How many is too many?
There is no such thing as too many dice.
Every year or so I buy another Chessex Pound o'dice, just because.
No limit, unless you're collecting disproportionate numbers of one type. Nobody needs more than one d12 of any color/style.
A couple "pound o' dice" bags will always be plenty for any guests.
In total? No such thing.
In a single roll? I like to keep things in the single digits, maybe a dozen at most.
That said there's few things more satisfying than bringing home a new set of dice after a trip to the FLGS.
>regular playing group of four years
>two people STILL don't have dice
>one of them, without fail, always asks to borrow my favorite set
>Buy everyone a cheapass set for Christmas
>If the scrubs somehow lose or don't bring theirs, have the other 2 lend them their extra sets
You can train them out of this.
are precision dice a meme?
Once you pass 2,000 it becomes a chore to store them. So I'd say, 11,000? Hard to count them all once you fill up a laundry basket with them.
"is ____ a meme?" is a meme.
"Is" is a morpheme
"E" is a phoneme
You're a meme.
Unless your name is Milhouse.
So many that you can't find the one you need quickly and easily is too many.
Hang on. It's in here, SOMEWHERE.
Once you have a small bucket you dump in a small corral and have five guys gather all the sixes, fives and ones.
Shadowrun is fun
When you own a plant that manufactures dice and you can't sell off your stock, then you have too many dice.
Otherwise, no such thing, you always need moar.
I don't know anything more satisfying. I just bought a d20 set of teal sparkly dice and these fantastic marbled dice of all colors and I was ecstatic. So pretty.
>collect dice in real life
>find dice threads on Veeky Forums
>tfw now I am collecting both real dice and images of other peoples' dice collections
Have I gone too far?
generally speaking, 10 dies at a time is kinda over the top.
Generally speaking, if you're playing certain games like shadowrun or champions dice pools can easily jump to 11, even over 20 in the latter.
How important are dice, Veeky Forums?
Our GM is an ex-Warhammer player and has a lot of dice. The rest of the group has no dice besides standard d6s out of 'normie' board games. Every time we have a session our GM just puts his bag on the table and we select two d10s of the same colour and then return them at the end of the game.
We're all civil, don't break things or throw them around, or suck on them, or anything else like that. The GM has not asked us to buy our own dice ever.
However, on here many people (like ) give the impression that not owning your own personal set of dice is a 'bad thing'. So, is it always necessary to have dice, or is it just a thing you should have if joining someone else's game who may not be so accommodating or willing?
Context: we're all friends with each other.
+1 confirm
...did your plant over produce dice again?
who is this phallus chalice
In a system using only 2d10 one person can easily supply the whole group with a handful of dice.
But a lot of games use more than just two dice. A handful is only for one person, and if there are two handfuls of dice to split amongst 5 people we got problems.
>In a single roll?
If you can't hold them all comfortably in one hand, you've got too many.
If it works for you and your group (and it sounds like it does) it's no problem.
depends on whether or not you find use for them
KYM-tan, mascot of Know Your Meme
What style of dice do you guys prefer? Solid color, translucent, marbled? Favorite color scheme? Pipped d6es or numbered d6es? d4s with numbers on the edges or d4s with numbers at the points? Should d10s be numbered 0-9 or 1-10? d10s with an a zero printed after each digit for d100 rolling, y/n?
>Solid color, translucent, marbled?
it honestly depends on the die and the colors
>Favorite color scheme
As edgy as it is, I really love any combination of black, white, and red. I'm also a big fan of pinks as well.
>Pipped d6es or numbered d6es?
I'm weird about this, if the game is ONLY d6es, pipped, if it uses all sorts of die, numbered.
>d4s with numbers on the edges or d4s with numbers at the points?
>Should d10s be numbered 0-9 or 1-10?
1-10s mostly, maybe with one 0-9 around for big numbers, but only if you're already using a bunch of dice and don't mind excess
>d10s with an a zero printed after each digit for d100 rolling, y/n?
nah. Just use a 1-10 d10 with your 0-9 d10.
You're not alone on the d6 thing. I think it's because if you're rolling d6's alongside other sides of dice, not having numbers make them unpleasantly contrast all the other dice, but if the game is only using d6's, then pips is easier to read and more direct.
Just like dakka. There is no such thing as too many.
