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New Player's with Deathstars Edition
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Daily reminder that all Astartes players are complete faggots and the group with the most powergamers!
Well ni duh they have the most powergamers. They have the most players period. The real question is if they have the most power gamers per capita
I mean wouldnt the largest player base have the most amount of power gamers by simple math?
Grav weapons are over costed because they're worthless against orcs and nids.
t. Butthurt Xeno and/or Heretic
>Second rate conversion and third rate DA paintjob.
Is this a meme?
You wanna know why I hate Leman Russ?
It's not because of his boner-inducing penchant for teamkilling.
It's not because of his hypocrisy in regards to Nikea and psykers.
It's not because of his inability to back up his boastful nature (see his fights with Lion El'Jonson and Angron).
It's because immediately upon swearing fealty to the Emperor as the 2nd found primarch he had to upstage Horus and his LUNA WOLVES with his own superlative legion title.
Two "official" fucking legions in and we have the Luna Wolves and the Space Wolves.
What a fucking douchebag.
Apparently yes.
um, dunno if this is the spot to put this here, but here you guys go.
youtube DOT com SLASH watch?v=l_YLkIjJtbg
Dawn of War 3 confirmed?
Even against a 6+ save, a Grav-cannon is as effective as a heavy bolter.
Not to mention that Orks and Nids have Walkers/MCs that are more vulnerable to them.
Firstly, shitty bait, get some new material
>It's because immediately upon swearing fealty to the Emperor as the 2nd found primarch he had to upstage Horus and his LUNA WOLVES with his own superlative legion title.
I know I'm biting but Leman russ wanted his legion to be called the vylka fenrika. He didn't name the space wolves, but the wolves of fenris.
And moreover, luna wolves a shit, they deserve every bad thing they get.
>Release dog-fight phase
>Attempt to generate flier hype
>Release new ork flier to go with this
>It's a 'bomber'
>It's shit at anti-air
>When the game is set to be dominated by fliers
>still manages to fit in a few crap single-shot guns at BS2
The fuck is wrong with you? Also there's already a thread for this, just wait till tomorrow.
>dominated by flyers
not if you offer a prayer to the hydra user
Doesn't that thing supposedly have a large AP2 blast plate?
>mfw my opponent tells me that shooting his Riptide with Grav is useless
>nine shots turn into three wounds
>tie it up in melee
>turn one
And that is how he Tau player broke his Riptide.
Against Grey Knights I immobilized the Land Raider on my turn 1 as well and it became a glorified flame turret.
I never bring my than 4 Grav guns and 2 Combi Gravs, I swear.
Okay, sometimes its 6 and 3
>more phases
My mathhammer has that as '/nearly/ as effective' as a heavy bolter.
Point still valid, but you don't need to lie to support it.
I am seriously considering getting some IG to ally with my RW instead of SW at higher points because of my god awful anti air.
The alternative is to buy Ravenwing Fliers....
Or a Fire Raptor
worry not, friend. We will keep the flyers out of the meta for you.
> Using Hydras for Anti-air
> Not using glorious Twin-linked BS5 S8 Sunder from LEGBOATS
Wasn't it "People of Fenris"?
I'm pretty excited about it, actually. I liked the dogfight ruless from the first days and seeing them actually integrated with the game is nice.
cheapes options is probably a fortification with an Icarus lascannon or the quad gun
Need sauce for either as concrete truth, linguistically you can make an argument for either (which may have been intentional).
>Flyers become top meta
>everyone begins allying in Big Mek with KFF, Grots, and a unit of Traktor Kannons into their lists
Inb4 that isnt a Traktor Kannon
105 points for an Imperial Bunker, that way you get to fire the quad-gun from safety instead of standing around your Aegis.
>knife eared piece of shit
every time
That stale-ass pasta taste good?
The real douchebags are the Word Bearers. Imagine what a wonderful place the Imperium would be if Lorgar had landed on the moons of Ymgarl and gotten eaten by genestealers.
Traktor kannons. Like said. Quit mucking about.
