Tundra civ thread ep.52

Hello and welcome everyone, new and old players alike! This is Tundra civ, a civ thread series in a fictional, non-fantasy setting where you play as the rulers of the White Republic, a nation in a world similar to our own.
Check out the pastebin for story, technologies, stats etc.
And an archive of previous threads if you want to skim through some of them.

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.tg/subject/Civ/username/Civ bulgar/page/1/
Previously, on Tundra civ:
Advancing into the Second Industrial Revolution, the White Republic was entering its most prosperous days as Prime Minister Nestian's successful policies and charming personality inspired the nation. This was all cut short by a series of anarchist attacks on our capital and many other cities, which resulted in the deaths of the PM and many in his Cabinet. President Atanius, a retired general, was granted emergency powers and led our armies to crush the Second eastern Uprising, in which pajit and ramki lands banded together in revolt against our republic. After a successful campaign, Atanius and his men were welcomed back in Centerhold as heroes.
President Atanius announced to the Council that he will not relinquish his position. He has assumed the title of Imperator, dictator for life. To prevent a civil war, the Council negotiated with him and agreed to work under him, while our new dictator has agreed that democracy will return after his death.
>Population:92 000 000 (76% white, 13 % chink,1% kafi, 1% hibibi, 1 % pajit, 2% darkskin,4% ramki,2% pacharnati)
>Colonials: 16 000 000 Eyerdar 7 100 000 Veita 6 800 000 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:6/10
>Food production: 6/10
>Political Stability: 5/10
>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

Other urls found in this thread:


Aymsland was yet again a battlefield - the four vassal pajit states and the ramki lands rose up and formed the United Front of Resistance. Eventually they were defeated by the forces of our Republic and our more loyal vassals.
Our military losses were estimated to around 100 000, while over half a million pajit and ramki have died and many have fled the continent. The material damages will be repaired eventually, but the Council agreed to support Atanius in his eventual plan to annex the pajit lands and remove all pajit and ramki from the continent - one way or another.

Our allies, the Kaichou Empire and Sunset Alliance, have now marked that a larger part of their population lives in their Eyerdar colonies than the homeland. Delegates from our allies were present in Centerhold and were also victims to anarchist terrorists, but their governments have stated that they continue to consider us part of the Occidental Axis.
The NPU has recieved many immigrants from Aymsland following the rebellions.

Veita has been developing well and has expanded its railroad network as more white colonists have settled the Valley of the Heart

Ocras remains a peaceful and prosperous continent.
The Councilors from the colonies of Southern Eyerdar, Veita and Ocars make up the "Southsea Coalition". They push for less government involvement in the economy and more autonomy for the provinces and colonies. They have consistently been against granting more power to the President, but for now are reluctantly going along with the Council's general direction of obeying the Imperator.

With the rebellions quelled, the nation looks towards repairing the damages in Aymsland for now and recovering from the economic shock it delivered. Atanius has said that recovery should be the first priority, but has already begun making plans for afterwards.

I propose we build a bridge between Gajti and Bahmu's path. Not merely because it would provide increased transport over the river, but also as a test.

Let's make worth a substantial government grant and hand it out as a reward for a contest as to which company or inventor can design the most modern and efficient bridge using the latest technology.

>President Atanius


I like this idea



By the way, have we circumnavigated the entire world yet?

Yeah we did, also got to the north pole

A beautiful new bridge was built across the Grand River, connecting the two cities of Bahmamu's Path and Gajti. The bridge is a marvel of modern engineering as it is built with enough space for ships to sail underneath it, carts and automobiles to cross the highway section and there's even a section for railtracks.
Aye, we have. We recently put our flag on the North Pole as well, after the Kaichou claimed the South Pole. Sea transport in Aymsland has also been expanded by the charting of the Coldsea passage in the north(though that becomes more or less impossible to cross for five to eight months every year)
The economy is gradually recovering and people are moving on with their lives.

