Sigmar never leave his fortress edition
Will AoS boom when matched play launch? Discuss.
Sigmar never leave his fortress edition
Will AoS boom when matched play launch? Discuss.
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First for unavoidable rebranding
Should I field The Stormcast Extremis chamber at minimum model counts ? or beef it up ? what supporting unit would be good with it ?
>Will AoS boom when matched play launch? Discuss.
It won't boom, no. But it will continue its growth, possibly at a noticeably quicker pace.
wtf is happening in this pic anyway?
4 drakes, one Templar of each weapon choice, 1 Celestant on drake with weapon of whatever choice
4 fulminators
4 tempestors
4 concussors
6-8 decimators (so they have 6 attacks each)
Dragonbro teaching Sigmar how to fly.
Just noble Sigmar, God-king of victory, showing a huge beast that it's Hammer Time and that he's gonna lay down a smack down on it's head with the help of his golden-clad muscular barbarian god body, his huge glowing halo of righteous runic lightning, and of course with his mighty skull crushing and splitting war hammer, Ghal Maraz. Complete with it's own halo as well.
Does that answer your question?
Posting art from the new book. Brace for the Waaaaagh!
>Before he ripped himself in two, Gorkamorka was the feral champion in Sigmar’s pantheon of gods, often first to be loosed on the foe. To win the orruk god’s respect, Sigmar had to best him in contests of strength that raged all across Ghur and Azyr. Orruks tell stories of this time, trying to outdo each other with tales of their god’s many scraps and his rivalry with the Hammer God. One such story tells of when Sigmar and Gorkamorka had an eating contest, grabbing up great fistfuls of the realms and stuffing them into their mouths. Sigmar ate a fiery mountain, so Gorkamorka drank an ocean. Sigmar inhaled the sky, his throat flickering with lightning, but Gorkamorka bested him by devouring the vast Kingdom of Thrun, and its people live in his belly to this day. Another tale recounts how the gods arm-wrestled over the Vargorth Shardplains, the mighty contest shattering their glass peaks and creating two great lakes. A tale told in Ghur says Gorkamorka took up Sigmar’s hammer and knocked him clear across all eight realms, and the gods laughed afterwards at the devastation it had wrought. Even now, Ironjawz respect Sigmar’s strength and know that his boys are always good for a fight.
Swigmar, what are you doing? Staahp, you are not a greenskin, staaahp!
>There can be no mistaking the handiwork of the Ironjawz. One of their most famous acts of vandalism was the defacement of the monolithic statue of Archaon which stood over the Manticore Realmgate that leads to the Allpoints. Three times have different Ironjaw warclans brought it down. The first time, the Everchosen’s helm was recarved into the grinning face of Gork, so Archaon sent a legion to guard over its repair. The second time, the head was taken off entirely and replaced with a huge wooden grot head. Incensed, Archaon ordered the expansion of the Manticore Dreadhold. The third time, the Ironjawz brought down the walls and raised a crude idol to Gork over the fallen statue of Archaon. Now, a new Lord of Chaos commands the rebuilt Manticore Dreadhold, peering into the wastes as orruk drums rumble in thedistance.
Bloody Greenkinz....
>During the long millennia of the Age of Myth and the Age of Chaos, there have been many of these bestial crusades, the fury of the greenskins cracking open continents, turning forest kingdoms into deserts and extinguishing whole races from existence. When this rampaging orruk energy flows strong, it can affect not only the greenskins but the very weft and weave of reality itself. Should enough orruks gather together, the land itself can rebel in violence. Beasts howl out war cries and orruk obscenities, trees rip their roots from the ground as they try to join the orruk charge, and rocks smash themselves to pebbles against each other. During the Shyish Splinterbone Wars, the power of Waaagh! Grungutz literally punched down the mile high wall of corpses surrounding the Gaunthavens, creating a cloud of bodies and debris that hung in the sky for a whole year. Similarly, the Waaagh! cry let loose by the Ironjawz during the Battle of Lone Peak boomed through every valley visible from the summit. So loud was the bellowing sound of the orruks, as they mercilessly pounded the warriors of the Gilded Legion into scrap metal, that it echoes on to this day.