Solid colors, it's all about being readable under various light conditions
White numbers on black dice, black numbers on white dice or some plain red/green/blue dice with white numbers
Pipped d6 are preferred but both are fine
Numbers gotta be on the edges for d4s
I use 0-9 d10 but both are perfectly fine
I use a simple 0-9 and a 00-90 d10 for rolling d100, works fine imo
Frosted is literally the best.
>always readable
>always one nice color
>feels nice in ya hands
>rolls smooth on the table
No other type compares.
Mostly I get cool colored dice, as in blue or green or purple dice, but I like most of them unless they look like vomit. I have a soft spot for the really classy white ones, too, like I bone with black lettering. So professional. Unf.
I really like numbered d6s. Not really sure why people make the other sort anymore, honestly.
>roll a die
>number comes up on top
As it should be. Number goes AT THE TOP of the d4, always.
0-9 just seems to me to be the most versatile arrangement. It works fine for me. I don't really care for the extra zero digits, that just sounds like a waste of time when I'm digging through my dice bag.
Hang on a minute. I think you're on to something.
Does this mean Dakka = Dice?
If you will ever need more than 5 dices for single roll - change game. Unless it's some super-special situation more than 5 is just absurd, while the 5 itself is already a stretch of reason.
you roll one per shot.
how has this never before occurred to you?
I'm curious what justification you might have for that incredibly arbitrary limitation.
I'm that user you linked.
I don't see any problem in players not having dice, I mean that's why I got a pound of the things. My problem is that I'm really confused why my friends somehow don't see the joy of having their own dice after nearly half a decade of needing them, and on top of that one of them has grown attached to my "exclusive" pound 'o dice set - glossy opaque blue/white swirls. It's a really pretty set and I want it
>not getting hype for rolling a fistfull of dice to see how much havoc that fireball is about to wreak in terms of damage
rolling dice is one of the most viscerally pleasurable parts of playing TRPGs in the first place
>Number goes AT THE TOP of the d4, always
10d4s, 5d6s, 12d8s, 8d10s, 7d12s, and 4d20s. If you have more than 75 dice you've either gotten way to many included with other stuff you've bought, or you just don't know which dice are good for which rolls.
Those look neat. Where did you find them?
I can generally roll about 15 dice with each of my infantry platoons in Flames if War. 16 stands of Italian rifles will do that.
I've also heard people rolling 40+ dice in a single attack in Kings of War. Dem rear charges man.
5d6 sounds like way too few, but the rest of those numbers seem all right.
I'd say 7 is too many d12s but d12s are my favorite so I'll let it slide. What systems do you play for numbers like those?
>D4s that actually roll when you roll them
Where can I get
Opaque, solid color, sharpish edges. I like bright colors. A traditional white-on-red is nice. Pipped d6es. Numbers at the points. 0-9. No extra zeroes desu
Hit them.
What is the best website to buy dice from?
Chessex's website is pretty good desu
When your dice pool is bigger than your head.
Yes faggot, you should watch the show "Hoarders". If you sympathize with the old fat fucks, than you got a problem. If no, then you're golden.
I just want some metal dice that aren't expensive and don't look absolutely autistic. I like having some weight in my dice throws
>one of them, without fail, always asks to borrow my favorite set
tell him he can't play if he doesn't bring his own shit.
why do you have so many, you don't even use them all.
don't buy cheap white dices or cheap white anything, it turns into an ugly yellow over time
More like how many is enough, and the answer is never enough. As others have said, one can have too many of certain kinds of dice, however. I for example have way too many Fate / Fudge dice. I have what, 8-9 sets of 4? And I don't play Fate, they were for my old homebrew.
In general, I feel like I need more dice, even though I do have "enough" right now. I just like to go window shopping for no reason. For example, I built a set of dice that are all pretty much round (meaning 12 or more sides), from d4 to d20. Next up would be buying d60, d24 and d30 for a time-based homebrew that I'm planning to do. Or to use in general when doing projects in games.
I am the ST in Exalted and I share all of my dice. Have to have a separate bag for my d10's these days. Half of them are cheapos though.
How many WHAT is to many?
How do you guys feel about rolling using spindown d20s?
They should be as random as a 'normal' d20 as long as their weight balance isn't off but I still see people get upset when other people use them.
I can't get too worked up about it. Rolling spindown d20s is not their intended use, sure, but it doesn't affect the outcome of a roll so it's not an issue.
Impact Miniatures
>dice with pips
That makes me
Whenever we're playing games with polyhedrals there's always ONE motherfucker bringing his "classic d6s" to cast fireball or some shit.
