Jumpchain CYOA Thread #815: Sturm and Drang Edition

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I gave Tyrion Lannister access to hunter killer drones and a killsat, for the express purpose of making Westoros great again.

So, last time on /jc/!

What's everyone's favorite Jump?

On that note, how easy would the monsters from Monster Hunter be to clone with Jurassic Park's genetic engineering perks?

If you got the knowledge to back it up, I'd imagine not that hard for most them. Some them might give you some trouble, especially the ones that have some fantastical elemental effect. However other than that, they're just regular dinosaurs/critters for most part.

Gosh, that's a tricky one. I guess I think Blame! really captures the feel of Nihei's work. Kinda amused it took (most, ASA built his own improved version a while ago) people THIS long to figure out how crazy the GBE is.

Can't wait for 'em to find out about the Level 9 Safeguard

>fantastical elemental effect

Yeah, that's what I was wondering about mainly. Between that and that gauntlet, the things look like big prehistoric monsters but I dunno if they have magical components too

Most people don't really look into any setting beyond what the jump tells them or what people talk about in thread. You'd be amazed at some of the things you can get from jumps if you look beyond the pdf.

Hey, no argument here. Even just counting the jump itself-there's a shitload of great stuff (weapons made of pure force, using giant robots as magic conduits, psychic alchemy) in Five Star Stories nobody seems aware exists because they're too busy wanking their LoT's size

Sword & Sorcery. Too much good stuff for our hard-earned points, basically a freeform setting, great tone.

150. Mega Man Classic
Stage Select: Protomen Override
Origin: Drop-In [Meat], Age: 18
Perks: Civilian Mode (-100), Self-Repair (-100), Solar Powered (-200), Fieldwork Optimized (-200),
Gear: E-Tank, Bass Buster + Mega Buster (-300), Proto Shield (-200), user's Stage (-500)
Drawback: Sons of Fate (-600)

>"Alright folks, we are coming to you a-Live on all Wilynet frequencies, no permission given of course. I'm Bobbie G and this is my darling daughter Connie here to restore what the Doctor cut out: Fun. And power to the people, of course."
>"Now, a warning: side effects of tonight's show may include dizziness, increased heart rate, spontaneous dancing, hunger, levitation, increased libido, mania, infusions of grandeur, loss of self control, and the thought that you may be worth fighting for. You should avoid attending the show proper if you're pregnant, as your children may be born with wings. If you can't handle that, well, you're shit out of luck, we're on every station and there aint no stopping us for the next 3 hours."
>"Some of you may be thinking 'How do I find this amazing display of beauty and talent' and gentlemen, she is single. Don't worry about getting here, just stay tuned in, grab the loveliest person in the room, and get to moving. We'll pick you up as soon as we find you. The house band will be playing all night, or at least until they're more played out than played up. Speaking of which, they got exactly what you've been needing: It's the Little Roads!"
>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH YEAH! Now don't be afraid to do your thing, shake your thing, or be something, cuz tonight's opening and drinks are on me. Let's light up this night.

You know what this world needs? Some positivity. This city has been knocked out into the streets and left down in the dumps. We need to make it feel the heat. We need to break people out of their stupors and get them jumping, dancing, and ready to move. Revolution is movement after all.

Well, that's phase one, anyway. Getting a place to nurture the spark of rebellion, see whose willing to defy Wily, and get them believing that they can do more. If we're going to find heroes, they'll have to come from humanity itself. A robot is a different sort of existence that we can't rely on to solve all of humanity's problems. They are found via psychic scans and get to my stage through portals summoned directly into their homes or to help with escapes from Joes. My companions are more than happy to talk to them and try to motivate them to be better, offering training or incentive where they can.

Over time, cells are formed, and they have a supplier that can get them most anything they need. It's their rebellion, I'm just benefiting from it.

My top three are Van Hellsing, Generic Virtual World, and Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs

lost Valley of the dinosaurs is everything I want from a jump, flavorful, challenging, and filled with tough decisions.

So how many of y'all done something like Animorph into a Kryptonian, or done something to make yourself into a Kryptonian?

What methods did you use, and why did you choose that over Martians or even Daxamites?

I wonder is there anyway to be a sith without all that makeup and edginess?

Get a load of this guy thinking Jumpers would take only *one* super-powered race.

Am I misremembering or is Sburb jump basically ready for builds?

yeah but the work itself is crap, seriously it's horrible and you're wasting your time if you so much as read the translated part, you're in for a bad time.

I'm going to read it just on basic principle. If you hate it, it must be awesome.

Seems to be. I doubt there will be any large scale overhauls, at most some items or perks will get tweaked.

Pretty much. Only adding one companion option, and a drawback.