>Population:93 000 000 (76% white, 13 % chink,1% kafi, 1% hibibi, 1 % pajit, 2% darkskin,4% ramki,2% pacharnati)
>Colonials: 16 100 000 Eyerdar 7 200 000 Veita 7 000 000 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:7/10
>Food production: 7/10
>Political Stability: 6/10
>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

J. Repair all of the provinces damaged by the war. Atanius must have a positive impact and now is the time for healing.

>Our military losses were estimated to around 100 000, while over half a million pajit and ramki have died and many have fled the continent. The material damages will be repaired eventually, but the Council agreed to support Atanius in his eventual plan to annex the pajit lands and remove all pajit and ramki from the continent - one way or another.

Let's see if I remember clearly. Anything with a Black Name is us. Red is Sunset alliance who are our allies?

Is grey the Pajit?

Absolutely this though, if we're to wage war we must first recover from the last one.

Gonna go read up the pastebin, but what approximate tech level are we?

Black is us, Red is SA, pink is KE, grey are all vassals of ours -4 pajit states, sigbru, goran, prizzid, krushid. Aside from the 4 pajit states, the ramki lands(center of which is Hyulyu), which are directly annexed to the republic also rebelled.
We recently invented the automobile. We are approximately at the level of 1880s USA/Europe.

I agree

That's good, I was mostly asking for military. From what I see in the pastebin.
>All adult males are trained to be part of the militia, minorities included. They act as a reserve that is mobilized when needed and mostly fight as highly effecitve(especially in defense)pikemen and musketeers.
>Equipment: swords, armor,helmets, revolvers, flintlock muskets with bayonets, breech and muzzle loaded rifles, field artillery, early machine gun

I presume by early machine gun we're talking an traditional gatling gun.

So from what I gather we're in a somewhat anachronistic state in which our civil tech is a bit ahead of our military tech?

I would almost want to make actions to start standardizing and mass producing our most advanced firearms and redeveloping our military strategy, trying to push out a more modern style of warfare and recognizing the obsolesce of others.

Basically we're going to have to pull off a Russia.


The government has invested in repairing damaged infrastructure and settlements. We had some striking railroad workers during the Rebellions and rebel partisans targeted infrastructure and supply lines to great effect.
Hmm, I forgot to reedit that part.
We're allright on the equipment side mostly, we've got a well-developed military-industrial complex and standartised equipment. Breechloading, magazine-fed rifles are standart issue for the standing army, but we still have cavalry in the way we've been using it the last 100 years, since the Pacharnati War.

>Population:94 500 000 (76% white, 13 % chink,1% kafi, 1% hibibi, 1 % pajit, 2% darkskin,4% ramki,2% pacharnati)
>Colonials: 16 300 000 Eyerdar 7 400 000 Veita 7 200 000 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:7/10
>Food production: 7/10
>Political Stability: 7/10
>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

If it isn't too much of a request for one user, I'd appreciate marking those names on a map. Especially if we're this close to unifying aymsland under our sphere of influence.


C. Bread and wine for the masses.

G. we need winchester.


I want to focus on removing these damndable rebels, so I'll be pushing for some war actions.

>F.Improve Military
Our soldiers and equipment are the finest in the world, but we need to adapt to changing needs of large scale warfare.

With Atainu as president, and given both military and political power, I propose a reorganization of the our military.

We need a military with a much stronger sense of autonomy and heirachy, with differing ranks being able to assess, evaluate, and implement battle tactics up and down the chain of command.

I propose Atainu spearhead the development of the Republican High Command of the Army as well as a Republican High Command of the Navy, naturally with Atainu himself at its command. His military expertise should do well.

We'll develop a structure and start training and recuitment of additional officers.

Supporting this.


Personally I'm okay with improving the navy too. I would like to know what level of development our ships are at.

If this is the majority vote i'll back it, but I'll press for military reforms next turn.

Also I kept mispelling his name its Atanius, not Atainu . . .