>Playing Orks
>Taking static artillery
>Taking fucking grotz
Zog off, i'm 'n evil sun fer life...if it don't GO FAST i don't wanna know...
"They're not the Space Wolves, they're the Wolves from the planet Wolf!"
Space Wolf players really need to stop repeating that one, it never stops sounding dumb and pedantic.
>mek builds a fortifakashun
>paints it red
>show it to boss
"oi, look at dis fast fing I built"
"it ain't even going anywhere ya git!"
"yeah, but it's gittin dere right quick!"
>what do?
>"oi, look at dis fast fing I built"
>"it ain't even going anywhere ya git!"
>"It got 'ere before you though boss! And it'll get 'ere before the enemy! For getting ta dis place, it's tha fastest find around!"
>"They're not the Space Wolves, they're the People from the planet Wolf!"
Also having a themed named planet is nothing new, like having the angels from a planet named after a demon for the angel-like marines that can become like demons during a fight
Boyz, boyz.
You point da traktor kannon at da enemy plane. You pull da lever and jump on da kannon. If yer "kalk-you-lay-shunz" is correct, da traktor beam latches onto da enemy plane, and den you and da kannon go for a ride.
We'z not tryin ta shoot down da planes! We'z tryin ta go parasailing!
There are Flakk Trukks and what not from Forge World, but those are outdated at this point.
One of them (from Aeronautica) could flat out and still fire and regular ballistic skill so long as it was targeting a Flyer.
It would be Unbound I would think. I am not sure.
This makes sense, much like the Drone Network Auxiliary choice in the Hunter Contingent. It doesn't have a Formation Datasheet, but it is an Auxiliary Formation that can be taken in a Hunter Contingent.
So, I am with this user on that. I also think it might be Hunter Contingent specific.
>pic related
> Big Mek makes a 500 foot tall bunker and paints it red
> Outside of the bunker is a RED DOOR just standing in the middle of fucking no-man's land
> Boss just glares
> Burna boyz enter into the tower
> The red door opens right fucking next to a bunch of Eldar guardians
> Burna Boyz incinerate the completely surprised knife eared shits
Yeah i built my own, used to run it lost the rules for it, and it is really old at this point
Just started playing 40k with some friends, I have a lot of guard, but they are all starting from scratch, so we will be starting playing 500 pts games on a 4x4 cities of death board.The last time I played was 5th edition and I got my shit pushed in. Is this a decent guard list at 500 pts
500 pts
Company Command Squad +Lascannon+ Plasma+ Carapace Armor= 105
Chimera 65
Veteran Squad + autocannon+ Plasma gun +Grenadiers=100
Chimera 65
Veteran Squad+autocannon+ Plasma gun+Grenadiers= 100
Chimera 65
I don't think flyers are going to dominate. People still like capturing objectives and playing the damned missions.
Plus, Dakkajets are already decent anti-air, as well as lootas and mek gunz.
Unconfirmed. It can take Telyport Blastas, but they are Small Blast and the Kustom Mega Kannons it can take don't get upgraded to Large Blast despite there being two of them, it just becomes Twin-Linked.
>No updated buggies with KMK, Traktor Kannons, Skorchas, or 2 TL Rokkits
Why Waaagh?
If yer a mekaniak.
>Battlewagons can take all the old Big Gunz: Kannon, Lobba and Zzap Gun
>New Mek Gunz come out, Battlewagon can't take them
>No Blitz Brigade with Traktor Kannons for AA duty sending the ladz forth
Waaagh ain't what it used to be...
You should just make a shit-ton of fortifications to use with your LGS's Orkbro. You should just take like 6 Wall of Martyrs Bunkers with Escape Hatches, and put all Flamer-Vets in them.
Then let the Orkbro take 6 Wall of Martyrs bunkers with Escape Hatches and stick nothing but Burna Boyz in them.
Start of the game, stick your escape hatches within 6" of each other's fortifications and spend the whole game trading board sides.
