veeky Forums and not /40k/? Or really any evidence to support your claim? Any evidence to support the idea, when the more obvious explanation (Veeky Forums was made for games that weren't video games) is exactly what this board is about and has always been?

Nothing? Then shut up already.

Questfags died when Nazimod came and then we got these one of three choice hacks from the /a/ migration when moot kicked them off of the anime boar because they were (Shock!) shitty as fuck and everyone found them annoying. They just were told to come to Veeky Forums because our board was slow and no one gave a shit.

So he's technically correct, modern quests have nothing to do with Veeky Forums.

user, you are revisionist as hell if you ignore the period after nazimod and before anime integration, which spanned years and had a very successful quest scene.

Quests have literally always been here in one way or another except during the nazimod days and the first few months of Veeky Forums before they were properly invented.

Games that aren't MtG or Warhammer will no longer have to compete with 25 different play by post shitters in order to survive.

Hopefully we can also get the discussion of videogame fluff thinly disguised as homebrew banned as well.

>Revisionism, the post
Nazimod happened years before the migration from other boards, which lasted a total of 3 months with all affected quests returning to their own boards. Except the /a/ ones, because mods actually care when /a/ cries. Those ones all died off.

but user, those games get plenty of discussion in their generals.

Nah, after nazi mod we already had the anime leak starting with the deluge of shitty poorly camouflaged waifu quests.

How about a board just for shitposters, let's say /shpt/? Not that it's going to work anyway since we already have /b/ for that.

OK, let's compare Rubyquest's origin point to Veeky Forums's origin point.

Veeky Forums started in mid-February 2007.

Rubyquest started in December of 2008, ended March 2009.

Rubyquest was the only Veeky Forums quest worth a damn, and even then it wasn't my cup of tea, but I was willing to leave well enough alone. People liked it, and I didn't think it was anything approaching cancer territory.

Fast-forward about nine years.

We've got enough quests that it warrants its own board, if only for the sake of the medium getting the attention it deserves from a fanbase that likes it, while the rest of us do actual Veeky Forums stuff.

I only ever came go Veeky Forums to look at a 5e general. after an hour of the circle jerk that it was I saw a civ thread. Civ threads have been the entire reason I have came to Veeky Forums in the past 3 years. I occasionally check a 40k thread but they are always the same thing or there was elf slave what do which was fun for all of20 minutes.