I am in agreement with you

Improve the navy

Our navy has been lagging behind. Despite a technological superiority, our fleet was ineffective during the rebellions. We've moved on from the age of sail, but civil shipbuilding has surpassed our navy's progress.
Changes were made in the upper echelons of the Admiralty. The admirals have had a poor relationship with the Imperator for a long time and some of them were forced to resign and let fresh blood take their place.
A second generation of heavy ironclads is now being employed, while the old steam frigates have been abandoned in favor of a new design - armored cruisers. What is changing naval warfare is the great firepower of the latest generation of artillery and the relatively new torpedos.
Our warfleet has been modernised and expanded as technology continues to move forward.
While naval reforms are underway, the Imperator has also made plans for army reforms.
What are two areas we should focus on in particular?
A.Officers, strategy and tactics
B.Modernising the cavalry
C.More powerful artillery
D.Better special forces
E.Improving the militia's role as a reserve
F.Better infantry
G.Other(Form a new military branch or group?)

Currently we have stationed garrisons and a separate standing army, all professionals, volunteers. There's the four elemental orders, ranger corps, military police and regular law enforcement.
All men of age must undergo a period of militia training. Some continue operating as a local militia forces to supplement the police or army in frontier lands.
I welcome any suggestions and ideas such as this post
Be creative!

B and A




A.Officers, strategy and tactics

C.More powerful artillery

Guys we wow't have cav for much longer at this rate, lets not waste precious improvements

yes also cannons>horses

changed to A and C

Although I voted for better artillery, I could see "modernizing cavalry" as putting machine guns on automobiles as a type of primitive armour unit.

A and D

Definitely A and I would say C.
But as a potential G action.

The strength of our military and the strength of our nation are one and the same. If our soldiers believe in their nation, our nation believes in their soldiers.

In addition to pressing for military reorganization, Atanius presses for a mass campaign to promote nationalistic ideals upon our denizens and those of our vassals, as a measure to prevent the issues we had in this existing rebelion. Our citizens need to have a sense of "being a Republican", instead of "being part of the republic" or a vassal.

Using our advanced printing press make posters detailing our various ethnic groups standing together under the flag of the Republic.
Open up additional republic funded schools and military academies throughout our state and vassals, with the agenda of instilling patriotism in the youth and conscripting locals to become patriotic officers who will return home with their ideals.
Hiring poets and song writers to come up with new songs and slogans about what it means to be a White Republican.


>A.Officers, strategy and tactics
>B.Modernising the cavalry
Also this guys G. We have to bring our people together.

Sorry, I picked the wrong one, I wanted to put C instand of B. That my bad.

If this counts as an action, then definitely A and G. But we should also modernize our cavalry.

This is good

>A and c

We've further improved and modernised our artillery, with larger-caliber steel breech-loading guns becoming the standart. Military engineers are also experimenting with improving the very basis on which our artillery works with a different kind of recoil system, though that will perhaps lie in the future.
The commanding structure of our armed forces has been reformed. New military academies have been opened on all continents, specialising in particular fields - infantry, special forces, cavalry, artillery.
The military's structure has been revised with new ranks for commisioned, non-commisioned and warrant officers.
With the completion of this series of military reforms, the Imperator has now presented the first stage of his Aymsland Reshapement Program to the Council.
The four pajit vassal states are to be annexed(small portions of land will be granted to the sigbru, krushid and prizzid for their loyalty) into the republic.
This will bring our pajit population to 10 million and our ramki population to 5 million. Over the next years, all of these must leave the nation or will face death or sterilisation. Our people will have gained a large swathe of livable territory in the home continent and be rid of the thorn in our side. The pajit and ramki will emigrate to the NPU for the most part, some might try the Barniju isles.
This was a condition in the Council's agreement with Atanius.
A.Go through with it
B.Attempt to eliminate Atanius
C.Other option

>A.Officers, strategy and tactics
>E.Improving the militia's role as a reserve

>A.Go through with it
No point in backing out now. This Atanius just want what best for us.
Also the pajit and ramki shouldn't have revolted.

Time to remove kebab


>small portions of land will be granted to the sigbru, krushid and prizzid for their loyalty

what about the goran

>A.Go through with it
Go hard or go home

Also yeah lets make it that there an exception to this. Needless to say the ever loyal chinks will also be left alone.

