MTG Pauper General: JUST Edition

What deck is a fun matchup against Burn? NB5 "none".

>MTGO Pauper Guide

>What are some top tier decks I can get on MTGO/Paper?


>Which rules should I follow?
If you don't already have some homebrew version with friends, follow the MTGO card pool and banlist (and please spread this to your friends that start playing with you). Currently the only place Pauper is officially supported by Wizards is online, and they have a card pool and banlist, therefore that is the format we should be using offline on paper as well, since decks and cards can transfer to games between each other with no confusion.

The bottom left has a box, select MTGO Pauper, all cards in the card pool and banlist are taken into account.

>What deck should I use?
Ask in the thread!

>Is MTGO worth it?
If you have no local paper competition, but want to play a vast amount of Pauper, it can't be beat, even if it is a clunky GUI, you learn quickly.

Some good decks for newbies include but are not limited to:
>Mono U control
>UB Teachings

Other urls found in this thread:

Would Wojek Halberdiers be Pauper playable? How much value are we looking for before we call it playable in this format?

Has anyone thought to build around Relentless Rats?

It's not a common, so no.

It is a strong creature for the format no question.

I would however always compare them against the 3 power staples: Delver of Secrets, Gurmag Angler and Myr Enforcer

It does not do anything against those three alone, it might be a good surprise however with Mutagenic Growth.

I am still not sure what kind of deck you want to build around it, but it might be an interesting rouge deck.

i was thinking some dumb Boros aggro deck where you just curve out attackers from Turn 1. Boros Recruit or Javelineers, then Wojek, then either Viashino Firstblade or Skyknight Legionnaire, then just go in with Battalion. I mean, but I know that expecting Battalion to go off T3 is asking for a lot.

Honestly, I probably just like the card/battalion mechanic and hope that it would work.

Hey folks, I've been tweaking my pauper cube list for the past few days and I'm looking for some feedback before I start buying singles to update it. I'm going for a lands-matter theme, with landfall, domain, retrace, land-animation (Zendikons and Awaken sorceries), and sacrifice. Here's the URL for the list:

After looking it over, try building a sealed deck or drafting it if you have the time. All comments are appreciated!

Boros Kitty is a deck archetype I've seen before. Halberdiers could fit into that curve well enough.

>T1 Plains, Steppe Lynx
>T2 Mountain, swing for 2, play Halberdiers
>T3 Terramorphic Expense, sac for Plains or Mountain, swing for 7, play another 2-drop

Just finished my Burn deck except for the Chain Lightening (3 to go). What should I place in for them?

Also, these idiots use MTGO banlist but no cards that haven't been printed on actual paper, and any card at common goes.

How can I fuck their world up on the cheap side? Any really broken cards (besides goblin grenade) printed at common that are not in MTGO that can fuck thier world up?

Since you mentioned Goblin Grenade: Collateral Damage. You can sac anything to it, as well, which opens up the possibility of siding in Acts of Treason for certain matchups.

Lady Orca, 4 of these, and Shadowborn Apostles?

And how do you plan to live long enough to summon one of your big demons?

Who knows?

No. there's no good reason to run Shadowborn apostles in pauper. all the demons aren't worth the Apostles being put into them.

My son for me I ask you to sing the song of my people to them. The hymn of tourach. If I can't make people suffer here, it will warm this black heart knowing some one else is.

Any deck list that uses hymn? I'm not sure why it's a great card

hey kid wanna /bestdeckintheformat/

>I'm not sure why it's a great card

2 mana for 2 cards discarded AT RANDOM.

>I'm not sure why it's a great card
CMC of 2, opponent discards 2 cards at random.
As in, they don't get to pick what they discard. Their hand is at the mercy of a die roll.

Try running it in some kind of mono-black control brew.

My local players have said hymn has not been a problem. How can I make it a problem.

by casting it.

It's a glorious psychological attack when you get to strip him of two cards, and he has no control over it.

My personal favourite for saccing for Collateral Damage is Goblin Arsonist. Basically just becomes a 1-mana kicker to add an extra point of damage to CD.

Most of the battalion creatures are not really that great. Also in turn 3 you can easily run in 4/4 creature which can simply block you to death.

UR alphastrike
>drop turn 3 kiln + blessing in hand
>drop turn 2 kiln + mutagenic in hand
>drop turn 3 nivix


>T1 Swamp, Raven's Crime
Your opponent gets to pick their first discard, so they discard a bit of opening-hand chaff. But they're still down one card, so your follow-up is gonna hurt more.

>T2 Swamp, Hymn to Tourach
Now they're sweating. Your Hymn has probably stripped their hand of at least one of the cards they were counting on for their T2 or T3 plans, their hand is nearly empty, AND you still have that Raven's Crime sitting in your graveyard waiting to be retraced.

>T3 Swamp, Skittering Skirge, retrace Raven's Crime (if their hand is not already empty)
Your opponent may well scoop at this point.

If you're saccing an Arsonist (or any Goblin) to burn, it might as well be Goblin Grenade for the extra 2 points.