Funny that you ask now, actually. I'm /just/ finishing up the finally edits of the pdf. Expect to see it today, perhaps even in a few minutes depending on my internet here.

And why am I having nightmares of Scion chasing me down before Golden Morning kicks off and killing me personally?

Bad timeline, mr snake?

It didn't even fit in the context of that dream!

Fucking space whales.

Maybe someone's trying to contact you.

Well, you nose, sometimes dreams are just like that. Did you at least get it to Yackety Sax? A real earWorm, that.

Whelp. Time to jump Les Miserables.

Drawbacks: I Dreamed a Dream, In My Life, Fifty Valjeans: Correspondence, Better in Japan (1500)

Servant of the State, Age 30 (1350)

The Arrest (Free)
Intervention (1250)
Black (1050)
Suicide Soliloquey (950)
Castle on a Cloud (750)
Wedding Chorale (500)
The Bargain (0)

So here we are, in what is allegedly 19th century france. But in practice, is a cavalcade of insanity with vaguely Victorian trappings in a world gone mad. Men speak the language of the stars, divided between those who would see the Liberation of N-er, the French Revolution come to pass, and those who serve the Traitor E-wait no, the king of France in maintaining law and order.

Attack names will be called.

Poses will be struck.

Random things will start bursting into flame as everyone from Jean Valjean to Javert suddenly belt out arias in the language of hungry star gods.

And we're just over here in the corner, trying to prevent what Is and Is Not going completely pear-shaped because all the urchins have learned to cast lightning bolt.

Quick, try to levitate something with your mind. You may have just been triggered


By the way, how do Genesis Frogs work after the jump? How does one even go about creating a frog that is a universe? Presumably they're smaller universes than most, right?

I think you need skaia in order to allow a genesis frog to grow into a universe and I really doubt you could find a way to create a new skaia post jump. That should stop it being a problem in terms of balance.


Gran Soren
Arisen (700cp)
Male, 37yo/27ayo
•Sorcerer (575cp)
•Acuity (475cp)
•Articulacy (375cp)
•Call Arisen
•It Begins (225cp)
•Neutralizing Elixir (200cp)
•Wyrmking's Ring (50cp)
•Eternal Ferrystone (0cp)
•Main Prawn (Alex, F, Warrior)
•Alicia (Drop-In, F, 13yo) (-100cp)
•Brine (0cp)


Blame! just is very good. Legitimately one of the best jumps out of the whole chain.

So what was your mosaic procedure animal? I'm tempted to use a tyranid queen but i'm not too sure. So any suggestions for that would also be appreciated.

Wait my math was off.

-Eternal Ferrystone
-Neutralizing Agent

Wyrmking's Ring (0cp)

Somehow I got confused that it was discounted when it wasn't.

Or would a Reaper from Mass Effect be a viable option?

The big titty waifu jump

Quick question: I am currently trying to make a jump in Microsoft Word, so i ask: what's the best font for that ?

Comic sans.

Not sure if anyone is around at this time, but does anyone know if someone has claimed the Shadows of The Apt series? If not I'd like to contribute for once.

>Sword & Sorcery.
Did the scenarios for that ever get done?

Honestly, unless a particular font suits the jump better you'll probably be better off going with one of the defaults, Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial etc. They're familiar and standard - easy to read and so on.

>Comic sans.
Pleb. If we're going for a joke font, it's wingdings or bust.

Something easy to read, like arial or times new roman.

Lithograph or Bazooka, to show you're not fucking around like puny Sans here.

Either Light's of Terra or Supreme Commander. Both are superb starting jumps, and both are well worked.

>Tyranid queen

So, basically a giant womb?

I thought they looked like pic related...

Garamond. Always and forever.

Wing Dings.

> They live upon massive Hive Ships in huge chambers at the centre of the Hive Fleet and ingest genetic materials. They then churn out through asexual reproduction all the countless types of bio-forms that make up the Tyranid Hive Fleet.

They're just a mouth and and a giant womb. They don't even move and don't really control anything.

Chimera Morph, Fisto. Take the best elements of all of them, and minimize their weaknesses. Of course, it gets a little crowded in your head, but there are perks for that.

That's a Zerg. A Tyranid is and picture related.

Less buggy and more dinosaur.

I like to use a font that feels appropriate for the Jump somehow. Just make sure it's actually readable before you set your heart on it.

Gotcha. Also, tentative Sburb build.

