Greetings user! As many of you are aware there are multiple threads with the false premise of giving away Bitcoins. As far as I am concerned this is the first legitimate thread with the aforementioned subject. As an early Bitcoin miner I am well off and will donate .25 worth BTC to any user that timestamps there forehead. No pajeets please.

>I will give you ~2.75k usd if you timestamp your forehead.

DGB sharpie 2.0

only accept BCH

>nice just received 100k

farming btc addresses by the government.

as soon you use the address you paste and combine it with your wallet, the government knows who you are and can map your activity.


Thanks Broththa!


you put in .1 as a sign of this being real. Then ill post time stamp. Then you can choose to donate the rest. To many fake threads!

send 0.01 then we talking

I guess everybody here is well off and doesn't need my donations. Not sending any amount to you pajeets

>ask for 0.01 BTC to show you are the real deal
>calls me pajeet
>yeah man I def have a lot of BTC on my dickrn

send 0.001 and we'll know you're real. I'll even start a new thread to confirm you're legit

Please be real

so many giveaways, never any BTC in sight

>not having a tails electrum wallet so you can buy exotic drugs and hookers

its 2017

Thanks dude, now i can cash out like everyone else?

literately press f5 and read nearly every thread trying to get ahead. Follow info loss money.... loss money again and again. Have like fuck all left in the game. Get told im rich. At least you are still in this thread but prity shore you don't have any spear bitcoin.

let'S see if op user is one with his word

Shitting on the street while begging people on the street for change is a more effective method to acquire BTC then begging on Veeky Forums


ofc adding an adress helps

Idk if he's real but no skin off my bone

truth is, op doesn't even have anything close to .25 bitcoin of value