Does the Lady of Pain have a personality at all or does she just exist as another ambiguous, unkillable god npc?

Does the Lady of Pain have a personality at all or does she just exist as another ambiguous, unkillable god npc?

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Replace every instance of "Lady of Pain" in the text with "the laws of physics in Sigil."

That's all she is. The reason that Sigil works the way it does. She has no opinions, thoughts, or agenda other than to enforce that Sigil continues to work the way that it does, and in that respect she is all-powerful.


Heard that she does have a lot of board games.

She's more of a force than a person? So you can go and fuck off as much as you want around Sigil, so long as you don't disrupt the way things are she doesn't care about anything?

But, I mean, she experiences shit like anger or something resembling jealousy.. Right? Why else would she get pissed off enough to go on a killing rampage that people were worshiping Aoskar?

She does seem to have some kind of personality. She's seemingly gotten angry before. At the very least, she doesn't approve of people disrupting shit in Sigil or worshiping her (or even talking about her) as a god. Like, she wrecks their shit so hard.

She is basically the power of the DM incarnate. Why does something happen? Doesn't fucking matter. 'Cause she said so, that's why.

But other than that, she's definitely ambiguous, unkillable, and a godlike npc.

Obviously because it messes with Sigil in some way, or else she wouldn't have done anything.

It's better to think of something like that as a tree branch eventually breaking under strain and dumping whoever was on it on to the ground. It might look like the tree got mad and pitched the person climbing it to their death, but it was really just their own actions and not paying attention that caused it. At the same time sometimes, like a twister rolling through a trailer park, horrible shit just seems to happen for no decent reason.

LoP is basically the weather.

She likes pancakes and puppet theater.
Aside from her work clothes she has a collection of fedoras witch she likes to tip in front of a mirror.
Every time she kills a god she buys a new one.

>does she just exist as another ambiguous, unkillable god npc
I dunno, man, I'm just a taxi driver.

It's funny how many people comment about the LoP without understanding her role in Planescape as a campaign.

The LoP is not defined because deciding who and what she is is a mystery left for each invidual DM to decide on for their campaign. It is left open so everyone can make up their own "big mystery" at the heart of Sigil without in any way contradicting other PS product that they put out.

AD&D used to put in a lot of these "mysteries" for people to decide on their own.

So to answer your question, she may or may not have a personality depending what your DM decides she is.

Does a hurricane get pissed off?

The worship thing might be to do with what happened with Vecna. Dude more-or-less managed to become a god while inside the city, bypassing the normal "Gods can't get in here" thing.

Aoskar was literally trying to use his 'God or portals' domains to slowly hijack control of the portal network of Sigil away from the lady. Also, one of her Dabus minions left her service to worship Aoskar instead.

So Her Serenity slapped that God's shit with extreme prejudice.

Heh, the only time in my playthrough of that game where I went berserk from blood lust, I just immediately latched onto the Taxi Driver and wailed on him until it wore off.
Hell of a way to find out an NPC is invincible

>bypassing the normal "Gods can't get in here" thing

Gods have slipped through Sigil's wards from time to time. In addition to the infamous example of Vecna, there is a god from the Abyss living in Sigil *right now*.

In the Cage, p63:

>The Automatic Scribe is a contraption of Grundlethum Blackdagger’s (Pl/male human/W15/Free League/LN) own creation. It appears to be nothing more than a metal wall, with five small grilles at roughly mouth-level (about 5 feet off the floor) and a horizontal slot below each grille. To the right of each grille is another slot, this one vertical; a body puts jink (coins only!) in this little opening, speaks into the grille, and waits for the written document to appear in the slot below.

>There’s only one problem: In his zeal to create the Automatic Scribe, Grundlethum accidentally enchanted a flaw into the Lady’s defenses of the Cage. He intended to bind some erudite elemental into the machine. Instead, a lesser power from the Abyss is pretending to be the Automatic Scribe, and already nasty (but minor) things have started happening in and around the shop.

>Chant in the Hive claims that the Blood War’s coming, led by whatever lesser power this is who’s slipped past the defenses; other rattling bone-boxes say the War’s not coming in, but berks and sods’ll be going out to fight in it, courtesy of the baatezu. In any case, before long, the chant’s certain to escalate into far worse (and far more tangible) incidents.

Also, the Harbinger House adventure has established that artifacts like the Focrux can ward off an entire building from the Lady's senses. It can even shield a freshly ascended deity. If Vecna had known about it and acquired a Focrux for himself (which should not have been hard with guidance from the Serpent, allegedly a member of the Ancient Brethren alongside the Lady), he could have ascended in Sigil and carried out his plan without Her Serenity ever noticing.

