What's up guys I've decided to get into Table Top 40K and decided to go with blood angels. I've already got one tac squad five death company and one death company dreadnought. Any advice on what to buy for my army?
40K Advice
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Drop pods to be honest. Its the only thing that makes BA competitive. Some more death company is always a good bet
1 HQ, 2 Troops before anything else.
BA are an assault army but they also have really good Rhinos so you can consider that, jut remember that other Space Marines WILL outshoot you
Buy all your shit from ebay if you aren't already. There's no reason to go straight from GW when you can get it cheaper and with free shipping most of the time.
hey just fwi if your looking to post lists and look for info about 40k the 40k general is a good place to post/lurk
in fact
>anything but shitposts
well shit you got me there
as far as posting list go its not that bad
I love Blood Angels tacticals because they can take heavy flamers. Ignore cover!
would any one give a good list if you can.
A good old-fashioned army list thread wouldn't hurt from time to time, though. It'd keep at least a few of the shitters away.
A solid list for any marines is basically:
tac + special weapon
tac + special
and go from there.
Why do we seem to be having New Blood Angel Player threads every couple of days now?
Just buy what you like and have fun.
This. Get what you think is cool like some Terminators or a Storm Raven.
i was thing on getting both of those next along with a chaplain or a librarian
Librarian is more useful. Chaplain is cooler.
Death Company are the best unit in the codex. I run 10 or 15 with jump packs and kitted out. I put Astorath and a Librarian in there and its nasty.
Breaking them into two squads works too. But jump packs are a necessity.
>Death Company are the best unit in the codex.
If nothing survives to hit/shoot them back, yeah.
They're not super cheap even though they hit hard as fuck, and they're not especially sturdy. You can probably mow through regular units though but anything hard will stop them and anything shooty like Tau will vaporize them.
Heres what I use at 1850 and 2000:
10-15 Death Company w/jump packs, half w/upgraded cc weapons
Librarian w/jump pack
Two drop pods w/10 tacticals each. Flamer/Heavy Flamer and Grav/Multi-melta.
Two attack bikes w/Multi-meltas
Single attack bike w/Multi-meltas
Two squads of 5 Scouts w/camo and Bolters
Sicaran w/las sponsons
Baal Pred w/Assault Cannon and HB sponsons
Aegis Defense Line w/Quad-gun
Its all about the DC deathstar. It's fun when it doesnt get shot up turn 1.
Play the IX Legionnes Astartes instead.
You'll get rules for Sanguinius when he comes out in three years or something
This will help alot, it covers the basics and goes into detail per army. It's Blood Angels tactics section isnt that bad honestly. Could use a few updates but overall is pretty solid.
So overall my next buy should be a libraian and some heavy support and DC.
Yep, get out now while you still can. You're gonna need a hideous amount of models just to play a 1,000pts, which nobody plays because they can't bring all their GMC's and superheavies.
>hideous amount
He literally just needs to double his force and add 2 HQs to hit 1000. That's 1 dread and 10 marines.
1hq, 2 troops, register at Bolter and Chainsword forums, get better advice than on Veeky Forums.
But in general:
>Skyhammer Formation rocks
>drop pods or rhinos are a must have
>specify on one aspect of your army and build up to get the most out of it
>read every list you find
>MinMax that shit