Do we not do filename threads anymore? Haven't seen one in days.
Filename Thread
They're shit.
>Days since it's rained.
>Do we still have rain?
>Being this dense.
We don't actually need one at all times, you know?
Can we just talk about Arrested Development since /tv/ is shit?
GOB best Bluth
No. Fuck off.
Well, which one is your favorite, then?
I thought 'bold strategy involved lots of booby traps and swarm tactics.
>Do we not do filename threads anymore?
One can only hope.
I'm stealing that
>First time GMing
>taking levels in truenamer.gif
Thank you for reminding me to rewatch Misfits.
I couldn't stop my self from giggling like a hyena.
...What in the fuck?
Yea, they should just be exiled to their own board, so they don't clutter up tg
Someone's salty about /qst/.
More like egged on.
I love it
A Prank Time
It's on Newgrounds for sure as that's where I saw it at. The whole Video is like that pretty much.
Everything about this upsets me.
What...What the fuck?
Jesus god damn christ.
Oh how the mighty have fattened.