I've never seen this kind of setting discussed. What would you want to see in fantasy 80s Miami? Think Dark Souls mixed with Hotline Miami
Neo-80s medieval fantasy
Other urls found in this thread:
>neo-80s medieval fantasy
like Knightriders?
oh god, why do I learn about it now?
What exactly does "fantasy 80s Miami' mean? Like the aesthetic of Hotline Miami/Miami Vice type shit mixed with a medieval setting? Literal 80s Miami but w/ urban fantasy supernatural elements? A fantasy setting's equivalent of Miami in the 80s?
80s aesthetic in the medieval setting mostly.
I was thinking about castles next to the beach, neon lights instead of torches, knights with baseballs, crossbows with foregrips and the like
You have never seen this setting discussed because you just made it up.
This. But OP that sounds dank as fuck. Make this the next big thing.
I would want to see a less retarded concept not mashed together from two completely tonally different games.
no thanks
all spells have bright colors - bam, you've got yourself aesthetic fantasy
well, knightriders is a thing
Watch le dernier combat. It should be post apocaliptic city without ammo, fuel or modern weaponry because it was scarce before the cataclysm. (Tokyo for example). So now you have few strong men survived who make use of everything they have/know (baseball bat knight, shovel master), raid historical museums for swords and armor and just fight for whatever little left like Dr Pepper cans of Oreos packs to have one last taste of things instead of eating rats. Add automatic nuclear power plants so night will be full of neon (new moon), synthwave music perturbator-style and colorful characters like ex police chief who lost all his officers and now tries to do at least little something with his bare fists and fancy mustaches. To add souls fluff - main character caused this to happen by jokingly hacking some experimental satellite to boast on imageboards leading to it explode over the city fucking up local physics so everyone has his own timeline now and they are spiral, not parallel.
I love you, no homo, downloadan the movie right now
Knight riders is about rennie scum who joust on motorcycles.
I grew up in the 80s and find the idealized idea of the 1980s absolutely absurd. I can only assume it is perpetuated by 20 something hipsters that weren't alive in the 1980s. Using TV= real life.
It's hard to be a hipster idealizing things that got mainstream
It's not as unique as you would think it is.
Don't be so harsh. It's like saying don't idolize Roman Empire since you weren't around. Sure thing Neo-retro-80 and everything around has little to do with actual times, but hey, it's fun. All that matters.
But these aren't retro pieces they are tiny niche fantasy films that were "modern" for the era in which they were made
I don't know how you'll represent the aesthethics, which seem to be thebmajorbdriving point of the neon thing on a role-playing game.
That said, placing your adventure in a Florida like geography could be fun: castles by the beach, marshes full of Gators and swamp things, tornadoes and shit happening every now and then and palm trees.
don't forget about elves smuggling cocaine
"80's fantasy" and "fantasy 80's" are two entirely different things
I really like this kind of genres/settings mash-ups and I especially love this one! Any drawfags feeling in mood to make some artworks of it?
Bumping for attention
I dunno, Tony Montana as a Dwarf is funnier in my mind.
Actually that begs the question: is this supposed to be serious, pure camp or somewhere in-between?
A world of eternal night, where your torch is the glow of neon.
Guns were never invented, so adventurers carry lazer swords for the night drives outside of towns.
Ramdom encounters involve monsters made from love, addiction, and sorrow.
Just Dark Souls, where "souls" are replaced with "coke granules".
those are the paladins
Is this Hotline Miami with swords, or Knighty Castletown Monster Kickers Adventure with boomboxes and high top fades?
Hotline Knightly Castletown with boomboxes and swords
Yeah I can do a couple things before I need to head out.
I love how fucking behind shit fa/tg/guys are. 80s neon revival was interesting an actual decade ago. Now its just shit hipsters sold when they grew up enough to become marketing developers like daddy. Makes sense given how consumerist Veeky Forums is though.
>a bloo bloo, I liked it before it was popular, look how hipster I am
The neon aesthetic and waporwave music meme sounds dumb as shit.
What you'd really want is a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure version of Highlander featuring a main cast based on the band members of Queen.
No, no, think Gelthar, Thunder Cats, He-Man or any of the other fantasy kitchen sink cartoons of the 80s.
Non of that shit aged well.
A wildly incorrect understanding of what virtual reality and the inside of a computer looks like...
...holy shit imagine '80s Mechanus. Imagine TRON modrons.
Neon laser swords
Shields with concentric neon rings
Fantasy style armors made of parts from 80s stuff
Applying future shock to magic, ie instead of cybernetics destroying your soul it's spellcasting
Literal devils running corporations
Russians, railguns, and stolen nukes.
Not OP, but yes, that is in fact what I want now.
>A world of eternal night, where your torch is the glow of neon.
I had a similar idea. The bad guys succeed for a change and actually...
A. Blot out the Sun
B. Destroy it in some manner
The world is cast into eternal night. In order to save the world from dying druids have built temples dedicated to the elements. The wind,water and earth must now provide what the sun used to. Example: Warmth now come from the earth, the water provides the nutrients to plants that emulate what sun's rays used to.
Signs in town are lit up by some sort of glowing paint (IE Like neon). Might be powered by fairy dust or magic.
High magic, Noble dark setting. The bad guys are split into many factions: Necromancers, Demon Worshippers,Enslavers,Beastmen and more. While they might be fighting against the good guy factions they're not allied with each other by any means.
Instead of armour everyone has leather jackets, with the front being the stitched and coloured into whatever knightly/gang colours and emblem the knight is a part of (hot pink iron crosses, neon blue dragons, ect.) and with pauldrons and gauntlets in black leather on the arms.
Motorcycle helmets come in different sizes and shapes, like great helms, houndskulls, frogmouths, ect.
Horses wear leather armour as well, with decal stitched into them and headlights/stoplights attached, and are either carriages instead of cars or single horses instead of motorcycles. Carriages themselves are styled like sickass 80's cars.
Lights work by magic and that's the reason why they all have a neon glow unlike natural light. Magic itself is more maths and science based, meaning only actual nerds can do it. In modern times magic can be done via computers, so hardcore wizards are essentially 80's hacker nerds.
>Magic itself is more maths and science based, meaning only actual nerds can do it. In modern times magic can be done via computers, so hardcore wizards are essentially 80's hacker nerds.
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