His ending dialogue with Malkavian is top-notch, though.
The sheer horror of the Malkavian as he realizes exactly who the driver is and what his presence entails just blows me away.

The Lady gets a lot less threatening when you remember that she's just six giant squirrels with a headdress, a robe and a ring of levitation.

Goddamn edition creep

Honestly, if people don't like the Lady it usually means they just don't get her. She's not there for the DM to use as a penis-extender, she's there to:

A: Explain why any number of Planar powers haven't torn Sigil apart or taken over it - the City of Doors is the most important location in the entirety of the multiverse, and any number of major players like Asmodeus et al would have made an attempt to take the place over. The Lady exists to explain why that hasn't happened without forcing the players to bow down to Demogorgon every time they step through a portal.

B: Prevent people/the party from destroying or heavily fucking up Sigil for whatever reason.

As long as your players don't actively try to destroy the entire setting, they literally never have to encounter her. The best usage for the Lady is to have the players get a fleeting glimpse of her at some random point in a campaign, and never encounter her again.

This seems like the right thread to ask. Let's say, hypothetically, I wanted to have sex with the Lady of Pain. Would she have any kind of interest in such a thing? Or would she not have any strong feelings on the matter and just let me work away?


Assuming it was possible to find any orifices, you'd be dead and/or lost in a maze before you got the chance to even see them.

The only way to get the Lady's attention is to start fucking up Sigil (worshiping her is technically the start of an attempt to fuck up Sigil).

You don't want her attention, because her shadow or the mazes usually follow shortly afterwards.

Do that, and every wizard in the multiverse will try to rape them. It's what they do. Less trouble if it's just a scary woman.

>All these people speaking her name

Fools! dont you know that speaking her name is tantamount to death!? have fun in that maze on the way home, clueless!

the Dabus will be scraping your entrails off the floor before you understand a thing about the city of doors. Nay, you'll never make cutter.

Don't worry, I'm sure that in the maze I will be safe from Candleja

Well I thought about bringing a torch to keep the shadow behind her but that wouldn't really help with maze. Maybe I should get some golden thread first. If I make it out of the maze, you think she'd be up for it?


>caring about post numbers
First time on Veeky Forums?

Welp, nothing's preventing from you writing a fic about you having sex with the Lady of Pain. Your canon is as good as any.

I'd imagine the fic would go something like this:
>user: "I slowly remove my underwear--"
>Lady of Pain: "We fuck, he cums, then I take out the cigarette and smoke. The end. Now off to the mazes with you."

Sure. Your Maze is a hallway that extend a from here to Vega.

Have fun.

Finder Wyvernspur also got into Sigil.

He did it by shifting his divinity into an artifact, so he didn't personally detect as a god and was temporarily mortal (mostly - if he died his corpse would appear in the Astral still, so it was probably 99% of his divinity). He also gave the artifact to somebody else to carry. This let him into Sigil like anybody else.

However, Finder does mention:

>"I sense I'm not wanted here," the older bard said. Joel smiled.
>"Not wanted in the city, I mean," Finder explained. "Something or someone has sensed my presence and is not pleased. There's an oppressive atmosphere all around me. We're not leaving a moment too soon."

So even that wasn't perfect, but the no-god defense does not appear to be omniscient. It can be fooled for at least several hours (if not longer) before the Lady detects it, and once she knows, she'll begin to close in on her target.



She is the Darklord of Sigil.






Still one of my favorite ladies in any setting. I think the high possibility of a gruesome death if I were to get close enough to her to profess my love is one of the nicer parts. If I can't actually tell her, she can't really break my heart. It's like some sort of schrodinger's romance, Where she has both accepted my love, and rejected it at the same time.

No more posts were needed after this one.






You idiot, you have to say Candlejack's full name bef

I think Her Serenity would make a good president. She'd know how to keep us in line.

Our Lady of Pain 2016


I'd like to put mah dick in the laws of physics in Sigil

As much as she is a necessary item to keep Sigil working, she's also very representative of Sigil. A beautiful godless place with serious edges to her.

How much of Sigil's layout is set in stone? I know there are particular locations and particular wards, but the minutae of buildings and such, is that open for great interpretation? I'm thinking of using a Vornheim Complete City Kit to flesh out Sigil in weird ways.

This really.

And honestly, every suggestion I've seen to replace the LoP with something else to explain why Sigil hasn't been buttfucked by literally every major power in the multiverse just gets even more dumb and convoluted.

Most notable was the suggestion where nobody takes over Sigil because "they just don't, man."

The Lady of Pain "*IS*"

There is nothing more that really needs to be said. That's the point.