>grav weapons are overcosted because they cant wipe any unit in the game with ibe round of shooting
I am not a Tau player, but the Necron Decurion has similar auxiliary "selections", like Flayed Ones, which are not considered formations and cannot be taken as such.
I'm guessing he's just gonna have to burn the FA slot.
There's no time to replace 2e Ork models, there are still two billion slight variations on the same goddamn sigmarine model to be made.
Wich one is your favourite warhammer40k faction?
Vote here!
I know I forgot to add the Adeptus mechanicus, big fail
I am also aware I spelled "Tyranids" worng
Are you also aware that you could make a new poll with mechanicus in it?
Whats the point? Learn to fucking spell before making shit polls that serve no purpose.
After almost 200 votes I just feel lazy
It does serve a purpose
My entertainment
Now go hate elswhere
well if you have 200 votes then why do you still need more votes, stop the fucking link m80
Not races, factions
Missing several factions
Mispelled others.
>complaining about flyers when you have the best anti-air in the game
>I don't know what jokes are
Give big shootas Graviton. Bam, orks fixed.
You also misspelled Gay Knights
Has anyone seen the latest MWG battle report? The Orks vs DA one? Half the challenger's army is painted like a 7 year old's first go. Why would you go on MWG with that state of an army?
Should I re-base my power armored Grey Knights over to 32mm bases or keep them on 25?
I saw that one.
Quark's opponent had some impressive rolling.
Also, that's one of the few times I've seen an Orkanaut on the table without it being destroyed half way through the game.
so lets say i have a unit of reavers that multi-charge a riptide and a unit of fire warriors, and they kill 6 fire warriors, do nothing to the riptide and lose one model in return. the riptide would have to make a break test as well as then, correct?
if not, then i accidentally scammed a tau player out of his riptide continuing to live
To be fair, watching it a bit more, they do appear to be about 12. Is it his sister/brother?
Could be.
Nice to see Miniwargaming supports the youngsters coming in for a go though.
If I take a fortification as part of a warconvo, it's upgrades are free too, right?
Holy shit guys, I met a real life Champion of Khorne at a party this weekend, and it was probably the most incredible and terrifying moment of my life.
>Be at a house party with my friend and his gf (we've all been childhood friends since forever)
>Pretty sizable amount of late/post College kids here
>Moderate drinking, some people smoking cigars in the backyard by the pool, very laid back but still really fun atmosphere
>Host is a former classmate of friend, and is running around playing host, refilling peoples glasses, shooting the shit, etc.
>One of the guys at the party is David (Apparently, we only learned his name later).
>David is in the corner, clearly drunk but still functional, all 6'1" and 220lbs of him talking about the Astros or something with a bunch of other guys
>In walks these two massive chollos in jeans and biker jackets with backpacks
>They sit down on a couch after grabbing two beers each from the fridge and just start downing them.
>Everybody is staring at them
>Nobody knows who these guys are
>Host goes around, is asking everybody if they know them, all while they're sitting there chugging beer
>Nope, nobody knows them at all
>Suddenly they take out a ziploc bag of cocaine and start doing lines on the sides of the couch
>Host walks up, "Uh, you guys can't do that shit here. You gotta go."
>Chollos stare at him, finishing their line. One of them then just goes, "Alright, that's fair. We'll bounce."
>They get up, then grab as many bottles as they can and start stuffing them into their backpacks
It was at this point that weapons got drawn; mostly knives, but two dudes had pistols, and the bikers whipped out a pistol and bowie knives.
is the fortification part of any of the formations that make up the war convocation?
yes, the cult mechanicus detachment has a fortification slot.
im not sure thats how it works.
>32mm bases
- More room for scenic work
- More room to add weights (mostly only useful for metal minis)
- Easier to move into base contact without the model itself colliding with things
- Slightly more stable
- Already done
- Looks less like AoS horseshit
- Can sort of fit more models into base contact but not really
- Defies the will of the douchenozzle at GW who almost certainly came up with 32mm bases as a money-making scheme
I was thinking about putting my Nobz on 32mm bases to help differentiate them from the boyz, but I'd rather not encourage GW's shenanigans.
