What are the best published settings with books for D&D 3.5?
Having the itch to DM. Friends are insisting on 3.5/Pathfinder.
What are the best published settings with books for D&D 3.5?
Having the itch to DM. Friends are insisting on 3.5/Pathfinder.
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I really liked Eberron. But really you are best off with getting new friends
I'll look into it.
I understand what you mean, but after a short PF campaign, I'm going to try to introduce them to other things. Probably either some hipstery storytelling game, 5e, or some OSR shit.
The only edition of D&D I like less than 3.5 is 4e.
I liked pre-Spellplague FR, although it had a lot to do witht the nostalgia factor. Many people here seem to hate it, but it was the setting I most liked. I'm okay with Golarion as well.
Darksun and Planescape had great moments as well, but I never got into them to the same amount.
Hey, did any 3.5-era settings ever do anything interesting with kobolds?
Planescape, no question. Several infinities worth of sandbox to put plot, plus supremely detailed lore for these vast infinities, and plot hooks that tie in perfectly with this expansive lore.
It's basically a DM's wet dream.
They got a whole bunch of worthwhile support in Races of the Dragon
Fuck it. If I'm going to use a system I don't prefer, I'm at least going to use a setting I like.
I hope these motherfuckers are ready for Ravenloft.
If they started with 3.PF then you better just buckle in because that is the only thing they will ever be willing to play.
Only one of them has played before. The others haven't played anything. I've made them promise to expand to other things after this campaign ends.
I'm a Forgotten Realms fag myself. But i blend it with planescape aspects too for high level adventures.
I'm not sure exactly why you'd want to change perfection.
I didn't mean change them fundamentally. Just go into detail about them, give them a significant role in the lore of the setting, and so on.
Planescape. The other posts are fucking plebs.
I like Planescape, but my last campaign was in Planescae. I decided to go with Ravenloft.
Where does this obsession come from?
I really do enjoy 3.5 but after finally moving onto 4e then 5e, both of those systems are lightyears ahead of 3.5
4e appeals to my not so nerdy IRL friends while 5e appeals to my nerdy online friends.
Both are a blast to run cause all characters feel useful all the time.
>Friends are insisting on 3.5/Pathfinder.
Get better friends.
>Only one of them has played before.
Why on earth would you play THE system mastery system with a bunch of people who have never played before?
One thing's for sure, your friends would never ask you to run Pathfinder again.
That's going to be painful user. Teaching 3.PF to people who haven't played before is a full time job. I love the system myself, despite the numerous flaws but goddamn teaching newbies is a test of patience.
>Friends are insisting on 3.5/Pathfinder
Find new friends
>le 3.5/PF is unplayable meme
I am sick of this. Veeky Forums was supposed to be better then the usual shitty echo-chambers.
3.5/PF is the clunkiest DnD ever, but people play edit then and play it now. You don't have to necessarily transform the game into a shitfest, and you can learn the rules not all at once.
It's also going to turn them off to trying other systems, because now they think learning any system sucks.
>D&D3e Planescape
Literally the only Placescape material in D&D3e is a conversion fansite. D&D3.0 Manual of the Planes and D&D3.5e Planar Handbook don't count, because they were just splatbooks with short blurbs on each plane and a bunch of feats/prestige classes/monsters. It would be like calling the AD&D1e MotP to be a "First Edition Planescape" rather than the actual Planescape setting.
>>le 3.5/PF is unplayable meme
Literally nobody mentioned it, but you.
Let's try it differently - pic related.
Got that now?
Oh, and one more thing - you are at least semi-aware of the concept of fun and playing games for fun, not to slowly build-up resistance for their shittyness?
Look, I played 10 years and more 3.0/3.5/PF, 4 campaigns, one 1-40.
some player came from BECMI, some from ADnD, some never played an RPG before.
I never had fun with other systems as this one. If you don't play with retards, is perfectly feasible.
AND if OP asks about playing 3.5 and Veeky Forums's answer is to "find other friends", they are implying the game is unplayable, which is bullshit.
And, are you aware that you posted another shitty meme as an answer?
Is that enough clear?
My hypothesis is that 3e came out in 2000 when a lot players were young and when the internet was becoming more available at home. It is easy to get wrapped up in a game when your friends play it, it is even easier when it is with other people online and they dissect it. That I think is one major factor of 3e's popularity.
Another part with the obsession I would say is the amount of rules and complexity for some parts. You learned 3e D&D as best as you could and then tell yourself you don't have time or energy to learn another game, even if it might be easier or the new game is more to your liking.
^I agree with these guys.
Eberron takes a lot of the good from FR and adds more good shit.
Ghostwalk is just neat in concept.
