Why did U end up being WotC's pet color?
Why did U end up being WotC's pet color?
>why did a company run by atheist SJW nerds pick fedora: the faction
It's a wonder White cards don't have swastikas on them.
Why is it called U when it doesn't start with U?
Because black is already taking B
>filthy mono blue scum
>insert year here
Reddit's that way, buddy.
Nobody cared what it was until it was masked under an abbreviation.
But by your logic Black should be the pet color, right? You're even bad at pretending to be retarded. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
White = protection and healing
Blue = control and strange effects
Black = killing and sacrifice effects
Red = direct damage and strange creatures
Green = big creatures and land
Control is going to overtake the others unless they have anti-control or are just faster. "Strange effects" covers all the wacky magic they put out, and occasionally they'll put out an overpowered card as a result. Put the two together, and it's very hard to argue the results.
There is a reason that the decks which beat Blue tend to be the absurdly fast ones or exceptionally powerful.
blue is the color for people who like to think of themselves as smarter than you. that is to say, flavorwise. it's most player's favorite color because m:tg is a strategy game and the whole point is being smarter than your opponent and making the right plays.
Because retards
Blue is a traditional color of both wizards and magic, same with purple and gold. It makes sense that they'd fill that specific color with the most wizard feeling, stack interacting, game changing cards.
This. Counterspell is literally the entire reason why.
>Blue is the nerdy color
>Magic is primarily written by, and marketed to, nerds.
Gee I wonder.
If that's the case then why does U have the worst girls?
Because alphabetically Black comes before Blue, so Black gets B. Blue gets U because U seems like a more natural secondary letter than L or E.
Because Blue is literally the color of magic, in that it interacts with spells and cards the most out of any color and in the most ways.
They divvied up the color pie before they understood how the game was going to be played, and blue got the longest end of the stick. It's not like there were a bunch of other tcg's out there to show them that fatties with trample aren't a good trade-off for counterspells, bounces and card draw.
Also L was shared by Black and Blue and also already used for Lands in the design files, and the A in black was already used for Artifacts in the design files, so U ended up the first viable not-B letter.
jesus, it's like you don't even know what stereotype you're trying to paint
i need you to push your chair back, stand up, and get some air, maybe have a nap or something
you've been on Veeky Forums too long
Even in our fantasies, we still know our place.
>Why does a company named Wizards Of The Coast favor the color associated with intelligence and water?
It's weird. I got into Magic with a Blue deck because I liked the knowledge theme but I have a lot more fun with White decks.
Does U even have a Female Planeswalker? Besides the mermaid chick.
>blue, wizards, intelligence, knowledge, nerd shit
>WIZARDS of the coast
Huh. She's pretty awesome.
Is that why they're slowly turning W(the color with the best girls) into turbo-asshole kinda-nazis?
Because the game was called MAGIC, and Blue was the designated color for magicians.
Thus Blue got everything, because it was the magic color.
>not using K for Black
literal autism. biggest design mistake in Magic history
Yay, color bitching thread.
Something that's been irking me recently is the fact that they've made low toughness creatures, such as Goblins, and damage based boardwipes two features of the same color. Is there any way to make these get along? Or is it an intentional drawback for balance?
>Oh you play Shops? That's not really playing mtg
I fucking hate it whenever a blue player says this because it's completely obvious that they only load up a deck on cockatrice and never actually play anywhere else.
To understand why Blue became the pet color of Magic, you need to understand the Magic fanbase.
Magic, fundamentally, isn't a good game anymore. It can be broken, it has an outdated business model, it has a terrible policy of re-releasing itself ever year just to balance out the bloat it creates, it is unbalanced to the point of absurdity, and the core mechanics allow for a chance to randomly shuffle a deck of cards that will either leave with too much or too little in terms of resources.
So, why does Magic keep selling? Whey when there are more balanced card games with a cheaper overall price that have similar theme?
The answer is actually pretty simple. Magic players think they are smarter than other gamers. They think their very luck dependent game isn't luck based and is instead skill and strategy based. They think that having the option of buying the best cards is a tactic and not a flaw in game design.
So let's look at Blue. It has always been a color of control and, well, when people play control decks they feel like they are even smarter than someone playing speed decks or heavy hitters or some other tactic.
