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CYOA Thread
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I've looked through the drives linked in the paste bin, but I can't find the CYOA I'm looking for. It's an older one, with the theme that you're going to a magical academy and you need to schedule classes over the 4 years you get at the academy. The only other thing that sets it apart that I can remember for sure is that one of the extracurricular activities you can join is golem bot fighting.
I believe it is called Magic School.
If you mean this one, then here you go. Have fun, you little weirdo.
Thanks, but this isn't the one I was looking for.
Maybe it let you select races, too? I believe that dragon and some kind of magical construct were unique choices, but I might be confusing this one with a completely different nearly identical magical academy CYOA.
Why are there so many magical academy CYOAs?
Yessir, this is the one I'm looking for. Thanks for the save!
might as well post this one, then.
I'll ask, even if I know I will never get a fulfilling answer:
Why haven't you made a CYOA yet, user?
I'm working on mine slow down it's like 30 pages user don't rush it
No desire to.
Finals have been hell. What's your excuse?
You say as I slave over a hot keyboard writing one up
>The New Wave
>The Princess
It's time this land of turmoil is set right! It's time we tried something different! It's time for a Princess to take the throne and for a QUEEN to rule!
Moulu will teach me magic so I can use my powerful magic talent to support my family's army, and seize power. Ravinca will make trade and travel by sea impossible and devastate the coast. My stupid brother-in-law will have to figure out what to do with the pirate menace and the rebelling Queen at the same time. And it just so happens the rebelling Queen is super powerful sorceress and is helping the Princess who is loved by the people take the throne which is rightfully hers anyway.
Kind of wanted dragon, but it just wouldn't work with the other stuff I needed:(
Looking forward to it user
Does anyone have that one civilization cyoa thing, I think it was a bunch of helmets in different colours with a description of the armies/nations that use them?
I remember one being a mountainous slaver clan or something along those lines.
But I have, and I have a few mostly written ones in the works?
Your turn, user.
Because I have
I am looking for an older cyoa that I accidently deleted. It consisted of a picture, text, and a stat bar on a white background. The options I remember were you were in control of the private army to take over the world with a loli adviser, you were some mutant with a another mutant female companion who wanted to kill all regular humans, you somehow became king of some magical kingdom and has a female royal guard, aliens are about to take over the earth and you are made a slave in an alien power suit to help them with a female alien supervisor, you were a different kind of mutant with some regular human female merc vet. If anyone happens to have the cyoa I would be extremely thankful.
Never heard of that one.
Yes or no?
why ought I?
Not sure if anyone's interested, but I ended up finding it myself.
The question doesn't apply to me. I have made, and am making, cyoas
I suppose there's no reason other than contributing with something meaningful, helping the threads develop rather than seeing the same five ones posted over and over again.
This is the one I made. Incidentally, I chose sleep now.
I've made an incredibly shitty cyoa already, and apologized for releasing it upon you all.
As for not making a good one, simply put I'm not one of the lucky people who has their own muse, I have no inspiration to guide me towards something beyond simple wish fulfillment or lewd content. While I'm sure either would be popular enough as is, I'm not disciplined enough to make a cyoa balanced well enough that I would only be able to obtain a portion of my desires. Any halfhearted attempt at balancing to appease others while still being able to play pretend with all that I wish would easily be picked up by my fellow anons, and rightfully be met with disdain, a blow all the worse if it was an honest attempt that took time to create yet still held blatant favoritism for a given build.
Balance is a fickle bitch. I don't do my own cyoas, so that "I want to have enough points to take everything I like" doesn't apply to me, but I can at least understand your reason.
It just irks how me how often people make those
>pls maek dis cyoa 4me okay :)?
posts. I feel the amount of creators decrease every week, with good reason: Who'd want to hear user cry about not including his fetish in your cyoa?
I know I should ignore them, but I can't not notice them and their need to have other people do things for them.
I have absolutely no ability to write story, characters, setting etc. I can't even write characters for builds really. The only thing I can do is write powers in a mechanical way, which I did do once long long ago. I get wordy about the fine details of how they work though.
>I don't do my own cyoas
You and I are quite the different breed, then. If I try to make something that I don't feel compelled to play, I don't have the motivation to see it through. Contributing to the thread would be nice and all, but if I ever post something else I've made it's going to be something I'm happy with and confident in. And a completely finished project, without any further updates, so all whining about someone not seeing their fetish or whatever in my cyoa will be a moot point as you'll only see the version that's as perfected as it's going to get, then if people don't like it they can use it as inspiration to make their own, better works.
