So does anyone else play this? It's such a great game and setting I'm surprised ithat it seems to have virtually no following on this board. Share the stories of your adventures in the world of progress.
SLA Industries
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SLA's great, have had lots of fun playing it. Partly for the setting, but partly for the people running who did a great job of bringing out the weirdness and darkness of the setting.
The system is... ok. It can be a bit of a pain and I seem to recall it slowing down play a bit. Would play it again at some point in the future.
>SLA Industries
So what is this and how i can get laid with it?
Elaborate OP.
In the future, an all-powerful corporation rules the entire universe. Everyone works for it, everyone contributes to it, and nobody really knows how it runs or who owns it. It's simply so large people accept it as what it is.
People who don't end up dead. Every punk, mercenary, and brain-addled psychic in the galaxy would love nothing more than to collect some easy money busting heads for SLA Industries. SLA even capitalizes on internecine violence as a result of its rule, turning battlefields and gang war carnage into primetime television, complete with corporate sponsorships and "stars" who manage to kill, maim, and survive.
It's a weird setting full of weird shit, but it all plays out against the background of soulless monopoly and commercialized living.
Sounds like a typical 90' RPG and i can see a lot of references there there and influences to diffrent media but to simplyfy its kind of Apocalypse without Warewolfs mixed with Cyberpunk rite? Is there something that makes it stand out?
It's less WoD and more like an adaptation of a non-existant AD2000 program.
I made a character for it once but the game never happened.
Whoa, this old gem? Been years since I saw a thread for it last. :3
I'd say it's more of an VLTRAGRIM Shadowrun? But with the added twists that you're not criminals (even though you often wreak havoc through inhabited areas) and your "Johnson" always is a successful North Korea Inc.
There's some supernatural shit and even Kult/CoC shit in the setting but you don't notice that too much on your average clean metropolis streets/search and destroy missions.
It's actually pretty cool that Nightfall made the core rules freely available on DrivethruRPG...
I assume noone's ever seen downloads of the Hunter Sheet releases?
I also like that the developers did the artwork for the game themselves. Feel like it got a very true illustration of the original concept.
I like that one of the character races is a bioconstruct T-1000.
>With the failure of the Manchine to fulfil its intended role as an urban/industrial civilian pacification unit, the last attempt by SLA Industries to put them to use was to dump them in the Cannibal Sectors in the hope that they could help somewhat in clearing up these areas. They failed. Now these killing machines roam free in the Cannibal Sectors killing whatever they come across; man, woman, pig or Carrien. On occasion, a Manchine will get out of the Cannibal Sectors and into the streets to continue its final programming: Eradicate.
Never liked the metaplot which seemed to meander and defeat the point of such a nihilistic setting.
Least the Truth spelled out what tv developers wanted.
So who do you play in this game, and for what purpose?
You play as SLA Industries Operatives, a eclectic bunch of highly skilled warriors which complete jobs for their corporation.
The catch being that SLA Industries works on a competitive market system, with notices being up grabs by the first team which signs on.
Also Operatives are expected to pay their way like everyone else, so they have to look stylish and are encouraged to take sponsorship and be seen on camera doing jobs to boost their ratings.
How can you have a "competitive market system" if one corporation controls everything?
What exactly would these warriors be fighting if everything's been conquered already? Rebels?
It sounds like this setting really doesn't make any sense. Must be one of those RULE OF COOL places.
A universe that oozes 90s that turns out was created from the mind of a metal ill 90s teenager and his second (not split) personality.
He was supposed to be God and is now the Devil
His second personality was becoming the Devil and instead became God.
Played/ran a lot of SLA in the 90's.
Biggest problem with the game was that it sort of never really had a huge output of material as the developers tended to always be tied up with something or other and practically nil budget. Lot of quality house rules stuff which might still be around with enough google-fu to dredge it up.
nice to see this game isn't forgotten, even if it didn't get a lot of support.
I never really played this when it first came out, but after getting the core rules from Drivethru RPG, this game and its setting are really growing on me. I love the trippy, industrial hellscape setting. Like 2000 AD had a lovechild with with a Fear Factory album cover.