NO. Fuck you. It's visually inconsistent and the rounded edges are ugly as hell.
I know that feel, bro.
>pic related
Are you even mad yet? I have one of these on my atrocity set, which is my main set.
I want to buy one of those packs with loads of dice in them from Amazon, but I'm paranoid as hell. I keep thinking "what if the quality sucks, or there are bubbles in them?". Doesn't help that Wiz Dice seems to be one of the only companies where shipping is not more expensive than the dice themselves, so my choices are limited.
Does anybody have some recommendation/experience with dicesets bought via Amazon?
>GMing Shadowrun 5th
>Mid - highlevel shit
>2 players want to loan my dice
>Sniper adept and minmaxed melee streetsam.
>mfw they loan over 47 d6 .
The Chessex Pound O Dice is shit, full of ugly speckled dice, half and half colored dice that just look like they melted two scraps of plastic together, and dice you'll wish you had more of but will have nothing to match with. Not to mention it's loaded with all the D6s and D20s they couldn't sell. Wiz Dice is your only safe option in bulk, unless dice like pic related are your sort of thing.
That's good. I never heard anything about Wiz Dice so I didn't know if they were actually reputable or just some no-name brand that sells the dice other companies rejected.
At two bucks a pop an five shipping, am I autistic enough to order these?
buy 5 at a time, so it's 10 and 5. That's how shipping works, right?
It's not so much that Wiz Dice are good that Chessex in bulk is so unbearingly bad. Personally I run with a set of gold on purple Chessex Borealis dice, they're real pretty to look at.
I realize that. I don't necessarily need the best quality possible, just "good enough".
>Regular group for over a year
>People often forget their dice, so I always let them borrow mine
>My birthday comes up, one of the players gives me three sets of dice and a proper dice bag
>Thanks me for being the GM
But it is easy to count 8 dices. You just need a little bit of practice. It's also very fast. You just look at easy-countable sums. For example
1 4 1 5 6 1 1 6 is
(6 + 1) + (6 + 1) + (5 + 1 + 1) + 4 = 25
4 1 6 5 3 5 4 3 is
(5 + 5) + (6 + 4) + (4 + 3 + 3) + 1 = 31
It's really fast and easy.
You mad
Dice bags are for peasants.
buy them some dice
Just ordered two sets of these bad boys, plus extra d6s, numbered of course.
I have Salamanders-green dice cube that GW used to sell. I got it about six years ago and to this day they're the only dice I have ever bought.
ω + 1
I collect pictures of lots of things
>he only has 1
I have 14 of those bad boys. I think I'll get some more to play some shadowrun with.
did you suck his dick?
This is the d4 of a man who doesn't use a coaster.
You mean who does use a coaster.
This except just having no preference about d6s.
It is why I can't get big dice bags and just normal dice sets instead because I don't want 10 sets of unreadable speckled Chessex dice that look like vomit compacted into rocks.
that's d6s though, everyone knows that when it comes to rolling multiple dice, 3d6 = 1d10, and 5d10 = 1d20, so rolling 40d6 is roughly equivalent to roling just under 3d20.
This is the d4 a man is forced to use when he didn't use a coaster.
Oh I should mention translucent ones are fine for me as long as they're still easy to read. I have some bright orange and red ones with white lettering that are just fine.
Clown vomit dice.
Nobody steals them, nobody asks to borrow them, they look unique unique enough to not get mixed up with other people's shit, and they remind me of the carpet at a roller rink or movie theater.
>rolling 3d6 = 1d10
>5d10 = 1d20
What the fuck are you talking about?
Average of 3d6 is 10.5, average of 1d10 is 5.5; they aren't remotely equivalent. Of course, I don't know the system you're talking about, so perhaps they're comparable in different ways.
I honestly just carry them by threading strong fishing line through them. Have a nice heavy and spikey blackjack essentially. believe it or not it still hurts less than lego's to step on.
i honestly use them when the dm's being a prick. Between the heft and sharpened points table finishes don't stand a chance.
I think I have enough dice when my Crown Royal bag won't close
I generally bought sets because they looked fun or stood out was actually my second set. I also bought a bunch of d20's in the vain hope that one of them would roll good.
My favorite set was a chessex d6 pack with green and blue with gold pips I bought for Shadowrun.
I gave them all (bag included) to my little sister after she lost her first set.