When you play male characters do you make them handsome as fuck, just average or eggman-tier?
When you play male characters do you make them handsome as fuck, just average or eggman-tier?
Depends. One played a handsome as fuck gladiator, loosely based on Vego from Street Fighter (wore a mask to protect my pretty face and all).
Other time, I played a dead-serious Solo in Cyber who cared not about how he looked only that he was efficent and was, therefore, ugly as living hell.
Sorry for all the typos, I'm on my mobile.
Always ugly as fuck, kinda like m'self.
Depends on the character, but I definitely trend towards the ruggedly attractive side.
>implying Eggman isn't handsome
>implying Eggman didn't get more pussy in his life than you did
Generally my characters are average, if slightly more on the attractive side. I don't often play ugly characters, now that I think about it, or especially attractive ones for that matter. I've played a few, yeah, but I play many more average or slightly above average characters.
Our eggman, not Robotnik.
Eggman isn't handsome. What you're experiancing is the effects of charisma.
What's the point of playing as a male if he's not attractive?
I tend to play a lot of paladins, so by definition they are fairly good looking. Not necessarily handsome, but charming enough - most of their strength was in personality.
But outside of that, I just go for average or maybe a little worse. It kind of depends on the character - a scruffy decker with most of his limbs replaced isn't very pretty, and if he talks more than five seconds he sounds like an idiot, hence his low charisma. And one character, the first impression you were supposed to get from him is that he looked scared, not that he was handsome or ugly. That would've detracted from the obvious display of deeper character.
Depends on the character. Sometimes I'll roll for an imaginary Appearance stat just to give myself ideas for how to make a character looks based on the rest of him, and sometimes I'll ask for help from another player as to what they think my fucker should look like.
Penis envy.
Depends on the character. My current character's a little on the ugly side, due to a lot of bruises/cuts/etc. over his career. He kinda looks like he lost one too many bar fights/boxing matches
Does it still count if he was male before he had his brain transplanted into a robot body?
Do I base it off his body pre-transfer, his state as a brain in a jar, or his robot body?
Yeah, just like with female characters, the answer is "it depends."
I'd say Eggman's charisma completely overshadows whatever appearance flaws he has (bald, fat etc.).
I mean, check out that 'stache, man! He's already in the green points-wise just because of it!
Is this handsome as fuck?
>Guy in my campaign literally used OP's image as a character
>Named him Victor from "Enthralling Victor."
I literally don't care.
Unless the looks of the character are integral part of role-playing, I don't give a fuck.
Character sheet comes with place for height, weight. eye colour, hair and age.
I don't even bother with anything else.
>not using good established art for your Map tools/roll20/whatever tokens
>not coming up multiple layers of in jokes or double meanings for your character's first or last names
>not being hard gay
Please try to cultivate a taste for civilized pleasures before posting on an Ecuadorean basket weaving forum.
Most of my characters are average Joe's thrown into extraordinary situations.
However most character art involves attractive people, so it's a toss up.
>His physique is so godly I'm switching sides!
I love that card.
That image is dumb because Sephiroth is operating within the confines of his game.
He was given a script and he was following it, just like Bowser with kidnapping Peach.
Hell, Hero's Duty taught us that characters within their video-game come back when the game's over and "resets", so Sephiroth's mother and that village are doing just fine.
Wrong eggman
It doesn't really come up. I comment on their basic physical description, but as far as attractiveness goes.... I guess average?
> Hero's Duty taught us that characters within their video-game come back when the game's over and "resets"
>what is literally any "meta" game, which keeps track of endings (Tumblrtale, Nier, Kanojo to Kanojo etc.)
Also, FFVII is not an arcade game.
Well obviously it doesn't work for every game, but even with the ones that keep track of your saves the game still eventually "resets" to more or less how it was in a fresh start.
The point is that a game like Final Fantasy 7 would have all the characters treating it much the same way stage actors treat a particularly violent play; sure there might be some nasty words and fighting, but at the end of the day everyone's hugging and going out to drink PBR (or whatever those fucking hipsters drink.)
How would a normal game operate within the logic of Wreck-It Ralph?
Usually moderately handsome, either in rough and cold way (like pic related), or contrary, androgynous as fuck, even beyond David Bowie tier.
But "romance novel cover model" and "sweet bearded prince charming" (like Op's pic) is type of handsomness i'm trying to avoid by all costs. Because, well, I don't know. It looks shit to me.
I couldn't force myself into playing ugly character or even mediocre, I'm kind of aesthetic autist judging everything by appearance and everything must be aesthetically pleasing, in that way or another (not necessarily meaning conventionally pretty/good looking, just... fitting)
I find it even hard to sympathise with movie protagonists if they don't fit into my aesthetic standards.
...and the androgynous type exampe
Depends on his physical attractiveness value.
Physical attractiveness = (Strength+Dexterity+Constitution+Charisma)/4
More androgynous men pics, yes, please
eggman is handsome as fuck desu
I must have triggered the janitor super hard. This image is deleted no matter the context now.
>look mom I posted it again!
If dwarf Danny Devito, if elf Steve Buscemi, if human me.
But that's where you'll get your girly bois dose.
depends. High charisma class? probably
one-eyed war cleric? nope
Depends on the class I'm playing.
Average so you don't stand out
Handsome. The god(s) need beautiful workers to attract the masses.
He's got charm, but he's certainly not handsome. Just not ugly.
How handsome they are has never come up in backstories and nobody asked.
However, all my male characters are based on me, and I consider myself good-looking, so I suppose they are too.
>all these fags
Uh, it depends on my CHA score, OBVIOUSLY.
Given how one of my favourite characters was a veteran who suffered facial paralysis due to a head injury and always looked like he just had a stroke... No, not exactly handsome.