>There are legends of Megabosses whose Waaagh! energy was so strong it affected not only greenskins but other bestial races such as gargants, ogors and troggoths. It is said by the Weirdnob Shamans that such events are Gorkamorka’s gift to the races of the realms, and a legacy of the first Great Waaagh! that never reallyended.
So has anyone tried to make any Stormcast Orruks yet for shits and giggles?
>Flying Maw-krusha
Thx, bro.
>The organisation of Ironjaw warclans is as chaotic and brutal as the Ironjaw orruks themselves. Their greenskin armies are built from huge unruly mobs, gathered into fists and then smashed together by Megabosses into brawls. Ironjawz, like most orruks, don’t bother with pointless things like poetry, personal hygiene or numbers above five. The basic building block of all their formations is the mob, which is led by a boss, and can be any size. Five orruks is a mob, but so is five hundred. While orruks are not great at counting how many boys are in a mob, those on foot and those on gruntas tend to stick together. This is more a natural by-product of the fastest Ironjawz getting to the fight first than it is about‘taktiks’.
>Things get more ‘precise’ when it comes to organising multiple mobs. These are gathered into fives, one for each finger a Megaboss can count on. These mob gatherings are known as fists, and just like the bunched fingers of an orruk, they are great for smashing stuff. In fact, this is often how a Megaboss will form a fist, showing a mob boss an open hand before closing the fingers and thumping them, much to the amusement of all involved. It is a brutally effective method of organisation and one that has worked for the Ironjawz for as long as any of them can remember. Not all Megabosses are created equal, however, and some have trouble getting even to five, especially if they have lost fingers or, worse, whole hands. Others are rare and talented generals, at least by orruk standards, and have discovered that if they hold both their hands next to each other, they can get to ten. Rumours tell of mysterious barefoot orruks that can count even higher, but most Ironjawz don’t believe such fantastical tales
>>A Megaboss can explain their entire strategy to a boss by giving them a sharp clip around the ear, the underling knowing at once what is expected of them. This is the foundation of all orruk battle plans; the biggest ones take charge over anyone they can smack about and take orders from anyone who can knock them down. Orruks accept this as a fundamental law, and often have trouble understanding why other races follow leaders just because they know magic stuff, own a flashy fort or wear a big hat – though some warclans have, in the past, tried to make the big hat system of leadership work, albeit with little success
I'm planning on that when my local store finally gets some AoS stock.
Gonna call them
>Da Irongit Eeternulz
>Tiny-minded and short-sighted, the thuggish Maw-krushas barrel across the landscape pulverising anything in their way, be it trees, settlements or screaming people. Their bellow is loud enough to rupture organs, pop eyeballs and pulverise bones. They are even capable of a semblance of flight with their stubby wings, though it has been suggested that this is more the result of gravity not wanting to mess with them. Most creatures have the good sense to steer well clear of Maw-krushas, but not the Ironjawz. At first, Maw-krushas were a chance for brave Ironjawz to prove their mettle – often with fatal results. Then, some Megabosses managed to ‘tame’ a Maw-krusha, either by yelling right back into their face or clambering up on their back where they couldn’t reach them and battering them about the head until they submitted. Maw-krushas never truly accept their riders and need constant reminding of who is in charge. Fortunately, the monsters enjoy smashing stuff just as much as Ironjawz do, and can be distracted by a good fight.
Maw-Krushas a cute.
Do you have the PDF already ? Didn't know it's even out!
Buy the book. Support the hobby. Piracy hurts us all.
>In countless battles throughout the ages, the Gore-gruntas have been responsible for the most spectacular Ironjaw victories, and the destruction of some of the greatest armies ever to stand against the greenskins.
>Cunning bosses have come up with their own vaunted Gore-grunta strategies, like the Tusks of Gork, the Hoof Puncher or the fearsome Snorting Snout Spear. Grunta riders argue endlessly over which tactics are the best for smashing up the enemy, while other orruks point out, at their peril, that they are all basically the same: get a bunch of Gore-gruntas together and charge them into the enemy as fast as they will go
Archaon isn't the only guy who likes to erect statues of himself, it seems.