Am I the only one who thinks SLA industries would make an awesome First Person Shooter? Make it like the Dark Souls of FPS games, with punishing difficulty but rewarding gameplay. You could play a lowly SLA Operative who gets dropped into one of the Cannibal Sectors and has to go toe-to-toe with the worst horrors Mort can throw at you.
The term "wraithen" seems to have replaced the old name "wraith raider" for the PC race?
I copied some of the art from a pdf of the core rulebook a while back. This seems like a good thread to post it.
Fuck yes, Thresher baby!
Last one.
You got any core book pics of Shaktars? All these avatar pics look bretty gud except for the one of a Shaktar, looks like shit. :
Shaktars are basically predators, without the camo armor though.
Female Xeno 711 fanart
GM screen
>qt wraith raider waifus
Ayy lmao's
Some old timey resources for it here.
Lots of good shit there.
Yeah the setting is the big selling point to for the game. It's a nice dark parody of a lot of shit, and quite original and well put in some places. Makes for great action/horror scifi romps with a nice "just trying to survive" feel to them.
The rules and various details are less awesomely written...
>The rules and various details are less awesomely written...
Yeah they're pretty dated, though to be fair some parts of it scaled for long term playing ok. But compared to a modern RPG, its very bare bones.
Course the biggest selling point of something that crawled out of late 80's Scotland is the quintessential fact that you can't survive unless you're on massive amounts of drugs.
>How can you have a "competitive market system" if one corporation controls everything?
Said corporation makes it's contractees compete with each other.
>What exactly would these warriors be fighting if everything's been conquered already? Rebels?
There's allways someone to fight: smugglers would damage the corporation, criminal gangs in the projects ruin the land's market value.
True enough. The game's from fucking 1993, it was old enough to drink three years ago.
Rebels, terrorists, soft companies ( startups not part of the monopoly, often armed for that reason), criminals, mental-ill lunatics (Mort is 80% patrolled dark slums), Serial Killers (the form clubs)aliens, Monsters that stalk the city and the Cannibal Sectors. And evil abominations from White Earth that are created by the being who should be God but is the Devil.
>un-patrolled dark slums, with grimy rain and not hope
This torrent isn't working
All the SLA stuff seems to be up on DTRPG, including HS1 and HS2.
>All the SLA stuff
Well, everything but the GM screen.
Someone's fan stuff but still good
>isn't working
Sounds like a problem on your end? I pulled down everything yesterday, just to see it was seeded, and it worked like a charm. Many of the books are old scans though so some of the illustration quality is a little missing, compared to modern prefabbed pdfs.
I don't think there's ever been a scan of the GM screen, and whatever booklet accompanying it? I haven't seen a pdf of it on drivethrurpg either, so it might just be lost to history.
The Big One
Whoa, this is some complete bullshit
Glad they dumped this metaplot, but it would still be interesting to see how it would play out.
Pity the conversion book is too big, but that can be found in one of the savage world troves in the request thread.
>Sounds like a problem on your end?
I tried it with uTorrent and Vuze, and neither of them could get the metadata. I've managed to scrounge up everything but the GM Pack, Hunter Sheets, Ursa Carrien, Klick's End, and Momic 0.1.
Can you post Ursa Carrien?
No, because I haven't got it, as I said.
oh, mis-read then
The Truth is out there
Did Mr. Slayer force an alien kid to turn human with the Twisted Sister? I thought this was in the future.
It's parallel, read
That metaplot was declared non-canon in 2008.
Hunter sheets!
CB7505 Hunter Sheets Issue 1.pdf
NG201202 Hunter Sheets Issue 2.pdf
Yet Twisted Sisters still force humans souls to do soul shit.
The old canon may closely resemble the new canon in some places. SLA Industries takes no responsibility for any personal harm, inconvenience, annoyance, or recolouring resulting from assuming all the old canon is true.
It's from Scotland, it was old enough to drink 20 years ago.
Swing Out Sister, you pleb.
If SLA Industries had an official soundtrack, I would move that at least the title track from this album should be on it.