>Your turn
getting close. Gotta figure out if I want to add items, so that Factions matter more, to my pokemon cyoa.
it's already 8k pixels long, so I can't add much. Probably couldn't add images, I just feel that only one faction will be picked since it lets you have one extra pokemon. Gotta make the other two more appealing
>it's already 8k pixels long, so I can't add much.
Just separate it into multiple pages, then. Alternatively, if it's thin enough, you could increase its width, like what was done with the newest Worm CYOA.
Not him, but the way I play CYOAs, or really all games, is to break them. I see the rules the creator sets out as a challenge. It's like a competition, with the creator trying to balance the game on one hand and me trying to break that balance on the other. I can't enjoy playing my own games in any form, because then that competition is pitting myself against myself, which is never fun.
I could however embrace the creator side of that question, and try to create something unbreakable. That leads to getting really detailed with the minutia of how everything works so there are no loopholes. Not really sure anyone even wants to see that, especially with my inability to do story components. It's literally just random powers and pure autism.
>if I ever post something else I've made it's going to be something I'm happy with and confident in
of course I like the cyoa / theme or I wouldn't do it.
I just can't *play* it - I've read each option to fucking many times, I have all the lore knowledge so there's no "uuuhhh, I wonder how this works!" questions.
There's no imagination in doing my own cyoa as I have all the answers
> if people don't like it they can use it as inspiration to make their own, better works.
you can't actually believe this. "No X option" is a common reply.
and you're why I never respond to people asking questions of how things work. You're that turbonerd who posts a smug anime face to cyoas, claiming you "beat" the game of imagination, aren't you?
I remember you gave most of that opinion before, or someone else did and it started a small shitstorm since other people got upset that you were having badwrongfun and clearly that cannot be allowed. I think everyone should play how they like.
>That leads to getting really detailed with the minutia of how everything works so there are no loopholes. Not really sure anyone even wants to see that
If you ever get around to making one, Challenge Accepted.
I never post anime faces period. I don't even have reaction images.
>you can't actually believe this. "No X option" is a common reply.
I do. Because once I release a cyoa I truly intend for that to be the last and final version. People can complain, but I think that's fine. People always find something to complain about, especially if it's something they really like. My own group of friends is full of people that fucking nitpick more and more about every little thing as their interest or enjoyment from something grows.
If someone truly has an issue with anything I make not providing x or y, then they'll just have to come to terms with the fact that I did not make it for them, specifically. I made it for me, and shared it because I thought someone else might like it too.
>I think everyone should play how they like.
one thing is doing that, another is being a smug cunt thinking he's clever for figuring out the 'winning combination'.
Featuring everyone's favorite Jewish kaiju woman, now 100% less vegan!
Do you have the actual Princess one too?
Order of the Silver Wings, stay a member
>Basic Training
Athletics (1)
Light Arms Training (2)
Basic Martial Combat (3)
>Advanced Training
Advanced Martial Combat (6)
Ordinance Training (9)
>Expert Training
Expert Combat (15)
>Basic Modifications
Aquatics (18)
>Advanced Modifications
Longevity (24)
Nanotechnology (30)
Polymer Armor
Meteor Sword
Power Armor
Utter incompetence
Is there a skinwalking cyoa?
Just asking for a friend.
>tfw Saturday
>tfw only 24 IP's
>tfw just wanna post my cyoa so I can get headpats from internet people
waiting is suffering
not until you make it, friendo!
Come on, friendo, you'll never get better if you don't try!
Who knows, you might make the next space refuge.
Only adult, sexy monsterboys can be posted here. None of that furry shit either.
I'm afraid that I'll invest a lot of time in it, and it'll turn out as an utter failure. Pathetic, I know.
Does anyone have ALL the girlfriend Cyoa?
Didn't stop your mom from having you. Then again, maybe that would've been better.
It's a fuckton of work, and I discovered I could make Jumps for just as much headpatting for half the work.
Why'd you do that, man? Now she's perfect and there's no reason to go with any of the other options.
Eh, who knows. I'm happy with just reading other people's work rather than creating my own. Plus, my idea for a CYOA is rather generic and maybe would even be regarded as a shitpost, so I'd rather just do what I'm more comfortable with at the moment.
Just post it, mate.
Yes, let's hang out with Gonbar Barkskin, great idea. He's such a stable guy.
Why aren't you in your containment thread?
>mone back 2 hours later
>20 new posts, 4 new IP's
I think I'm forced to wait for a sunny day.
