Veeky Forums-memes go

Veeky Forums-memes go


>the virgin day trader
>the chad hodler


Biggest Veeky Forums meme

You got that backwards, it's the virgin hodler and the chad 100x short

Daily reminder that chad bitcoiner is beating 80% of Veeky Forums every month.

Get REQt


pls no bully

Can someone pls post the virgin mooner Chad crasher



Keep shorting, i'm sure you'll kee make those gains.






Those were the days... was funny as shit watching how many people jimped in at 2000+sats





turned 250$ into $10k with digibyte

i still cant fathom there's people that lost money on this

buying high and selling low is a meme for fucks sake


Sergey is alternating between eating Big Macs and snorting cocaine off of black BBW booty cheeks while Rory is furiously stroking his pencil dick in the corner. That’s why all his “updates” trying to hide the fact that this project is a complete debacle are riddled with typos. Steve is the only one trying. He’s locked away in his moms basement trying to learn GO. It’s such an obscure and asinine language that he can’t find the documentation he needs. He’s about to snap. He keep frantically calling Sergey. Sergey only texts back, “new phone, who dis” and “32 million solves my oracle problem.” Get out

turned 0.5 BTC into about 3.2 on this one (should have been more but I pussied out a bit early)... I love biz for being so fucking stupid buy high sell low is the best meme

back when we thought the flippening might happen this year






Bcash, aka "true satoshi's vision", aka "the true bitcoin"




Bitcoin Cash.

Called Bcash because apparently Bitcoiners are dumber than Ethereum holders who can tell the difference between Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.



you asked for it


good meme


Whats the Deal with the whale?


This was ETH, by the way

