I need ideas for a dualistic faith between a chaotic neutral and lawful neutral god

I need ideas for a dualistic faith between a chaotic neutral and lawful neutral god.

look up mandalorian gods in star wars

Czernobog (Black God) and Belobog (White God) are good examples of this, being old Slavic pagan deities, a pair of dualistic gods of light and dark.
That said it's hard to verify much about either in real life.

Maybe take the concept of yin and yang where pretty much everything fits in one or the other and crank it up to eleven, anything that could be considered diametrically opposing is on one side of the other, up/down, left/right, whether toilet paper should be over or under, etc. maybe even things that aren't really diametrically opposed, like chalk and chips, or donkeys and horses.

Bielobog ain't real, user. Idiot anthropologists made him up because they were certain Czernobog had to have a lighter counterpart. They were wrong. Then Neil Gaiman printed the wrongness, and you believed him.
Eostre isn't real either.
And Paul Bunyan WAS an actual folklore figure, not just an ad campaign.
American Gods gets a lot wrong, is basically what I'm saying.

Have 'em be brothers. One is the Elder, intended to be the heir to the king of the gods. The rest of the pantheon has withdrawn from the world for 10,000 years (or something), a period of testing to see if the Elder brother can handle the job.
The younger brother his when the others left. He doesn't resent the Elder his birthright, but DOES resent the idea of staying in the realm of the gods for so long. Now he's of having "fun" woke his brother has to clean up the messes.

I like you a lot.

That should be HID when the others left and WHILE his brother...

Stupid autocorrect.

There is a little evidence for the existence of Belobog; however, we don't have much information on pre-Christian Slavic folklore in the first place.

Logically, the universe must exist for no reason, because there is nothing that could cause everything without itself being part of everything and thus need a cause. Even if you assume reality to be infinite towards the past with one cause chaining to another, it still raises the question HOW is it infinite, and WHY? What caused this endless series of causes?

Thus, in the beginning, there was Chaos. Chaos is the fact that something can happen for no reason at all.

The fact that something could happen for no reason at all means that anything could happen at anytime, and an infinite number of things can be created, changed, or destroyed at the same time. Yet, we observe that the universe follows consistent laws of cause and effect. Thus, Something from those infinite possibilities must have resisted the ever-present power of Chaos. This thing is Law.

Law forces the universe to be ordered, was born of Chaos yet existed concurrent with it. Yet Law's power is not limitless, for still people can behave against their nature, without any reason for it. Still, in finer details of physics, people realize that there are things which happen for no reason. Law has made its presence known in the universe, but Law has not won final victory.

People worship these two, primeval powers: the Law that gave the universe order and the Chaos that defies that order. Law is revered with temples and prophets that seek to know the will of the Prime Law, under which society is made perfect. Chaos is worshipped in people's inner thoughts, where they thank Chaos for their freedom to be contrary to their causes.

tl;dr: Law and Chaos are worshipped as personified powers of what logically must exist for the universe to exist.

I would like to see some kind of primordial Eldritch embodiment of chaos (a la Azathoth) battling an embodiment of self-organization.
This self-organization god being like an inverse-Satan: created after (or by) the chaos god but diametrically opposed to it.
The universe's natural state is chaos which radiates from the chaos god but the order god forces nature to adhere to patterns when he can reach it. The world as we know it is his little bubble of order but everything outside of the bubble is the chaos god's madness.

Chaos could be worshipped with pagan orgies (in the original Roman sense), wild dances, and other, similarly chaotic rituals, more likely to be conducted around a bonfire or in a glade in the woods than in any kind of temple.

Its quite simple, you think utterly in absolutes.

Somebody lies once, they are always untrustworthy

Something fails once, they are always a failure

Something goes wrong when something else is happening, that thing is always a bad omen

Somebody is honest, they are always honest.

Its a lawful system that applies to chaotic situations by treating every future situation as a complicated series of past situations and that this current situation will be exactly like the last time that it has occurred.

Sounds like Menoth & the Devourer Wurm from the Iron Kingdoms. Order vs. Chaos, Civilization vs. Nature, etc.

>Then Neil Gaiman printed the wrongness, and you believed him.
To be fair, Gaiman's whole book dealt with "new gods" being invented from things people venerated. Ah, that still sounds like a cop-out. I had no idea Bielobog was just made up.

Do you happen to have a source for that stuff?

But that's not treating it like a complicated series at all if you're just assuming that every situation is going to turn out the same. It's also very stupid and impractical the way you describe it.

Belobog is not "made up" so much as his existence is only implied. There are places named after him, and medieval literature describing Slavic religious practices mention rites where blessings are offered to a good god as thanks for people's good fortune and curses made to an evil god, named Chernobog, in anger at people's misfortune.

Judaism. God is law, Satan is more a chaotic devil's advocate.

So where do you get the idea that that implication had to have been wrong? Seems like a reasonable inference to make, to me.

For the same reason that we generally know that Loki's role in norse religion became a lot more sinister with the increasing presence of christianity in Saxony and Scandinavia.

I'm aware of this, but I don't follow the reasoning. Are you suggesting that the role of the "good god" that apparently existed was inflated by Christian scholars?

IDK, maybe Janus from Roman mythology?
He is the most dualistic god I can think of.

I (the person you are replying to) don't subscribe to that idea. I think Belobog might well have existed. I understand the doubt, but I don't think it's fair to say that he absolutely must not have existed.

Momentum and Balance.
Momentum-God moves things forward, whether or not this is a good thing is open to interpretation. He is the bringing of change, the lord of victory, the duke of defeat, and that which ages all beings and takes them from this world at strange times.
Balance-God keeps things static and calm, whether or not this is a good thing is open to interpretation. He is the sun and the moon, the plant seeking the sun, the compromises and the treaty; and that which keeps things stable, though in time stagnant and stale.

Momentum will always pluck things from Balance, it will make Balance seem out of Balance at times. Balance will always return to form the whole of the world at some point, and what Momentum does simply sets the new state of balance.

Read up on Taoism desu.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu, from the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Batman vs goofy 1960s prankster Joker

Two-faced diety. The "default" face is an image of perfect tranquility. Think zen and inner peace and all that. Not good, not evil, just there. That is, until somebody gets it's emotions to flare up. When pushed into any sort of extreme emotion the other face comes out and the god turns into a force of nature type deal.

Domains could easily include any sort of natural aspects. The ocean (calm seas vs typhoons), the sky (peaceful afternoons vs storms), the earth (stability vs volcanics).

in pre-hindu indus valley the Deva and Asura were worshiped by two different cultures that have branched from the same starting point the one that stayed stationary and relied on farming believed the Deva were they're protectors and the ones who traveled conquering and Waring saw the violent Asura as they're patrons but because they represented change and they saw the Deva as evil because they represented stagnation

hope you can use this this would be the first time my anthropology degree has worked for anyone