It's the biggest pen & paper system in german speaking countries and has been in publication for well over 30 years.
The system was quite bloated in the past, but with the 5th Edition they boiled it down to basics in a better way while keeping it interesting. What I like about the system is the fact that it feels more skill based and you can actually create the sort of character you like - even a confectioner is possible from the rules.
I think it's biggest advantages is it's really well-developed setting. You have one region that is sort of like the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, you have a setting that is Renaissance Italy / France, you have Vikings, an Arabian setting, colonial slave holders and much more.
As the setting had a living history of more than thirty years, it also all feels really cohesive.
I've been playing in the setting for more than 20 years myself, so feel free to ask me anything.
This is the main setting Aventuria, which is sort of small - it's only about the size of Europe, so you can get around pretty past
Jayden Gomez
Character generation is really in-depth as you choose a race / culture / professions / advantages & disadvantages / skills - maybe even spells and miracles you know.
Managed that used to be a nightmare - even with a computer program it took at least an hour.
They also improved this with the new edition as there are certain "packages" you can take
Adam Myers
Setting is definitely more low-fantasy and feels more Medieval. Only in the Arabian Nights part of the continent they have flying carpets and djinns building cities etc.
Jordan Reed
Brody Edwards
The two adventure games "Chains of Satinav" and "Memoria" are also set in Aventuria btw
Andrew Richardson
Cameron Morgan
Christopher Lee is also part of the setting as two of the greatest mages / demi-gods of the setting. One "good"...
John Rodriguez
...the other "evil" in the widest sense of the word.
There is a huge campaign set around the return of these mages / demi-gods that changes the entire landscape of the setting and turns one part of the map into a Mordoresque / undead kingdom sort of place. It's about 1,000 pages long and you'd need 3.5 - 7 years to run it.
It's my dream as DM to accomplish this sometime, even though you'd need to play adventure modules for another 7 years to build up to the campaign, so the players get all the references etc. ha ha
Nicholas Brooks
Wyatt Jones
Benjamin Phillips
Alexander Perry
>they boiled it down to basics in a better way while keeping it interesting Other systems have claimed that before, but it just turned out to be more of the same shit. You'll have to go into more detail than that before I believe any of it.
Levi Ward
Dark Eye, shitty rules in the older editions with tons of idiotic spreadsheets. The world is quite cool though. Also lots of humour in the fluff, much better than the serious DnD stuff.
Thomas Lewis
>really well-developed setting. You have one region that is sort of like the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, you have a setting that is Renaissance Italy / France, you have Vikings, an Arabian setting >really well-developed setting >really well-developed
Not!Europe is considered really well developed these days? That's the same boring pablum every fucking fantasy setting extrudes. The only reason this game is "the most popular" in Germany is because of historical inertia.
>It's about 1,000 pages long and you'd need 3.5 - 7 years to run it. I'm sure you've got every day of those 7 years already planned out, Fritz.
Go shill your black eye somewhere else.
Grayson Nelson
Well, the basic rules are not that hard honestly. d20 rolls on abilities, three d20 rolls on all skills. Same goes for attacks etc.
The only issue was that the older edition had tons of special rules that made shit cluncky as fuck. Nice for people who wanted to simulate stuff, shit for everyone else.
Yeah, well, you have to give people some starting point to relate to, otherwise you get bizarre New Wave fantasy settings in my opinion. And the individual regions have enough of their own flair and history to make them interesting.
I also oversimplified stuff to keep it clearer. Actually in TDE you have the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation but with Ireland, England, Scotland, Reconquista Spain and other stuff as provinces.
>I'm sure you've got every day of those 7 years already planned out, Fritz.
Yeah, sure I have - because every adventure and event within the greater story is interesting as fuck and varied as well. Heck, in one part of it you are in an abbey and the overall story has strong "Name of the Rose" vibes.
But I guess you are more interested in playing another encounter. So enjoy your D&D shit.
Luis Adams
Again, other systems have claimed as much. Just saying "it's better now" doesn't mean jack.
Isaac Baker
Yeah, they really went overboard with jokes in the older editons. References to songs (e.g. "I shot the Sheriff"), real people (a general from the setting looks like Malcom McDowell) and general puns. I think Paul Bearer is even a sort of black mage in this.
Kayden Anderson
Well, the new edition has just gotten ridden of all of these additional rules or systems and everything works according to the basic rules. If you like, you can check out that quick starter, that's available here:
Basically, for 4th edition you needed 3 books which covered profane stuff, magic and then miracles / religious professions. The new edition boiled it down to one rulebook which has everything.
Older editions of The Dark Eye are not available in English as well, safe for some 4th ed. base rulebooks.
William Flores
>colonial slave holders Like Victorian era people or something else?
Jayden White
It's more a mixture of the Spanish colonies in the Americas and Byzantium. They also have a strong cult of the god of death and are quite decadent over all.
All other cultures hate them, but they give fuck about it and claim dominion over the whole south.
Blake Smith
Leo Taylor
WTF. What the hell do I get out of it?! I just enjoy the game / setting and I am glad there is finally an English edition, because I could not play with friends before.
Back when the Kingdom Death:Monster kickstarter was going on, we had constantly threads about it.
Angel Evans
> those mountains and the desert. Yeah, fuck plate tectonics and rain shadows. The map makes about as much sense as Forgotten Realms, which means "very little."
Lincoln Butler
Well, to be fair - the whole setting and map were created back in the 80s.
The reason why the desert is in the middle of the continent is due to a huge magical ritual eons ago. There used to be jungles and the realm of a god dragon, but the entire realm got phased out of existence and into a sort of subphere.
Ian Peterson
I would back this just because it's a Fantasy RPG that avoids SOOO many of the Sins of D&D. No arbitrary character "classes," no Hit Points that scale with level, and Armor that makes you harder to DAMAGE instead of being harder to HIT.
Lincoln Walker
Well in the old days DSA classes were something like Warrior, Druid and Elf. You fucked up if you played a Nivesian
Samuel Baker
Yeah, up until 4th edition it was all a mixture.
It could be that your "class" was something like a race - e.g. elf or dwarf.
It could have been a culture - e.g. Nivese, Tulamyde, Moha etc.
Or a profession like warrior, mage, witch, etc. where it was assumed that you were from the Middenrealm.
Luckily 4th ed. changed that. Same applies to hit points. In the older editions you still had scaling hit points and fights would take forever.