The undead abuse continues.
Meet your new waifu.
Quick question: Plaguemonks two blades to reroll hit rolls or Woestaff for an additional 2", 4+/5+/-/1 attack?
>4+/5+/-/1 attack?
it's just bad, so go for rerolls.
That's all the art in the new Ironjawz book.
What do you think, guys? Good? Bad?
Kinda canon.
Thought so.. models look way cooler with two blades anyways. Ty!
Dats dead 'ard dat is!
In case anyone wanted to paint his pigs silver
But will it work?
There are one or two good pieces, but overall it's still Age of Digital Art Interns. Why can't they get the people that did the art for them in Fantasy? GW are being cheap bastards, aren't they?
Heck, I'll paint my orruks in the Iron Warriors color scheme. Hazard stripes on a choppa would make more sense anyways, it's not like Marines need help remembering which end is the dangerous one.
No it's just that market studies show that people prefer this kind of art.
Also, there are literally 10K artworks produced for WHFB those last 30 years, what do you want more ? Literally any factions vs any factions is already represented in the "old style".
remove sigmarines
>Dey don't loik dem Chaos lads! Toim to get da costumes!
Love it.
>market studies
GW has admitted proudly that it doesn't do market research.
Also, that is objectively bad. Like, "light shines here, I'll add white to the colour/just paint white" levels of bad. Colour and light don't work that way.
Yes, I want more artwork. There is a reason they didn't stop when they had 2k artworks, nor when they had 5k artworks. Show the cities in the new setting, show the villages. Show a squire reading the lord's orders to a group of peasants in some weird planescape, show the beastmen preparing to attack a village in the dark of the night.
Not wanting more artwork is just stupid. Why wouldn't you want more?
>No it's just that market studies show that people prefer this kind of art.
You're stupid
They do this because it's cheap and fast, there's no way people prefer this "style" over a proper piece of art.
>6-8 decimators (so they have 6 attacks each)
You'll need 6-8 Desolators* in each of the units so 12-16 total.... but you'll wreck Archaon + Nagash + Glottkin + Skarbrand in a single assault phase tho.
man, I'm super tempted to by acharon to do the second one
>no way people prefer Nicky Minaj over Bethoven
Guess what.
Stupid people don't count, unless you're saying that's the target customer of aos.
A lot of this art looks like imitations of Warmahordes style that don't quite hit it.
"smart" people weren't buying, and lead to a dead game so...
While you 5 are sperging over your stillborn game nobody cares about the Old World gets advertised to another 12,5 million players:
Can't even imagine how mad GW are atm, I fear for you guys some of you might lose their jobs.
>people playing a MOBA game will spend thousand hours and dollars into buying, gluing, painting and playing a board-game instead of their game addiction
Are you still going to imply that whfb wasn't profitable when we have the sales data and the word of Hastings about it?
If "Smart" people weren't buying sure as hell it wasn't due to the art.
No just stating the fact that it wasn't profitable ENOUGH.
>when we have the sales data
What sales data?
That's a quite stupid non sequitur user, literally all of my WH40K friends play LoL.
I mean you don't understand how fucking huge mobas are, they cater to all kinds of people, there aren't 'moba-players' as a marginal subsection of gamers out there. Fuck, even my GF plays LoL and she doesn't play anything else besides flash games.
This is all according to plan, the Old World was always more suited for video games than for miniature wargames anyways. Fans of that universe can buy video games, fans of Age of Sigmar can buy miniatures, everyone is happy.
Source: my dad shills for GW on an imageboard for Taiwanese comicbooks
and are you 40K friends going to buy/play
WHFB after some skins hit Dota ?
Why GW would be mad ? 80% of WHFB models are still available, if anything that'll boost the AoS sales
Literally the only place where I read the 'doesnt matter these millions gets exposed to y via x they are already on x they wont care about y' is the den of GW-drones.
I mean what tards like this one saying is that marketing is impossible and doesn't exist.