There's a Dark Sun conversion for 3.x that's been around forfuckingever.
Agreeing with them and saying Eberron is likely the best way to go. Neat aesthetic and tone, feels different but not out there. Parts of the main region make things like transportation and managing wealth less frustrating.
There's Kobolds of Kalamar
I like what they did with hobgoblins too.
>modern(ish) banking
>early rail technology
LESS frustrating he says ;)
Should have said 'streamlines things without handwaving if the DM wants to leave it alone, has interesting potential if the DM doesn't'.
Bah, please. I've had several people start at 3.x, many are still in the hobby.
4E has had a worse retainment rate in my experience.
it didn't last very long, but the Sundered Empire/God War setting published as part of the briefly existing version of Chainmail that WOTC did is quite amazing in my opinion
also to save yourself some headaches you should use the Tier System;
3.x causes brain problems. Simple as that.
Yeah, but there's planar handbook and Book of Vile Darkness/Exalted Deeds for crunch on the planes, and you can just copy and paste the 2e flavour.
Eberron is probably the best with the most straight 3.5 support and you can do a lot of stuff.
The "Main" continent is about 2500 miles wide and 1500 tall with many nations and even monster infested borders on several. There is one nation that is wasteland adventure and another run by necromancer sub cults fighting themselves.
There are several other continents, from the magical jungle wasteland of the old giant ruled lands to the mind nazi over run lands to the dragonspawn overrun homeland. There is even an underdark equivalent that can have anything from hellspawn and madness spawn to portals and passages to other planes.
>complain about shit system
>for the 9999th time this week
Jesus fuck, move on already. If op wants 3.5, fucking give it to him. Just take it as shit players and gms not moving on to decent systems to muddy the waters in those communities.
I love Eberron.
Dragonborn Warforged are the best things ever.
+4 Con
-2 Dex
-2 Wis
-2 Cha
None of the published settings for 3.5 ever really spoke to me. Was there ever any spelljammer stuff? All I remember was an off hand mention in Lords of Madness
Planescape wasn't really a published setting for 3.5 so much as kind of just a part of the mostly greyhawk nameless setting it used for describing everything
Ghostwalk or Eberron.
Ignore the part about getting new friends. 3.5 is a perfectly fine system, if a bit clunky.
because 3.5 has incredible replayability, all for one simple fact: different characters in 3.5 feel different from each-other.
example. If you're playing 4e, you will find that there's vary little difference between playing a wizard and playing a psion. Both of these characters are very similar characters that do similar things in similar ways.
Now, if you find that there's more difference between playing a wizard and a barbarian than playing a wizard and a psion. Wizards and barbarians do very different things.
HOWEVER, although wizards and barbarians do different things, they do different things in similar ways: through the use of at-will, encounter and daily powers, and no character in 4e breaks this mold.
Compare this example of 4e to what you find in 3.5. The difference between playing a wizard and a barbarian is not only due ot barbarians and wizards doing different things, but doing these different things in different ways. It fells almost as if playing these two characters is two different games: the mechanics of melee combat are wildly different from the mechanics of casting spells.
Even when playing very similar characters, you find that each character has one or more mechanics that make it unique. While a barbarian and a fighter might have very similar play-styles, they achieve their goals with different mechanics; the barbarian with his rage, and the fighter with his combat feats.
This replayability of 3.5 is also enhanced not only by the volume of content available, but also in the variance between this content. Whether it's through quirky prestige classes, monster classes, racial templates, or unique splats (tome of magic, Incarnum, psionics), every additional piece of content to 3.5 is not "more of the same."
This, by the way, is one of the main problems with pathfinder and its uninspired splats compared to 3.5, but that's a discussion for another day.
This is why 3.5 is so successful despite being an unbalanced and overburdened system.
Say what you will about 3.5 and its mutant offspring, I have never had someone spout Veeky Forums memes while running a session in it.
5 separate gurps games.Not a single participant picked from gamefinder or gurps general and you fuckers could not keep your traps shut for a 4 hour session.
>friends insist on 3.PF
I think I hate everything about this post
In my current campaign, the players stumbled into a hidden Kobold city underground. The Kobolds were growing in number and were finding it harder to get needed supplies, so they formed a mercenary Legion to do work to earn gold. Party had to help get the kobolds so that they wouldn't be killed.
they also worship Grumble.
Enter thread:
Maybe this will be a reasonable...
[People are still trying to shoehorn their forced opinion and ridiculous invented stories into OP]
I'd say have fun but I know how that word gets you pissed.
Instead of that, how about you stop complaining that people play a different edition than yours for a change, if you want a thread related to your edition of choice, start one.