>the cult mechanicus detachment has a fortification slot.
Now ask yourself this, is the cult mechanicus detachment the WarConvo detachment?
nobz look way better on 32s to be honest
Only reason I'd move them over is to unify the basing scheme and not have the feet hang over like they do on 25's.
youre looking at the mechanicus CAD
The one for the war convocation is a formation, not the cad
I would also add that 32mm gives you an advantage against blast weapons, since you can keep the unit in coherency while occupying a bigger area but whoever would change all his bases just for this is evidently not someone worth playing with
Yeah look at what the war convocation includes
Claiming someone in your shitty story was a "champion of khorne" doesn't justify this nonsense in the 40k general, or indeed on Veeky Forums. Do fuck off, there's a good chap.
What's wrong little guy? Are you mad your little taus need to be actually well deployed instead of point and erase? Or that your Dflamers now need to take cover?
Awww c'mon, let him finish and THEN we can complain about it
>Suddenly, a giant form drunkenly thunders past us from the corner of the room
>It's fucking David, the absolute madman
>David plows into the chollo with a pistol, knocks him the fuck over onto his back
>screams, and I shit you not, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" and slams his face with a Wild Turkey bottle, knocking him out cold
>Other chollo stabs David in the shoulder with his knife, getting it lodged in his shoulder blade
>David is blessed by Khorne and truly gives no fucks
>David screams incoherently, grabs the guy by the face, and slams him face-first into the wall until he breaks an stud with his head, screaming "SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!"
>Both dudes are passed out, one of them might even be dead, we don't fucking know
>David turns to the party, swaying on his feet
>Burps, says, "Why does anything think I can be killed?" and rips the knife out of his shoulder
>Projectile vomits all over the floor and some poor terrified girl
>Then, for absolutely no reason, sprints down the hallway and jumps through a closed window into the yard before sprinting off down the street
>Everybody takes this as the sign to get the fuck out of there
>Cops are called, people are scrambling to leave
>Friend, gf and I go to IHOP for chocolate chip pancakes and try to figure out what the fuck happened
Apparently he got picked up by a Sheriff two blocks away and was taken to a hospital. They never found the other guys, who apparently got away before the cops arrived.
TL;DR Drunk Champion of Khorne "saves" party from booze-stealing Mexican gangbangers on coke
You can't even make this shit up.
Yeah, at least let me finish my story before shitting on me.
If you're gonna ride my ass so hard, at least pull my hair a little.
The ironic part is marine players are the equivalent of Peele in that skit. The gif actually represents YOU because you're the one constantly complaining
Where does it say that you can charge the passengers of a vehicle you shot at?
the mechanicus cad is their far of the war convo
I'd play a game with David
Ork Logic and Toddler Logic are the fucking best.
was this in LA?
if not, then i dont believe you, but if it was LA then fairly likely, honestly
I liked your story user
Apparently, he is a gigantic nerd who can't hide his powerlevel very well. Dude is super-into Warhammer Fantasy and Star Trek, and apparently won't shut up about them if you get him talking about them.
The craziest part that still haunts me of this whole encounter, though - why did he jump through the window? We were on the first floor! The window was unlocked! There were three perfectly good doors he could have used! It doesn't make any fucking sense!
their part*
I was with you until "blood for the blood god"
Calling BS2
Read it. It's still shit, and should be on /b/ or something rather than here.
Nope. Houston which ain't really that much better. Still gotta rep my city tho
Indeed. It was not an easy decision.
>"Why does anything think I can be killed?"
Worth reading just for this line. I am going to say it in my very finest Alan Rickman impression whenever my Necron Overlord wins a challenge.
>why did he jump through the window?
Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows
Is that a thing? I've never heard of that thing. Look at the rules section "Declare Charge" under "The Assault Phase"
>t, just got tabled by a space marine player
I remember reading it hear and they cited shit, but i don't remember exactly