What makes Collateral Damage so great is that you can sac anything else. Black Cat, Viridian Emissary, Perilous Myr, Driver of the Dead, Pitchburn Devils, that Imperiosaur you just borrowed with Act of Treason... the possibilities are endless.

I win every tourny with my Burn deck and people are starting to make straight counter decks.

Do I make answers in Burn? Or do I show up with something completely different?

By getting them into Legacy and playing BUG Delver against them.
>t1 DRS
>t2 tap DRS for mana eating fetchland hymn followed by Wasteland gg g2?
Doesn't apply to decks like Dredge of course but still hurts 90% of the field.


I love the Pauper Gauntlet.

Got some Lifestaffs on order so I can build Pig Trinket too.

Splash white for Cenn's Enlistment. They'll run out counters before you run out of lands to discard.

Wasteland is Peasant (commons + uncommons), not Pauper (commons only). And I don't even know what DRS is.

Deathrite Shaman.

I think he's talking just straight legacy. Not pauper legacy.

Any format but pauper is too much for me to spend on a card game. Even the price of Pauper Burn made me cringe.

I'm so envious of that. I wanna make
U Control
White Weenie

All in a box to give people a taste of what each color does and mono land base makes a deck much easier to play and opening hands much more easy to play.

I wish I was made of money.

I keep meaning to get BB Witches and a second set of Chainers, but the prices...

Still, this is infinitely less punishing on my bank account compared to my Legacy lists.

did someone say pauper gauntlet?

Pls give.
Also make a custom cool ass box with art on it or something.

Hymm is less good inpauper because many of the decks play aggro with a low mana curve. So, they can drop threats and attack while youre trying to empty their hands, and they wont miss the lands they discard because they can probably continue to cast threats.

Hymm is still good against combo and control.

I'm seriously considering swapping out my copies of tangle for dawn charm in my green tron deck to help with the MBC matchup


Fuck Infect and their ridiculous clock, not even double Gut Shot or Vapor Snag+Gut Shot got rid of that freaking compleated elf. I need more fogs.

Infect is giving you trouble? You must he running some shit deck or you're just terrible.

Oh wait, you're a tripfag. Of course you're terrible.

izzit blitz does the same degenerate thing but better

You need to git good.

With Pauper Burn, how well would it do vs casual decks? Standard decks?

Izzet blitz and G stompy are my two favorite decks atm.

pauper burn pretty much legacy burn without fetchlands, price of progres, or blood moon

It is exceptionally good at counting to twenty, but casual

>See post about local Pauper turnout being low
>Decide to take a few decks and go
>They say both of my decks are illegal for having MTGO Commons that are not common on paper.
>Scrape together Goblins with Goblin Grenade
>The 2 guys there say any printed card in common goes but MTGO banlist (fucking retards)
>Wreck shop
>They decide to ban Goblin Grenade that night.
>MFW they make another post about no one ever showing up


>They say both of my decks are illegal for having MTGO Commons that are not common on paper.

Welcome to pauper and why the format won't ever take off. Well that, and good luck with reprints of older commons

This is why MTGO format needs to be the standard. The card pool is much more realistic. The game meta is much better.

I tried convincing my local store but they are idiots.

I've decided to just make MTGO legal decks and get people into it at other stores/places and hopefully they will outnumber the 3 morons that play pauper here.

Fucking MTG players are toxic as fuck.

Out of sheer practicality, people are going to have to adopt to MTGO card pool if they want the format to survive. Most people that play pauper do it online, it would only make sense.

Honestly, I'd look for in-color sideboard options before revamping your mana base to include a white splash (assuming your deck doesn't splash white already).

Stories like this are why pauper cube is best pauper, IMO.

Hymn to Tourach is banned in my local paper meta for good reason. Use it.

I don't have the money and don't know what a good paper pauper deck looks like with Hymn because all the decklists are for online, where it is played the most.

Goblin Grenade isn't even a common on MTGO, what exactly was the problem?

They got fucking murdered by my Goblin deck.

He said they allow any card PRINTED AT COMMON.

My friend is pressuring me into pauper. I'm not really interested, but he won't shut up. It's cheap enough that I won't feel like I've wasted much if I put something together.

How would a zombie deck work? A lot of the utility zombies are common like shepherd of rot, gempalm Polluter, Gary, vengeful dead, ect that I think it could work. How well do you think it would run and how much removal/utility should I use?

Read the OP. Zombies are shit. Cheap and good look at Goblins or Stompy.

Hymn is worth less than a dollar..

Serious butthurt there. How exactly is Goblin Grenade worse than Galvanic Blast?

>How would a zombie deck work
bad since zombies are shit and have 'bout zero support on common.

Also, if we count dredge as zombie tribal we can count teachings since they kill normally with zombies

Zombies are not too bad, it plays good creatures at the cost of life and have great recursion.
There are mono B and G/B lists. If you want a list to start with, there's this article:

>kill with zombies


That's not Evincar's Justice or curse, user.

the deck runs 12 mana rocks as is to filter colors when needed.

It does splash white in the most minor way already

Blitz at least leaves turns 1 and 2 to me so I can play Erasure without worrying about mana for Vapor Snag. I'm playing Turbofog btw.