>Falling for the CHA meme
When will it end?
Why do you keep making this thread
Usually average to ugly.
My three characters were a human brawler, probably just some cauliflower ear and scars but fairly average. My other two were half orcs, one was evil, one was a monk, I can't imagine someone who is an evil cleric to a god of destruction is handsome, and anyone engaged in martial training has to get a few bumps and bruises
>having anything to do with attractiveness
>charisma factoring into physical attractiveness
Dexfag please
>However, all my male characters are based on me
You're the worst type of roleplayer.
>Vego from street fighter
I thought you were talking about ghostbusters for a second
For reasons unknown to me I love playing male characters with a shaven or bald head
If human, I tend towards the manly attractive. If an elf, he will have an ethereal, elegant, androgynous beauty. But again, to call an elf beautiful is as redundant as saying water is wet.
In the end I think half-elves are the closest ones of ideal beauty. Beguiling and tempting in their complexions, enticing in their manners and alluring with their honeyed voices.
This is a thread about men. Elf lovers keep moving
I play old dudes almost exclusively, always scarred and grizzled. So if that's your fetish, I guess I play only handsome as fuck characters
I play them with their faces covered in swamp grease and riding moose.
Maybe he'd be attractive after a shower, but until that happens it's up in the air.
Depends on the strength score
People reply to it
Average with distinctive features.
If one of his distinctive features is having an attractive or beautiful face, then he has a beautiful face. If his hair is poorly self-cut and his cloak warn from the road, then that's how he looks. If he's just a standard guy in some armor, then that's pretty much his description.
i usually let my character start off slightly above average to relatively good looking and let the the game have its way with them. one character ended up with the skin on his arm permanently blackened and cracked (never try to destroy demonic runes when you don't have magic) and antlers (never give an idiot a rod of wonder).
usually wears a helmet at all times or is faceless
write what you know and all that
This right here
Depends on the stats, the race, and of course your interpretation of male beauty.
I never bothered to describe my character's appearance, save for his height, weight, build and eventual quirks.
I don't say "he's ugly" or "he's handsome", seems stupid to me.
I'd rather let the other players decide if he's handsome or not
>letting other players decide anything about your character
So? Most of the people at Bad user aren't from arcade games either.
Im really bad at thinking of what my character looks like so I usually have them wear a lot of robes and a mask to cover up their features. That or they never take off their armor around people.
well, beauty is a part of charisma, but not all of it. in general, prettier people are more confident and, therefor, more charismatic.
high dexterity means better finger coordination if you understand my meaning
well it depends. I remember one time i had a really high strength and a high charisma at the same time off rolls, and i had him being only decent looking but justified the charisma as muscular physiques being generally appealing to people as compared to twigs or fat people.
Most of my characters tend to be high charisma and high strength, so handsome beef cake tends to be the go to. I typically end up basing the appearance of the character on their charisma and physical stats.
Well you can't give an objective vew of yourself. Neither can your PC.
I.e. another player aways uses models/sexy as fuck portraits for her character with 8 CHA, and my own pc as of now always considered her characters to be ugly as sin despite her remarking regularly how sexy he is
Even when i play a high charisma guy, I always focus on attitude and behaviour, rather than physical look.
Depends. I usually like the scarred to shit rugged archetype, but if I'm doing a Wizard or something I'll do him a bit different.
Mostly I play warriors or rangers in those types of games and I like to do the aged soldier who's seen some shit.
Most of my male characters tend to be middle aged, balding, and occasionally fat.
One of my recent characters was a morbidly obese, bald necromancer that weighed 666lbs.
My last character was beyond morbidly obese, then got super ripped thanks to magic, then ate himself obese again. My current character is a super handsome elf prince, and my next character will be a pale manlet.
I make what I want
>replacing Comeliness with Charisma alone
Keeping exactly those 666lbs is truly a feat. Did you use magic or was it a rigorous diet?
>Well you can't give an objective vew of yourself. Neither can your PC.
You, however, can give an objective view of your character because your character is a separate, fictional entity created in your head.
If appearance is tied to mechanics, I tend to either optimize or dump it. Otherwise, it tends to be either slightly above or below average.
My only male character at the moment is a half-orc who wears a patchy, dirty lizard costume.
>I tend to either optimize or dump it. Otherwise, it tends to be either slightly above or below average.
So, when you make a character with mechanical physical stats, it's either a dumped stat, below average, above average, or very good?
That sounds about right
Usually they're gruff cowboy types as I imagine an adventurer would be. Whenever I play a noble they're usually not a direct heir to anything important and are sorta weird looking and rather than "Good looking Chad" type douchebag its more a "white trash dressed up nice" douchebag.
>tfw look like eggman but fatter with thinner hair
What I meant was, when appearance is just fluff with mechanical implications, I tend to go with close to average, and when it affects gameplay I usually go to either extreme.
IME mundane social stuff generally isn't worth half-assing in games with social systems.
>that image
what the fuck bro
this is some Junji Ito bullshit I did NOT ask for
It's not that bad, chaikafag
it's fucking awful
and since when has "chaikafag" been a thing
This image... This is conceptually the most disgusting shit.
Could be worse
eh, i try to play a mixed bag. got a half-dragon sorcerer who was a poon hound until he got a drider companion, a skeleton who was pretty average when he was alive who had a 6 in CHA so he had no clue what personal space was, that's a bit unattractive imo, got a gunslinger who is somewhat handsome for a halfling, an idiotic grappling bard who looks like zangief in the 80's, and an average looking farmer's son who's using a homebrew kamen rider class a buddy worked out for me and his warforged character... so i guess i do lean towards average to handsome looking characters more often.
Spoiler that shit, man. Eugh.
Why would she open her mouth.