How do I win at DnD 5e so hard my group never plays it again and we move on to another system

How do I win at DnD 5e so hard my group never plays it again and we move on to another system
What's the most broken stuff I can do

Kill yourself.

Sit down and talk to your group about using another system like a responsible adult

Come back after your balls drop and we'll get back to you.

>no fun allowed

>Everytime you roll, make sure it lands off the table. Regardless of the roll, set the die to the max value and return it to the table.
>If someone call you out, start spewing memes.
>Whenever the DM does anything, disregard it and say that you do something "cooler". One up players the same way.
>Call the DM out by saying that the setting is [Any anime setting] regardless of how similar it actually is.

It would be a pretty solid idea to bring a loaded gun to the table and try to discharge a couple rounds into your mouth now and again.

It would probably be more fun to just move on to the game you want to play rather than throwing a passive aggressive tantrum for session on end.

This tbqphwy famalam
It lets them know you mean business

Offer to run a campaign of a different system yourself.

> deliberately wants to spoil other people's fun
> pulls the 'no fun allowed' defense

I came here to tell you you're a faggot.

This never works. What happens is, if it's a legit build they take your gimmick and run with it for the rest of the edition because D&D players.


>Off... yourself.
This is a good idea.

Kill yourself, etc etc.
Learn to talk like a big boy, etc etc.
Get fucked because there are no notably broken things until level 17 when wizards get Wish.

Here is how you win in a TTRPG (sauce: Tenra Bansho Zero)

1) You had fun over the course of the
2) You helped the other players to have as
much fun as you had.
3) You get the GM to say, “That was
cool!” or “That was great!” when you do
4) You were able to encourage the other
players and keep them involved.
5) You took the opportunity to show off or
express yourself.
6) You helped create an interesting story.
If the player filled more than half of the
above conditions, then they have achieved
a “victory”. The player can go ahead and tell
others that she mastered Tenra as well. If
you suffer a “defeat”, then regroup, focus on
the victory conditions, and try again later.
Make sure to stand tall and not to blame
the others if you are “defeated”

Offer to GM something you spoiled baby

Have you tried not being an insufferable cunt?

What would you do if he said yes?

Call him a liar.

Spending an entire session that people prepped for and made time out of their schedule for on intentionally being a dick is such an asshole thing to do. I hope you get cancer. The kind that makes your skeleton grow spurs and shit.

BRB, statting up woolly skeletons.


Bard with Twincast Horse. It might not be the strongest but it shows how retarded the system can get. Keep in mind 5th doesn't break all that well (compared to, say, PF) because there's not that many splats to exploit.

This thread is great duck the harers

>I know so little about 5th that I have to ask Veeky Forums for this shit, but I still want to switch systems bad enough that I'll deliberately sabotage an entire session to accomplish it.

Just move on man, your group is better off without you.

Just burn the books.

>"Hey, GM. I found this dumb rules exploit online!"

Not only that, but because of rubberbanding, you will ne er truly break anything. Few things combo well with each other, so you can never really hit a point where you are just straight up impossible to take down.

This is 5e. The whole "1000 peasants with bows are the best option for taking down great dragons" are a thing because they will always be able to hurt it, just throw enough dice and it will die at some point.

In all honesty, the only class I have gotten nerfed was the monk. 20 naked ac and the ability to reduce the damage a ranged attack did, made him pretty much invincible at range, and damn tough to take down in close combat, because every non-armour ac boosting item we got was pooled ln my monk, landing him at 29 AC. And that was just the GM fucking up, not really the class being broken.

Suck everyone's cock, that's how you win at D&D



Who is this triples nipples?

I came here to tell you you're a faggot.

Don't worry. If my first tabletop rpg experience was with you in the same group I would never want to play d&d or any other system again.

Alison Brie I think.

Correct. She played Annie on Community.

Be a necromancer, animate all the skeletons. This is the edition where enough tiny men can beat anything; that you get to bog down the game with hundreds of rolls per turn is simply gravy.

If you want to win at DnD, just stop being a fucking faggot and enjoy the game.
Don't be That Guy because you don't like the system. Either talk to your GM or off yourself

>Subject to any kind of optimization
That's like trying to win at roll a die, there's no plan there, you just expect for the best and that's it


Don't be that guy.
Leave the group and look for another.

Polearm Master + Sentinel is pretty broken against melee enemies. But the DM can easily counter that with range or reach.

you're a faggot, kouhai