He's unstable af. But would a stable legendary mage teach his brand of legendary magic to a 14y old girl?
You won't hear me complain.
It's an alternate version of this, but I can't find it.
>Actually saving that
Well well well what do we have here
As Tina's bond increases, her range, strength, and mind-control all increase. At best, it will be a range of roughly 10 meters. One belt will be enough to lift a person off the ground, and a single bind will be enough to brainwash most people. Yes, Poppy can only control their body, not their mind like Tina. Plus, she's less inclined to use the ability for that without permission anyhow. The thing in place to keep Tina from going crazy is that she acknowledges rank. If the staff tell her not to brainwash people, she won't. At least, never openly. Some staff would have magics to dispel psychological changes, though. As her battery, you're not automatically excluded from being brainwashes, though.
Wendy can't change you well enough to disguise as other people. Her changes are diverse yet vague. That is, she can change hair, eye, & skin color as well as bone structure and where some fat is stored, but it is very hardset in normal limitations and she can't control it to quite imitate the appearances of others. It is more of just nudging you in a certain direction.
How am I supposed to fug that qt? Where is his boy lovehole? Is he just a slutty tease?
Have a superior lamia.
>tail covering his entire ass
>nothing covering his front
can't fuck it or be fucked by it, -2/10
You can be penetrated by his tail
Because my ideas are all shit, and I can't be arsed to learn image editing.
Do you have any plans to make a CYOA that isn't about one of your fetishes?
Just a plain old one with lore and shit - no slimes, giantesses or titty-monsters.
>That is, she can change hair, eye, & skin color as well as bone structure and where some fat is stored, but it is very hardset in normal limitations
Not the other user, but what sort of "normal limitations" are we talking about? I'm personally not all that interested in looking like a copy of someone, just in having a specific kind of appearance.
Also, could her magic be used to undo the size increase from Chloe's magic?
Fuck you. I'm not gay. I want to fuck a monsterboy, not be fucked by a monsterboy. That's just sick.
You're never going to post it at this rate.
>I want to fuck a boy's asshole, not get fucked by a dick
Sheesh, hypocrite.
Who cares about how many people are up? Just post it.
Make the CYOA you like instead of complaining at someone for making what they like.
I really need to finish that one monsterhusbando cyoa I was making. People seemed to like it, but I got bored.
>penetrated by his tail
but that's not a dick
>Do you have any plans to make a CYOA that isn't about one of your fetishes?
>Just a plain old one with lore and shit - no slimes, giantesses or titty-monsters.
I'd give a proper reply, but you're very vague in stating what exactly it is you want/expect. Could you be more spcific than "has lore and no waifus?" Also, lewd art is the easiest to find. I have made other sorts of things before, though. See attached file.
For example, you could say such adjectives as "tall," "rugged," "muscular," "black hair," "square jaw" etc. if you wanted to be manly man.
Do it. Do it now. Right now.
Berri is talented. I think he's wasted it by appealing to your dick.
Generally, something that isn't simply "this is earth, but with slimegirls!" or "this is earth, but giants want to be your girlfriend!"
A different world that is fleshed out would be lovely - your slime day care was near that, but the focus didn't feel like it was on the world.
>why would you want more than ten people to see your work lol
>Berri talent is wasted because she did something he wanted to do instead of something I wanted to see
I will.
At this rate, zero people are seeing your work.
I can't force you, but you're only hurting yourself.
Choose your own shibe.
>For example, you could say such adjectives as...
That makes it seem less like "normal limitations" and more like "general descriptors".
Also, you didn't answer my other question.
So you want something that isn't Earth? Hmm... But I like Earth. I feel like Earth is easy for most people here to relate to, being terrestrial and all. I need a few more moments to ponder a more complete response.
I think OC is what makes more people post. I believe you might be doing it backwards.
Should've linked to instead of .
Oh, sorry. Normal limitations are like, at least 1% of the population have this trait, for example. Don't take that "1%" I just said as a hard-fact, though. I don't want to pull up a lot of statistics. But you get the idea. Yeah, it can undo the effects of Chloe's magic.
>So you want something that isn't Earth?
I didn't say that. Your cyoas feel hollow, like the only point is to get a girlfriend.
Even the one about being a monstergirl, which wasn't on earth - I knew nothing of the place
Not the person you've been replying to, but... Why do you feel like it should be catered to your standards? Waifu cyoas seem to be popular, and if the author enjoys making them, let them ?