Drawback: Fight the Denizen, Import YOUR actual house (1600)

Drop-In, Age 15

Page of Void

Heir Conditioning (Free)
EctoBiologist (1400)
S U C K E R S (1200)
God Tier (400)
Colonel Sassacre's Daunting Text of Magical Frivolity and Practical Japery (Free)
Collection of Really Terrible Movies (Free)
Symbol Shirt (Free)
Veil Ectobiology Lab (250)
Apiculture Networking (200)
Multiplayer (0)
-Kat: Drop-In, Witch of Space, God Tier (200), Ectobiologist (0)
-Elodie: Strider, Page of Hope, God Tier (200), S U C K E R S (0)
-Yuriko: Harley, Witch of Mind, God Tier (200), Alchemization (0)
-Karin: Drop-In, Heir of Heart, God Tier (200), Ectobiologist (0)
-Solaire: Strider, Knight of Light, God Tier (200), Robotics (0)
-Arfoire: Highblood, Witch of Doom, God Tier (200), Rainbow Drinker (0)
-Esdeath: Strider, Knight of Time, God Tier (200), Man Grit (0)
-Astrid: Harley, Maid of Life, God Tier (200), Alchemization (0)

So. First things first, we're off to kill a Denizen, while our companions work on figuring out how to deal with the universe frog business. The drawback makes it sound like an SMT endboss, so we'll once again be tag teaming the thing with Metatron, Remiel and an army of other Heralds. Caliborn killed an unusually powerful Denizen with a crowbar, so this should be a cinch.

After that-well. This whole reality fascinates and horrifies us in equal measure, so we will try to figure out some of the greatest mysteries of this madhouse.

Like how the fuck Troll biology even works if reproduction involves an unexplained drone coming out of nowhere to gather their slime(?). Speaking of slime, where d'you get paradox slime from after the jump?

And why/what are Horrorterrors.

And whether it's possible to tamper with the creation process of a Genesis Frog to produce a World Turtle instead.

We're basically like some kid who's grossed out by a nest of bugs but can't resist poking it from a safe distance.

Wait, don't Sburb sessions require an even number of players, or is that just the convention the comic followed.

Also, link to the Sburb jump, please?

Ok doing a side jump where my goal is to convince taylor that the Simurgh is in fact her older sister. i need a telekinesis perk/combo that is of similar strength to what simmie shows in cannon x-men is in use for inorganic form and telepathy. my plan is to go in as her shard and grant powers along with irreversible body changes to look more and more like the angel.

I wonder if it would be possible, with the help of other perks, to create a robot capable of safeguard level 9 stuff. Thankfully it should be possible with Amazo backup memory, and Worm skills like Topography manipulation and Doormaker to do that crazy "Sun in your face" shit.

You could just be a Bdelloid, since it can basically steal DNA from people and things to repair itself. If Eva could get Adolfs base from just eating a bit of his body, you could do the same.

Technically, the only reason that worked for her was because after the Germans remote-detonated the bomb in Adolf's body, her own shrapnel-ridden body regenerated with bits of Adolf inside.

Where's the best place to go to get magic that improves overtime? I want to stack on them then go to the Civ jump.

>but I don't even have a sister!

Thats why it is challenging.

On that note jumpers what is the most bs thing you have convinced people of?

I convinced people that they are just a program in a game for my amusement. Giving them proof was the best part.

True, very true, but a Bdelloid being capable of what it can do in nature, it should be capable for it to work in Terraformars by taking their genetic material.

Dragon / Kitsune forms have inherent magic, and those forms get more powerful over time. That's the only time elapsed = power increased 1:1 that I can think of off the top of my head. Everything else would just be assumed increases if you continued to work at it, like D&D magic and the like.

Mystery Dungeon.

They're apparently still in progress, but I'm happy to wait.

It'll depend a bit on your formatting. If you have images, you're going to want to fit more text around the images on the page, so try a narrower font.
Some fonts are good for certain themes (like Times New Courier for 1984), other times you'll want just the headings in theme-appropriate fonts.

The Notes say if you have a uneven number, two become twins.

Allright, I'll upload one last version of the Homeworld jump. If anyone has stuff they absolutely want changed, this is the chance to ask for modifications. After this, I'm putting it on the drive and I'll consider it done.

There seems to be a hole in the 1000cp drawback, taking Free Roam doesn't earn you any enemies so can't you just cruise around with an essentially free 1000 extra cp?

Otherwise it looks pretty fantastic. Is this your first jump?

Considering there's still plenty of bandits, Imperials, possibly Beast and other nasties out there, picking Free Roam with The Greatest War could still end civilization, just in a less in-your-face manner.
It's my first jump, yeah.

Will you be doing Deserts of Kharak too?

My problem with that is that the drawback only gets worse when you actively fight and win, and that the Free Roam scenario is the only one that doesn't force some form of battle on you. Meaning if you just run from any raiders you meet you don't actually suffer the effects of the drawback, apart from them being a bit more powerful to start with. They only get stronger each time you win or copy your stuff if you use it to gain an edge.

