Does anyone else write a character log of events that happen in character?
I just started to keep track of events.
Does anyone else write a character log of events that happen in character?
I just started to keep track of events.
Sounds fine to me. Is there a problem with this?
I keep track of things that happen to my characters in campaigns I play.
Pro: It's easy to access the relatively short log I do have.
Con: It's on F-List.
Meh, i though it might be cringy but i guess not
>Meh, i though it might be cringy but i guess not
It really isn't. With that in mind, allow us to read your character log.
What? I know for a fact I'm not the only one.
Please don't use frog pictures when you are not shitposting.
My groups often have someone write up a log of events and occasionally these have been written in-character but mainly it's just a log.
In one of the campaigns it's mainly because we really do have to keep log of things like how many people are living at the base/village, mouths to feed and all that. In the others it has just been something that's done for fun and giving those players who missed a game the chance to know what the hell happened.
fine then
Thursday,June 2nd
>The current situation is grim. white was captured and Cyan's cover was blown leaving me with shit in one hand and my bratwurst in the other.
>I'm aiming to propose a hostage exchange for the psion we capture and locked in the storage closet.
>I scouted the carnival, nothing in particular but there are definitively some illusions active.
>I went to the mall, I detected several large ki signatures. I'm hiding in a box and called for backup. when the mall closes we will investigate.
Friday, June 3rd
>Last night we discovered Boss Buff lady left the organization and recently opened a store at a local mall. She gave us a list of their safehouses.
>warehouse at the carnival
> gas station for food and transport
> Command center in a drainage ditch.
>We assaulted the supply house at the carnival to cut supply down, it was full of tear gas grenades. It turns out tear gas is very flammable.
>Boss Copy-cat cam to speak to us today, he was disguised as White. We arranged a prisoner exchange for Cyan. Afterwards we probed Cyan for information. They are attempting to use telepathy to convince White he is Boss copy-cat and set him on us.
>We're going to infiltrate the sewer base before they can reorganize tonight.
Hell yes I do. I take notes during the game and over the following week write up a ships log from the perspective of my character, the captain. It's become a fixture of the Traveler game to start each session with a reading of the log a la captains log from star trek.
Sounds interesting enough. What system are you playing?
Tri-Stat dx 3r edition
It's set in the ranma 1/2 setting 20 years after the events of the show.
>It's set in the ranma 1/2 setting 20 years after the events of the show.
Why? Why can not any of you answer something that I know? Like Kult?
I did't know that was a thing (Maybe Kult didn't reach Canada) but it looks interesting.
Sounds like a good idea, now stop frogposting
>I did't know that was a thing (Maybe Kult didn't reach Canada) but it looks interesting.
Give Kult a try, those logs will all of a sudden look interesting, and please post again. I really haven't got a clue about this Ranmna and whatever stuff.
I guess I truly am too old for this shit.
Actually yeah
My group of many years has an online google doc where a character recalls what happened that session
Its awesome to look back on
Doing it OOC all the time. It helps keeping track of everything, and that way I don't forget what my character does and does not know.
Did it once or twice in-character, for a chronicler and explorer type character. That shit was fun, with a small leather journal and all.
>Does anyone else write a character log of events that happen in character?
Yes, I recommend it.
More than once my DM has forgotten something that I've reminded him of. NPC names are a big one, since I think he makes up half of them on the fly. When he can't remember how I got a specific item, it helps to have a log to remind us. Sometimes I'll even take pictures of dungeon-maps so we can use them if we ever want to go back.
Making it a shared document could be handy for anyone looking for a reminder of the campaign's events. Having multiple people taking notes is handy, since they can cover each others' gaps for a more complete picture of what happens.
One guy I once knew recorded whole sessions of audio on his laptop, so that's also an idea. You could even use your phone's audio-recording software for this purpose. Some people are wary about being recorded, so don't do it unless you have the whole group on board with the idea.
It's a show from the 90's, it's martial art rom com.
We started it as a one shot but it turned out pretty well so we kept up with it.
I seldom do it in character, but I am our group's scribe and take copious notes. As user pointed out,the dm loves this. I almost never take advantage of it either...
Usually about eight pages of Ms word notes per six hour game, then posted on the group blog.
It would be more fun to do in character, but rewriting that much material is time prohibitive.
>It's a show from the 90's, it's martial art rom com.
"martial art rom com" I truly am too old for this shit. What makes it special then?
Sounds fun. I just take notes to help the party and GM for when there is a hiatus or misunderstanding. Havung someone taking notes is super helpful. Do you feel that the character log help you RP any better?
I do, but only because my secret vampire needs to keep track of his meals. When I'm inevitably revealed I want to be able to prove I'm not making it up right there.
It's a fine little detail to a character that's probably fun to look back upon after the campaign's over, but I imagine one would write it very in-character and as such not every type of PC would be writing diaries?