Help me decide a helm Veeky Forums

building a new kit and I cant decide which one I want...

the one on the left has a visor and is later era with the domed arch top

the right one is more crusader type, looks great and can be decorated more easily i think

both are at kult of athena right now if you want ot see for yourself

The one on the right isn't hinged and has silly eye holes.

Also, whoever was making it got lazy with the right side of it.

the one thing that gets me about the one on the left is the big ol' jesus crusader cross right smack in the face. deus vult

I think sugarloaf (the left) is generally cooler, but I'm getting a sallet this week so make of that what you will.

Agreed, I'm not a big fan of the blatant cross either, and I'm as Catholic as it comes. If it was steel colored like the rest, it would be fine, but the gold is just too much. Still, all in all it seems like the better helmet, and it might be east to modify or disguise the cross a bit.

that is the one im going to go with then thanks guys

i have a 15 century era kit just trying to build a early period helmet, where ya getting your sallet from?

>I'm not a big fan of the blatant cross either, and I'm as Catholic as it comes
Reported for heresy

heres my old kit my sallet is top left

some helmets only had holes in one side - probably those used in tournaments.

I got it off a manufacturer in india, so it's nothing special. I drawfag a lot and I want to better study the effects of specific lighting on helmets, and it'll also look fukken cool with my maille and gorget

Best helmet represent

Don't buy any of those, they're shit helms useful for nothing but standing around. You can't fight in them.


This isn't your kit you fucking liar.

The one on the left, it screams "DEUS VULT" more.

You really are mad that no one wants to play with your boffer weapons.


A rattan club can break fucking bone you twit.

>muh hardcore sca

Holy fuck you are obnoxious

>muh LARP snowflakes

Come back when you can fight like a man.

That's not his kit. OP is a fucking troll, I can't remember where but I've seen that exact kit somewhere else.

How the fuck is he a troll. Dude just wants a helmet

>on Veeky Forums
>can fight
pick one, manboobs

i like burgonets

1) Because he wouldn't be shopping at Kult of Athena for those helmets if he owns -THAT- kit. That kit is custom made full plate armor. He has a Smith, he knows a Smith, and he'd be going back to that Smith instead of buying cheappo shit helmets from Kult that are less than 14 gauge steel.

2) Images on Veeky Forums often fail to bring back results from google search. Google image search is fucking garbage for finding rare images, especially if they're posted on really old forums as attachments or aren't tagged at all. But I have seen that damn kit somewhere.

3) The kit also has Rattan clubs visible on it, meaning he does SCA fighting. No SCA fighter is buying less than 14 gauge steel for a helmet unless they want a concussion.

The kult helmets are 14 and 16 gauge steel you fucking idiot

are you black or something, why are there are group of wild nigs in that picture to the top right

1) What if he doesn't have access to the smith anymore.

2) it's worked plenty of times in the past

3) What if he does fighting AND larping. You don't know him, you don't know what he wants the helmet for

4) The guy just wants a helmet why are you being a cunt to him oh my lord dude calm down

>I think that because it says "14 gauge " it actually means "14 gauge finished product".

Seeing that you have no experience buying armor at all, no it doesn't you idiot. 14 gauge means what they START with. What matters is total thickness across the skull once the helmet is finished. 14 gauge steel when thinned and hammered out will quickly become 16 gauge or even thinner depending on how its made. The only way to buy a helmet is contact the smith themselves and get it custom made, like you are supposed to do with ALL armor. Just buying shit randomly off the net won't do shit. You also need documentation to prove it's 14 gauge steel to even fight.

>The guy just wants a helmet why are you being a cunt to him oh my lord dude calm down

Because he's either a troll or a total noob.

>He's either a troll
He's a really fucking shitty troll. Oh man he got us so good with his wacky helmet question oh boy
>or a total noob
Okay so you'll just be a fucking dick to him?
Alright cool man. Way to be an asshole. Must feel good to be you.

>Okay so you'll just be a fucking dick to him?
Because it's both a small chance and still smells of something else. Because he should know the answer to the quesiton if he actually is the owner of a $1,500+ suit of armor. Which BTW is what
Would cost. It's 1.5k at least, if not 2k.

Either he's a noob who ripped an image I swear I've seen before, or he's a veteran that's..... I don't know what really trying to accomplish.

neither is particularly accurate....

However, OP, the question should be "what date, what geography, and what social position is your kit meant to be for?"

(and, what sort of events are you doing?)

Neither of these are suitable for SCA combat.

Buy from a professional armourer who builds armour for sports combat. DO NOT buy from any collectable sword site, not even "full contact 14gauge practical carbon steel" helms. Mad Matt makes tank-tough loaf and great helms at a good price for beginners.

Dude, if thats your kit, then just come back to larp thread.

>That kit is custom made full plate armor.
Everything in that picture is store bought, and mostly a mix of GDFB and others.

The guy who owns that kit regularly posts in /larpthread/

>he has rattan
He's trying to get in. The helmet is nowhere near legal for our game.

>However, OP, the question should be "what date, what geography, and what social position is your kit meant to be for?"

>(and, what sort of events are you doing?)