It's just not a 1000cp drawback if you can easily neuter it by going somewhere else and picking one of the offered scenarios. I'd recommend just not letting people who pick Free Roam pick the drawback, because every other scenario has a fail condition that will lead most everyone to have to fight.

I've never played Deserts of Kharak, so at the very least not anytime soon. Don't know if I'll actually get the game, I don't have nearly as much time to game as I used to.
I'll add a Free Roam explanation to the drawback as well.

Or you could just take Sanakan Soul and do some research over the years. Probably would be very resource intensive to field one though; the City has a lot of infrastructure and resources to deploy these things.

Final Fantasy XIV, it is not even a contest.


We posting FFXIV music now?


Why does FFXIV have such amazing music?
I am not one for MMOs but this music is great.


Speaking of which, is there actually a full rundown of their abilities like with D&D Dragons, or is that a no-go?

Also, D&D wiki isn't very good at sifting out homebrew from regular 3.5 content unless you stick to the SRD, so if anyone has a list of all the non-homebrew True Dragons, that'd be a big help for my Forgotten Realms build.

That jump really needed a soundtrack and personal theme song option.


Sup /jc/

Are there any jumps that you really want to be made but know are probably impossible to make?

Here's the best I've got for Kitsune:


Any reason why Mommy's Spongebob jump is in the drive? I am mainly curious is it still a good jump or am I missing something here?

Probably Zone of the Enders.

It wasn't, apparently, terrible enough to remove.

>is there actually a full rundown of their abilities like with D&D Dragons, or is that a no-go?
Well, they're basically japanese fairy tales, so accounts vary based on what the story wants them to do.
So your sources are either going to be limited to a setting variant or vague or both.

Really? i thought people purged her. it was before my time but any time she comes up the whole thread tries to pretend that she never happened like the Egyptians and the pharaohs they didn't like.

Dungeons: the Dragoning 40,000 7th Edition

The Silmarillion

Ars Magica

GURPS Illuminati University

Now that is a hard one.

Okay no not really.

Between Evo and Franken Fran.....either of them can be said to be my favourite.
I love the setting in both, I would be interested in exploring both (More like laugh at the misery of others in the latter...but eh).
So from the perspective of a jump, both are about the same in good shit for me to have, picking between only the two of them if lets say someone was to sent me somewhere......I literally would freeze unable to choose.
Let me look at both jumps and how I could game them.....and if they are the first and only jump, then I pick the first because I could pick two of the drawbacks in order to get free extra cp to use (locking my non-jump powers and inspiring other things with stuff from other jumps).


Someone's actually making it.

red blue green black white. evil followers of tiamat god or essentially survival of the fittest.

bronze copper silver gold brass. good aligned not really familiar with them myself

epic dragons
force prismatic, neutral

search each of those for a rundown of what they can do epic dragons are a lot stronger

It squeeked in before we had standards or knew what a massive cuntbag he was. So now it gets grandfathered in with all the other can't change without author consents.

>Kushiel's Legacy
I loved the world building in it, but sexuality is too big a part of that world for it to make it to jump form without triggering certain jumpers.

If you took the sexuality out would you still want to go there? If yes, make it ya git.

I have ideas for a Steins;Gate jump, but I don't quite know how to pull off the execution, nor any experience with jumpmaking desu.

I also kinda want to see Dangan Ronpa, but haven't the first clue how you could do that.

>Dangan Ronpa
I dunno. Drop-In, Regular Person(ala Komaru), Ultimate, Ultimate Despair, Future Foundation. Should be easy enough to make the perks for it, and there's some pretty nice items in there, in addition to the fact that DR3 is going to be sci-fi, so it'll likely have all kinds of cool shit.

Ar Tonelico.

Song Magic really is the best thing ever.

It's not even about how good it is mechanically, I just love the games and their themes. While yes, Song Magic is a big part of that, it's because of the world built around song and emotions, not because of what I can use Song Magic for myself.

Improbable Island
N Game

Honestly I was considering it more within the context of the high school life of mutual killing than the setting as a whole, which your post is implying. I for one would read a writefag of a jumper infiltrating Hope's Peak and trying to cause a 'everybody lives' scenario while trying to hide their powerlevel and to pretend to be merely a Kirigiri figure. Or kicking down the door, declaring 'I'm the auper duper high scool level physical god, what are you gonna do' and kicking the shit out of Junko, that works too.

Maybe I'm being silly, but I can't see very well a jump on the expanded universe of Dangan Ronpa being pulled off without it being treated as less Pheonix Wright and more Fallout.

OC Jumps. We've got a rule against them, and people would probably be terrible at them even if we didn't, but I'd like to flex my creative muscles a little bit and make something unique.