So a game being supported by a fanbase that thinks they are smarter than everyone else is partial to a color that makes them feel smarter than other fans of the game. Wizard knows that these people are the ones that will keep them afloat longer because it has the most addictive properties to the kind of gamer that buys the most product.
The vast majority of people who play vintage outside of paper are completely retarded. Shops was oppressive, but by no means an auto-pilot deck. Before Lodestones restriction, a lot of games were non-competitive. But games that weren't 'Lodestone, go' were usually very difficult, more so for the shops player.
The best girl was a fucking rat for christs sake.
In all the years that Magic has been around a god damned furry was their best female character.
Same thing with Final Fantasy though,so I can't say it is totally unique.
Yep. And it's been this way since forever.
> Why did U end up being WotC's pet color?
Did they bring back counterspells?
In a game about being tricky and using different tactics to win, the colour that was about being tricky and messing with game rules was always going to be the strongest colour.
Because almost every card in the game is beaten by counters pellets, but the only cards that beat counterspell are usually other counterspells. Which are almost all blue.
>To understand why Blue became the pet color of Magic, you need to understand the Magic fanbase.
Blue has been the best color since Alpha. It didn't 'become', it already was. If you look at 93'-94' results, at least half of the top 8 decks in a given tournament run blue, and the vast majority of winning decks run blue.
>it has an outdated business model
A business model is only outdated if it ceases to bring in customers. Magic is only growing in popularity.
>it has a terrible policy of re-releasing itself ever year just to balance out the bloat it creates
A consistent steam of new content sure is awful, isn't it?
>it is unbalanced to the point of absurdity
In terms of the color-pie, sure. Major unbalances in the meta are pretty much always corrected. I don't play standard so I can't speak about that, but in pretty much every format they do a good job of keeping things balanced.
>and the core mechanics allow for a chance to randomly shuffle a deck of cards that will either leave with too much or too little in terms of resources.
If mana screw bothers you that much, play a 27 land control deck.
>Magic players think they are smarter than other gamers.
>They think their very luck dependent game isn't luck based and is instead skill and strategy based
I guess everyone who has made millions off of poker just got lucky.
>They think that having the option of buying the best cards is a tactic and not a flaw in game design.
It's neither. It's a core part of a what makes a TCG. Hence the trading part.
>when people play control decks they feel like they are even smarter than someone playing speed decks or heavy hitters or some other tactic.
As someone who plays a lot of blue and favors control, i know that I certainly don't feel better than anyone. Especially people who play Midrange and insanely tight combo decks.
You're kind of fucking stupid.
>and the core mechanics allow for a chance to randomly shuffle a deck of cards that will either leave with too much or too little in terms of resources.
If mana screw bothers you that much, play Force of Will
>black "stole b
check your privilege Blue scum Black didn't do anything wrong its just taking back what's rightfully theirs after years of systematic opression
plebs don't know CMYK
but they know RGU
>liking Meme-Eyes
Laughed harder than I should at this.
Because early on in his life, Richard Garfield was beaten up by a tree and saved by a dolphin.
But then triple black manacosts would be KKK, and that's un-American.
Deal with it, Yankee.
U wot
>All these butt hurt faggots itt
Holy fuck I knew Veeky Forums was bad at magic but this is ridiculous
Gets me every time.
this. a million times this.
>still no UR artificer
Since when are islands associated with wizards?
Those pale lanky fuckers would hate going to the beach
>Since when are islands associated with wizards?
Since 1993
Depends on the island. Can't get fuckers trying to loot your tower if it's on an uninhabited isle.
Every kamigawa girl is shit
First off it's important to note that they corrected this years ago, Blue in Modern and Standard is pretty underpowered because they fucked up in the past.
Secondly, the reason for it is that all of the other colours respond to things the other colours have done whereas Blue gets to both pre-empt what the other colours do and draw loads of cards. They thought they'd balanced it but hadn't.
>jace the mind sculptor is a totally fair and balanced card
blueshitters never change
But it IS a totally fair and balanced card, if you can't overcome it you're a scrub
Because every game needs a good villain.
I'll be that villain any day.