The Imperator's a man with a plan. A.

I agree with this too, we should hand out concessions for loyalty.

The goran are being provided enough land to settle their growing population on both sides of the Grand river.
The chinks have been given equal citizenship, Waru Poto and Bei Poto were annexed into the republic some decades ago.

I'm doing the map now. We should probably put some new names on all those pajit and ramki cities - give me suggestions, as many as you can!

Judging from our tech level, equipment, and being described as late 1800's, we're going to be fighting akin to the warfare of the Boer War, Mahdist War, and Anglo-Zulu war.

Which means cavalry is definitely still very much relevant in this day and age and we'll still need to drill our troops to form up rifle squares. I do think we should modernize our cavalry corps soon or down the line, maybe more revolvers or mounted riflemen in addition to our melee cavalry.

The only deviant to that is the automobile, but I don't know what stage of development those are at. If we're talking stuff like early Model T's those aren't exactly well suited for warfare and rough terrain, let alone strapping armor onto them, but the moment we make armored cars with appropriate sized machine guns things are going to change.

Name a city Inky.
But really, some names
White Basket, White Haven, White Mallows, White Harvest, Some names without white
Clear Mallow, Canyon City, Steele, Fork Road.
Also how about name a city after our great leader Atanius

Names for after we conquer them? I'd say model them off the names of our own homeland, things like Mountainhold for Goran, or Hillburg or Riverside.
I like that, but we should rename an existing loyal city after him upon his victory. Maybe one of our greatest fortress towns like River Hold or Center Hold.

Name the former Pajit capital Vajni after Atanius. Something like Atania.

Yeah, naming a city he wins in a victory is better. But for now I was throwing out the idea to see how people think. If it's a good plan or not.

I like that
I was mostly just thinking of how cities like Stalingrad or Leningrad were named after the great figures because they were specifically meant to honor them greatly and in addition denote the importance of not letting this city fall because it's got their name on it. And it might be a shame of Atania turns out to be a somewhat lackluster capital of a disfavorable people.

But who knows, look at the success the Turks had turning Constantinople into Istanbul. I think naming the captured city after him is good too.

I would like to voice an opinion, we must regain control of our colonial subjects.

What i mean by this is the fact that we have little direct control over our colonies, to the point that we receive no taxes and really only get their armed forces.

There is no reason why it should be this way; our colonies are fully colonised meaning there is no need for incentives like lower/no taxes, we have the technology to communicate with them in a matter of seconds since we have the radio and the telegraph meaning therefore that their self-governance in this way is a historical relic from the time when sailing to our colonies would take weeks! How can we allow our modern republic to be burdened by such a system!

If we had a democracy we would struggle to rally support to take them over but seeing as we are currently under a dictator. I see no reason to not attempt this.


That's where I was going with the nationalism campaign. Maybe we should set up stronger federal organization in our colonies in place.

We need our "states" to start acting less like independant states, and more like the United States or the various German States, until they feel sufficiently integrated into the Republic.


I am afraid good sir that you are wrong;

We are not a quest, we are a civ-game and even if we were there is no rule on this board that says "no quests" or "no quests outside of /qst/".

Thus i must kindly ask that you leave this thread, that is if you will continue being non-productive and generally a nuisance. Have a nice day!

Still doing the map atm, putting in names, but turn progress in the meanwhile

The Program is perhaps one of the most ambitious and grand governmental undertakings in history - probably number one, in fact. It takes place gradually, all territories have been warned that the ramki and pajit populations must leave. Whites are settled in every location, those who refuse to leave after a set period of time are either killed or sterilised.
It is a process that takes years.
What else shall we do during this time?

>Food stockpiles:5/10
>Food production: 7/10
>Political Stability: 5/10
>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

>I.Improve economy

These places are probably underdeveloped / damaged by the war. Lets get them up to speed!

J. Begin developing and preparing the areas where whites will move into, improving sanitstion, public works etc.

Erm, actually historically these have been known as civ quests, and have been that way since as far back as I can remeber in 2008.
But yes a trial board and posting in it isn't mandatory. Especially since there are still significant differences between it and Veeky Forums.


