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Artificial women and the men who love them
Other urls found in this thread:
Less than a day old and already saggy...
I can't read that chicken scratch, and it annoys me.
It's called Cyrillic
not so much cute as feels
Is there a smar/tg/uy among us who would like to translate OP's pic to English?
>Your actions are destructive, Jeff
>I warned you
Much obliged!
Can someone translate this into english? I can't read cyka blyat.
read the thread dumbass.
I posted before reading much further. My apologies.
"Your actions are destructive, Jeff...
...I warned you."
"cyka cyka cyka blyat,"
"blyat cyka, govno vodka vodka"
Why would the cops help to enforce the bill?
The only good part of that pasta is the art.
spoilered for (artfully) nude bust
That fight took me too many tries, but it was worth it.
What else would you expect from Veeky Forums original content? The only good thing is the porn.
Why can't we all just get along and have a fun time together? ;_;
that's a dude
Yes. Mettaton is a dude.
What's your point?
man, the animatrix was a weird movie
I wouldn't be an early adopter.
Yes, and?
Shaking my head (to be honest), Famb
the machine is a dead thing, fit only to serve.
Indeed, I am legally classified as a synthetic-imitative, cybo-organic artificial-intelligence system whose prime directive is to aid humanity and its assets with predetermined protocol programming, or PPP.
That being said, my medical evaluation pregram does not mention anywhere that human beings are programmed to be needlessly rude or cruel to artificial life forms, and as such, I am forced to determine you are either mildly defective or require psychiatric evaluation and counselling.
Is there anything else I may assist you with, Mister user, sir, or will that be all?
I want that gynoid to service me, if ya know what I'm sayin'.
Because machines cannot understand emotional harm. Why else would an order to remain silent not violate Law 1?
That you fags are illiterate.
Humanity as a species is still a child.
We just aren't ready for children of our own.
I don't have much, but I've had a crush on this character since high school. Creepy, crazy, gynoid... all in one package that can kick you through a wall.
Source is BLAME!, a manga and an anime.
Will we ever be ready?
Or are we already ready, but just convinced we aren't?
Blame! girls are pretty great
cibo a best
>robots have fixed sexes
You're absolutely adorable, darling.
>Humanity as a species is still a child.
Literally means nothing and has nothing backing it up.
Your just stringing words together at this point, what the fuck classifies a species as a 'child'.
We'll know when we're ready. However, we'll probably make intelligent life by accident before then or make a super advanced Cleverbot that just has the strong illusion of life (but if it's able to perfectly emulate human interaction always all the time is it really fake past that point? Or does it matter at that point? Would you consider is alive and primitively thinking like an animal is? It would certainly be more complex than your pet, parrot, or cockroach. How about if it can make copies of itself?) Either way we'll shit bricks.
>put on green sleeves and hood
>get an oscar for best special effects
Its likely to have already happen, but it has nothing to talk to us about, because most humans are retards by their own standards, so how many humans would even be on its level?
you forgot "шaхмaты"
И нe гoвopи.
Caмый yмный ,чтo ли?
Since when can Veeky Forums speak polish?
Why wouldn't women have the perfect android husbando equivalent?
>always dashing
>smells good
>always willing to go down on you
>calm, confident, intelligent
>does housework
>does massages without pestering him for it
>doesn't mind a finger up his pooper (which is not actually a pooper)
>always willing to go down on you
We hold onto meaningless tribalism and reserve empathy for only what we see as "like us". That will be extended to those we create. We don't care for our home, so how can we care for an entirely new kind of lifeform? We can't and we won't and we shouldn't. Because either we will come to fear them and destroy them, or we will fuck up their creation and they will destroy us.
>Someone posts food for thought.
>Replies like a butthurt asshole.
Your kids are demanding attention from the other room.
Yes, I too love synth-women. Remind me again where we gather to discuss our love for the synths, I have friends that I would like to bring with me.
Since always, if you'd actually read the charcter histories you keep nagging us to write.
4's story was shit and the brotherhood are the second worse faction after the railroad. Minutemen are the only ones worth a damn.
>Blame! girls are pretty great
Damn right they are.
Blame Academy romantic comedy/dating sim, when?
After you eat a bullet.
Not soulfaggotry. Remember, Masaki got traumatized because TEX was ordered to stop talking to him by his father. If TEX could comprehend emotional harm, First Law would make him refuse to obey the order as soon as he saw how the order harmed Masaki.
Missed the most important part, which happens to be missing:
> Improves your status
It actually will do just the opposite. So it doesn't really work for women.
No, you just need androids who are superior to men, and then the women would be all over them.
Why did you throw her away the moment a new model came out, user?
You told her you loved her, was that all a lie?
Because men work.
Because men can give them children and child support.
You've got the wrong man. I've never been in the same country as a robot.
Like I care what the guy who lives on the next floor up from satan has to say about anything.
That's just the chasis bro.
She's loving the smoothness of her new actuators.