Period, region, use and budget. I can link you to damn near anything. That said, if its for a combat sport like SCA or ACL etc, DO NOT CHEAP OUT ON YOUR HELM. I mean, im sure your family will appreciate saving money buying you coloring books for Christmas if you do though.

Look to spend at least $200, unless you snag a used helm off the Armour Archive. No shame in a used helm for a new guy either.

> if its for a combat sport like SCA or ACL etc, DO NOT CHEAP OUT ON YOUR HELM. I mean, im sure your family will appreciate saving money buying you coloring books for Christmas if you do though.

Or he'll end up as an average Age of Shitmar player.

>not making a hoplite kit

This seems as good a place as any to ask, I'm looking for a good Gjermundbu style helm

Why? Such asymmetry disgusts me

Meant to keep high velocity wood splinters from broken lances from perforating your face and throat I'd guess. Its on the left side, which is the side generally aimed for in tournament jousting. That'd be my guess

No, as in, why did it even had holes other than a vision slit? "Ventilation purposes"? As someone born on a place where the average temp is 32°C, overheating is never a concern.

That's called Muay Thai, son. Don't pretend your wobbly sticks are any better than foam penises.

It is when you're wearing 60 lbs of metal, leather, wool, and cotton. Try running a mile in it.

You still need to breathe, and you're doing strenuous exercise inside of an owen.

Breathing, however, is.


Because not everyone is a boyloving faggot.

Budget and purpose?

Because even in combat (IE, not specialty jousting helmets), the majority of combat is against other right handed people, with 90% of the blows swinging to to your left side.

Its not about overheating, but about getting oxygen. Combat is an aerobic activity, and sucking in your own carbon dioxide is not conducive to not getting killed.

Aaah it's breathing. Allright, that's important indeed. I just read what user said about splinters and thought "So this is a jousting helmet? Then the one doing exercise is my horse, while I'm worried about correct posture and which lance strikes what".

I could only compare it with dancing inside a mascot suit at 3pm. Give me some water and I can go forever (never did try grappling someone while wearing it, though).

I really like the way frog-mouth helms look, even if they're ridiculously impractical.

They do look nice, and they were good for jousting, but IMO few things can compare to the close helmet.
Although lately I've been a fan of Burgonets with Falling Buffes as well.

The mask on this looks better than either of those

Not bad, senpai, not bad at all, but it's still not a sallet.

Best helmet

Knigga reporting...I come to visit you Veeky Forums every now and then gropey might recognize this pic

wheres the larp thread?
also yeah its for SCA/fucking around I am going for first around 1250 ish as far as time line.

I am actually trying to build a more "common" man at arms sort of kit with just basic maille and gambeson

What are you building a new kit for exactly? Kult of Athena is horrible quality and doesn't pass regulations for anything I can think of atm

to pass on to my son and his grandson after him

no but seriously I know koa has mediocre munitions armor but I just want to have it for practicing "armor as worn" fights and really just for playing dress up


Because holes for breathing are ultimately weakness and therefore, at this place, the helmet is less protective. Since the most natural blows is a right descending blow to the left of the face, it's sensible to leave the right part for the holes.

And that's also why some masters thought the reverse rising cut was the best one since it offends the right attacking side of the enemy, at a somehow unpredicted angle of attack and with greater development thus power.

>I am actually trying to build a more "common" man at arms sort of kit with just basic maille and gambeson

in which case, what you really want is a kettlehat with a mail coif.
given its SCA, that will likely be a fake coif with face protection and back-of-neck protection plate underneath the mail.

the helmets you posted originally are both knightly, mounted combat helms, not footsoldiers' kit.

Alright, so if I say

>1360, end of the Edwardian phase of the Hundred Years War
>Well equipped for an infantryman

What sort of equipment am I looking at?

So did knights after the 1300s just quit wearing Tabards over their armor?

Sallets best helms.

Where it always is. /cgl/ larpthread is eternal

fuck me i was ctrl-f this board and couldnt find it
have a pic of my failure

The black knight is here.

The right helmet is an amalgation of the Pembridge and the Kornburg helms and seems to follow the lines of a real helm quite decently, although it may be a bit to circular. The raised areas around the eyeslots are to deflect lances from entering the eyeslot, a quite useful feature... The crosses at the bottom is to attach the chain that was attached to the coat of plates so that the helm didn't get lost in close combat, due to the poor visibility the helm was often removed after the lances were broken. As noted below the left side facing the opponents lance didn't have any breathing holes that could weaken it.
The left helm is a attempt of a "sugarloaf" helmet, no period examples are preserved so it is made after illustuations and thats why it has a quite bad practical shape. I would date the left helm to about 1330 and the right one to 1350, so I would choose the timeframe first and then the helm.

More like 1340-1350 depending on geographical area. The changes is connected to the move from simple curies and pair of plates to more evolved coat-of-plates and breastplates leadind to the "all-white" armour of the late 14th century.

Full plate limbs and either a great helm or some variety of a basicnet with a visor. Possibly a plate breastplate, likely a coat of plate still.

A nice kit in the german style with a Kornburg helm.

And here is a nice reproduction of the Pembridge helm.

By the way, the painted cross on the helm, while present on the original, is probably applied in the 17th century as the helm was used in an funeral effigy, so it's a bit anachronistic.