They are marketing what WHFB models ?
Still more than 10 WHFB armies available right now is their store so whats the problem ?
>I mean what tards like this one saying is that marketing is impossible and doesn't exist.
>GW doesn't do market research, they don't believe in it
Found the redshirt, guys
>GW doesn't do market research
>Kirby doesn't do market research
Considering how the percentage of people getting to know the setting will be inevitably higher than the one of people getting into the miniatures, if anything it will increase the unpopularity of the change from WHFB to AoS.
And that is a problem because ?
You can still buy the minis and play 8th, or the "wow so improved" 9th.
>You can still buy the minis and play 8th
Show me the 8th BRB in the GW store.
Or are you advocating pirating the rules? Careful there Daniel, your employer might get angry.
>No just stating the fact that it wasn't profitable ENOUGH.
Saying it didn't sell and was dead isn't as saying it wasn't profitable enough.
Even 40k isn't profitable enough if by enough you consider its previous peak.
It doesn't mean shit apart from telling how stupid the guys at GW are for ruining a good setting in an attempt to increase profits that as of now isn't succeeding in anything but undermining their reputation even more.
Brets and tomb kings would get a word with you, on top of other characters and sporadic units
>Show me the 8th BRB in the GW store
Check the Webstore.
>le anime references
Are they even trying anymore?
Checked, nothing:
The search query 'Warhammer Fantasy' also yields nothing
>And that is a problem because ?
Because if the first thing you get to know of a product is how ruined it has been it will not do good.
Are you acting stupidly oblivious on purpose?
It is on iTunes £20
Fucking retard.
You are stupid.
You get a 3/10 for making me check and then replying on top of it.
Shut up filthy gaijin, Kubrick-san is a true artist and a credit to Nippon
Pretty much a word for word repasta of the Emperor and Russ
Gorkamorka is a Primarch!
*Laughing Intensifies*
Surely the first thing a new customer will do is checking out the Black Library that he's never heard of before.
It is unbelievable how FUCKING STUPID you are :)
But user, those wouldn't be pictures of official Age of Sigmar™ models. Other manufacturers could stearu that kind of original content. Only existing models can be pictured in art.
>Alchemist's Moon
Yes, Kubrick is obviously being invoked here. It's so similar.
Shifting goalposts, I see?
All he has to do is google it and the Black Library store would be appear or any none retarded whfb player would direct him there.
How can you function being this dumb?
The black library link doesn't worth jackshit as without the individual army books they can't play FB anyways.
I mean I hope you are not arguing that people can just start FB right now without piracy/third parties, because that would be quite silly even from shills. They can't even field their armies when all the reboxes have only round bases.
>Full metal Wargh
>Alchemist moon
>living metal
I mean, it's Age of Interns after all, surely there's couple of weeaboos in a bunch making everything ANIMEEE
Ahh, I missed that. That is indeed an anime reference. Hope we get more. Attack On Gargant when?
>Surely the first thing a new customer will do
Time to move goalpost?
>The black library link doesn't worth jackshit as without the individual army books they can't play FB anyways.
The End Times book has updated rules for ALL the armies.
Army lists upon army lists.
What do you guys come from?
Y-you know you can s-still buy square Base on the gw store right user-kun ?
>lol we whfb playas dun care about AoShit we have glorious 9th anyway
>lol faggot we can buy the its book anymore
Choose one
We can't buy the 8th book anymore*
Forgive my slav autocorrect :^)
The Alchemist moon featured in the events of the Ghaz Maraz. It's a metal ball that transmutes everything into metal or other elements in the Realm of Metal.
Don't tell me that you don't know that the Wind of Metal (which Chamon is made off) transmutes living things into metal in both whfb and AoS. That was Gelt's day job.
(picture related)
The ball with the 3 dots is the Alchemist Moon.
I have the End Times books in front of me right now, and I see zero rules for Wardancers or Lothern Sea Guard units. Can you tell me the page number where I can find the Shadow Dances of Loec in the End Times books?
Why are they even bothering to make these maps/landscapes?
There was only one in whole AoS which wasn't complete shit