/r9kpol/ to the rescue!
>>doesn't mind a finger up his pooper
What is it with girls and meme fetishes?
That picture hits me in the chest. You never throw a person away like that, just move her memory to a new body.
>meme fetishes?
What does that even mean? Is your brain just short-circuiting and makes you add words that don't mean shit?
It does bring up an interesting point:
If you want a robot fucktoy you need a job to cover its expenses, right? You work all day and then go home to your synth waifu, she's waiting for you with a hot meal and a clean home, sex afterwards. Kinda like how things used to work in the 50s.
If women want the same deal with a robohusbando then they should also go out and get a job, right? What happens when they want kids?
They place an order at the gene-vats, obviously. Once the fleshling arrives, they download a package of childrearing firmware for their robohusbando and let him deal with it while she's at work.
>If women want the same deal with a robohusbando then they should also go out and get a job, right?
You know that women have jobs now, right? And have for decades?
Yeah, sure, next thing you'll say they have a right to vote.
4's story was shit and the brotherhood are the worst faction. The institute is the only one worth a damn.
Minutemen are incompetent asshats that can't do shit without the plot warrior on their side
>If women want the same deal with a robohusbando then they should also go out and get a job, right?
Sounds impossible.
>What happens when they want kids?
There's a thing called maternity, or even paid vacations for the three or four months (or even less) you can't work.
You realize that to afford a synth husbando, you already need to be rich as fuck yeah? Those jobs usually offer these kind of perks.
>There's a thing called maternity
Maternity leave.
I'm not sure you understand what happens after the green sleeves
So it's just boring maternity leave? Come on, this is fucktoy future, let's be more creative.
That's more like it
What happens if you cheat on your robowaifu with a robohooker?
Do they have the capacity for jealousy?
Do they not care?
Are they hurt by this?
What if you cheat on her with a flesh-n-blood human woman?
What about when girls cheat on their robohusbandos?
Check the top left corner. More like artificial men and the transhuman women who love them.
>What happens if you cheat on your robo?
Depends on the installed personality.
your perfect woman, user. If your perfect woman is someone who gets jealous for you when you cheat then that's what will happen. But why would you create something that can feel jealousy just to make it suffer, user? That seems like a surefire way to start a robot revolution.
(spoiler)my perfect yandere robot waifu will lead such a revolution (/spoiler)
I fucked up
>machines cannot understand emotional harm
>implying we aren't already training algorithms to detect human sentiment in text, speech, and faces
>implying that wouldn't be like the first thing we'd make companion bots do
>"preference for actions that are not forecasted to reduce emotional index of nearby humans" is impossible to program
>What happens if you cheat on your robowaifu with a robohooker?
She pouts, asks why you didn't ask her to join in the fun, and tells you to make sure to invite her along next time.
That sass. I approve
>What happens if you cheat on your robowaifu with a robohooker?
Depends on the program.
>Do they have the capacity for jealousy?
Depends on the program.
>Do they not care?
Depends on the program.
>Are they hurt by this?
Depends on the program.
>What if you cheat on her with a flesh-n-blood human woman?
Depends on the program.
>Depends on the program.What about when girls cheat on their robohusbandos?
Depends on the program.
Do girls who think they're robots count?
You can have her old chassis if you want it. It needs some TLC but should still function. Will need new memory and storage though, we've kept those and put them in her new one.
>You realize that to afford a synth husbando, you already need to be rich as fuck yeah?
It shouldn't be that way because then it's just a quirky fad for rich douchebags, instead of a society-changing technology.
How about different tiers of robowaifu at different prices? The cheapest one being basically a fleshlight that can cuddle you, the more expensive the more advanced.
Or you go about buying a robowaifu the same way you go about buying a house or a car?
Because she's just an automated personality. There's no capability for thought, just a massive database of preprogrammed responses. See the way she's smiling at you while you sketch her? A human is sketching her, so she's in her pose routine. Once you're done, she'll go into "pity me" routine until you're not watching, then into resting mode as soon as she can't see you.
I've poured too much time and energy into a glorified speak and say, man. If you want her, be my guest. Just... Don't fall for her. It's not going to work out for you. She literally can't love you back.
Me? I'm going for one of the new models with the adaptive AI. They're capable of self-awareness and growth - and maybe even real love. Or at least something close enough to count.
I think robot women are a fetish and not a reasonable Veeky Forums topic, especially considering nobody is discussing settings, games or ingame situations.
You should try this thread again on /aco/ or /b/ or something similar. Hell, if it just stays "cute" you could probably get away with it on /g/.
If we can build robots who can perfectly simulate human form and affection why is anyone doing anything?
Just make more robots to do everything for us.
Why would I want the world to see the fuckdoll I bought to fuck? Until robots cross the uncanney valley, having a serious relationship with one just shows other people you're not very bright and can get all the mental stimulation you'd need from a glorified toy.
If you guys really want a qt robot wife, look for girls with Asperger's.