>C.Improve religion/culture
Nationalism nationalism nationalism!


B. We do have more living space now.

Well that is interesting, I have mostly heard them called "civ-games" but i know them also as "civ-quests" like you mention. Nice to see that civil conversation can occur here on this topic!

>L.Government and laws
We need to reverse the course of all this salutary neglect and impose a stronger hold of the Republic on our vassals.

Redeveloping a stronger Federal Republic style government system will do that well.

>L.Government and laws
We need to keep the colonies together.

We should be special attention to Eyerder. There are along the border with the NPU who have a strong anarchist and socialist leanings.

Northern Eyerder is loyal to us but almost all of the rest of our colonies will fight against us.

Not been in the quest for very long, have we any givings or previous events that predict the colonies aren't very attached to us?

>>L.Government and laws

>B.Food production & Population growth
we need to modernize agriculture, food shortages will undermine our political stability

>The Councilors from the colonies of Southern Eyerdar, Veita and Ocars make up the "Southsea Coalition". They push for less government involvement in the economy and more autonomy for the provinces and colonies

Basically, the rest of our colonies want to leave the republic, the colonies which feel as such are know as the "south sea coalition". They feel this way for many reasons but for all purposes nothing in any way reasonable.

Yeah, I see.

This is gonna be tough because those are all substantially large colonies each on their own specific continent. The only IRL example we have of successfully holding the allegiance of that size of land for a length of time is British Australia and Canada but even then inevitably they got their independence.

Government reforms are in the need - Atanius is an old man, healthy as he may be for his age, he likely has no more than another decade in him. One of the reasons he became dictator was to reform the way our government works - it was made in its current form at a time when we had but a portion of the lands we rule today, and with the ongoing expansion it will get even tougher to administrate in the future.
Currently we have two chambers of parliament, which are determined by the electoral distribution.
Congress, the lower chamber, is made up of population-proportionate representatives from electoral districts in Aymsland, while the Council is made up of two representatives from each Region, including the colonies.
Every region has local elections, but we are a unitary and centralised republic, all territories obey the same laws. The only difference is that the colonials do not pay a tax directly to the Treasury, but only to their local council-government, which is used for the needs of said colonial province.
New technologies allow easier communication across large distances, but the southern colonies, while feeling a religious and historical link to our nation, feel they deserve more rights to self-governence.
What reforms should we make?
A.Reform into a federal republic, give every Region limited legislative authority, adjust the size of Congress and expand it to include the colonies. Regions will collect some tax for local uses and some for the federal treasury.
B.Keep the current system, make some adjustments to electoral districts and such, tax the colonials
C.Make a single chamber of Parliament, adjust it and include the colonies, tax everyone equally and have the same laws everywhere
D.Other option(SUGGEST)


A.Reform into a federal republic, give every Region limited legislative authority, adjust the size of Congress and expand it to include the colonies. Regions will collect some tax for local uses and some for the federal treasury.


C.Make a single chamber of Parliament, adjust it and include the colonies, tax everyone equally and have the same laws everywhere

I am leaning to the second one but the problem is that centralised government is quite inefficient, at least on our scale.

A.Reform into a federal republic, give every Region limited legislative authority, adjust the size of Congress and expand it to include the colonies. Regions will collect some tax for local uses and some for the federal treasury.

Out of curiosity, should we go full Anshlusszeit and invade our neighbours once we have tanks?

A seems solid. The colonials are restless and doing to much to them will cause revolt.

Invade who? Other than npu,ke, and se, we literally rule the world already.

>D. let's Mix A and C
we'll need to stand united but make sure the system is more complex than a single chamber deciding everything.
If you make it closer to two chambers to elect laws and one chamber to elect local leaders we can do federal administration for our whole country because everyone is under the same laws but not the same administration which apply those rules differently

A mix of A & C would be great.
If not A if fine.


I'd suggest the NPU soon and then later the ke(SE will probably beat us at sea, so no good)

changed to this